At some point today, June 28th, I will hit 4,000 sales. I believe the appropriate expression is "w00t!"
As I may or may not have mentioned before, before the book came out I had set a high sales goal for the entire month of June: I was aiming for 1,000 sales. I was hoping to really work hard on marketing, and that maybe I could hit that 1K sales goal. And now I'm about to hit four times that. It's a crazy world. But this is all thanks to you folks, who bought the book, read it, reviewed it, and told your friends. You're the best! You're like a moist, triple-layer cake that tastes like awesome, with rainbow-flavored icing and sprinkles made of raw joy. That's what I think of when I think of you, specifically. The convention last weekend in Jacksonville was exciting, productive, and exhausting. I loved it. I'll probably be going to Tampa's MetroCon in a few weeks, and I'll certainly be at DragonCon in Atlanta on Labor Day Weekend. Will I have a booth? Who knows? But I will be there in some capacity, and it would be awesome if I ran into some of you. I'm also on a retreat-sort-of-thing right now, writing The Crimson Vault (Book 2). What are you guys looking forward to in Book 2? What should I definitely include? Let me know.
So here I am at Ancient City Con in Jacksonville, FL. I was going to test the waters, to try out my awesome new House of Blades shirts, and to enjoy a really cool con that's close to where I live. And someone else canceled, so I was able to get a booth in the Dealer's Hall. This is surreal: here I am at a gaming/anime convention, promoting (in my own booth) a book that I wrote. What a strange world in which we live. Incidentally, today House of Blades is doing better than ever! Over 213 sales today SO FAR, and it's up to #358 out of all the books in the Kindle store! I shed a single, manly tear today. Just one. It rolled down my rugged, sun-baked cheek. On another note, hey, if you're in the area: check out Ancient City Con in Jacksonville! I'll give you a peppermint. Hey, guess what?
Just broke 1,000 sales. That's amazing, guys. It's truly amazing. And I'm hovering around #500 on the Kindle Best-Seller lists, so that's also pretty incredible. I'm really humbled and amazed that the book is doing so well, and the reviews are largely positive. It's almost as though people are enjoying something I produced, which is an odd and foreign feeling. I'm also really happy to see more and more people leaving reviews on Amazon, which is great. Thorough and honest reviews help quite a bit; they allow strangers randomly browsing Kindle to see that the book is legitimate. The more reviews I get, the better. So here's the real question. Now that I've hit a thousand sales, what should I do to celebrate? A.) Go out to eat at a nice restaurant. B.) Dance and sing, like the barbarians of old. C.) Buy the bottle-nosed dolphin that I've always wanted. D.) Go back to work on Book 2, slave! E.) All of the above. Simultaneously. Let me know in the comments! So House of Blades has been available on the Kindle store for over a week now, and it's ranked #3,779 out of all Kindle books for sale! Not only that, but I'm projected to hit two hundred sales any minute!
That's incredible to me, and it's all thanks to you guys. I'm hard at work on Book 2, The Crimson Vault, since SOMEbody promised it would be out by August 10th. Some crazy, handsome madman with a penchant for setting unreasonable deadlines. But I'm doing all I can to keep promoting the first book and getting the word out everywhere. And, apparently, so are you! I beg you, keep it up: leave a review on Amazon, plague your friends with references to House of Blades, post on Reddit, whisper into the ear of a moth so that he will spread the word to the Great Eagles. Any and all help is appreciated. But again, I've been really happy with the book this week, especially considering how well it's done in the past 24 hours. You guys are the best! (Especially you, reading these words right now. Yes, you. Everybody else thinks they're the best, but I'm really talking to you, personally. You're welcome.) So thanks again! And let me know in the comments: what's the weirdest--yet still possibly effective--thing you could do to promote a book on Kindle? Thanks for reading! It was one year ago yesterday that I wrote the first word of the fantasy novel that ended up as House of Blades. And last night, exactly 365 days later, I uploaded the file to Amazon.
My, how time flies when you're constantly busy. I'm really excited about this--it's an awesome feeling to look on Amazon and be able to say "Hey, that's me! I made that!" And I know I enjoy fantasy novels that I can get for three dollars or less, so I'm hoping you will too. The book is available for $2.99 on the Amazon Kindle store, and if you don't have a Kindle, you can easily download one of Amazon's free reading apps. They work on any computer, in your browser, on your smartphone, on your tablet, and in your dreams while you sleep. Do you have any questions about me? The book? Life in general? Your purpose? Manatees? Let me know in the comments, or if you like you can email me here. Also follow my Twitter and Facebook posts for regular updates, news, and semi-amusing commentary. Now, a question for you: how did you get here? Did you follow the link in the back of the book? Was it one of my nifty little promotional business cards? Did someone tell you about the site? Did the heavens open up and provide you with a link? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for reading! |
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