You may have noticed that I've been silent for a while, but trust me when I say that's a good thing. I'm running up against my personal deadline for City of Light, so I'm writing like a fiend. I want to make sure you have something to read after you finish Brandon Sanderson's Words of Radiance.
If you haven't started re-reading The Way of Kings, you should soon. Just to prepare. If you haven't read The Way of should. Anyway, City of Light, out as soon as I can get it to you. It's looking like mid-to-late March, but I'll keep you apprised. I'm writing fight scenes right now. So many fight scenes. And a death scene, but I skipped over that one, because I'll need to come back and write it later to give it all of my attention. -Will
So you guys have heard of the Worldbuilders charity drive, right? If you haven't, check it out over at Pat Rothfuss's blog.
Anyway, they did this Worldbuilders auction over on eBay, where people could bid for a dinner with Peter Orullian, Brent Weeks, Robin Hobb, Greg Bear, and (maybe) Steven Erickson. I won. So not only does the money go to a good cause, Heifer International, but now I get to fly to Seattle and get to meet some of my epic fantasy idols over dinner! Assuming I don't have a heart attack from sheer nerves first. -Will Right here, for those of you on
For, it should be up a little later today. Enjoy! The Lightning Wastes, the final collection in The Traveler's Gate Chronicles, should go live early this afternoon (Eastern time; I'm on the east coast of the USA).
I really think you'll like it. |
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Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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