In a lot of ways, today's not really a great day for me to blog. For one thing, I'm definitely blogging tomorrow. We all know that.
For another thing, I'm very tired. The last couple of weeks have been exhausting for a lot of reasons. I got a bad cold or flu or something (not COVID, fortunately), and at the same time I fractured my foot again (maybe a curse, unfortunately), all while the Kickstarter was happening and I was trying to write. I'll tell you right now, I didn't get much writing done. As you've probably heard, our Kickstarter for the special editions of the first three books of Cradle was a resounding success, earning seventy-six times what we asked for. That's a lot. So before tomorrow's post, I just wanted to say thank you again! Honestly, the coolest part of this whole process has been seeing how much people love the books and how supportive you guys are. I never expected anybody other than me to care about my stories, so seeing you all so invested in Cradle injects human emotion right into my shriveled heart. Now I really hope you like the next book. -Will
Bottom Line: our Kickstarter got started early! It was supposed to go up tomorrow, but I guess it went live about fifteen minutes ago.
And somehow it's already funded. We didn't even know it was up. You guys are insane. I intended to make a blog post today about the Kickstarter going up tomorrow, but surprise! It's available now! So anyway, for those of you who are (understandably) out of the loop, we're Kickstarting special editions of the first three Cradle books! As you may know, our current paperback editions are print-on-demand, which is almost impossible to get stocked in bookstores. We wanted to fund a print run to potentially get into bookstores, and while we're at it, we can print special editions for the fans! There are three hard copies available through the Kickstarter: a paperback (similar to what you may already have purchased), a hardcover, and a faux-leather special edition. Any book received as a Kickstarter reward will be signed by me, and will also contain a tiny fragment of my soul. These books will also come with bloopers! The current version doesn't have bloopers, as I didn't start doing those until Ghostwater. I'm taking this Kickstarter as an opportunity to write bloopers for the first three books! Which is great, since as I've recently established, I spent 82% of my time on bloopers. We also have available as add-ons: Unsouled badges, limited to two thousand total, and my love. Which is unlimited. If you're looking to check it out, do so here! ...and while you're on Kickstarter, if you're looking for another awesome project, take a look at the Mother of Learning Kickstarter! Today's the last day to back, and MoL is an incredible web serial that more than deserves its reputation as one of the pillars of progression fantasy. You know, just in case you've accidentally stolen a bunch of money from the mob and need to burn it on a bunch of Kickstarters quick before they catch you. If you have any further questions, I'll be responding to these comments as often as I can! And, as usual, I'm available on Facebook and Reddit. What an interesting start. -Will |
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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