...not really, I've just been busy.
With what, you ask? 1.) I finished my first draft of Waybound. 2.) While waiting on edits for that, I continued work on my upcoming space fantasy series. In fact, that's what I'm writing today. Now, I do want you to understand where we are, so you don't start thinking Waybound is coming out tomorrow. It's only an alpha draft right now. Not even all the beta readers have gotten to read it yet, and there are still scenes to add. But we're making solid progress. In fact, even without being scene-complete, Waybound is currently second in length only to Wintersteel. I just like working on books beginning with W, I guess. Probably has to do with my natural affinity for the power of W. I have to say, it's really blowing my mind that I've been writing full-time for almost ten years. Now I'm wrapping up the ending to my most popular series and beginning a brand-new series that has to follow Cradle. No pressure. That makes me very nervous. My tiny heart trembles. Seriously, it's nerve-wracking to be writing the end to a best-selling series and the beginning of a totally new, untested concept. I'm anxious about both, though for different reasons. What if you don't enjoy the ending to Cradle? What if the text of the new series accidentally forms an incantation that conjures an elder being whose true form mortal minds cannot perceive? Lots to worry about. -Will P.S. Pokémon Violet is really good, dangit. Everyone's talking about the bugs, but hey, I love Skyrim too. Meanwhile, I'm having tons of fun running around catching Pokémon in an open world. Sure, I sometimes inexplicably turn invisible while throwing a Pokéball. That's part of the charm.
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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