I was informed by my brother Sam that today is National Author's Day, which I didn't know and may not actually be real. But if it is real, it's a good chance for me to thank some of the authors who have helped and supported me over the last ten years since I started writing!
This list is by no means exhaustive. There are a lot of great authors who have supported me since I began authoring, but these were the ones who came to mind first or who bribed me the most. Andrew Rowe The first one was a no-brainer. Andrew has supported me and my books since the Traveler's Gate Trilogy, and in that time has written many books of his own. I'm sure you already know who he is, but he's also the one who coined the term "progression fantasy" after we tried to come up with a subgenre term to describe our books. Dakota Krout Another easy one, because Dakota has been supporting me and my writing for years. I first met him at DragonCon while he was working on his first book, and it's amazing to see all the writing he's done since. Not to mention the publishing. Evan Winter Here's another guy whose books you've probably already read. Evan wrote The Rage of Dragons and The Fires of Vengeance, and you might not know that he's been a big proponent of Cradle. I've never met him, but he was always one of the first to congratulate me on a new Cradle release, and from everything I've seen of him online, he seems like a swell fellow. The bee's knees. The cat's pajamas. Bryce O'Connor Oh no, how embarrassing, I seem to have failed to link Bryce's author page. I think I accidentally linked you to Bryce's latest book, which came out yesterday and is the sequel to Iron Prince, which I publicly read and loved years ago when it released. Well, too late to fix my embarrassing mistake now, better just press on. Delilah Waan And now for a twist! I don't know Delilah (and her YouTube bio suggests that's a pen name), but I was made aware of her YouTube channel last year when she participated in my stream about writing and self-publishing. She asked some of the best questions, and then--to my surprise--edited my stream together and posted this awesome video summarizing and providing commentary on what I said. That's a unique kind of support compared to the others on this list, but I both appreciated the work and respected the result. It's way better to watch that video than to watch my whole stream, so if you're at all interested in my writing and publishing process, check it out! Thanks to all the authors on this list and the many authors who have supported me but aren't on the list! I didn't forget you, I just only had time for so many. Maybe next Author's Day. If it's real. -Will
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January 2025
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