Are you hoping that my books are not coming out soon? Well, have I got a blog post for you!
First off, the bad news: we won't be releasing any new books in 2022. I wanted to get another release out before the end of the year, but we're juggling a lot right now. I know some bright-eyed optimists among you were hoping for Waybound by Christmas, but Santa's sack of toys holds only coal for you this year. The reason is pretty simple. We're working on three things right now: our first Kickstarter, the first book in a new series, and the last book in the Cradle series. The Kickstarter concerns the rest of the team more than it does me, but the other two things are enough. I really want both of these books to work, so I'm spending longer on them than I normally would. I have an unofficial motto that I've shared before: "I want to write the best six-month book I can." I still believe in that schedule, and I think an average of two books a year is the right pace, but in this case I just needed more time. It's tricky to both launch a series and conclude another, especially one as big as Cradle. And I don't want to give either of those the short end of the stick, so I'm going to continue working on them instead of trying to rush a release before the end of 2022. Plus, if I release three books next year, that will still be an average of two books per year! (I'm not saying I WILL release three books next year. In fact, I have no idea what next year will look like. Telling the future is for Jedi and for the one-eyed old lady up the street who keeps telling me to be careful around ladders.) Anyway, I'm disappointed I couldn't get you guys another book out before the end of the year. I like releasing books almost as much as I like jumping up and down on ladders. -Will
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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