First, a progress report on Of Dawn and Darkness!
I'd estimate I'm about 30% done with the whole process. It's planned out and I'm happy with it, I've figured out most of the tie-ins with Book(s) 3, and I've written much of the flashback storylines. But I have an idea this time, and I thought I'd run it past you. There were some issues at launch last time, releasing two books at once. Those of you who follow the blog and the Facebook page figured it out, but there were a lot of random people coming in from Amazon browsing or Reddit that were confused. They couldn't figure out which one to read first, they didn't understand when I gave them two titles instead of one, and as a result I spent as much time dealing with complications as I did actually launching the book. Which, of course, was half the fun in doing this in the first place. But this parallel trilogy thing is an experiment, and I'd like to adjust the parameters for this go-round. So this time, I'm considering launching Of Dawn and Darkness and Of Darkness and Dawn separately. Not too far apart--maybe four to six weeks apart, I'm thinking, probably with a pre-order option--but releasing them one at a time. They still take place at the same time, two halves of the same story, same drill, but I can focus on promoting one and then the other. Also, anyone buying them at launch will naturally read them in a certain order. This has the added benefit of allowing me to finish one book, launch it, and then focus on polishing up and putting the finishing touches the second time. With the result that the first book gets launched sooner than would otherwise be possible. But as I said, I'm not committed to this yet. What do you think? The artistic part of me is somewhat disappointed about ruining the whole double-release aesthetic, but it will effectively be the same after the first couple of weeks. Only the people who are buying it at launch will be affected...which means YOU, most likely, if you're reading this. So let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments! As a side note, these books focus primarily on the Luminian Order and the Blackwatch, who take lead roles in Of Dawn and Darkness and Of Darkness and Dawn, respectively. However, I'd also like to bring a few other Guilds to the forefront, especially since the Blackwatch got a little time in the spotlight in OSAS. Therefore, a second question: what Guilds would you like to see in action? If it catches my imagination enough, I can probably still make it happen. And, as always, thanks for reading!
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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