Putting the punchline at the beginning: Of Dawn and Darkness, the sequel to Of Sea and Shadow, will be released on Monday, December 7th.
I was going to try and push it out for this Monday, November 30th, but when it's already three months late...why rush it now? I really do apologize for the amount of extra time it took me to publish this book; this was far and away the most challenging story I've written so far. You wouldn't think so, considering that Darkness is the same story from the opposite perspective, but let's just say I was...surprised. There certainly won't be this much of a gap between Killers and Kings, largely because I'll be writing those books together. I wasn't a huge fan of writing them one at a time, though it was probably worth trying. As always, thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading! -Will
It turns out that most of the high-rated restaurants in Berlin don't serve German food, did you know that? I didn't. But counterintuitively, I had some excellent Thai, Indian, and Korean food while in Germany.
I did end up finding some fantastic German food, including a dish appropriately called the sausage parade*, but I had to look hard for it. I saw all the sights of Berlin and got some great pictures, and most importantly attended the 2015 League of Legend World Finals live. Where I got to see two Korean teams battle to decide which country produced the best team in League of Legends (hint: Korea). The autumn air was slightly cooler and more crisp than here in sunny, eighty-degree Orlando, so that was perfect for inspiration as I stayed inside and worked on my laptop. But the good news is that I'm almost, almost finished ironing out the kinks in Dawn! Soon, I tell you! Soon! -Will *It's a parade of sausage. All jokes should be kept to yourself. |
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Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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