In an attempt to keep myself more accountable to you, I'm going to try and keep you all as informed as I can about my progress toward Of Killers and Kings / Of Kings and Killers.
Today it's just a quick update: for the past few weeks, I've been in the planning/outline stage of development. In some ways, this is the most fun stage of the entire process, because it's when I get to come up with all the ideas that make it into the book. In other ways, it's difficult, because I'm not producing any measurable output. When I'm working on the draft of a story, I can say, "I wrote X,000 words today," and point to that number as a measure of my progress. I don't have any such metric for planning. I just kind of try ideas, see if they fit, and evolve my outline around them. So while there's still more planning work to be done (there's virtually always more planning and re-planning to be done), I am going to begin writing the first draft of Of Kings and Killers this week. How will we proceed from there? Let's ask the Oracle! "Oracle, will I finish these books early? On time? Or unforgivably late, in which case my blog readers will tear me apart in a furious frenzy?" "Reply hazy; try again later." Useless prognostication aside, I have actually made good progress so far. Just need to keep it up! Also, over the past couple of weeks, I have alluded to something new in the pipeline that I've been working on. Here's the idea in a nutshell: I want to put up a new, original story on the site. This very site you're visiting right now. Do I have further details? I do! And at some point I'll share them. In the would you feel about me releasing story content on the site? As always, I'm curious to hear your opinions. Thanks for reading! -Will
I wrote my first scenes for Of Killers and Kings today, and I'm planning on a release this summer. More imminently, I'm working on two things: the Crimson Vault audiobook (which should be available for sale in March or April), and a new story for the site.
While I'm starting OKAK (oh-cack?), I wanted to work on something extra, something to play with in my spare time. As I fleshed it out, I realized that it should be a story I updated here, on the site, a couple of times a week. I'm thinking now it will be original and set in an original world, because that's what's most fun for me, but I can't rule out the possibility of the occasional TGT or Elder Empire short story. Whatever floats my boat. Meanwhile, I'm mostly reading web novels and re-reading some of the fantasy classics. How about you? What have you been up to? Read anything good lately? You're looking fantastic, by the way. That shirt really brings out your eyes. Have you lost weight? -Will A new year is upon us, so I thought I'd comment on what's coming up for my characters this year. But first, here's a look at what's up for me:
Of Kings and Killers & Of Killers and Kings: Expected Summer 2016 New Traveler's Gate: Expected Sometime 2016 Something New: After Traveler's Gate After that, I plan on alternating Traveler's Gate with something new for at least the next year. And those are my plans for 2016, folks. Ambitious, expecting four books in a year? Yes. Possible? Hopefully! Now, here's what my characters have to look forward to in their upcoming year: Calder has to learn how to become a better Emperor and unify the Empire once again, preferably before the world cracks in half. Shera is looking forward to killing Calder (as well as quite a few others), but she's not looking forward to leading a fractious Guild that has always been guided by committee. And Simon gets to try and revitalize his Territory, build up a new generation of Valinhall Travelers, and restore the lost Dragon's Fangs...all the while guarding the Queen of Damasca and protecting the world from now-uncontrolled Incarnations. Meanwhile, a new threat rises, because... ...well, because it's a new book. There's always a new threat rising. Thanks for your support and your attention in 2015, and I hope that I can continue to entertain you this year as well! Happy New Year! -Will |
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
January 2025
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