It's been roughly a million years since I've sent out a story to the mailing list, so I decide to surprise you with one tonight!
This is Deathmatch #3: a collection of three short matches, all of which were proposed last time. Many of the deathmatches were close, even matches...but some were not, and these were some of those in the latter category. If you're signed up for the mailing list, the story's going out tonight! If you're not, sign up at the bottom-right of this very page! I'll send it out in the next few hours, so enjoy! -Will
I always get sick after I put up a book. Always. I've learned to count on it.
It's because I stress out and go without sleep too much in the days and weeks leading up to a launch, trying to cram as much into the book as I can before it goes out. Then, once the relief sets in, my body crashes. So I always need a couple of weeks after a book to get sick, get over it, catch up on some sleep, and play Divinity: Original Sin 2. Now I'm back, and just in time: it looks like we just crossed 400,000 total books sold! That most likely means that OKAK and Cradle 5 will put us over half a million sold before the five-year mark. Crazy, guys. That's crazy. -Will |
Threshold Progress:
Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
August 2024
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