It turns out that most of the high-rated restaurants in Berlin don't serve German food, did you know that? I didn't. But counterintuitively, I had some excellent Thai, Indian, and Korean food while in Germany.
I did end up finding some fantastic German food, including a dish appropriately called the sausage parade*, but I had to look hard for it. I saw all the sights of Berlin and got some great pictures, and most importantly attended the 2015 League of Legend World Finals live. Where I got to see two Korean teams battle to decide which country produced the best team in League of Legends (hint: Korea). The autumn air was slightly cooler and more crisp than here in sunny, eighty-degree Orlando, so that was perfect for inspiration as I stayed inside and worked on my laptop. But the good news is that I'm almost, almost finished ironing out the kinks in Dawn! Soon, I tell you! Soon! -Will *It's a parade of sausage. All jokes should be kept to yourself.
Aaron J.E.
11/11/2015 03:43:47 pm
Welcome back! Glad you got a chance to rest, enjoy yourself, and forget about the book for a while - sorry to see how stressed it got you. Best of luck finishing it up, soon or far, I am sure I will enjoy it.
11/25/2015 10:03:03 am
Book news tonight, Aaron! It's finally done, and I didn't even die!
Jorge de la Rosa(Aka Jordan)
11/25/2015 02:11:38 pm
So, the book will be published today? It's feels as if I've been waiting on it for 17 and a half years, so that would be quite welcome news.
11/11/2015 06:28:22 pm
Good you're back, in not gonna say get back to work.... Because I'm patiently waiting and not slavering at the thought of reading your next book..... At least not much.
11/25/2015 10:03:36 am
Control your saliva glands, Andrew, we're eating. Release news tonight!
11/11/2015 07:27:42 pm
SKT T1 are insane!! Right?
11/25/2015 10:04:22 am
TSM fan over here, but I can't lie: I was rooting for KOO. So was the whole crowd, after we saw the heartwarming team video. Everybody likes an underdog.
11/12/2015 04:40:49 am
"PARADE OF SAUSAGE!" bellowed something from the Navigator's vessel on the left.
11/12/2015 06:08:08 pm
Sausage Parade eh? Tell me more.
11/25/2015 10:05:31 am
Seriously, it's like four kinds of fresh sausage on a bed of sauerkraut and roast potatoes. It's essentially my new favorite food.
11/12/2015 10:01:49 pm
Why are German vegetarians so paranoid?
11/13/2015 02:25:45 pm
Well played!
11/25/2015 10:02:39 am
Your puns cannot harm me, for I have intrinsic pun immunity.
11/17/2015 06:25:24 am
I am i very much looking forward to the next book in anticapation i even went and read both books of the parralel series of shadow and sea
11/18/2015 07:00:07 pm
Uggggh you just confirmed Wills fear that the parallel series is leading to less sales!
11/25/2015 10:06:35 am
11/21/2015 11:52:54 am
Just publish the book already for fuck's sake! I'm reading rubbish over here!
11/23/2015 11:25:44 am
This : ( not exactly that I'm reading rubbish but I'm down to reading my father's civil war books because nothing else new to read. I don't care about the civil war, it all boils down to "some people went to war because they were stupid and they managed to convince everyone else that their stupid ideas weren't stupid"
11/23/2015 12:30:03 pm
Lol. Sound like you've gotten the American Civil War all figured out. Cheers! :)
11/23/2015 07:45:44 pm
That describes just about every war, ever. The real trick is to figure out how to stop the mass insanity before it becomes a war. In the case of the American Civil War, it would be interesting to put yourself in Lincoln's shoes and ask how he could have both avoided war and abolished slavery. Lincoln was a wise man, so not an easy question to answer...
11/24/2015 10:31:11 am
Considering that Lincoln was more interested in preserving the union than ending slavery, that would be harder than you might think. The entire goal of the states that seceded was to start a war so the southern states that didn't secede would be forced to secede and join their southern friends to save them from being stomped on. In the face of that, what could anyone have done to stop it? Stupid people who wanted war dragged everyone else along.
11/24/2015 03:17:56 pm
What could anyone have done to stop it? The most favorable possibilities require outside-the-box thinking. Probably the sorts of things that Lincoln might not have considered (or considered and rejected) because he would think them dishonorable or illegal. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and we know how many lives were lost in the war, and so it becomes easier to justify actions that might be unthinkable otherwise. 11/25/2015 10:08:46 am
I found your comment completely on topic, but boy did people start a civil war over it. 11/25/2015 10:07:43 am
It's done, Thorgrim! At long last it's really done!
11/24/2015 11:33:25 pm
So im just checking the blog, looking for updates on Dawn, and what do I come across? Trolls arguing about Lincoln's decisions... Some people are just far to willing to spew their pointless bile in every little box that you can type in. Before you comment yes, I see the irony. But this blog is about Will's books people! Keep your pointless, ignorant speculations to yourself. Because no one gives a s**t.
11/25/2015 01:11:50 am
I'm terribly sorry that in the midst of all the people making jokes about sausages, you find my hopeful waiting for the book to be released offensive in the midst of all the other things you could possibly be offended by that aren't information on when the book will be finished. The world will end now, because you are mysteriously offended by one comment out of many. And we will never find out what happens.
11/25/2015 01:48:13 am
Terribly sorry, obviously didn't make myself clear. I'm not offended at all. I really, honestly don't care about random opinions on completely unrelated topics. I'm only here for the book, as I'm sure are most people. It's not like there aren't other websites that would be far more appropriate for civil war discussions or whatever. Just not authors blogs. As for the sausage jokes, Will explicitly encouraged them. By barring them. So they're relevant to the books, albeit in a roundabout way. Was that more clear? 11/25/2015 09:59:57 am
Speaking of civil war, have you seen the new Captain America trailer yet? Because if you haven't, you should.
11/25/2015 10:48:19 am
It looks interesting, but I'm now trying to hide from fan theories as to what all the stuff in the trailers mean. Because fan theories are good at being half right half wrong and then you find yourself wishing the parts that were right were the parts that were wrong and vice versa.
11/25/2015 05:42:53 am
To re-rail (as opposed to de-rail) this blog comment meta:
11/25/2015 10:01:58 am
Since the comment boxes don't allow links and I don't know how to fix that, I'll transcribe that tweet:
11/25/2015 10:53:38 am
The book is done?!?!?!?!?! How did you know what to get me for my birthday?????
11/25/2015 04:15:07 pm
Hooray! I read all three a second time and thats only the second time I have ever re read a book and the first was life of PI becuase you sort of have to read it twice and they were better the second time around! It would be insane if the book was available tonight!
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