Now this is what I'm talking about.
I've seen Iron Prince, by Bryce O'Connor and Luke Chmilenko, called "Cradle meets Ender's Game." Yep. That's what it is. Imagine, if you will, Lindon going through the space combat training in Ender's Game using the level-up system from Solo Leveling. That's the pitch, okay? That's an accurate general vibe. But that's just what gets you in the door. This is a sci-fi setting, and what a setting. The authors had to have put in a truly staggering amount of work into making this world feel lived-in and complete. This whole story is about a guy named Rei learning to cyborg fight using a super-advanced semi-magical weapon that bonds with him and gives him superhuman upgrades that he has to gradually unlock. How does he unlock them, you ask? By working himself to death...and fighting. There's combat, tons of combat, so much combat that you might be like "But Will, isn't that too much combat?" After I put up one finger to silence your beautiful mouth, I would whisper "No. And how dare you." Because it really isn't. Each fight is tactical and crunchy, not to mention visually spectacular, but almost all the battles also teach you something about the combat system and the world, have high emotional stakes for the main character, and advance the plot in some way. You know how some stories, including some stories written by me, have fights that are just there to BE fights and don't really seem necessary to the plot or the emotions of the characters? That is almost entirely absent here. The authors go to great lengths to make sure that the stakes of each battle are clearly laid out. Now, I did say almost entirely absent. I'll get to that. But you can afford one or two fights that aren't strictly necessary when you have space. Oh, did I not mention it's eleven hundred pages long? This is a thicc one, ladies and gentlemen. For being the size of the first three books of Cradle, it also has progression appropriate for that length. Rei starts buried beneath the bottom of the barrel and desperately claws his way to the top. Only, of course, for you to realize that the "top" is really just the beginning. Whenever I recommend a book, I try to be fair enough to share its weaknesses as well. I want you to hear my passion for the story, but I don't want you to think I'm saying it's perfect. No story is, so I'll get into the drawbacks in just a second. Right after I reiterate that these were but tiny ticks on the back of a majestic tiger. Okay? None of these problems remotely held me back from giving this book my coveted golden W sticker of approval. Cons: 1.) While most of the fights are necessary, some aren't. There are a few fights we watch that are just fights for the sake of fights. As a rule of thumb, when nobody whose name you already know is competing, it's safe to skim the fight. 2.) The technical fight descriptions can sometimes be too detailed. Is this just a sub-heading of the first one? Maybe it should be 1a. Anyway, even the great fights are described blow-by-blow. Which is for the most part to the book's overwhelming benefit, but some contests go on a lot longer than they perhaps should because we see every single blow. 3.) A handful of minor dialogue issues. Now, I think the dialogue as a whole in this book is actually pretty strong. Characters come across as relatable but professional, motivated and educated, and convey their emotions clearly and believably. But there are some times when a line falls flat here and there, some characters who sound a little too much like one another, frequent uses of lines like "dummy" and "jerk" to tease friends, etc. Just enough that, collectively, I thought I'd mention them as a nitpick. Nothing that puts a fly in my soup or an angry wolverine in my hat. 4.) One particular romantic sub-plot between major characters. I don't want to get to any spoiler territory here, but this was the only part of the book that I would actually call a problem, rather than something that could perhaps be tweaked. Essentially, one of the main character's friends starts pursuing a relationship with the antagonist even after the guy has repeatedly assaulted the main character. This would be like if Malfoy pulled a gun on Harry in front of the whole class, and the next day Hermione asked Malfoy out. Really soured me on that character for the rest of the book. ~~~ So that' Those are the worst complaints I could come up with. Were any of them deal-breakers? No. Not by a long margin. If I'm nitpicking about a romantic sub-plot that didn't even involve the main character, then my biggest complaint is but a gnat landing on the radiant mustache of God. Incidentally, I enjoyed the main character's romance sub-plot. Mainly because his love interest is a cool person, I believe their chemistry together, and she does awesome things in this book with the promise of more to come in the future. Here's my Pros list. Pros: 1.) Book good. Read book. This is the sort of deep analytical insight you only learn after extensive education and a long writing career. For real, everybody, this is a good one. People keep asking me for series that are "like Cradle" and I'm like "Eeeehhhh...a lot of the stuff I enjoy isn't really like Cradle, and the books that are like Cradle I often don't enjoy very much." Here it is. This is my new answer: Iron Prince is like Cradle, and it's really good, and you should read it if the premise sounds at all appealing to you. Personal Bias Disclaimer: I shared this book when it came out a month ago on Facebook, because I thought the cover looked cool and I trusted Bryce and Luke enough to know that the book would at least be good. At that point, I hadn't read it. Now I've read it. It's way better than I thought it was going to be. I've met Bryce and Luke in real life a couple of times, and they're both stellar human beings with eyes of diamond and hearts of granite, so I do know them a bit and I do consider them my friends. But uh...being my friend is not a guarantee that I'll like or review your book. It may be the opposite, honestly. I give pretty brutal feedback to my loved ones. Asking me for my opinion is like dangling your bloody hand over a shark. I have way closer friends whose books I didn't recommend here because I didn't like their story enough. If I don't love the book, I don't recommend it. I love this book, so I recommend it. That's Will Wight's patented one-step review test. "Did you love the book? If yes, recommend." -Will
11/10/2020 09:54:56 am
Agreed on all points, both positive and negative. Biggest offender was all of the fights at the end of the year tournament. And yeah, that romance subplot....
Tyler Walker
7/10/2021 11:44:18 am
The romance subplot only seems iffy if you ignore the hints (or whatever u want to call it) about that characters family. We don't know exactly who/what the issue is but it might be cowardice on a parents part that ties to Rei, so hed have a reason to despise him, or maybe the family member died trying to save orphans, something like that.
7/10/2021 01:46:32 pm
Even if she knew where his hang ups come from it still would basically be "He is still actively an asshole to my old and good friend and violently so when he gets the chance in matches, but he is just doing that because he is handling his family history really poorly, so whatever"
10/2/2021 12:12:56 pm
No, I don't like the subplot because even after the first day back in school grant straight up tells them in front of her. That he still wants to kill her best friend.
9/15/2023 07:11:08 am
I got to agree with will and the other reply's on this one. Her being interested in and even sometimes defending a guy who has been nothing but a an violent a hole to your friend is honestly unexcusable. He has straight up said he wants to and will try to kill him, the reason doesn't matter at that point a line has been drawn. That whole plot line ruined the character for me(which also upset me because before then I liked her) and.
11/10/2020 09:57:47 am
Will do!
Carmelino Guiao
11/10/2020 10:03:52 am
Thank you. That's my next go to after I reread Wintersteel
11/10/2020 10:03:57 am
Get Travis to narrate it and I’m sold
11/10/2020 10:05:35 am
Hi Willn I agree, I really enjoyed it and I was very glad you reccomended it!
Eh, I thought all that was handled fine.
11/10/2020 10:21:40 am
I agree. They also talked constantly about how Rei trained more than anyone at the academy. Giving someone S growth doesn't mean they'll actually achieve anything with it.
11/11/2020 09:49:36 am
I was under the impression that it couldn't just assign stats willy nilly, and that they were based on the person's underlying personality and characteristics. In particular, not everyone is always trying to exceed their limits like the main character is. But that may have been my version of epileptic trees to explain away a plot hole in my own mind.
11/14/2020 12:48:00 pm
I agree with Phinn and Will here. It was my impression that stats were at least highly influenced by the characteristics of the person getting assigned, but we also know that the MIND does try out different things with different people. Beyond just the experiment of the assignment itself though, it's been pretty effectively drilled home that Rei's growth potential represents a huge potential threat matched only by his potential as an asset. Not everyone who gets a CAD has the heroic chops of our MC. Handing that power out willy-nilly, even if stats aren't influenced by the individuals personality and characteristics, could lead to far greater chaos and instability than the Archons are presently providing.
11/27/2020 03:12:28 pm
ok will we read it...what next
11/10/2020 10:25:05 am
Lol, thanks for putting spoilers 3 times, I literally was breezing through your comment and got to the 3rd notification before my brain kicked in and was like: "oh wait, you want to read this book"
11/13/2020 07:19:31 pm
**More Spoilers!**
Alex K
12/1/2020 07:02:31 pm
I agree with your assessment, and just want to point out one further. There were a few mentions of rogue operators needing to be hunted and put down. If the MIND gave out S ranked characteristics to many people, it would become that much harder to hunt and kill the rogues, and nobody fighting an existential war wants to be worrying about homegrown super threats popping up in their backline, drawing forces away from the frontlines.
Wallaby Vonwise
11/25/2020 08:03:59 pm
Read it. Loved it. I very specifically super agree with Will about the one romance.
11/10/2020 10:13:02 am
I agree as well! I picked up the book on Wills recommendation on fb. Finished all 1100 pages in 6 days, I couldn’t put it down! I agree with your opinion on the antagonist love plot. Strangely I actually do really enjoys Rei’s love plot too which is the exact opposite of how I normally feel.
12/29/2020 04:21:11 pm
Honestly agree with all of this. Got this on Will’s recommendation and almost literally couldn’t put it down. Devoured the whole thing in two days. It’s an absolutely fantastic book and if you enjoy Will’s writing I honestly would be shocked if you didn’t agree.
Clark Winegar
11/10/2020 10:29:50 am
Is this going to be a series? Or is it a stand-alone book?
Dewald Slabbert
11/11/2020 07:20:07 am
They said that there are going to be 3 books in the series. Which still means 3000+ pages. So equivalent of 6-7 books by normal person
William (not Wight although I am white)
11/19/2020 02:58:48 pm
Wait, so...
11/19/2020 04:12:50 pm
I don't know if it will have other trilogies or not, but it's clear from the little quotes at the beginning of each chapter that Stormweaver isn't going to just be what he's called in his cadet years. That's going to be his regular ring/war name.
11/10/2020 10:51:24 am
It’s good. It was a page turner. I’ll be following that series going forward.
11/10/2020 11:02:34 am
Hi Will,
11/10/2020 11:12:00 am
Not on audible? Boo! Really wanted to check it out.
4/11/2021 10:46:56 pm
It is now if you want to check it out. It took me three days to listen to the complete audiobook and I absolutely loved it
11/10/2020 12:35:44 pm
First book in a new series? I will hold off for a little bit. Let them get a few books out then I will reconsider.
11/10/2020 12:51:44 pm
Already have it downloaded ready to read, but currently re-reading stormlight archive in preparation for the new one... also where is the bloodline news?!?! ( thanks for the recommendation btw)
11/10/2020 12:55:46 pm
Can we get more Will Wight book analysis? I am particularly curious for an analysis like this but for Mistborn. Does that already exist?
My normal policy is to only review stuff I really, really like. Being critical of another author, even constructively critical, in public is...dicey.
Steven Brown
11/10/2020 02:21:45 pm
Dang you and your little gnome too....ihave to go read another thick fantasy that I will no doubt enjoy and crave a sequel too as I wait for mix nix Cradle fix....I'm feeling a Little Blue.....wait that did not sound right.
11/10/2020 02:57:46 pm
I just went through my one-step purchasing method: If Will loves it, I will buy it.
11/10/2020 03:18:46 pm
I appreciate you doing your best to help us get through the absolute hell and abject horror of having to wait for your next book to come out.
11/11/2020 02:51:24 am
I had actually started reading this already. Care to recommend something I'm not reading next time? ;)
Ano Nym
11/11/2020 06:13:29 am
Can anyone tell me why this book is currently not available for purchase on Amazon?
Yes, the item shows up under review on Amazon. A quick google search shows that means, "A high product return rate is the most common reason for an item being reviewed. Another common cause for “Item Under Review” is when buyers complained about your product doesn't match the description or the product quality is below they expected directly to Amazon."
11/11/2020 10:01:08 am
It was on KU. This is speculation, but they might be objecting to how many pages/filler it has. They might suspect it's gaming the KU reimbursement system with people. I've never been clear on it, but apparently if you put an endnote in the first page that takes you to the last page, that counts as reading the whole book. IIRC something like that is what got Michael Scott Earle kicked of amazon publishing. It wouldn't surprise me if any time a book looks like an outlier for the month they put it under review.
Brandon (Enkidu)
11/11/2020 10:08:15 am
I really enjoyed this book. While I DO consider myself a “Will Wight Fanboy,” I didn’t catch your recommendation, so hah! I liked it in spite of you Will! You don’t own me! But I disagree with your final nitpick.
11/11/2020 10:57:04 am
I definitely agree with the rec - very solid progression
11/11/2020 12:22:18 pm
I just burned through Iron Prince and I gotta say, Will's description is spot on. Bought the book yesterday and read it in between working hours, just finished it about a day and several focus induced headaches later.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
11/11/2020 01:00:34 pm
You know Will, usually when you do a book review you have an Amazon affiliate account set up that way you can drop an affiliate link after your review. You can scoop a few Amazon gift cards that way and immediately use them to buy more books.
Eithan Arelius
11/11/2020 02:35:33 pm
I just now realized the context of your name, I'm ashamed it took me so long... JI NING!!!!
Sword Immortal Darknorth (Ji Ning)
11/12/2020 06:15:43 am
You found me! After becoming a chaos lord there isn't much to do except read. So I go to alternate dimensions to find good books. Did you know there's a universe where Will is busy writing Traveler's Gate book 23?
11/11/2020 01:16:40 pm
Agree with what you said 100%, including the romance bit
orthos the dragon
11/11/2020 02:05:13 pm
why is it under review by kindle it says you can't even purchase it because its under review.
11/11/2020 02:16:19 pm
11/11/2020 04:54:28 pm
I... *kinda* liked it. I mean I read the whole book, so that's saying something, but I dunno.
11/18/2020 06:47:51 pm
I totally agree, definitely a disconnect I felt from the very beginning. Like, here's a totally unique, never before seen potential, except he starts at a slightly lower level than everyone else. Guess that means he's destined to be a LOSER (you know, in spite of what a basically omniscient presence we base our entire society around says).
11/11/2020 06:03:16 pm
I agree with your feedback on it. It was a great book and is HUGE. My only other issue with it that annoyed me was:
11/11/2020 06:59:34 pm
I thought it was ok but with editing they could have deleted half the book and crafted a tighter more interesting story. To me thry put all that stuff in to increase page count. It just didn't add to the story and I found myself skipping huge chunks of the book.
Andrew Tobin
12/1/2020 03:27:58 am
Not all of them did. The ones who did were wrapped into the snobby school mindset, and he was a poor, orphan, who was short, ill and well below their standards.
11/11/2020 08:23:18 pm
Want to read it but it’s under review. Hopefully it opens up soon. Lots of other books coming out soon need to read
11/12/2020 05:01:42 am
Excellent review, very accurate, actually skipped, two or three fights. I too hated the (my best friends abuser) romance. Other than an extra two or three fights and the silly hot, abusive guy romance, the story is a GREAT start to a series.
11/12/2020 07:53:39 am
Hey Will! You should post your super critical, tear down my competition type reviews under a super tricky pseudonym that no one would figure out like "Will's Remnant". That way we could still benefit from your humor and NO ONE WOULD EVER FIGURE OUT IT WAS YOU.
11/12/2020 03:38:12 pm
Been waiting for their sequel to a mark of kings... solid book but only really gets good at the end and there was no book 2! Patiently waiting.... then maybe I’ll read this one
11/13/2020 06:56:20 am
Thanks for the recommendation. It was allright.
11/13/2020 10:24:13 am
Lots of books use this to an extent like the stork tower series where she is constantly getting bonuses for being the first to do something. To me the biggest issue was the inconsistent growth. Do nothing and get beat up, gain a bunch of stats. Fight with your new high level trainer, get little to nothing. The growth was too random and not under the characters control. The other issue is the lack of interaction with the AI. Gets special attention with the AI that can talk to thousands at the same time. Tells him he is special and then ignores him.
Andrew Tobin
12/1/2020 03:30:53 am
If the Growth was more emphasised as possible mutation, as it was mentioned at one point that someone had grown in an unpractical way, then it would help more. Even if our hero developed a mutation, that healed as he overcame it.
11/13/2020 01:59:05 pm
So I just finished reading it. I thought it was good. As soon as you said there was a lot of crunchy combat I knew I wanted to get it on audiobook so I was disappointed when there wasn't an audio version available. I have a tendency to just skip to the end of parts like that out of sheer excitement to see what happens so I like to read books heavy with those scenes in an audio format so I just can't. I'll probably still get the book on audible when/if it comes out on there (I assume it will but you never know).
Andrew Tobin
12/1/2020 03:33:25 am
I’m not even sure it’s “classist.” I think he’ll be linked to the guy who abandoned his post, with half a planet dying. Either his family dying, or his father being that guy... that’s why he doesn’t like Rei initially being a “coward” as he runs and uses tricks to overcome his weaknesses.
A Passing Stranger
11/14/2020 05:04:49 am
Thanks for this recommendation, Will! I read and really enjoyed the book, and I doubt very much I'd have found it without getting prompted by this blog post. :D
11/14/2020 10:45:33 am
Very good read. I also was a little turned off by that same romantic subplot but my biggest nitpick was that the authors (or editors) missed that every time they wanted to write the word quiet they wrote quite. And every time they wanted to say quite they wrote quiet. It kinda pulled me out of my immersion a little.
11/14/2020 12:56:37 pm
Haha I noticed that too. I gave it five stars, because I really enjoyed the story, but there were a fair number of typo's, missing words / incomplete sentences, etc.
11/14/2020 09:00:46 pm
I thought this was some well written progression fic, but after looking up some reviews, I see that Luke Chmilenko was the LitRPG author that accused someone of plagiarism with no evidence and then bullied him with his platform of fans off of Amazon. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue reading this series and I'm a bit sad that Will says he's such a good guy.
11/15/2020 12:18:58 am
For those who would prefer an audiobook version: On Oct. 1, O'Conner posted on FB that there will be an audiobook "narrated by the great Luke Daniels! will hopefully be out in December/January!"
Radish professional
11/15/2020 02:46:16 pm
I like Iron Prince, Will. Thanks for the recommendation.
11/15/2020 03:16:34 pm
So I took your advice and read it. It certainly is a page turner. But it’s not exactly a good book.
11/15/2020 06:33:20 pm
Got the book and read it in two days. Was very entertaining.
Finder Wyvernspur
11/16/2020 11:10:19 am
Diversion from the book recommendation, is Bloodlines your next book?
11/16/2020 04:23:18 pm
I blame you, Will. I read this book on your recommendation. I started last night and finished about an hour ago. Now, I want more. Therefore, I blame you for my having to wait for the next book in this series.
11/16/2020 04:25:56 pm
P.S. Any more recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
11/18/2020 02:01:37 pm
While I agree wholeheartedly with saying that Iron Price was a highly entertaining read, I'm not seeing the parallels you're drawing in the stories mentioned. What you said is not accurate in the least. I could say it's like Starship Troopers meets Lord of the flies and be just as accurate. Any similarities are so superficial that you could pick just about any books in existence and use them with the same authority as comparisons.
11/18/2020 06:42:56 pm
*** SPOILERS ***
11/18/2020 07:18:35 pm
Sigh having read the book 3 times now it’s pretty good.
11/18/2020 08:39:35 pm
You can disagree about the romance sub-plot all you want, but that doesn't make it true. It's extremely light on the romance sub-plot, but there is definitely 2 distinct different romantic sub plots. They don't actually have to be in a romantic relationship yet for a romantic sub-plot to exist.
11/19/2020 03:04:45 pm
For Romance to exist there has to be actual written interaction between two characters. Nothing in the book indicates she has moved beyond the gazes at his giant pecks from afar. Also going to point out this would not be the first time she has dated and broken the heart of someone who bullied her best friend. So it’s got a long way to go to hit actual romance.
11/19/2020 04:08:26 pm
It explicitly states they'd be exchanging messages since the incident. And there are many hints that are dropped. She also explicitly stated that she wasn't going to do the whole date and dump to hurt him thing with this one.
11/18/2020 08:43:51 pm
In regards to your #2, while it may not technically be a fight, he physically grabs the MC by the collar, presses him against the wall, and says threatening rude comments to him the next time he sees him after he beat the crap out of his own minions. He should have no redemption in her eyes until he comes to the realization that he was a total ass hat and apologizes to the MC. He's still rude at the very end even if less so.
11/19/2020 07:30:24 am
Finished the book and gave a 5-star review on Amazon. Took me two weeks as it was a whopping 1K+ pages and that's with reading till 3 or 4 am at night. Hopefully, we will get an Audible version.
11/19/2020 10:50:35 am
Great recommendation! Thanks for making me totally unproductive this week. . . :)
11/21/2020 10:31:25 am
Well Will, I'd like to thank you for destroying my week as I did little else but devour this book. I loved it overall and I'm really looking forward to future installments in the series.
11/23/2020 07:22:52 pm
I read the book! I read The Wings of War and enjoyed it, so I wasn't surprised that the book was good. Did you catch the reference to Raz in one of the quotes?
11/24/2020 01:48:03 pm
I wouldn't say the second book died. I still enjoyed it. It just wasn't a continuation of the original story. Ender's Game is a stand alone novel. The one's that follow are just stories that occur with some of the same people in the same book universe.
11/29/2020 09:31:30 am
You could say that, but in my opinion it was a far cry from the first book. I finished the first book in two days. I however, do agree that the second book had no large influence on the first, with the first being more of a standalone. However, I was still disappointed with the second book; I lost interest only a third of the way through. I think Orson was pushed too hard to write a book quickly. It goes to show - quality over quantity.
stephen e
11/24/2020 10:07:37 am
I'm almost a 3rd of the way in and I'm enjoying it. I like how the people around the main character are more positive than you expect them to be. There are still difficult people, but there are more reasonable characters with better criticism thinking skills than one would expect from this kind of story.
11/26/2020 12:22:59 pm
Hi Will,
stephen e
11/29/2020 12:24:01 pm
I finished the book a few days ago. It was really well done overall. They could definitely use an editor or two though
11/30/2020 05:42:42 pm
What are your plans for book 9 of the cradle series? Finished book 8 in 3 days, can't wait for more!
12/2/2020 02:31:22 pm
Thank you for the recommendation! I couldn't put it down.
Michael Haedt
12/2/2020 03:28:34 pm
fantastic recommendation Will. Loved the book, and I must agree it has some very cradle like feels to it.
12/4/2020 01:17:48 pm
Slight spoilers.
12/4/2020 07:47:34 pm
I'm not saying it's not slightly in line with Viv's character, but it just happened too fast. There was no gradual getting to know and understand the guy. From all of the hints given she pretty much flips her opinion of him the instant he goes out and beats the shit out of his "friends." It's not a natural progression.
12/4/2020 07:52:51 pm
I'm going to say one more thing real quick. Let's say a door-to-door salesman shows up at your home trying to peddle some crappy item. You tell him,"I'm not interested you need to leave" and try to shut the door. He shoves his foot in the door and slams it into your face and responds with, "But they're great!" You reply, "Oh, ok. I'll buy it then."
12/6/2020 08:35:19 am
That's the problem. All of a sudden Viv after seeing Grant beat his friends, she's suddenly shocked and muted?
12/6/2020 03:01:00 pm
It surprises me that the authors don’t address any psychological effects of teenagers feeling the (real even if artificially induced) pain of being stabbed, crushed, burnt or dismembered on a regular basis. I think that was my biggest disconnect.
12/7/2020 04:23:04 am
Kinda disagree on the romance sub-plot part, does seem a lot like the well....*jealousy* is the reason behind the antagonism by said antagonist.....
Akura Shi Lindon Aurelius
12/8/2020 04:41:13 pm
Stop trying to distract us with other books and just release Bloodline so we can read a truly great author!
12/10/2020 03:17:56 pm
Yeah... So... I'm disappointed that i won't get a new book earlier... But you really need a break! 😅 As an artist myself i know that being 'creative' sucks... Esp if you have to really think about it - like all the details and the like... 😅 It tends to burn you out... Really FAST! So take a break... You really deserve it! 😊
12/25/2020 11:50:30 am
I finally got to this one. It's definitely a good read and I'd recommend it, but my biggest hope is that it makes enough that they can hire an editor for the next one. The sudden appearance of bad grammar is jarring (i.e. quite vs quiet, missing prepositions, etc.) Similarly things like counting 1, 2, 4, french fries turning into mashed potatoes mid-meal, and the 1-D vs D-1. A lot of easily correctible stuff that will hopefully get fixed by the time anyone else reads the book. Will, I hope you can give them a few tips on making a good first impression.
1/4/2021 07:39:50 pm
I'm loving it so far. I love how the authors are also clearly fans of light novels or anime as they slipped in a whole bunch of references throughout the book. Famous fighter Gobta Rimuru!
2/2/2021 08:04:00 pm
So I read it and loved it. The characters, the banter, the flaws...I loved it.
3/19/2021 11:38:42 am
I pretty much agree with all points but will personally wait with recommendations until there is a book two. Because imo book two is the hard part for this story setup. He has super growth speed but a low starting point so he could claw his way up. Until now that is where he has reached the top of his friend group and should soon leave them behind strength wise. If not handled well that could easily destroy my interest.
4/22/2021 01:20:32 am
I agree with Will that if you’re a fan of Cradle, or just progression fantasies/Sci-Fi’s you’ll enjoy this book, but I’m not so sure I agree with his stellar review of the book. I did find this book enjoyable, and definitely agree with the comparison to a mix of Cradle and Enders Game. All of that being said, it is hard to read more than a couple hundred pages at a time. This may not seem like a huge problem, but many people that enjoy progression novels, LitRPGs, web novels and other similar genres are binge readers (as am I). So when I sat down and read this book all in one day it made me horribly frustrated with the writing and characters. All of the small problems in this book are easy to overlook and don’t have much of an impact on your reading experience if you read in “small” sections at a time, but if you try to marathon the book they add up and leave a bad taste in your mouth. If you’re going to read this book, be warned take your time because if you don’t you’re liable to end up bored in the unnecessary or tedious sections, or frustrated with the characters and their actions/dialogue.
Diana Kaz
4/24/2021 12:59:14 pm
Ok, now that I’ve read both Iron Prince and the entire series of Cradle what do I read next? I’m lost. Checking for updates almost daily for new releases :( :( :(
4/27/2021 07:34:39 pm
My only complaint... is the wait for the next one...
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