Starting tomorrow morning, I'm going on a cruise. A writing cruise.
...which only means that I've booked a cruise ticket with the sole intention of staying on the boat writing. Where am I cruising? I don't know, and I don't care, but I know I'm going to get a chunk of prose done on the way. I'll be gone for about a week. In the meantime, Blackflame is supposed to be released from Audible's imprisonment any day now. We're also planning a pre-Christmas sale on books that I'll have details for when I return! And speaking of Christmas, DID YOU KNOW THAT I SELL A BUNCH OF MERCHANDISE? WELL, I DO! We've got hats, mugs, shirts, cursed antiques*, posters, and forgotten souls*! If you have a friend, family member, or hated enemy that could use some materials goods with a simple emblem on it, then look no further! More when I return! -Will *(subject to supply; curses and forgetfulness not guaranteed)
12/7/2018 12:07:29 pm
Merchandise?!? I'm getting in on this!!
12/7/2018 02:48:46 pm
Blessings of Luck pon the morrow, humble serfs await movement pon the meter whenst thyst return. (idk if half those words are even words.)
12/7/2018 05:36:05 pm
Happy writing Will... Try to not continually stare at the bikinis!! I thought about buying a shirt from you but I'm pretty sure you dont carry my size. Very rarely do I find anyone with sizes to fit your friendly Yeti next door. Lemme know if you start selling larger sizes in the Tall variety.
Count De Monet
12/7/2018 08:38:53 pm
Have fun Will! Hmm, sailing the open seas should put you in the mood to write piratey type stuff, ger OKAK into high gear.
Count De Monet
12/7/2018 08:46:08 pm
Oh, I will also be checking out yer merchandise. I have been seeing a lot of comic book and Star Wars theme t shirts around. But I like to be different while still following the herd, so one of your shirts might fit the bill.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
12/7/2018 11:50:13 pm
I get it Will, you need to physically immerse yourself in a setting that physically resembles your writing. I'm betting you're going to be writing some beautiful boat scenes for OKAK while on your retreat.
12/8/2018 12:34:32 pm
I think i would have gotten something from your store if there was something other than items with a logo printed on. I mean something like a carved Sacred Artist badge, or a turtleneck with Valinhall chains going up the arms and around the neck. A poster of Shera standing on a ship surrounded by mist and the remnants of the consultants guild. This is the kind of stuff that I would get. Not simply images from the cover-art of your books placed on various items.
12/10/2018 04:34:51 am
I was going to come here and say the same. I don't want to dogpile, still a huge fan, but the merch needs work. There needs to be mugs and shirts marked with stuff from within the stories, not from the outside of them.
12/13/2018 06:27:04 am
Like a siloute of a circle of swords with yerin in the center
12/22/2018 10:53:29 pm
That turtleneck idea is totally rad, would get that in a heartbeat. Ever see anything similar elsewhere?
12/10/2018 09:30:27 am
No way Will! I'm also in Florida on a cruise. It's a programming cruise, rather than a writing cruise though.
12/10/2018 11:50:05 am
Blackflame was just released on!
Elliot Warner
12/10/2018 06:50:04 pm
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." Random literature quote inspired by a writing cruise (probably/not at all). But Will will (will will will...,the internet echoed back quietly) top that, I'm sure.
12/12/2018 06:26:41 am
Are you back yet !? how about now ?
12/12/2018 09:52:01 am
I finally picked up your first two Cradle audiobooks a couple weeks ago on Mr. Krout’s recommendation and I was not disappointed! Nor was I expecting a third so soon which was a nice treat. For some reason I really liked that big dragon turtle. Probably cause he reminds me of my favorite Hunter Pet from WoW, Terrorpene. He is also a giant lava turtle with flames at the base of his shell’s spikes so I didn’t have any problems picturing Orthos in my mind.
12/12/2018 02:14:33 pm
I want a coffee cup with the Akura house logo on it :x
12/14/2018 05:31:11 pm
I just now finally posted a review on Amazon about Ghostwater, which I loved. In the review, I made a request that I'm going to repeat here for your consideration while you are on that writing cruise. One of the things I am most eager to see in Underlord is Bai Rou's reaction when he finds out that both Yerin and Lindon are now True Gold. Either one of them could probably kick his butt now, and I bet he'd know it. So I'm begging you, please don't deny me and your other readers that pleasure.
12/17/2018 02:21:10 pm
I am sure Will plans on tying up loose ends, but you must hear how arrogant it seems to makes demands of a writer who writes books you enjoy? Doesn't that perverse the nature by which he writes and twists the final product into something not original only to meet the demands of the audience? Imagine he constantly altered his books to fulfill the wanton desires of his audience; the books would hold no more mystique and allure that draws us to read them.
12/17/2018 04:48:10 pm
We 100% agree with you. No fan should make demands. But sometimes you can help but wish that some certain things happen to certain characters especially after Bai Rou threw Yerin off the flying city and the Captain of the Skysworn tried to assassinate a bunch of kids. So basically it isn’t making demands it’s just wishful thinking.
12/22/2018 05:41:38 pm
I'm sorry, but I don't see how my post could be construed as a demand. Did you not see the "I'm begging you" and the "please"? People making demands don't beg or say please. I was just expressing a heartfelt wish, something that many readers and fans of authors have done in the past and will continue to do for as long as people read books. As Karma said, after the horrid way that Bai Rou has treated Yerin and Lindon, it would be so very satisfying to see his horrified reaction to their advancement. Though he must have realized that Yerin might not be far from True Gold, he could never have imagined that Lindon would advance so quickly. What a shocker that will be!
Rogue 9
12/22/2018 09:52:10 pm
Second sentence you make a request
12/17/2018 09:10:29 am
It's quiet here. Too quiet...
12/18/2018 07:53:52 am
Last time I went on a cruise with 3 books I gained 15lbs in less than a week. That ever-abundant buffet is too much to resist.
12/18/2018 11:12:08 am
Pre-Christmas sale? Undelord confirmed! #ReadingtoomuchintothingsbutIstillhope
Rogue 9
12/20/2018 10:37:55 pm
Ok someone mentioned a Xmas wish list from characters can anyone pinpoint the month/year that it showed up in the blog
Nitin Shekhar
12/21/2018 07:11:54 am
One below the blog you commented on.;.
Rogue 9
12/21/2018 09:55:43 am
Not the mention but the list it's self
12/21/2018 05:13:35 am
is it likely Blackflame's audiobook will be released as Whispersync for kindle? both Unsouled and Soulsmith were on whispersync (add-on options for the kindle books), whilse Blackflame is not.
12/21/2018 07:24:30 am
Will, did you fall overboard?
Nitin Shekhar
12/21/2018 08:56:50 am
Wondering the same myself...or this mysterious boat took him to Bermuda triangle, never to seen again, in this iteration..
12/21/2018 10:29:29 am
If you look on Will's fan Reddit, you can see that he's posted some stuff within the last few days. Hopefully with the holidays swiftly approaching, we'll get some news and/or a short story soon. If not, then likely we'll hear about Will's state of affairs in the new year.
12/21/2018 11:43:19 am
From the lack of posts I can only assume you've been caught up in a detective drama onboard. Someone has been killed and it's up to you to find the killer. Good luck Will. Don't trust the friendly guy who greeted you when you got on the ship.
12/22/2018 11:34:51 am
Blackflame is released on audible awesome!!!
Rogue 9
12/22/2018 10:55:05 pm
If I subscribe to the mailing list do I get all previous material or just stuff going forward
Rogue 9
12/22/2018 11:16:26 pm
So just had a random crazy thought, what would happen if Lindon put a counter-spin miniature pure core in his blackflame core and vise versa
Sword Immortal Darknorth
12/23/2018 01:07:12 pm
He would then generate the equivilant of a madra magnetic field.
Rogue 9
12/23/2018 02:24:33 pm
Or would it be more like a madra gravitational force, effectively a vital aura vacuum?
Nikk B
12/24/2018 08:37:42 am
Did the Kraken get you, Will?
12/24/2018 03:04:12 pm
Anyone else refreshing this page every 5 seconds or so to see if Will has given an update?
12/24/2018 04:28:32 pm
You are not alone
12/24/2018 05:24:46 pm
Rogue 9
12/24/2018 08:42:59 pm
I just have the notifications for this post turned on lol
Panic Monster
12/24/2018 09:34:36 pm
It's been 18 days (that's over 2 weeks) Will must be DEAD!!!
12/24/2018 09:58:08 pm
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! ........ oh my bad that's just snow. :P
Rogue 9
12/24/2018 11:44:49 pm
Happy Holidays everyone
12/25/2018 06:24:24 am
Merry Christmas! Leave a Reply. |
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