I let those questions pile up for longer than I anticipated, but tonight and tomorrow I'll be going in and making up responses to all your world-building scenarios!
If your question is in now, it's getting answered (as long as it isn't a spoiler)! One caveat: some of you got in there with a bunch of scenarios or questions, which is fine, but I can't promise I'll answer everything. I'll pick the most fun scenario from each comment and answer that, otherwise I'll be here for weeks. Diving in on some of these questions right now! Stay tuned! -Will
Magpie Jack
11/29/2017 04:43:40 pm
Nice! I can't believe I got that last question squeezed in.
11/29/2017 07:24:36 pm
So what I'm getting is that if we come up with a new question now, we need to sneak it in as a reply to a previous question.
2/7/2025 06:11:08 am
Why does jai chan look familiar to Wei she lending. Sorry my spelling is bad, but this is my third read through of the series and my son reads them with me. This just came up to me in black flame.
A Suggestion
11/29/2017 09:06:19 pm
Honestly though you should write a world building book. You're doing 80% of the work anyway, and I'm pretty sure I'd buy a "The World of Cradle" book.
11/29/2017 09:22:43 pm
Seconded! He probably won't be able to release it until the series is done though, due to spoilers.
11/30/2017 06:09:19 am
This as it is reminds me of the "World of Remnant" series RWBY did for awhile. (If you know what that is)
That's exactly what it reminded me of, which is a red flag, because I hated those segments. The world-building was better in the normal scenes, and the World of Remnant stuff just felt like a disappointment that it wasn't adding to the plot.
A Suggestion
11/30/2017 10:25:40 am
Hmm, maybe you'd be more interested in a "Legends of Cradle" short story collection? Like HBO's bluray extras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uE04nQfO-Q
11/30/2017 10:49:02 am
To me, World of Remnant was always just a disappointment that there wasn't a full episode that week. (I agree that World of Remnant was often worse at world-building than the actual data-dump episodes).
12/1/2017 06:17:09 am
It's... Ok. Not really an improvement over season 4 at this point (episode 6) and I feel as though they still haven't improved on Seasons 1-3. 3 was my personal favorite. There are some cool fight scenes in this and some funny moments. If you didn't like 4, I would definitely not start this unless you manage to get through the rest of 4. (Also you know, spoilers.)
12/4/2017 10:17:29 am
I like the short story collection idea. I mean, getting them as part of a mailing list is great and all, but I would also like to be able to read them on my kindle. Easier on the eyes. Plus, like the other person said, you're already doing most of the work, so it's not like it will take much time away.
Robert Ghayoori
11/30/2017 07:13:55 pm
Lets see if I can sneak this in regardless of being two days late. This may be a spoiler question depending on what's coming up, but given the flow of the story I highly doubt it. How many monarchs are their within cradle?a
11/30/2017 09:15:39 pm
There are at least four, three tangentially mentioned: Luminous Queen Shia Mara (might have spelled that wrong), Northstrider Dragon-eater, Possibly the Eight-man empire if you count them as one person.
12/1/2017 01:02:56 pm
6-8. Don't forget the Monarch level dragon that Northstrider is trying to overcome. And Will just spoke of two that might be on that level in the new world building exercise.. Juwei the whisperfox and Nightsong
11/30/2017 07:19:05 pm
You know Will I feel these world building tibits are so cool. IDK how you do it, I'm trying to be imaginative with magic. Literally anything is possible and I keep coming back to the generic stuff. Mana, Qi and Psychic power.....geez >.>
11/30/2017 09:36:49 pm
Martial power... no darn it. That's taken too. What about ki... WTF
12/1/2017 01:44:39 pm
Martial power, Qi, Ki, Chi and sometimes even Chakras are sort of considered the same thing I believe, only a few novel differ in this. Idk if Dao and Tao are included in that list though.
I'm glad you enjoy them! They're fun for me too, they just take a long time due to sheer volume.
12/8/2017 01:47:28 pm
Simple, easy-to-understand worlds with just enough magic to work is for authors who struggle with creativity. Part of the reason I love your books is because they are so alive, almost organic in the way there is always more to be discovered. Everything doesn't have to make sense; we can barely understand our own world, adding magic into the mix should only make things even more chaotic!
Need you to charge more money Will!
11/30/2017 07:32:33 pm
Hey will so interesting story for you Will, I was trying to get my friend to read Unsouled but he refused because he said it was too cheap... He said if an author doesn't value their book at at least $5 or $3 per 100 pages it's not worth his time. He showed me his purchase history as proof.
11/30/2017 09:39:41 pm
If they won't read the book because of the price... they don't deserve this wonderful story that Will has made. So unique, masterful story telling with a spectacular magic system and depth of characters that surpasses other xianxia novels. And Lindon wasn't even born OP, can you believe it?
Need You To charge More Money Will!
12/1/2017 07:35:04 am
Yeah but if all he needs to do is charge more money that's an easy fix.
If that's his view, then no problem! He's free to choose books based on whatever criteria he likes.
Need You to Charge More Money Will!
12/8/2017 08:26:39 pm
Honestly, I could take half the stuff he says and post it on r/IAmVerySmart. That being said, he did agree to read the Elder Empire series because he said it seemed "Somewhat innovative in construction". He said he'll put you fourth on his reading list, right in between The Republic and The Sound and the Fury.
12/1/2017 12:18:16 pm
wait... so what's yerin's bra size?
12/4/2017 03:28:32 am
Dude she’s canonically like seventeen, that’s really really creepy
12/4/2017 10:59:53 am
It's not so crazy....Most countries have the age of consent at 16, ancient times have them below 15.....that is creepy. By comparison 17 is fine, I think my grandfather had like 30 years on my grandmother too. She was like 16 and he was like 40 something..... That age thing is a modern thing and Yerin's mentality seems pretty grown up too. I think that counts for something as well.
12/4/2017 11:13:07 am
The question itself isn't that creepy, it's that I (and probably others) can't think of any reason you would want that information or want Will to answer you that isn't creepy.
12/4/2017 11:58:30 am
Maybe he wants to know how attractive Yerin is. From my understanding she's Asian, has short black hair( she cuts it herself so it's rough.), she's maybe average sized because Lindon's taller than her (I think), and she has a lot of thin scars. Oh and she has a tendency to look like she crawled out of her own grave constantly because she's always covered in blood after a fight.
12/4/2017 12:03:40 pm
That question "How attractive is Yerin?" Seems to be (quite) different from the one actually asked. Personally, it's the specific details they're asking for that makes me think it's creepy.
The Creepin' Creepster
12/4/2017 12:24:18 pm
I'm going to go on a limb here and say they're on the smaller side. In my mind she also had a narrow head with pronounced cheekbones, is about 5'6" but looks taller because she's thin and her general head shape, and has a high muscle to bodyfat ratio.
12/4/2017 02:50:11 pm
What if they are asking because they want to do a highly accurate Yerin cosplay?
12/4/2017 06:34:54 pm
You got me there. I salute you, that made me laugh for a full five seconds lol.
12/1/2017 12:28:26 pm
Will, you seem to have skipped a huge chunk of questions right in the middle. Like you answered a bunch of questions, then i scroll down for a few pages before you answered a few more. Are those questions in the middle going to be answered?
12/1/2017 01:19:52 pm
He is doing a few of them at a time. He did some at the bottom to mark when submissions closed so people couldn't keep sneaking in questions and just leave and endless array of questions for him to answer.
12/1/2017 03:05:52 pm
Hey Will
12/1/2017 04:19:15 pm
A wonderful suggestion.
12/1/2017 05:53:54 pm
Mercy's family is filthy rich, she might be a refiner though. Still I don't find it odd that she had those pills. I think I remember her having a bottle filled with them.
She just keeps some on her in case of emergency.
12/6/2017 09:10:21 pm
will u ded?
12/7/2017 05:30:01 am
omg zombie author.
12/7/2017 05:36:39 am
Shh. Don't disturb Will. I have a 23 hour flight + train ride the day before Christmas and I need OKAK to keep me busy.
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