As we speak, I'm sitting cross-legged on a desolate mountain peak, doing nothing but meditating and writing The Crimson Vault.
Parts of the above statement may or may not be true. I am, in fact, on a trip to the mountains, and I am working diligently on Book 2. I have the first few chapters done, and over the next few weeks I expect to finish a big chunk of this draft. I'm well on my way to having the book out in August. Plus, the cover is approaching completion. I'm excited about that. The two awesome and talented graphic designers I hired (Chelsey and Caitlin Bateson, available at are hard at work on the second cover, and yesterday they delivered their rough version. It's like someone squeezing lemon juice in your eye, only instead of lemon juice, it's pure awesome-juice. I am the king of analogies. Anyway, I am in the mountains for the next two weeks, so I won't be as punctual when replying to your comments and/or email. Don't worry; when I return, I will do my best to respond to each of you. Now, my question for you: what was the last incredible fantasy novel you read on your Kindle (not counting House of Blades)? I finished I, Minion by Lewis Dix a few days ago, because he commented on this blog, but it was a great read. So is Nyx by D.M. Livingston, a fantasy novel that was free on Kindle yesterday (and may still be today, I don't know). Anyway, I want to know what you've read that's good. So let me know in the comments!
Brian S
7/6/2013 05:49:53 am
The last good novel I read on my kindle other than 'House of Blades' was 'Duel at Grimwood Creek' by Lucas Thorn. The last incredible fantasy novel was probably 'A Memory of Light (WoT)' by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.
7/16/2013 06:23:46 am
I had some problems with AMoL, especially the last chapter. Seriously? That freaking pipe. But overall it was fantastic. I laughed, I cried, I had a great time.
Jennifer A.
7/7/2013 12:45:02 am
The last incredible fantasy I read on my Kindle was Thread Slivers by Leeland Artra. Just like with this book, I could not put it down.
7/16/2013 06:25:02 am
My secret ulterior motive for this question was to get ideas for new books to read, and Thread Slivers looks like something I'll definitely check out. Thanks!
Jamie B
7/7/2013 09:47:40 am
Great read, my friend. Keep the ball rollin
7/16/2013 06:25:44 am
Secretly, I have a PhD in Ball Rollin'. Don't tell anyone.
7/16/2013 06:26:57 am
What is the "House of Blades" of which you speak?
7/9/2013 01:14:27 am
Spellscribed by Kristopher Crus, i have read several others but this was the last one that was as good as House of Blades
7/16/2013 06:56:01 am
Clearly, I have missed out on something by not reading Spellscribed. So many people have recommended it to me that it has now been bumped to the top of my to-read list.
7/9/2013 02:44:26 am
Man, I just noticed that the last two lines of the blog were cut off, so it ended on the word "Kindl." That's annoying.
Brian S
7/10/2013 01:26:21 pm
As far as Nyx goes, it wasn't free when I checked, and their are two different authors that have books by that title.
7/16/2013 06:28:30 am
Thanks for the heads-up! I just added that the author is D.M. Livingston. I had a lot of fun reading Nyx, and even if it's not on sale anymore, it's still cheap for the amount of entertainment you get.
William FitzGerald
7/9/2013 04:50:37 am
The last great fantasy novel I read was... I cant remember. I have read so much recently that Its all sort of blended together... (about a book a day)... but I am currently reading and enjoying House of Blades!
7/16/2013 06:29:53 am
I go through those phases where I just buy like twelve indie Kindle fantasy books at a time and just churn through them.
7/9/2013 11:50:09 pm
The King's Bastards- Chris Northern. A little preachy, but I love the main character.
7/16/2013 06:32:05 am
Yeah, I enjoyed The King's Bastard. Like you said, the writing style was at times a bit off-putting, but I was more than willing to stick it out for the character(s).
J Moore
7/10/2013 10:56:14 am
Haven't read a lot of fantasy but I just got done reading The Blade Itself and 1/3 way through Before they are Hanged both by Joe Abercrombie. The first book took a while to take off story wise but I enjoyed the characters enough to wait it out and it's funny in a way that's hard to explain.
Brian S
7/10/2013 01:23:57 pm
I enjoyed reading WOOL, and would also recommend this to anyone who is willing to take in a bit of sci-fi.
Jennifer A
7/12/2013 08:29:20 pm
I also enjoyed Wool. 7/16/2013 06:33:34 am
Joe Abercrombie is a mysterious and powerful wizard. In a good way.
Gail B
7/10/2013 11:08:19 am
Michelle Sagara/West's Broken Sword series is one of the best fantasy series i've ever read. Her writing is satisfyingly dense, like good chocolate, and her attention to details is incredible. I also liked The Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss.
7/16/2013 06:38:48 am
Glad to hear it, Gail! I hope you do enjoy it, but I feel compelled to warn you that my writing style is significantly different from Sagara and Rothfuss. The Name of the Wind is one of my favorite books, though, and I'm a fan of the Broken Sword series. Wise Man's Fear, on the other hand...
7/12/2013 12:54:19 am
The most recent was House of Blades ;)
7/16/2013 06:42:04 am
It's becoming clear to me that I must read Spellscribed. My fate is now written.
7/12/2013 09:41:38 am
House of Blades was the last one I read, but before that was Ted Dekker's "Kiss". I can't wait for book 2! So glad that I stumbled across your book on Kindle today! Literally couldn't put it down! :)
7/16/2013 06:41:32 am
Thanks for letting me know, Shiloh! My intention was to craft a book that adheres to your palms, so I'm glad to see that goal was met.
7/21/2013 11:55:42 am
Ok so I totally didn't see this comment till just now! I haven't read much of Dekker's work recently, but his "Circle" series is one of my favorites! I can't believe how quickly you are putting your book together! I would love to be an actual writer someday, but I lack the creativity of a good I'll simply content myself with reading awesome books instead. :) oh just read "Keeper of the Lost Cities" by Shannon Messenger and it was really good!
7/21/2013 11:58:16 am
PS....I owe you one. By reading the comments, I have a bunch of new books that I want to read now. There goes any chance for me to get anything productive done!
7/12/2013 11:26:28 am
The last book I read that was as good as House of Blades was probably the Seven Realms series by Cinda W. Chima...
7/16/2013 06:43:30 am
Seven Realms, huh? That's another one I'm unfamiliar with. My list is becoming progressively longer.
Brian S
7/13/2013 11:08:45 am
I just read 'Servant of Steel (Chaos Awakens)' by Heath Pfaff. It was a pretty amazing book, and would definitely recommend it. It's also nice and long for $3.99. Great way to kill some time while you wait for the Crimson Vault.
7/16/2013 06:46:17 am
I absolutely loved Heath Pfaff's Hungering Saga, and I've been meaning to get around to his other books. On the other hand, the way I should probably be killing time between now and The Crimson Vault is by writing Crimson Vault.
7/15/2013 01:28:41 am
Tower Lord by Anthony Ryan was pretty epic, however his next book isn't out until next year so I'm jumping ship to House of Blades... great read, looking forward to your future works.
7/16/2013 06:47:13 am
Uh, I hope you mean Blood Song. If Tower Lord is out and I somehow missed it, I'm not going to be getting any writing done for the rest of the day. Or any sleep tonight, depending on how long it is.
7/17/2013 12:36:52 am
Damn... you see where my mind is, yep Blood Song. I have just been typing Tower Lord into google too much to see if the release date changed :) 7/24/2013 12:34:05 pm
Jamie, I'm just glad I didn't miss Tower Lord. You had me freaking out for a few minutes, until Google and I had adequately determined that Blood Song was still the only book in the series. 7/16/2013 06:48:37 am
Hey, I'm glad to hear that! I quite enjoyed Within the Hollow Crown, and I think Daniel deserves more hype than he's getting. It's just a fun read, and I thought he handled the end really well.
7/15/2013 06:48:49 pm
Recently I've read three. The first was Defiler of Tombs by Wiliam king(it's not particularly new but I only just got round to reading it), the war of Stardeon as the newest book in the Bowl of Souls Trilogy by Trevor H Cooley and the the entire Imager series by L.E.Modesitt Jr. I would especially recommend the first and the last as they felt more mature than than the other series.
7/16/2013 06:51:37 am
I would consider Defiler of Tombs relatively new. I haven't gotten around to reading it either, though that really says more about my random and whimsical priorities than anything else. And I read the first three Imager books years ago...then they switched protagonists. I planned on waiting a few books until he went back to the old protagonist, as Modesitt often does, but apparently he still hasn't done it.
7/17/2013 07:12:18 pm
The whole Kormak saga is worth reading to be honest. It's very similar in style to the old fashioned books like Conrad the Barbariqn which I loved. The Heir of Night books by Helen Lowe are also very good. 7/24/2013 12:32:30 pm
In response to your second comment, Rhys:
7/16/2013 10:47:06 pm
The last really good fantasy book I read was the sort of dark mage. I thought it was hilarious. Fair warning I guess technically it's a parody but I was well entertained.
7/22/2013 01:14:00 am
Hey, I'm a big fan of parody. It's called "The Sort Of Dark Mage", you said?
8/1/2013 09:09:15 am
Yep the sort of dark Mage by Nelson Chereta.
Joe W
11/18/2013 05:35:02 am
It's THE SORT OF DARK MAGE WALDO RABBIT by Nelson Chereta. It's a hilarious book about a dark mage who lives a very sheltered life and whose mother sends him out into the world on his first quest. Since his family is all dark mages, its obvious his quest isn't rescuing princesses or doing noble or heroic acts. It's the exact opposite; his quest is to seek plunder and slaves, to pillage and kill his enemies. He is terrible at doing evil things though no matter how hard he tries. He just wants to be evil to the core to make his mother proud. It's a really fun book and the sequel is coming out 12/21.
7/22/2013 12:38:55 am
The last good book i read was actually house of blades! haha, but i just started book 6 of kevin hearne hunted (audiobook) and blood sword by terry erwin.
7/22/2013 01:14:53 am
I haven't read Hunted, but I'm a fan of Blood Sword.
7/25/2013 09:27:27 am
The last book I've read was house of blades. It was a phenomenal read. Recently I've most been reading the Dresden Files novels, but I'm sure you've already read those.
7/31/2013 06:23:05 am
The Dresden Files are among my favorite novels, and possibly my favorite ongoing series right now. I am a huge fan of Jim Butcher, and his writing was a big inspiration/encouragement to me as I was working on House of Blades.
Kyle W.
7/28/2013 06:46:40 pm
Just finished house of blades and loved it, the last great book on kindle that I read was The Blinding Knife by Brent Weeks, second in the series and before that was King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. I am currently on a reading spree and look forward to your upcoming release as well as the 3rd book from Mark Lawrence in the series. Also have a few others downloaded to my kindle just awaiting to be read, just a matter of deciding which is next!
7/31/2013 06:24:07 am
You know, I've never been a fan of Mark Lawrence's Thorns books. I tried, I really did, they're just too depressing and grimdark for me.
Francisco G
7/29/2013 02:50:06 pm
I have been reading several fantasy books since I finished house of blades. The best one among them was The Innkeeper's Son by Jeremy Brooks. However, House of Blades is by far my favorite. I particularly enjoyed that Simon is not the subject of any prophecy and wasn't born almighty. That Leah is cast in a different light from all other fantasy book princesses. She is not just struggling how to lead but has more purpose. And Alin is just a little to full of himself. Plus the concept of travelers is great. I can't wait to learn more.
7/31/2013 06:27:28 am
Thanks, Francisco!
Jody C.
8/8/2013 02:36:22 pm
Iron Druid series was awsome, but not at good as the last book I read, I'll let you guess the name? ( hint: Simon )
Vasilis Z.
8/16/2013 12:46:57 am
Hello Will Wight.
Sir Readsalot
8/27/2013 10:54:54 am
My favorite fantasy books (other than house of blades of course) would be
Sir Readsalot
8/27/2013 10:57:47 am
Another good book series is Zero sight
Joe W
11/18/2013 05:38:35 am
Yes, the author used to update his blog with pointless posts that seemed more like something he copied and pasted from other blogs about the latest news for self publishers. His last post was in April. He hasn't made a post related to the series since Oct 2012 when he said he was getting close. He's a med student (or was at this point) so people kept saying give him slack, but it's hard to do that when he hasn't even given a 'whats up' to his fan base in over a year now.
Mark jaeger
2/9/2014 07:38:32 pm
How about the stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson 2nd comes out on the fourth I've got 3 days to read it before he arrives in portland or
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