...it's because I'm writing.
There are basically no exceptions to that. When I'm trying to finish a book, I almost always lock myself in a room and hammer it out for a few weeks at a stretch. Especially when I'm writing it quickly, as I am with Soulsmith. Good news is, the book is almost finished! I'm trying to get it done this week, so that it can be washed and waxed for its incoming September release! As many of you have noticed, while I've been taking Soulsmith days off of social media, I haven't released a short story this month. It's true; I wanted to finish the book before I wrote a new short story, but it's taken about two weeks longer than I anticipated. Fortunately, I'd built that margin into my release estimate; otherwise I would have said August instead of September and I would have to prostrate myself before you as I pushed the release date back. See? I'm learning. So...short story before the end of the month, Soulsmith on time for September, and you're all awesome! Thanks for reading! -Will
8/17/2016 08:46:54 pm
All of the yes. Bring on Soulsmith. Bring on short stories. I am ready...I hope
8/17/2016 09:28:29 pm
So excited for Soulsmith! Can't wait to learn more about Cradle and all the happenings around it, let alone all the awesome new powers I hope we'll see!
8/17/2016 09:30:52 pm
Now only if your new books are readily available in South East Asia. I had to get friends to buy them for me overseas!
Aaron J.E.
8/17/2016 10:54:18 pm
Really? I never have had that problem. I've bought the majority from them when I was in Korea, but I've also bought one when I was in Vietnam and didn't have any issues. Even the Kindle store doesn't work for you? Funky...
I have no idea how the paperback market works over there, but the Kindle store should work. The book is available in all Amazon territories and domains (or so they tell me). And I get a regional breakdown of sales, and I get quite a few from Japanese and Korean domains.
8/19/2016 09:55:59 am
I'm from Malaysia btw. And yes I tried getting your books from kindle. Heck I even tried iBooks but apparently they're not available in my region! I can see the cover arts of your books dangling freaking inches away from the screen of my damn computer monitor and iPad but I can't buy them!
Awesome, Leon! Great to have you around!
8/19/2016 04:56:24 pm
I'm wondering are you trying to purchase from within the iOS Kindle app? Because due to Apple demanding money from in app sales Amazon removed in app purchase of ebooks. You should be able to use web browser to purchase from web site though.
8/19/2016 11:57:16 pm
Thanks for the suggestion Ramiro. I tried using the web browser as well. It pops out and says that 'this book is not available in your region.
8/20/2016 01:49:58 am
I get them easily on kindle. Are you sure you can't get it?
8/20/2016 03:00:13 am
I'm sorry about that, Leon. I've checked my region settings and they're correct; they should apply equally to everyone around the world. Which means that whatever's happening to you is on Amazon's side, and I'm too ignorant to even speculate.
8/17/2016 09:44:36 pm
Awesome! Soulsmith was a great read.
Jeremiah Halstead
8/19/2016 03:25:33 pm
Dastardly fellow! I name the my enemy and next we meet we dual!
Aaron J.E.
8/17/2016 11:04:02 pm
Awesome, can hardly wait for Soulsmith! It's a fun series and I definitely like the subtle Asian/Kung Fu theme. What most interests me is the chronology of the series though. Coming from the assumption that all your books are in a Cosmere-like shared multiverse, it just leads my to wonder if Cradle is the first book chronologically, or the last. I figure with dimension-shattering catastrophes happening everywhere, it sets a pretty ripe field for the creation of Territories, Elders, and other eldritch terrors as show up in your other works. (My running theory is, chronologically; Cradle, Traveler's Gate, Elder Empire).
There is a chronology, but it gets a little messy because each world has its own timeline separate from the universal one the Abidan keep. So it gets a little...shifty. Hard to keep track of, I can tell you that.
Aaron J.E.
8/18/2016 05:28:11 pm
Awesome! That throws a wrench into my head canon, but cool to know anyway. Look forward to seeing more from Cradle, and really looking forward to seeing the conclusion to the Elder Empire. Keep fighting the good fight!
8/18/2016 04:23:09 am
Well, at least you were working. I had figured you for incapacitated or on one of those vacations that involves you leaving for one day and being gone for six weeks. And you were attacked by wolves. And were nearly eaten. And you had to resort to cannibalism for food. And then you had to face the sofa!
8/19/2016 06:22:20 am
How long did it take you to make the cell tower for free wifi?
8/18/2016 08:00:16 am
Fantastic! Looking forward to it all :D
8/18/2016 08:04:35 am
Nice. I told myself there wasn't anyway. There was no way that I would like a new series written by you as much as I liked the other two. To be honest I didn't even intend to read the new series because I was so sure of that. Well, I did read it, and you have done it again. Amazing read, it flows well, and I love the way the book ends. It makes you anticipate the next book in the series so much. You've hooked me Mr. Wight. I will never doubt you again. If you write it, I am reading it, even if it is a book on the proper way to clean a sofa. Again, well done.
8/23/2016 10:34:30 am
If you were to write such a book I have no doubt it would be entertaining.
8/24/2016 04:01:29 pm
The furniture is somehow enchanted and the royal dynasty which rules the empire wisely and fairly will all die off if the stains cannot be removed because reasons.
James Johnson
8/18/2016 05:21:56 pm
Hey Will,
I've never heard of that series before, but based on a quick google, the concept looks hilarious.
8/19/2016 07:03:45 am
(This came out a bit longer than I expected, lol. Let's see if there's a character limit!)
8/20/2016 09:01:21 pm
As always, your transparency and access makes your work even more enjoyable. It is a pleasure to be a fan of yours.
8/27/2016 05:24:36 am
I tremble when I ask what your father is. Now that I think of it, he's probably a wight.
8/21/2016 04:47:51 pm
It's taken me a long time to get it, Bryce!
8/24/2016 09:59:59 am
Quit pushing my buttons! I mean release dates!
8/27/2016 05:29:31 am
Don't listen to Jeremiah, there is no hatred here, only books, shhh, yes go back to writing.
Caned Jeremiah
8/30/2016 03:35:52 pm
Not offended, just wondered which territory the cane was summoned from
8/25/2016 05:24:46 pm
I just read Unsoulled and let me tell you it was a complete distraction from work. I couldn't put it down.
8/27/2016 05:26:13 am
As long as you keep up the good fight, I am satisfied. I follow authors who are far less less transparent and release far ower. In other words, bruh you good.
Alex Martin
8/27/2016 05:18:54 pm
Will give us a range of days that the book may be released on I'm so excited and I really want to know what will happen as lindon progresses on the path of twin stars
8/29/2016 11:18:11 am
Out of curiosity will I have time to get both my characters to 110 so I can read Soulsmith while I'm in dungeon queues or will I walk off cliffs because I'm attempting to level a character and read Soulsmith at the same time?
8/29/2016 07:03:52 pm
Medivh and Dawnbringer.
8/31/2016 07:59:33 am
8/31/2016 12:15:15 pm
When's your surgery, Chris? Because if it's tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't be able to help.
8/31/2016 04:16:10 pm
It is supposed to be Tuesday, but I just heard from the scheduler that the doctor might need to move it to Friday. I am feeling optimistically hopeful the book will be ready, but understand if it isn't.
8/31/2016 11:44:52 pm
I sit here, waiting for the August short story, and my first thought is, you're late! Then I realized something, you could totally slow way down and be producing far faster than most authors. So I don't even care if it's two months from now, as long as it eventually exists.
9/1/2016 09:42:00 am
I have been jumping at every email notification seeing it's not the short story then frantically refreshing just to make sure..... I think my eye is starting to twitch....
9/2/2016 07:01:31 am
No worries Will, though we often comment on your tardiness it's really just that complaining makes us feel better. I guess we are all just whiners at heart...
9/1/2016 11:43:23 am
I tried not to, but I did anyway. I was going to save the traveler's gate trilogy to read in the hospital as a fallback, but my impatience seemed to win out. I have read them now 5 times through, including this last time. The only series I have read more is Harry Potter. But, I had a lot more time on my hands when that came out. I was sitting in Iraq either patrolling or reading through the first 5 books in the series. I'm pulling for you to finish the book! I will leave it alone now. I have invoked the rule of 3 with my comments and now I trust that the God of writing will support me in the completion of soulsmith! However, I am feeling pessimistically hopeful today and if you don't finish, which is understandable as you pump out books faster than any other author I read, I will go for the sixth time through Traveler's gate trilogy. Honestly, I don't know how you do it. Getting quality books out expediently that is. Generally, either it takes years to get books out, or authors get them out too quickly and the book is horrible. You are a gem Mr. Wight, and as stated on an earlier comment if you write it I will read it.
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