In case you missed it, Waybound is up on Amazon in Kindle and paperback! We announced it on our other social media platforms, but I didn't realize we'd need another blog post so fast. Amazon really got the book up quickly this time.
If you haven't read it already, enjoy! And try to keep big spoilers out of the comments, if you don't mind. A lot of people haven't finished the book yet, and audiobook listeners aren't going to get it until tomorrow. I hope you like it! -Will
6/5/2023 06:08:41 am
Thanks, Will!
6/5/2023 06:54:03 am
Thanks for the hard work! Loving the book so far.
6/5/2023 07:46:03 am
Awesome job, a great end to one of my favorite series. Thanks so much and looking forward to more of your books, they never disappoint me. Though if it ever passes your fancy I’m still waiting for more travelers gate.
6/5/2023 07:46:23 am
I know the canceled pre-orders might be rough. But I'm here a day early reading the conclusion of one of, if not the most anticipated series in my house. Myself and my 3 sons have been counting down the days to the 6th, but went ballistic when they heard it's out today.
6/5/2023 08:46:24 am
Describe unsold to me, wrong answers only
6/5/2023 09:10:39 am
Lindon places his fingers into the bowl, I mean onto the button labeled "release ebooks." Nothing happened. The books were unsold.
6/5/2023 11:57:10 am
A child living in an armory blows it up
6/9/2023 02:30:34 pm
Buff child who is weak a almost kills himself many times (ok and dies like once)
Ekele Aga Ogbadu
6/5/2023 09:30:58 am
Thank you so much
Brian Block
6/5/2023 11:32:22 am
Reading it now, thank you so much Will!
Not suspicious
6/5/2023 12:13:17 pm
I want you to know I have already finished the book and I am screaming. It’s so incredibly good, I have no regrets not sleeping last night.
6/5/2023 01:35:49 pm
Waybound was well worth the wait! Thanks Will and everyone else at Hidden Gnome. You’re all so lovely.
6/5/2023 01:43:25 pm
I read it for 10 hours straight after a blessed soul found the link. Stayed up four and a half hours late, it was so worth it. I loved this book.
Jason Davis
6/5/2023 02:57:00 pm
Halfway done! Had to stop myself from skipping sleep when I saw it was online.
Godking of the Outer Lithosphere
6/5/2023 04:07:19 pm
I, for one, am outraged that my preorder was canceled. Furious! I shall go on hunger strike!
6/5/2023 05:40:22 pm
6/5/2023 08:44:56 pm
See this is not funny, I have a final tomorrow but instead I’m going to stay up till midnight, doing the book equivalent of binging, this is UNFAIR. The book is simply too tempting.
6/5/2023 11:17:30 pm
I finished three book, am now crying because it’s over and I will most definitely be exhausted for my final tomorrow because it is in fact the middle of the night. This is your fault
6/8/2023 11:33:41 am
I'm sure the final test resonated somehow with the final book and you're one step closer to manifesting the Dry Icon and becoming a Sage
6/5/2023 06:11:49 pm
Just finished my final re-read of the series but I messed up: I didn’t start imagining Yerrin as having Sam Elliot’s voice till Underlord. Dammit
6/5/2023 10:01:13 pm
Just finished. And loved every second of it!
6/5/2023 10:34:35 pm
It’s 1:30 am and I finished it. Thank you Will, thank you for this sleepless night
6/6/2023 12:03:01 am
It was a lovely monday morning surprise to be able to get Waybound a day early! I just finished it and I want to say: thank you for providing such a wonderful conclusion to a series.
brian w. oakes
6/6/2023 01:28:03 am
Just occurred to me but emriss silentborn is the remnant of the dead monarch. But she is a monarch now to. If the remnant emriss is killed will she produce another remnant or just poof out of existence?
Jason Davis
6/7/2023 12:25:06 pm
The book actually mentions that. Yes, new remnant. Not sure how that works.
Will E
6/17/2023 01:25:44 am
Emriss was a Herald when she was killed by enemy Monarchs, but yes, she would leave a new Remnant if she were killed now
Stephen e
6/6/2023 07:52:08 am
I'm almost halfway through it
6/6/2023 09:10:04 am
I just saw that Waybound still made it to #1 on the Kindle store despite the pre-orders mix up! Congrats, Will!! You’ve changed all of our lives by taking us on this incredible journey.
Dominik Washington
6/6/2023 11:01:05 am
What happened to Oth’kimeth’s presence in the Mad King? This can't be the end of there journey we still have so much to learn. Is Lindon a monarch? Did Northstrider join the Abidan or did he get lost in the Way like Lindon and instead joined another separate group? Who replaced Makiel? Did Dross get an upgrade to the level of an Abidan presence? And most importantly is The Way safe for us to travel?
6/6/2023 11:23:24 am
Did the Dross copies get an upgrade? Or did they get new ones?
6/6/2023 11:27:09 am
Dross named that for sure in the end. What bet did they lose where dross got naming rights?
6/6/2023 12:27:40 pm
Thank you Will!
6/6/2023 03:03:05 pm
The reunion between Lindon and Eithen had me crying and laughing within 2 paragraphs. Such a wonderful conclusion to a series. Thank you for entertaining me.
6/6/2023 06:41:46 pm
I just finished the book. Had tears in my eyes the last hundred pages. Thanks for the journey and I look forward to the next ones!
6/6/2023 09:36:05 pm
I feel like Lindon I need more always more
6/11/2023 04:25:12 pm
Same i could read another 10 books about this group. Need more.
6/6/2023 10:48:34 pm
First I wanted to say that thus is one of the best book endings ever. Me and my sister were not sure it was possible to wrap up all the story with one book. And without giving anything away I loved how you ended it. You could have drown out the story for another two or even three books. However whit the quick wrap up and the solid conclusions which left other stuff to the imagination. Left me with a sense of adventure and imagination, while giving me a sense of conclusion. They did what they were going to do and did a fantastic job but there lives still have meaning and purpose, along with possible struggles. Left me feeling like I was really there and that it was all real. Not just a happy ending but one with mystery.
6/8/2023 11:39:31 am
Though it was revealed Whisper could venture out whenever he wanted, we got plenty of scenes throughout the book indicating the people in Sacred Valley didn't have the handle on the Sacred Arts like they thought. So I assume the lock was another indicator of this.
6/30/2023 11:20:55 am
Whisper chose to remain in the tower. It was a useful role to play in sacred valley while performing his real role, which was to guard entrances to the labyrinth. As the other commenter mentioned, Whisper could have broken out whenever he wanted, he just chose to play that role for the Wei clan as a front for his true purpose.
6/7/2023 01:01:24 am
Thank you so much will!!! You’re the only author I know who can make the ending to an action based book so poetic and satisfying. I’m going to miss cradle, but I’m more exited to see what you do next.
6/7/2023 05:36:31 am
Finished. I feel so... empty. I can't believe it's over. What a ride. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Will.
Calvin Wait
7/11/2023 06:36:27 am
About to manifest the Void Icon question mark
6/7/2023 07:53:27 am
I just finished the book. It was an amazing series and i enjoyed every minute of it. So all i have left to say is.
Marvin B.
6/7/2023 08:55:32 am
Gratitude! It has been a pleasure to read this series from Day 1.
Aaron Nagy
6/7/2023 01:38:16 pm
Keith S
6/7/2023 02:03:50 pm
Will—thank you for this series. Waybound was terrific, I just finished my 2nd read through, so much closure and catharsis. Really excellent work. But more broadly I’d just like to thank you for the hundreds of hours of entertainment you’ve provided me over the last decade. The number of times I’ve rocked back in my chair and said ‘holy crap.’ The number of dreams I’ve literally had about this series. Just phenomenal stuff. Thank you.
Jared Perrone
6/8/2023 03:06:00 pm
I have nothing left to look forward to and only an all-consuming sense of emptiness.”
Taylor Hebert
6/8/2023 08:06:15 pm
"One of the closer ‘stars,’ a large point of green light, was drifting closer. As it did, Yerin could make it out more clearly. It wasn’t a star, or a planet, though it glowed. It was a kind of worm. Or a grub. Perhaps millions of them, joined together."
6/9/2023 02:32:14 am
Absolutly love the entire series! Wished there were more! But glad you stopped where you did. Maybe we can revisit the way or another Iteration in the future! Thank you again!!!
6/9/2023 10:16:07 am
A fantastic ending to a fantastic series. I genuinely can't think of another series with a finale as satisfying as this one. Ziel's final scene had me laughing out loud!
6/9/2023 03:16:25 pm
Just finished. Amazing finale to possibly my favorite series. Definitely top 3. But now I'm sad because it's over. Now I have to turn to hard drugs and underground bare knuckle fighting to get my kicks. Thanks Will.
It can’t end
6/9/2023 04:08:00 pm
It really can’t end!!! I have so many questions. Will I am sending an email to avoid spoilers!
6/9/2023 05:06:12 pm
Just got my copy today!!! So excited!
6/9/2023 05:51:12 pm
<points in Peter Parker>
6/10/2023 10:29:02 am
This book was amazing. I could read another 5 books about these characters. One of my fav series by far. Great job sir.
6/10/2023 12:34:54 pm
From Cradle to the Grave. Sooo…when does The Grave series start?
6/10/2023 03:31:11 pm
Wait, is the transition from “the crade” to “the grave” a metaphor for life and how we all go through a similar journey by growing up and leaving our own cradles (both metaphorically and literally) and pass through our lives as we inevitably die and go into graves. If this is the case, is lindon’s rapid transition from cradle to grave a foreshadow of his untimely death?
6/11/2023 11:15:53 am
Bleed and bury me. I just finished it! I absolutely cherished every moment. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the characters. And pleaseeee let us know if there will be a spin off/continuation... A man can dream!
Johnathan Blanchard
6/11/2023 03:49:09 pm
There wasn't nearly enough Eithen in this one for my taste. Also, and this really can't be overstated, wherever shall I get tips on proper haircare without new Cradle books? By the time we get another book in this universe (iteration?) I will be a completely unkempt barbarian ostracized from society for my appearance.
6/13/2023 08:21:09 am
I want to say you guys are really incredible, looking for other things to read (listen to, technically) now that Cradle is finished (and wow what a satisfying conclusion), and obviously popularity is one of the things I use as an indicator of quality in a series, and I use reviews counts and ratings a sort of proxy for that.
6/13/2023 12:24:43 pm
I just finished the book. I usually can't put your books down. I finish them in 1 or 2 days at most. This time I couldn't bring myself to do that. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book, but as I read closer and closer to the end I felt this sense of loss. I have read each of these books multiple times and love the characters. The closest feelings I can equate this to was when I moved in 8th grade and knew I would never see my childhood friends again. I got to the point where I would read a page and put the book down, but then I couldn't think of anything besides picking it up and reading again. It was a great finish to the series and is already one of my favorite books, but I am now in a period of mourning. I don't know if I should curse you or compliment you Will. I guess I can do both, Damn you Will Wight, you did a great job!
6/22/2023 10:15:33 am
I had a similar ride while reading the book. After finishing Waybound, I read the Captain and loved it and then picked up Waybound again and had a blast. Thanks Will for giving us such a memorable and likable cast
Calvin Wait
7/11/2023 06:50:15 am
My thoughts exactly. I have become numb to this feeling because of the dozens of series I have finished. This one definitely hit me harder though, so, curse you Will, I’m so happy you made me sad.
6/15/2023 08:33:46 pm
It was soooo good ! 😢I tried to read it slowly but I couldn’t 😢
6/17/2023 08:03:52 am
Quick question but wasn't there supposed to be a couple of special free chapters published here? I think there was 1 that was spoiler free but there was supposed to be at least 1 more that had spoilers, or did i miss them?
7/2/2023 02:40:18 pm
Yeah it’s on the main page; just click on the logo at the top of the screen and it should take you there. Then, scroll down right beneath the Waybound image and there’ll be a line like “Looking for the Kickstarter content?” It’s right by that.
6/17/2023 01:01:32 pm
Just finished, would have finished sooner but I decided to start the series from the beginning about 2 days before it came out. You really do know how to finish a series. Here's hoping there's some big crossover series someday but even if there wasn't thank you, it's hard to compress everything into a blog reply so instead I'll just say "this series was amazing.".
Calvin Wait
7/11/2023 06:57:10 am
In one of the earlier Cradle books, Suriel is floating In the way outside of sector 11. It’s small, but she mentions looking at Amalgam and seeing little worlds surrounding the main world in the iteration. These are the “Territories” that are shown in the Travelers Gate Trilogy. Just a little cross reference to his first books.
6/17/2023 05:21:52 pm
That was a great ending to the series. Loved it.
Omar Siddiqi
6/21/2023 03:34:25 pm
I need to know when there will be signed copies leather of all the other books. I must buy them to complete my collection!!!
6/22/2023 10:18:05 am
Agreed. After signing up for this kickstarter, I'm now flooded with unrelated Pledgebox stuff and fear missing the only one that matters....More Will Wight Kickstarters
6/28/2023 07:28:01 am
Thanks for the great book and for not just ending it, but showing a bit of what was going on after they finished.
Dave M
6/29/2023 01:56:19 pm
I am confused - I was dragging my heels reading the book as I didn’t want the series to end… but when the book ends I thought it was all a trick and the ‘cradle’ series has ended but now we continue with ‘grave’ or ‘the way’ etc…. Please tell me I am right - it can’t be over :(
7/2/2023 11:25:41 am
I am so excited for your next series! Grave, a continuing story! Just kidding but seriously!! Please!!!!!!
echo waybound.txt > my_brain
7/5/2023 08:21:53 am
a satisfying conclusion to a great series. didn't want to say goodbye to a main character that i actually liked in a series.
Calvin Wait
7/11/2023 07:00:03 am
Put simply,
7/13/2023 08:03:23 pm
Thanks so much for the stories. I've had so much fun in Cradle. The selfish reader in me hopes there's more to come. Never say never...but if it's never, you've still got a lifetime fan who loves your work's warmth, humor, and magic. Thank you, Mr. Wright!
7/13/2023 09:13:52 pm
Mr. Wight, please forgive the error. Apologies.
7/22/2023 01:42:08 am
No July Blog? Hope this means you're ok and taking a much deserved rest after 10 years of awesomeness. To make the wait for the next installment of The Captain and/or other amazing Wight stories, how about more suggestions for our reading pleasure? The Iron Prince was spot on, but no one seems to spit out greatness as fast as you do, so maybe we need like 20 Iron Prince equivalent suggestions to make it to your next book. I think we're hungry enough:) Also, not sure others are now getting spammed with pledgebox, etc, which isn't bad per se, but we risk missing the one spam we want, which is the next kickstarter so we can eventually get a complete limited edition set of the remaining cradle books. Not sure if it's easier on you or the fans to do it all in one big kickstarter, but I'd be up for purchasing the full set. Plus not sure of interest in the other series, but let's say the kickstarter reaches $500,000, add the option to add limited editions of your other completed series. I do want a set of The Last Horizon, but can wait for the complete series on that one
11/14/2023 11:15:44 pm
Your destiny in the digital realm awaits – become the master of your game!
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Waybound Last Written: "Eithan smiled." Amount Complete: 99% Archives
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