Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I come before you this afternoon to address the most common question I am asked every day: "When, sir, will you release City of Light unto us?" (It's usually phrased exactly like that) The short answer is I don't know. The useful answer is "PROBABLY between March 30th and April 10th," because on April 10th I'll be leaving for PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts. And now that I've gotten those more helpful responses out of the way, hit the jump for a longer answer: First of all, thanks for taking the time to ask me a question! I know people are impatient because they enjoyed the first few books, and that humbles me and encourages me to keep writing. Your enthusiasm is encouraging, and it's the fuel that keeps me going! But please, allow me to tell you why my answers have been wishy-washy, uncertain, or just plain wrong. I'm not releasing it to you now because it's not finished, not because I'm picky. If you've read my first two books, and I assume you have, you know that I don't obsess over perfection in my work. I'm not Patrick Rothfuss or George R.R. Martin, who make sure every word is selected with great care before they release a book. I'm just trying to give you the best story I can as quickly as I can. If I released the book to you now, you wouldn't like it. You would even be angry at me. But I do promise you that I will publish City of Light at the first moment I can. That may mean that you don't have much advance warning (though I'll keep you as up-to-date as I can), but that's one of the consequences of working the way I do. Which brings me to my next point: please, those of you who yearn for City of Light, let me explain why I can't give you an accurate release date ahead of time. It's because I, unlike traditionally published authors, release my books as soon as they're complete. Someone with a publishing company, like Brandon Sanderson or practically any other author you've heard of, has to give their book to a publishing company who takes, say, six months to turn the finished manuscript into something they can ship to bookstores. They know exactly how long that process takes, so whenever the author finishes the manuscript, they can say "Hey, readers! The book will be available to you in six months!" And that's a nice long, comfortable time for people to prepare, and pre-order, and salivate over the book. I also know how long it takes me to put my book up for sale: about six hours. So, for someone with a publishing company, giving you an accurate release date as quickly as possible looks like this: "Book 3 will be out on October 27th, because that's six months away! Mark your calendars!" For me, it looks like this: "Book 3 will be out tomorrow morning! Mark your calendars!" It's not quite the same. In an effort to sate your unquenchable desire for sword-swingin', monster-choppin' action, I've given you some estimates about when the next book is going to come out. Almost invariably, I've been wrong. To a large degree, that's my fault; I've given you my most optimistic guesses, when I should have given you my most pessimistic. Instead of saying, "Well, I could have this done in three months, as long as nothing whatsoever happens in my life at all..." I should have said, "Let's assume that over the next few months my car breaks down, I fall in love, we grow apart, I fall out of love, she stalks me for three months, we finally confront each other in a climactic duel to the death over a rain-slicked rooftop, and she falls to her death, then when I go to hide the body I find that there is no body...only a blood-scrawled note that reads 'REVENGE.'" Under those circumstances, writing a book would naturally take longer. But unpredictability is also the nature of the process. I'm against this in general, so don't tell anybody, but at a certain point in the process of writing CoL, I actually started over. The story was pulling me in too many different directions, and I effectively had to go back to the drawing board. That didn't exactly set me back to square one--I still had all my notes, and there's a good portion of CoL's plot that has always lived in the back of my head--but it was still a delay. And I should prepare for those delays, because I know that something unexpected always happens. To recap: I'm in the final stretches of CoL, but I am behind my wildly optimistic schedule. I'm working all day, every day, to get this out as soon as possible. It's technically possible that I could still get it released before the end of March, but let's be more realistic: I have to have it done before April 10th, because that's when I'm leaving for PAX East. So, for now, let's say that City of Light will be published on April 10th. Who knows? It might be before that. But if you mark your calendar for April 10th, and it ends up coming out on April 7th, then I'll look like a hero. As opposed to when I fail to release it in March, and then I delay until April 7th, I look like a vagabond. I mean, I kind of look like a vagabond anyway. But you get the gist. Also, to make this ridiculously long post even longer, I should point out that I hate delaying books. You might not know that, considering how I pushed The Crimson Vault, The Lightning Wastes, and City of Light all back from their original release dates, but I really do. It pains me deeply. I despise having to do it, and in the future I'll keep my original release dates vague and/or pessimistic, so that I won't let you down. The only reason I ever push dates back at all is because there's only one thing I hate worse than pushing a book back: giving you a book you won't enjoy. And that's not something I'm willing to do. (NOTE: Also, I beg you to take into consideration the fact that when I say "push a book back," I mean 1-3 weeks. Not months or years. Have mercy on me, I'm working as fast as I can!)
3/26/2014 07:55:56 am
Authors missing a release date is honestly one of the things that drives me insane. I have flat out stopped reading some authors because they do it over and over. I think its simple if you do not KNOW when you can get a book out and I mean 100% even barring issues then just keep your mouth shut.
3/26/2014 08:04:58 am
I agree with you completely, Bryce.
3/27/2014 01:51:11 am
I like the way Brandon Sanderson shows progress on his webpage. He shows the percentage done for several stages of his work ("first draft", "final draft", "first proof", etc.). Your process has fewer stages than his, but I think his general method could be applied to your books as well. I would only hope that you would update the percentages more frequently than he does (sometimes Sanderson's do not get updated for several weeks) 3/27/2014 02:30:18 am
You've actually touched on a good reason why I don't do that, Joe. I could, of course, put up a percentage bar, but there's no way for me to use it to give you an accurate idea of where I am in the process.
3/27/2014 04:09:43 am
"...but there's no way for me to use it to give you an accurate idea of where I am in the process..." 3/27/2014 05:02:32 am
It feels like a Catch-22 to me. I'm either guessing in a blog post or guessing in a progress bar. And I don't know if you're familiar with www.goblinscomic.org (currently on hiatus as the author deals with some mental health issues), but he has an "X Days Until the Next Comic!" ticker on the top left of his screen. It looks really cool, and it's very handy...
3/27/2014 06:44:36 am
It is definitely NOT a Catch 22. I am pretty sure Sanderson is too smart to do something if it is completely paradoxical. 3/27/2014 08:23:58 am
Hey, Joe, obviously I've been miscommunicating something in my tone, and for that I apologize. I'm not trying to argue, I'm really not. I'm just explaining my reasoning for why I don't have a progress bar on the site.
3/28/2014 06:52:48 pm
Deer Joe,
3/30/2014 03:17:37 pm
4/7/2014 08:02:45 am
Brandon Sanderson has a set process that he goes through and even still sometimes the percentages reflect reality. It's like that for pretty much everything. I'm going to be closing a business deal hopefully within the next two weeks. I've been working on it for about 10 months. If I had a progress bar on it, it would have been stuck at 99% for over half a year now. Sometimes things just work out like that. 4/7/2014 09:05:35 am
Ten months, as a matter of fact. I released HoB on June 1st, 2013.
3/26/2014 08:01:32 am
You're a rock star and we love you/your work. The wife and I eagerly await the release of CoL, but we're happy you're creating the best product possible. Take your time and make it great!
3/26/2014 08:06:53 am
Thanks, Adam! You can rest assured that I'm working as hard as I can to get a complete book ready for you as soon as possible. Also, after City of Light, I'm changing my "release date announcement" policy completely in order to avoid situations like this.
3/31/2014 04:57:48 pm
I know I don't speak for most people when O say this but I prefer when authors put out a rough estimate of the time till completion and then push it back because it gives me an extremely rough estimate of when the book will come out and that helps me. So my point is the way you have been announcing the release dates for this book has been the perfect style for me. Keep up the great work, and you will always have a faithful fan in me. 4/1/2014 02:27:14 am
I'll do my best, Sean! In my ideal, rose-colored future, I would only move release dates UP, not back. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach that promised utopia, but that's what I'm striving for.
3/26/2014 08:57:50 am
Along with this, if you need beta readers, I'm sure many of us (myself included) would love to volunteer (and/or even pay to do so).
3/27/2014 02:33:16 am
It is weird how quickly we consume stories, isn't it? Brandon Sanderson spent two years to produce a ridiculously long novel (Words of Radiance), and then I finish reading it in hours. It almost doesn't seem fair. That's one reason why I try to put content out as fast as I can!
3/26/2014 09:02:06 am
I was the head content editor at a now defunct small publishing house. Our release times from the point we accepted a book or received it from the author were incredibly fast. Literary agents loved going with us because of how fast we got the book released. The point is, we were fast and it still took 2 to 3 months to get the book to readers. Most people don't realize just how much work needs to be done on a book even after the writing process is finished. While I am chomping at the bit to read City of Light, I completely understand what you're up against in trying to finish your publication process so quickly. Keep up the great work and release another great product when it is ready. We'll still be here daily checking the blog for the release because your books are worth it.
3/27/2014 02:35:51 am
Wow, that's a cool story! It is kind of hard when I get these emails asking me to hurry up, or when people say 'Hey, get back to work!' when I post something else. I 100% understand that it's good-natured encouragement, and on an individual level it never bothers me at all, but when it starts to pile up...I can't help but think, "You know, I really do work all day. Honest!"
Sarah Johnson
3/26/2014 09:06:03 am
Your books have been amazing and I'm so excited to read the next one. I think it's awesome that you give an ongoing update of where you're at in the process and completely understandable that what you say isn't set in stone. My anticipation just keeps growing! Anyone grumpy with you can suck it. I would rather wait than have a book that wasn't up to par. Thank you for your work.
3/27/2014 02:37:23 am
Thanks, Sarah! I don't blame people for being grumpy, especially when I WANTED to have it out at the end of February. It was mostly my fault for suggesting inaccurate release dates.
Tim K
3/26/2014 11:41:32 am
Know that your hard work is appreciated. Don't let us chumps stress you out :) take yourself a break after this one eh?
3/27/2014 02:41:36 am
The funny part is that, even though I've been working myself to the bone the past few weeks, Crimson Vault was still more stressful. For City of Light, I've had six months to slowly work on the book, put out short story collections, get the business side of things in order, etc. I've had to adjust to running things as a self-published business, and that's been harder than anything else.
4/8/2014 10:21:32 am
You should call it Shadows Over Seaworld 4/8/2014 10:56:48 pm
"And here comes Sha'mu'dar, our trained Shoggoth! Now, feast upon the minds of men! Feast upon them! Very goooood!"
Elder Empire 3
12/19/2016 01:35:10 pm
Third time EE was mentioned. Sea and shadows.....so you side with Calder!
3/26/2014 11:42:57 am
I am dying to read your book! Can`t wait for it to come out. I would really love to see the cover. Can't wait for CoL to come out. Take your time (not too much) to give us a good book.
3/27/2014 02:42:07 am
I got the final cover this morning, actually! I'm waiting on a few minor tweaks, and then I'll put it up here. Probably next week.
Ben G
3/26/2014 12:12:10 pm
Well, now I feel bad for stalking you on twitter, facebook, and all other ways that may or may not involve your closet and an army of woodchuck mindslaves. Well, a little.
3/27/2014 02:42:34 am
I appreciated the woodchucks, actually. They were delicious when properly seasoned and wood-grilled.
Ben G
3/28/2014 12:25:37 pm
M-M-My woodchucks?? 4/1/2014 02:28:33 am
Avid-reader ghosts are the worst kind. Every time you open your book, it's "Woooooo~ you kiiiiillllllled meeeeee~"
Jack S
3/26/2014 12:52:06 pm
Man I wouldn't sweat it. It seems like everyone is making a big deal about it but a couple of days later then your predicted beats a month or even a couple of weeks. I'm geeked about it but I can totally wait. Thanks for your hard work. You're a legend.
3/27/2014 02:43:51 am
That's what they told me back in ancient Greece: "Will, you are a legend! We will paint your exploits on our pottery so that you will never be forgotten!"
Brett Sherman
3/26/2014 01:46:37 pm
This world that you have build is truly fun to explore! Thank you for the hard work and dedication to your readers. Looking forward to COL and all future publications!
3/27/2014 02:45:33 am
Thanks, Brett! That's my goal: books that are fun for you to read, and fun for me to write.
3/26/2014 01:48:16 pm
I will forgive you if you release chapter 1 / prologue :D
3/27/2014 02:47:03 am
Don't do it, you madman!
3/26/2014 01:48:24 pm
No mercy! The fanatic Fans would eventually turn cannibal the sacrafice must be paid before that happens
3/27/2014 02:47:43 am
Back! Back, you ravenous beasts!
3/26/2014 03:39:04 pm
Great post, Will. As a somewhat rediculous optimist myself, I know what you mean about over promising on deadlines. I really do feel pain when I can't deliver something on time, but there is so much pressure to pin down a date that it still happens on occasion. I've learned to second guess my optimism and double or triple my time, but that feels like cheating or lying somehow. Creativity doesn't seem to use the same clock as other parts of my life, so I am forever underestimating the time it takes. Anyway, the point I think I was heading for is that most of us understand. Your books have been immensely enjoyable and I would rather have (another) great book to read tomorrow than a good book to read today. Thank you for all the hard work.
3/26/2014 04:01:26 pm
Will, you realize if you are even one day late on the release, all of us will summon the portals of our respective territories and have the combined forces of the 11 territories hanging over your head until you finish the book.
3/26/2014 04:04:55 pm
Sorry forgot to mention that you do great work and we all worship at your feet. Unless you muss the release date then reference the above comment.
3/27/2014 02:49:31 am
Don't worry, I'm not going to push it back again. That would be too much even for me, especially in a format where I can publish changes later.
3/26/2014 09:51:42 pm
Putting a deadline on an artist to complete his work has never worked, in any era, ever. Wasn't the Sistine Chapel like 19 years late? Anyone who doesn't understand this also gets mad at the meteorologist, too.
3/27/2014 02:50:42 am
Man, that's a great idea. I should give predictions like a meteorologist:
3/31/2014 03:44:14 am
I like this.
3/27/2014 03:13:30 am
Did she get revenge?... I mean after you found the blood scrawled note...
3/27/2014 04:56:52 am
I haven't seen her, but sometimes I could swear I feel eyes on me in the darkness. Watching...waiting...
3/27/2014 05:45:23 am
Awww, possibly having to wait until April 10th to read the 3rd book is the worst news I've heard this week. The previous worst was Facebook buying Oculus VR, but I digress. In reality I can't complain. The fact you've been able to put out such great novels less than a year apart is amazing. Look at GRR Martin: 5 years for A Dance with Dragons and probably at least 4 for The Winds of Winter. And I can't help but worry he's going to pull a Robert Jordan on us, unfortunately this time they'll be no notes and Brandon Sanderson to finish up. So, please, take all the time you need, just don't die before April 10th. Have some blank-slate clones handy just in case....
4/1/2014 02:29:38 am
Hey, I posted some great news today regarding my own partnership with Facebook! I'm confident that it will take me to the same lofty heights as Oculus Rift.
3/27/2014 06:14:54 am
I am out of surgery and my cyborg parts are...well i haven't adjusted to them yet.
4/1/2014 02:30:20 am
I hear that the extendable-retractable arm is the one that takes the most adjustment time, but it could be the rocket boots.
3/27/2014 06:24:24 am
Im a impatient guy in most cases in my life, but when it comes to books publications, i try to be patient. Im a guy with anxiety problems, so i understand stress well-enough not to wish it on anybody.
4/1/2014 02:31:11 am
Well, I know it irritates me when authors push dates back, so I hate to do that to people. In the future, I'm going to take steps to avoid doing that again.
Henrik Welle-Watne
3/27/2014 06:50:10 am
Jeez man, it seems like you are going to get an ulcer if you keep fretting over the date. Take the time you need, so you can deliver another homerun like the two first books. We fans will survive if a book comes a month behind schedule. It would be worse if you screwed us like Scott Lynch. Made us wait a trillion years and then delivers the by far weakest book in his series( argh, still annoyes me just thinking about it). This is by far the best series I have read when the publication dates is so close apart( Does this make any sense? English isn't my main language)
3/27/2014 08:29:57 am
You made complete sense, and honestly your grammar and sentence construction were better than many native English speakers I know.
Henrik Welle-Watne
3/27/2014 08:47:36 am
" But the book's coming, and at the very least, I can promise you some cool fights."
Logan Russell
3/27/2014 07:57:46 am
Fell off a roof and left a bloody scrawl behind?! .....(sigh)..... You have my sincerest apologies. The T-X series of terminators have proven to be something of disappointment. Rest assured that the next model we send (for missing a due date) will be fully upgraded and ready to complete its task.
4/1/2014 02:32:38 am
I was wondering. When she pulled out a machete, I was like..."What? That's it? Not even an RPG, or a satellite-guided missile strike?"
3/27/2014 10:17:29 am
I cant wait for October 27th! Take your time bro, I can't wait to read it.
4/1/2014 02:33:12 am
Thanks, Juan! Turns out this is all part of my long-term troll: making you wait until Halloween for the book.
MD frontera Ecuador (Jaime)
3/27/2014 04:54:14 pm
(I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover blablabla) but house of blade cover was amazing. That's the main reason I bought it actually. Before this series the only fantasy books I red years ago were Harry potter series. Because of travelers gate trilogy and specially the delay of COL I've discovered other great books like prince of thornes, steelheart, Dresden files,etc... I've been reading like crazy waiting for COL so thank you a lot. Can't wait for COL and your next trilogy.
4/1/2014 02:36:19 am
Hey, I had no trouble understanding you, so your English is fine as far as I'm concerned.
3/27/2014 07:51:05 pm
Just a few words of encouragement from a reader yonder Viking way! Even here in cold, remote Scandinavia you've got avid readers (myself obviously included), and even though we've gobbled up your previous books and short stories like ravenous berserkers, we are, in fact, capable of smearing on a bit of patience lotion. ;) Like others have said repeatedly before; breathe deeply, take your time and publish the book when it's good and ready.
Tim K
3/28/2014 12:28:19 pm
patience lotion...
Tim K
3/28/2014 12:37:19 pm
3/28/2014 07:10:20 pm
Pwahahaha! I can SO see that happening! Though there are perhaps other authors more prone to pit-usage than Will...! GRRM, anyone? I imagine he has a massive dark pit more like one of those freak sinkholes in his back yard for all the angry readers, and a whole warehouse full of patience lotion. 4/1/2014 02:37:24 am
Hey. That's why they call me Buffalo Will.
4/1/2014 04:16:21 am
Aye, aye, cap'n! I'll even go so far as to write him a letter in Norse runes. ;) They teach us that at school here, you know. 4/1/2014 05:59:00 am
Yeah, I assumed that. Inscribing runes is probably one of the required subjects in Scandinavia, right? Just like here in America, they teach us hot-dog eating and bald-eagle wrangling. Same sort of thing.
3/27/2014 08:02:06 pm
""Let's assume that over the next few months my car breaks down, I fall in love, we grow apart, I fall out of love, she stalks me for three months, we finally confront each other in a climactic duel to the death over a rain-slicked rooftop, and she falls to her death, then when I go to hide the body I find that there is no body...only a blood-scrawled note that reads 'REVENGE.'""
4/1/2014 02:40:46 am
Did it happen, J? Did it?
3/27/2014 09:30:24 pm
I think I can make it another week or two. I've been checking for release dates since December or so, because I enjoyed the first two so much, but I didn't expect COL this soon. Most authors take at least a year between books, some longer. Robert Jordan took 2, GRRM takes 5 or 6, and nothing worth reading happens in his books anymore, unless you like reading 800 pages of people traveling from one place to the next, and then 100 pages or so of the only characters worth reading getting killed. Anyway, take your time and put out a good book.
4/1/2014 02:44:57 am
It's my personal philosophy that people want books quicker than most authors put them out. I think Jim Butcher's on to the right idea. I'd rather have a less-than-perfect book in a year or less instead of waiting 2-3 years for the next installment. By that point, my expectations are so high that they can't possibly be met. I can tolerate a few mistakes or sub-par scenes when I know the next book is coming out in six months, but when I've waited eighteen months and I know I'll have to wait eighteen more for the next one...well, you'd better deliver.
4/1/2014 12:21:51 pm
Will, I'll tell ya what...you finish COL and get it on Amazon before PAX, and I will buy you a beer at PAX. Or two. Plus you can sign my beer. 4/3/2014 04:36:26 pm
Beer-signing is one of my 127 secret skills.
3/28/2014 03:19:35 am
READ ME WILL WIGHT! dude, you are a total freaking rock star from Mars, and I hope you unleash Narakaon anyone who gives you flack..your books are amazing, & I really don't care about the release date being pushed back out of necessity... Most authors will do it intentionally until they feel the publicity is at a peak so
3/28/2014 03:27:27 am
they can make the most money.. You rock.. I blew off meetIngmy girlfriends mom because I was so engrossed in your book.. I was upstairs in bed reading while they were downstairs waiting for me... For 3 hours.. My only regret is that I read so much of the book at once, and didn't get to spread it out longer. Do what you think is best, take as much time as you need.. Don't listen 2ne1 trying to push you or constrained you.. I read 4 books a week, every year, and I'm anticipating yours the most... Butdon't listen to the jackasses on here bro... Your stuff is legendary, your kung fu is strong, And if your creative process involves clubbing a baby seal and drinking its blood, I will happily wait for you to get back from Alaska. you rock,and the ingrates can go shove a hanging tree seed up their sphincter
4/1/2014 02:55:23 am
That's...violent and evocative, Chris, and I praise your disturbing imagery.
3/28/2014 06:37:14 am
You love and know all the authors I love and know. It's awesome.
4/1/2014 02:59:52 am
My all-seeing eye pierces stone, shadow, and flesh...
3/28/2014 03:40:29 pm
Um...hi. I'm a long time listener but first time caller. The book is done when it's done. Not before, not after, but when it's done! Take your time , make it something you are proud of, and who cares when it's finished! (As long as it's before I die. I'm 36)
4/1/2014 03:00:29 am
I'm going to TRY to get City of Light out in the next forty years, but I promise nothing.
3/28/2014 03:52:02 pm
Oops! "Not before, not after, but when it's done!" I guess after it's done, it's done. Sorry, I just got a little emotional about it. ;)
3/28/2014 10:36:32 pm
Honestly, I don't care if you push back the date as long as you continue to deliver a story that's as good or better than the ones previous. Nothing would disappoint me more if you rushed the story and gave me something sub par. "Anything worth doing is worth doing right" and blah blah blah. Make us proud, Will.
4/1/2014 03:02:48 am
If you liked House of Blades and Crimson Vault, I don't THINK you'll be disappointed by City of Light. It's made of the same ingredients, only more.
Mike J
3/29/2014 11:40:13 am
I really don't care about dates. That doesn't mean stop writing, but we as readers wait years to read a next installment. Just tell me when its done and I will buy it.
4/1/2014 03:03:22 am
CONFIRMED: Mike J said I could take years. New release date: October 27th, 2017.
Mark jaeger
3/29/2014 03:04:32 pm
I am psyched! I hope the ending of the trilogy is good. I can't wait to see what new powers simon gets.
4/1/2014 03:04:44 am
No, I'm not sure I actually said that. Also, I did re-write the first half of the book pretty significantly...so even if I said something along those lines a long time ago, it's changed quite a bit.
Hey Will Wight (or Mr. Wight - whichever),
4/1/2014 03:09:43 am
You may call me Sir William Lawrence Wight III, Esquire.
3/30/2014 01:40:33 am
Don't listen to the whiners, Will. You're doing awesome. You are putting out books faster than any other author I've seen, you had a very successful book right out of the gate (I know authors that still haven't seen this kind of success in 20+ years of writing, conferences, etc.) and your books are creative and original. That's the trifecta of success, my friend. Keep it up and you'll go far.
4/1/2014 03:12:45 am
I know what you're saying about the success right out of the gate. Seriously, I had lofty goals for what I could perhaps get House of Blades to do last summer, and I surpassed those goals ten times over. It was...awesome, really. I was fully prepared for failure, because that's the typical track: your first effort doesn't do so well, but you keep at it and keep releasing books, and you eventually get somewhere. I hadn't mentally rehearsed success. It still stuns me.
trust me, I'm a docter.
3/30/2014 02:14:41 am
I'm very stokedfor COL, I just started the crimson vault again and reading at a slower pace then before so my hopes are COL will be avalible as I finish so I can jump right in.
4/1/2014 03:13:45 am
Can confirm: I was in Florida, and now I've been swallowed into the belly of a giant, super-intelligent dolphin.
3/30/2014 03:32:53 am
Who cares what these disgruntled impatient readers think. Take your time, don't post it till it's just right. It's like cooking, good cooks taste throughout and change it till it is just right.
4/1/2014 03:14:17 am
I'm pretty confident that all I need is some more truffle oil, and then it would be done.
3/30/2014 04:03:08 am
Hey Will! Looking forward to City of Light. I'm incredibly impressed by your work ethic and book writing prowess. Take your time time to ensure the book lives up to its legacy!
4/1/2014 03:14:42 am
Simon and Leah die in the first ten pages, and the rest of the book is just Alin laughing over their graves.
3/30/2014 10:25:53 am
Always employ the Scotty principle. That way if you finish "early" you're all the more brilliant for it. Stop being such a LaForge.
4/1/2014 03:15:32 am
Man, that's so true. That's exactly who I need to imitate when I'm coming up with release dates: Scotty.
Mike S
3/30/2014 10:53:39 am
Hey Will, I appreciate your honesty with the book. But as a reader who enjoy your work you do not owe me an apology for not having a finished product. I would rather have a late classic than an on time piece of junk. There are other books I can read until COL is ready. I wish you luck on finishing the book and no matter when you release this book I am a slam dunk to read it.
4/1/2014 03:17:06 am
That's how I feel as well, Mike, about the "better late and awesome than early and incomplete." For instance, I wish the third Hunger Games book had spent another year in revision. But I digress.
Igor B
3/30/2014 04:15:50 pm
Well sir, no matter how irritated I may be with you pushing the book back for a few weeks, you are no Patrick Rothfuss, and for that you have all my gratitude and support for your works. That said, you should hop onto league every now and then to relax! And by relax i mean rage at your team, but I am pretty sure that's half the charm of the game anyway.
4/1/2014 03:17:34 am
I want to play League so bad right now. Did you see the URF mode? It looks incredible...
aaron lovett
3/30/2014 09:53:34 pm
Hmmm, April 10th. Actually working that weekend. Shall find time anyway, sleep is for the weak. Looking forward to CoL all the more, but honestly feel that as much time as you need to polish your works can only be a benefit. Whilst some readers may be upset, it's your work, your call. I see their point, but creativity cannot be rushed, poorly framed stories stick with a reader long after disappointments of release dates. Getting the book you, as the writer, want is far more important. If fans don't like your story after you've finished it, well, that's the breaks. Never rush an artist.
4/1/2014 03:18:02 am
Sleep is for the weak, Aaron. And the City of Light calls to you...it calls...
3/31/2014 03:54:08 am
Every time I read a book/series whatever and the next one isn't out yet. In my mind at least, I'm rolling around the floor having a tantrum and screaming my hate of the author... that being said... that didn't happen for this book because my House of Blades / Crimson Vault reading time were like a month a part and awesome and I understand writing takes time.
4/1/2014 03:19:29 am
I completely understand that feeling. It's the main reason why I want to release several books a year: readers want to see their favorite series continued as quickly as possible. Waiting much longer only increases their expectations to unreasonable proportions.
3/31/2014 06:59:49 am
Awesome books. Awesome author. Release when ready dude.
4/1/2014 03:20:07 am
How did you discover Rothfuss' true identity as an ultra-intelligent feline? I thought that secret was known only within the fantasy author community!
4/4/2014 01:38:58 am
It was the beard. Clearly feline!
3/31/2014 12:50:34 pm
WILL! Okay, I just had to give you a shout out and let you know that even though you fumbled your release date I can find it in my heart (if I can find my heart that is) to forgive you. That being said, I'm looking forward to seeing that character you were writing about whose name I forgot because it's been so long since you published your last book getting his butt kicked again. ;)
4/1/2014 02:58:52 am
Thanks, Brian! I'm glad that you're not going to lynch me for missing another release date.
3/31/2014 01:49:03 pm
Hey does this also mean it will be out on the kindle fire HD to?
4/1/2014 02:26:04 am
Yeah, all Kindle books are available on the Kindle Fire HD.
3/31/2014 03:53:37 pm
Seeing a lot of hate on this page for no reason, leave the man to write his book, he'll give it out when it's done what more can you ask? I don't see any of you writing novels out there *cough* *JoeW* *cough* and Will, you have quickly become one of my favorite authors, just keep up the kick ass work man
4/1/2014 02:25:30 am
Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the books! And please, let me just say that I've never seen a better bag of lions.
3/31/2014 08:42:07 pm
Maybe if Acclaimed Author Will Wight's fan base cut him more slack that he already cuts for himself, he could push his books out faster because of the stress-free environment..
4/1/2014 02:23:15 am
Sorry, I don't play games with my friends anymore. Money has changed me.
4/1/2014 02:59:32 pm
Stoked for C.o.L!! Just had our second gremlin so paternity leave thus far has consisted of spending time with the newly expanded pack and re-rereading the Traveler's Gate and Stormlight Archive. Time excellently spent.
4/1/2014 03:09:14 pm
Also, we were struggling with names into the wee days of the pregnancy. He was nearly a Valin, or Indirial, or Kaladin....
4/3/2014 04:38:00 pm
John L
4/1/2014 03:30:12 pm
After experiencing the wait between Feast of Crows and Dance with Dragons, I must say that my frustration meter hasn't even tipped past "mildly annoyed." I believe you still have somewhere between 4 and 5 years to go to match Mr. Martin. Of course, I would rather the book appear today then tomorrow, but... really not a big deal, will enjoy it either way.
4/2/2014 12:16:48 am
Ah, I understand the confusion. When I say "finished writing," I mean COMPLETELY finished. Not just with the first draft.
4/2/2014 08:46:39 pm
Just read a house of blades and crimson vault just happened to read the reviews on amazon and man I'm glad I timed it perfect the 3rd book coming soon!! Best most exciting fantasy book I've read in years can't wait for the 3rd !
4/3/2014 04:37:06 pm
Thanks for giving me a chance, Matt! Turns out you have awesome timing.
4/3/2014 11:54:11 pm
Are you done yet? I've been checking this blog every day since the 7th. Please get done soon. I've read the first two three times this past month to get ready already.
4/7/2014 03:11:53 am
Not quite yet, Matthew.
Dan Myers
4/4/2014 12:02:44 pm
Would it help the writing process if you were to write while driving and had two little kids in the back seat continually asking "Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?"
4/7/2014 03:12:19 am
That's the best analogy I've ever heard for what's going on right now, Dan.
4/5/2014 02:59:55 am
I am on my third read through of Crimson Vault and have been wondering about the lost Fangs. I imagine someone else has asked about these, but from everywhere I have read I have not seen it. Anyways I am wanting to know who hid them away? Why have then been hidden? And are we going to see some brought out of their shadows in CoL? Love these books and pray you will continue with the Travelers series!
4/7/2014 03:13:02 am
There will be at least one prequel novel, Brett, and SOMETHING afterwards. Whether that's another trilogy, or one book, or a bunch of short stories, I don't know. But I'm not done with this world yet.
Robot Warrior
4/8/2014 03:53:10 am
Oh man, I am SO excited for this book to come out!! I've re-read everything in preparation and keep checking the amazon store. I love your stories, sir! Please never stop writing!!
4/8/2014 04:03:21 am
Thanks, Robot! Hopefully City of Light exceeds even your high expectations!
4/8/2014 04:34:53 am
Sometimes when I need to write a research proposal and set a deadline I think to myself, "I'll have no problem hitting that date!" And then life happens.
4/8/2014 04:37:02 am
It's coming, Peter! Don't worry!
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