Leaving for Germany tomorrow night!
As I promised, I've done all the writing and editing I can do up to this point. When I leave, I'll do some further work over there, as will my talented beta readers and editors while I'm gone. That said, this is by far the hardest book I've written so far. I keep track of how much time each book takes me to write, so that I can predict how long the next one will take me. Sea and Shadow each took me a long time, so I assumed Darkness would take a similar amount of time. Nope, it took more. As you might expect, I assumed Dawn would take the same amount of time as Darkness. Nope, more. Why? Because I have to look for contradictions not just between Dawn and Darkness, but between Dawn, Darkness, Sea, Shadow, and what I have planned of Kings and Killers. I've found discrepancies, messed-up timelines, characters who vanish for days without explanation... Writing a series one book at a time, as it turns out, is much simpler. I did learn one thing this time, though: writing Darkness first and Dawn second was the wrong way to go. It was an experiment, so I don't exactly regret it, but I'll write the next set of books together. Just like I wrote Sea and Shadow. So I'm sorry, guys. Sorry it's taking me so long. The only thing I can say is that I've done everything I can up to this point, and depending on how the next phase goes, I'll have it out for you soon. Thanks for your patience, and I promise I'm doing everything I can. -Will
10/26/2015 05:42:31 am
No worries man, the book will be ready when it's ready. Appreciate all the hard work from everyone involved. Enjoy Germany!
10/26/2015 06:40:54 am
I'm not gonna lie, I think the be rushed you on every post.. I'm glad it is taking my a little longer thank expected, this gives me time me to re read sea, shadow, and darkness!!
10/26/2015 01:54:16 pm
No worries brother, I'm glad you're taking such time and effort to release a quality product. Too many times I've seen authors and other folk release something too early to please fans and it backfire...not to mention sometimes changing everything fans love about the product in an attempt to cater to them. Just remember, we love YOUR work, and have fallen in love with YOUR worlds, the way YOU made them. Please don't rush anything or change out of concern for us readers, we'll still be salivating at the gates eager for the next bite. :)
10/31/2015 01:20:20 pm
Thanks, Jayson! Still trying to get it out ASAP, but I'm not killing myself over it. Soon, though! Soon!
10/26/2015 06:41:22 pm
No sleep until next week!
10/31/2015 01:22:37 pm
I feel encouraged nonetheless. I try to take every comment in the spirit it was intended.
10/26/2015 08:42:43 pm
What's most refreshing is the constant updates, and I love the idea of re- reading the first books. I can't even imagine the level of difficulty in writing I. This format so nothing but admiration and gratitude from this fan!
10/27/2015 01:32:16 am
Thanks for the update and for the hard work!
10/27/2015 12:12:50 pm
Not sure you got the same affect but I thought it was awesome getting the 2 completely different views of the same story not to mention I've never seen it done before so being a fan of new different cool stuff thought it was a home run as for the additional book sales he deserves it....happily pay the cost of a Starbucks latte for the entertainment value
10/27/2015 05:24:33 pm
Well to each his own then. Personally I didn't like the two book split.
10/27/2015 10:40:28 pm
I thought the reason was to try something new. For what it offers the reader is that most texts where there are multiple main characters the two stories are interwoven where you see one character then the next. Not read sequentially (although I actually did read the first pair by switching off books). The experience of reading just one person's story then the other allows one to become more fully immersed in whoever's story your reading. Whether or not you prefer the format it is a different experience so I wouldn't say it doesn't offer the reader anything.
10/31/2015 01:30:16 pm
I'm not entirely sure how these comments will stack, so I'll reply to all of them as best I can:
10/29/2015 10:35:04 am
10/31/2015 01:33:14 pm
I appreciate it, Jason!
10/30/2015 02:19:51 am
I have read many series of books, in which each successive title released is a little worse than the last. I continue to read the series because I felt I could connect deeply with the characters (in the first book at least) then I become angrier and angrier the longer I continue. One of the reasons I enjoy your books so much is I have not experienced this with your books. I thoroughly enjoyed House of Blades, and I feel like every book you put out is better than the last.
10/31/2015 01:35:06 pm
Thanks, Juan! I try to grow as a writer each time, but I've still got a long way to go.
10/31/2015 01:09:43 pm
I'll try to help with some advice.
11/1/2015 11:44:40 am
I could not disagree more. I love the younger years being mixed in with the "now" and really enjoy getting the story from two very different points of view. Even with as time consuming as it's been to write for Will I believe this experiment has been a resounding success.
11/1/2015 04:10:25 pm
Constructive criticism is not disrespectful, nor did I insult anyone. To answer your implied question, I welcome constructive criticism on my work. I may not always agree with the criticism (as in this case), but I am not insulted by receiving it.
11/1/2015 04:19:17 pm
Getting back to the meat of the issue -- you say that you enjoy having the story jump around time periods and POVs. Certainly there are many readers who express such preferences, but I think they are in the minority, albeit a vocal minority. 11/2/2015 01:39:59 am
Hey guys,
11/1/2015 06:18:54 pm
What makes you think that people who enjoy jumping timelines are in the minority? I love getting both stories and think the story would be less if only one timeline was told.
11/1/2015 09:51:40 pm
Well, it sounds like you are limiting your interpretation of my statement to the fantasy genre, whereas I did not intend my comment to be limited to any specific genre.
11/2/2015 12:06:24 am
I limited my examples to fantasy because I assumed they would be books we both know but I can think of plenty other stories that do this as well. 11/2/2015 01:48:26 am
Readers' genre expectations are framed by what they've read in the genre before. In fantasy right now, it's very common to see multiple POVs over several different time periods, so it's not something that I think will catch most people off-guard.
Brian S
11/10/2015 04:28:12 pm
Look at all the big names being tossed around.
11/11/2015 02:14:15 pm
I always get intimidated when these big names are thrown around. I've never wanted or intended to compete in the same arena as Patrick Rothfuss, I just wanted to write the best $4 fantasy novels I could.
11/3/2015 09:14:45 pm
Have a good break, Will. We'll still be here (and waiting) when you get back. You don't need me to tell you that writing is a marathon, not a sprint.
11/11/2015 02:35:16 pm
Except I normally sprint, Mark! These parallel novels are a lot of fun, but they're a challenge, and they're making me marathon.
11/11/2015 12:53:47 pm
I've been compulsively checking Amazon for Dawn and Darkenss but like the majority of your fans, I would rather have all the "kinks" worked out first. I always appreciate an author who takes the time to make sure previous and future books are consistent. I can't wait and I guess I'm the meantime I'll go back and read the first three again.
11/11/2015 02:36:06 pm
This is incredibly encouraging to me, Kate! Not just that you're willing to wait, but that you're impatient in the first place.
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