It's been a long month. A good one! But a long one.
I'm not permitted by my handlers to say more than this, but I expect news about Reaper's release date to come soon. Maybe as soon as--oh no, they've found me. Quick, whistle inconspicuously! We're headed to DragonCon this week, and we still have a fan meetup scheduled for Saturday! Now, COVID being what it is, DragonCon could be canceled at any second. I have their website refreshing right now. So we're all being very flexible over here. But as long as we're allowed to be there, we plan on being there! 12 PM - 3 PM at the Embassy Suites at Centennial Park in Atlanta (Ballrooms A & B)! Plus, far more exciting than me, meet Travis Baldree! We'll be adhering to all safety guidelines set by the con, the hotel, and the city...and we hope we get to see you there! We also hope the event happens at all! Since I can't share more details with you on pain of dismemberment, here's a recommendation for some light reading: The Villain Wants to Live. It's a Korean translated web novel without too many chapters so far, and I've really been enjoying it. Not a whole lot of complexity to it, but the character is charming in a unique way, it's fun to read, and there's no harem nonsense. I don't know about you, but that's a big plus for my reading experience. Also, in the moments I've caught my breath since finishing the latest draft of Reaper, I've been replaying Mario Odyssey and Divinity: Original Sin 2. I know this is the farthest thing from a hot take, but boy those games are good. This just in: Mario games are fun. This news is hot off the presses. While I've been slowly waking from my traditional post-book coma and exhaustion-related illness, I've been kicking around some ideas. I'd like to write some short stories here soon; maybe slide back into Traveler's Gate after who knows how many years, or maybe shore up the sadly lacking canon of Cradle short stories. Not sure. Is there a particular type of short story you'd like to see from me? Would you like to berate me for having said nothing all month? Maybe you want to ask me when Reaper is coming out, which I will not yet answer! You can request these things and the comments. -Will
Joseph Nwachukwu
8/31/2021 04:10:04 pm
I would like to see some more travelers gate short stories ore maybe even elder empire
9/4/2021 04:24:44 am
I agree. I wouldn’t not even mind another travelers book. How about a 20 years later book?
Conrad fox
9/7/2021 04:42:21 am
Imagine one of the iterations is the travelers universe, and the abidain have never gone into it because the vroshir have it under control. And lindon ascends and frees that world somehow. And then everyone is like wait is that a new territory. And they all fight him but he destroys them all because maybe he just wanders the way because he didn't join the abidain .
9/16/2021 07:15:31 am
The Travelers Iteration is Amalgam
9/5/2021 05:16:54 am
Yes! I would love to see more in the Elder Empire series, I felt like the final installment left room for more possibilities to embark on in the future. Likewise for the Travelors Gate and of course I can never get enough Cradle!
Will Suxit
9/13/2021 09:45:49 pm
Any updates on dates?
9/13/2021 10:33:38 pm
“Any updates on dates?”
8/31/2021 04:11:46 pm
Nice! I'd love short stories about random Cradle characters we've met along the way. And Valin. And Shuffles.
8/31/2021 04:24:29 pm
Valin.... With shuffles beating up someone from cradle. I like it.
8/31/2021 11:34:45 pm
Definitely would love me some Valin
9/1/2021 02:26:35 pm
This. I really, really want to know more about the one girl at the restaurant who recognized Lindon and Yerin. How quickly did she realize who they were? How was someone so observant in a friend group with those idiots? What will her future be like given that the rest of her social group seems so subpar?
9/2/2021 05:43:16 am
Here since Simon, son of Kalman
9/2/2021 05:42:38 pm
Yes. Good character.
8/31/2021 04:15:18 pm
You have stated you would like to do a mystical "The Martian". How about you right about Valin discovering what would become Valinhall? I think a story of capable person having to find out and in some cases create the rules for this new territory would be awesome.
8/31/2021 06:44:50 pm
Definitely more Elder Empire short stories. I've never read anything as close to true Lovecraft as Unsolved Cases.
9/1/2021 06:06:55 am
Love this idea!
9/3/2021 04:38:36 pm
I agree, that would be great
There are some who call me... Tim?
9/8/2021 06:39:16 pm
Sooo... I just assumed that the Traveler's Gate and Cradle series were connected (not that Will has said as much--it just makes sense to me... Might just be that I'm projecting Sanderson's Cosmere onto Will's works. lol). The territories are pieces of worlds that survived when iterations broke apart, either by attack or otherwise. It would probably be rare for any pockets to survive these events and even rarer for someone to be able to create a connection to them, which is why there aren't many territories. Valin, whose origins are mysterious (Sacred artist? Abidan? Vroshir?), binds these pieces together to form Valinhall. Regardless, I would love to see a short story on Valin's origins and the creation of Valinhall.
Adam Roberts
8/31/2021 04:17:42 pm
I would dearly love an "Adventures of Fury" either his past, or what hes up to after ascending!
8/31/2021 06:22:21 pm
I would also love to see this
8/31/2021 10:57:25 pm
Dito! 😁
8/31/2021 11:26:02 pm
Absolutely would love to see what’s happening with him after ascending!
Julia Riedelsheimer
9/2/2021 05:44:09 am
Love it!
Here since Simon, son of Kalman.
9/2/2021 05:40:41 pm
Shorts on Fury good.
Damaged Dingo
9/9/2021 02:21:11 am
I was going to say I don’t like short stories but yes.. fury after a ascension would be frighten awesome..
8/31/2021 04:18:46 pm
I would love to see Mercy’s offscreen advancement before Bloodline
8/31/2021 05:15:45 pm
I agree. She was noticeably absent as Lindon was Consuming everything that walked, crawled, slid, or flew.
9/5/2021 06:17:58 pm
I would like to see a shot story on why Lindon recognizes (or thinks them familiar) some people before he has met them.
9/6/2021 07:54:46 pm
Who has he done that with? He's recognized members of Mercy's family as members of Mercy's family before, and he asked Jai Chen if they had met before because she's the woman he would have married if he'd stayed in Sacred Valley, but I don't recall him ever recognizing someone he's never met or heard of before.
Anton Jónasson
8/31/2021 04:18:57 pm
I would love some silly, not so serious in tone, short stories with lots of puns in cradle please :)
8/31/2021 04:46:27 pm
So, you want Cradle. Haha.
8/31/2021 04:19:40 pm
If you're writing about cradle I'd like to see stories about refining! Otherwise reading something from Traveler's Gate or something completely new would be cool too.
8/31/2021 05:17:01 pm
yes. and scripting. and having Yerin learn to read.
That one guy
8/31/2021 05:33:06 pm
We should absolutely see yarin learn how to read. Maybe even with Min Shuei teaching her.
Daniel James Schinhofen
8/31/2021 06:16:18 pm
I agree, Yerin learning to read, would be priceless.
8/31/2021 04:19:41 pm
What could also be cool is if you did a small forum or page for some people to share their fan writings in your worlds.
8/31/2021 07:08:29 pm
That can be very difficult for authors, and it's gone poorly in the past. Jim Butcher has to keep a notice up on his website asking people to please not email or mail him story ideas, as he can't read them, and will refuse them, for copyright purposes. It's a fun world to play around with, but I'd hate to put an author I enjoy in a tough position.
9/1/2021 05:45:50 am
You should check out the cradle subreddit (r/Iteration110Cradle). Plenty of people share fan art and their own fanfic short stories over there. Plus plenty of discussion of the books!
8/31/2021 04:19:53 pm
I would really like to see some follow up side stories of the BF emperor hearing about the tournament, I'd also like to see a few stories from the perspective of the sacred valley clans during the evacuation and finally, some side stories about the dread god cults
8/31/2021 06:47:23 pm
8/31/2021 04:21:45 pm
You've more than earned all trust as far as being an author goes, but if I may, I would love to see something new, just to flex your creative muscles
Dustin G
8/31/2021 04:22:56 pm
I would love to see home stories like from our current heros (people in powers) past.
Robert O'Brien
8/31/2021 04:23:44 pm
I would like a short story with some more background development on Akura Grace. I really wish she hadn't ended up as she did in Wintersteel and had been around to progress further and have her own side story romance arc. She seemed really awesome! Thanks!
Jeff Weatherspoon
9/1/2021 05:47:18 am
Agreed. Grace was one of the few "honorable" characters we ran into along Lindon's progression arc. Sad that she stood out to us so much for that fact!
8/31/2021 04:24:04 pm
I think short story of cradle's monarch backstory would be cool little tidbits of when they where just starting off.
8/31/2021 05:35:03 pm
Or even various stories of their battles. Like Sha Liala fighting the plague spirit. Or Northstrider's fight with that huge dragon just at the end of Ghostwater. Or Malice sealing the living volcano.
9/1/2021 08:28:00 am
I'd actually love to see the original Monarch's (presumably) that ascended off cradle and created the Abadon.
9/1/2021 09:02:32 pm
Agreed, Monarch short stories will be great and they can go in some many different ways.
8/31/2021 04:25:04 pm
More cradle short stories would be great! More travelers gate would also be great! Is 'both' an option? I pick both.
8/31/2021 04:25:40 pm
Yeah let's get some short stories to help with some world building on Cradle. Maybe check out what its like on the Iceflower Continent or one of the Remnant cities on Emriss' continent.
8/31/2021 07:43:46 pm
This I like.
8/31/2021 04:31:15 pm
A Suriel short story from back when she was just beginning her advancement on her home iteration. Say Cradle equivalent of true gold
8/31/2021 04:33:57 pm
Flute playing monarch!
8/31/2021 04:35:11 pm
I'd like to see a story on the first time Cassius and Naru Jing meet. Or Red Faith's abandonment by his blood shadow.
8/31/2021 05:11:17 pm
I agree I really want to know red faiths past
8/31/2021 05:40:01 pm
I'm hoping the connection to Red Faith comes out in the next couple of books. But a short story about how his blood shadow fled and why would be cool. Definitely some backstory on the various characters. Even a story about Lindon's parents with the Heaven's Glory imprisonment.
Here since Simon, son of
9/2/2021 05:45:06 pm
Agree. Sage of Red Faith.
8/31/2021 04:35:12 pm
I picked up House of Blades when it was first released and have been reading your books ever since. So, thanks for the many hours of enjoyment your books have given me.
8/31/2021 04:36:41 pm
I would love to see Cradle short stories from Rosegold Aurelious, Ninecloud region, or any other side exposed characters (Ziel, Tim, etc)
9/1/2021 05:36:19 am
There is a Ziel short story published in the Heroes Wanted anthology. If you haven't read it yet, it's pretty good.
8/31/2021 04:39:26 pm
more death matches, Awakened Calder vs. Archlord Eithan, Urzia Woodsman vs Akura Pride, Makiel vs. alternate universe Makiel where after ascending he went to cradle and became a Monarch before working for the abidan.
1001 Eyes
8/31/2021 04:40:34 pm
I would love to see a Cradle short story about a Sacred Beast village or a treasure hunter. Anything about traveler’s gate sounds awesome.
8/31/2021 04:42:02 pm
For the most part I’d like to see what a day in the life,sort of a what happens when yerin orthos or little blue just walks around town maybe they planned for an activity and they’re just enjoying they’re day before they meet up. I’m always wondering what other interest the rest of the group has since we all know lindon doesn’t really have any hobbies lol
Dustin W.
9/3/2021 10:59:33 am
I agree with this.
8/31/2021 04:43:47 pm
I would love to see a sci fi short story or a fury novella
8/31/2021 04:45:13 pm
Cradle shorts - Eithan’s behind getting tossed through whatever portal dumped him in the BFE in the first place. That’s it. Like one paragraph, two max. You got this my dude.
8/31/2021 04:45:34 pm
I would love some more stories from Asylum. More from the guilds and cool Elder hijinks! Also Cradle, and Amalgam. And also other Abidan side stories, what the lower ranks get up to. And whatever you want to write.
8/31/2021 04:46:01 pm
More travelers gate!
8/31/2021 04:49:12 pm
If the Monarch prison isn't pertinent to the main story, that would be a cool seed for a short-story. Any story from Traveler's Gates with the previous incarnations that are sticking around as significant individuals would be cool. Maybe one of them taking the next step of ascension? Or maybe them causing problems for the main cast. Thanks for being you!
Stewart Boyatt
8/31/2021 04:50:43 pm
I would love to see Cradle short stories that showcase how people use various paths to do more ordinary and common jobs in cool and interesting ways.
Daniel James Schinhofen
8/31/2021 06:17:53 pm
I would love to see this too.
8/31/2021 04:54:31 pm
A short story sounds neat! I wouldn't mind a few in EE, tbh. Especially if it stars Calder after the end. Ahem. Maybe you could team up with Lex (the person who drew the Cradle Promo Comic) for something like a short webcomic, if that still interests you.
8/31/2021 05:10:54 pm
I'd like to see Lindon giving summon relationship advice. Alternatively, I'd love to see Leah trick summon into a date, and have him not realize it, with appropriate comments from whatever doll he has with him.
8/31/2021 05:13:16 pm
Just wanted to say thank you for the blog updates, it' definitely cool to know how things are going from time to time. As for short stories I would love pretty much anything the universe you've created. I'd also like to see stories from other iterations that might be better suited for short stories or novellas.
8/31/2021 05:15:15 pm
How about a prequel to the Elder Empire? The progression from slaves to winning the war against the Elders would be fascinating . Failing that, some short stories featuring Shuffles.
8/31/2021 05:22:33 pm
Big Traveler’s Gate fan and I’ve loved all of the short stories so far so I don’t have any specific requests there. On the Cradle front, the world is so expansive, I’d love to see more of it. The little sneak peaks we’ve seen with Jai Daishou in the jungle, Yerin in the frozen mountains, Lindon seeing interesting sacred beasts and landscapes while traveling have been great. Any more pocket world stories would be very cool (loved Ghostwater) and obviously anything related to the labyrinth would be wonderful too. A story following up with the Deepwalker ape, Lord of Spectres or any other non human characters we’ve met would be awesome too. Some more Lindon soul smithing stories? Man I could go on forever with this world. I’ll be very sad when we get to the last book.
8/31/2021 05:22:38 pm
I would love to see some prequel stuff involving the Rose-Gold war and would also love to see Ozriel's origin story.
Derek Zoolander
8/31/2021 05:23:22 pm
If you like The Villain Wants to Live then you should read Dungeon Defense. There's 5 translated novels of it.
Aman Sidhu
8/31/2021 05:23:51 pm
I would love, love, love a story about Elder Whisper’s origins or the settling of Sacred Valley. Some historical context about the world you’ve built would be amazing!
9/3/2021 04:50:46 am
Yes, this!!!!!!!!
8/31/2021 05:32:53 pm
I would love Cradle short stories that fill in/are made of the edited out scenes that we missed!
8/31/2021 05:33:21 pm
An Elder Empire Chronicles with a short story for each guild or maybe each great elder
8/31/2021 05:38:04 pm
Any short stories about Fury, Elder whisper, Valin, Northstrider, Naru Jing, ju wei the ghoswalker fox, Ozriel, the jester twins or that sacred artist on the path of the moonlit flute would be cool. Obscure cradle knowledge makes the world feel so real.
8/31/2021 05:39:33 pm
I'm slogging my way through Star Odyssey. Fun read at some points but boy is it simple and repetitive at points. I'm going to finish this thing until my pupils shrink and I spit out blood. All the while creating many spatial cracks.
Daniel and Liza Watkins
8/31/2021 05:39:45 pm
My wife and I would love to see…
8/31/2021 05:42:28 pm
Obvious love to Cradle short stories. On my eleventy-seventh re-read, in Blackflame, I really wanted Jai Daishou spin-offs. What an interesting character we got to see suffer abuse and die shamefully.
8/31/2021 05:44:51 pm
Travelers gate but renarrated by Travis Baldree
9/1/2021 03:10:15 pm
I liked your narration Will!
9/3/2021 02:08:27 pm
I’d trade in John Lee for Will’s narration - it was a revelation! Only downside is that narration is hard and doesn’t involve writing of new books so let’s hold that for now.
8/31/2021 05:47:03 pm
Will, you can't reveal the release date of Reaper. But can you tell me: if I wanted to count how many days until Reaper came out, how many five-fingered hands would I need?
8/31/2021 05:51:17 pm
Lots of backstory stories from Cradle:
8/31/2021 05:57:40 pm
STRONG support for some Suriel backstory! Her iteration, her original powers, her motivations, her ascension, a look at her relationship with her predecessor. Anything would be awesome!
8/31/2021 05:56:21 pm
I’d enjoy any content your handlers see fit to let through the passes, but my first choice would be something new. A new iteration? An abidan story? Something we haven’t seen yet.
9/1/2021 07:50:34 am
Yes! A story or stories that act as a pre-quel to a new book series.
8/31/2021 06:17:42 pm
I'd love to know about the different sources of Authority, and to know about Amalgam's place in the wider universe. Be interesting to know what legends surrounding ascension (if any) exist for the people there.
8/31/2021 06:19:10 pm
If you haven't yet, I highly recommend playing Hades on Switch. Or Cadence of Hyrule
Alex K
8/31/2021 06:27:52 pm
Hi Will! I love your books! I would like:
8/31/2021 06:29:17 pm
I would love more Traveler's Gate short stories! I really enjoyed seeing the new dynamic between Leah and Simon as Queen and protector, so it would be cool to get more of that.
8/31/2021 06:35:48 pm
I would love to see some Cradle short stories following Eithan prior to the events of the series. I'm sure we'll get more details on exactly what happened with Ozriel in Reaper and beyond, but I always thought that could be a fun side of things. I'd like to see where Eithan picked up all of his eccentricities
Scott Suarez
8/31/2021 06:46:00 pm
Can we get the isekai you were thinking of in short story segments :}
8/31/2021 06:53:53 pm
A short story about a young Kai finding all the Dolls in Valinhall :)
Rae Farley
9/1/2021 03:11:52 pm
Omg what a bizarre romance short story that would be
Andrew Tobin
9/1/2021 10:34:27 pm
I would absolutely love more Kai, especially what happened to him after the events of the last book.... post-traumatic induced amnesia? I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I had that.
8/31/2021 07:02:03 pm
There's been a severe lack of anything other than cradle lately. Please give us some Traveler's Gate or Elder Empire!
8/31/2021 07:08:43 pm
I would like to see more about Fisher Gesha.
Rae Farley
9/1/2021 03:12:54 pm
Agreed! Gesha explores the skysworn cloud. Gesha terrorizes youth.
Here since Simon, son of
9/2/2021 05:47:27 pm
Def Gesha
9/3/2021 01:27:50 pm
Yes. Definitely. I would love to see when her affiliation with Lindon became a benefit for her. At what point could she throw his or Eithan's name around and get sll the remnants she could ever want?
8/31/2021 07:09:30 pm
Can't wait to return to the world of amalgam.
8/31/2021 07:11:52 pm
Hey, when's Reaper coming out?
8/31/2021 07:52:22 pm
First, I check your blog whenever I see there’s a post about it on Reddit and I want to say thank you. These books have been amazing. Ive listened to all of them twice now on Audible and plan on doing so ago again when Reaper comes out, when did you say that was again?
9/3/2021 07:29:10 pm
Yes!!! Would love some Ziel and some elder whisper I think!? Go back to when sacred valley was founded and they were choosing to teach them one technique! Also, maybe a short story about Ozreils upbringing??
Rich Cervantes
8/31/2021 08:09:23 pm
Give me more Simon!!! Wait did he die? Can't remember just give me more!!!
8/31/2021 08:22:57 pm
For Cradle, I would like to see some of the events from other characters perspectives. Both other main characters and minor character views would be nice.
8/31/2021 08:23:26 pm
You said that you cut a lot of content from Cradle. Why don't you edit or even rewrite (depending on how you feel; as in, whichever experience is most enjoyable to you) a few of those scenes that you really liked but cut out.
9/1/2021 03:14:12 pm
I'd love to read some of the things you cut. PLOT REVEAL: MERCY'S FATHER
8/31/2021 08:24:36 pm
I would like to hear more about Ozriel, the reaper.
8/31/2021 11:15:23 pm
Totally agree.
8/31/2021 08:31:05 pm
As much as I love the Cradle books, and can see how much you've grown and evolved as an author, I still love the Traveler's Gate books. Some of the best fights in those books were practically too short, and I just loved the whole series. More Simon is my vote.
8/31/2021 08:34:00 pm
Who were the rising earth sect?
Shameless hobo
8/31/2021 08:57:17 pm
Yes, I would like a plate of Urzaia’s lightly seasoned, fresh fish, and a side of random cradle artifacts. What is out The Who made, and who has it now. Oh and can I also get a Simon with the works. I can only pay in half silver chips, sorry.
8/31/2021 09:06:42 pm
Unless it’s already in the next book can you tell us about Anagi and Yan Shoumei.
Michael D.
8/31/2021 09:46:21 pm
Honestly, I would love to see a short story of something completely new. Not in a "attack Will until he gives us new content way" either. You've mentioned wanting to write a new story so I say take this chance and have fun with it!
Kat M.
8/31/2021 10:16:14 pm
I *just* finished the Traveler's Gate trilogy. I want the short stories that show where it fits in the Wightverse. The Territories are leftovers from destroyed worlds, with some fantastic Elders/aberrations.
8/31/2021 10:28:40 pm
Thank you for the updates. Please keep doing You , and never go the way of George R.R. or Rothfuss.
Jason briggs
8/31/2021 10:36:38 pm
Since you asked . I would enjoy Ethans back story right from copper
8/31/2021 10:54:03 pm
Oh good idea!
8/31/2021 11:06:33 pm
I think short stories (briefly) exploring other worlds would be a fantastic way to showcase their variety without investing *too* much time and effort into developing series (and could also serve as an opportunity to seed some Easter eggs). Along similar lines, seeing more of Cradle (not even necessarily from the same time period) would be fun too.
8/31/2021 11:11:13 pm
I would love to see a cross over short story featuring Lindon and Simon, Eithan and Kai, or all of them together! Barring that Cradle short stories could be epic.
8/31/2021 11:13:42 pm
First, a humble request as a devout audible consumer....please get the same narrator and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE include more outtakes. My friend and I live for them to help with out "oh crap, the book is over" sadness.
8/31/2021 11:41:34 pm
I'd love Cradle short stories, backstory on Suriel and Lil Blue would be class!
9/1/2021 12:55:34 am
Stick with the Cradle law. As much as I enjoyed Travellers Gate (and wouldn’t mind seeing you go back to it at some point), Cradle is the richest and most entertaining story. Maybe some other lore in Cradle would make writing the books more enjoyable and give you a bit of a break.
9/1/2021 01:01:36 am
While I like Travelers Gate I think it already has a plenty of short stories so I would love to see some from Iteration 110.
9/1/2021 03:01:30 am
With regard to "and more...", this is a bit out there, but are there any writing craft books you'd recommend to an absolute writing rookie? I've read some of your writing tips on here (those I could find, that is) and seen you give some advice at interviews, but I was wondering if you could suggest a book or two to set me on my way. Thanks.
9/1/2021 03:31:46 am
More Traveler's Gate!!!!!
9/1/2021 03:46:21 am
My wish list and the things I would love to read about
9/1/2021 05:14:42 am
Will, I have a 50 mile run coming up on October 2nd, which I hope will take me about 10-11 hours. I love your Cradle series and I am hoping the new book will be out in time for me to listen to on my run because that would keep me so engrossed for nearly the whole time! Looking forward to it, thanks for creating a great series.
9/1/2021 05:40:51 am
Valin, his wandering and the founding of Valinhall!
9/1/2021 06:48:02 am
I would love to see a short story set it the same larger universe but on an iteration that has no access to a magical system. They still have a drive to ascend anyway and bust into the Way with a particle accelerator and grit.
Mike G
9/1/2021 08:29:56 am
I think if it isn't too spoilery to the main story, Cradle short stories regarding the often alluded to Tidewalker sect, or a young Akura Fury would be pretty cool. Maybe even some juicy peaks into the Dread War and the previous generation of Monarchs? That would be pretty cool too.
9/1/2021 09:27:59 am
It would be fun read a crossover. It sounds like you are excited to revisit Travelers Gate. Perhaps one of Valinhalls missing sword wielders found themselves trapped in Asylum? Or Cradle? … now I feel the need to reread all the books…
Jake Weathington
9/1/2021 09:57:13 am
Well I just read Travelers Gate so I for one would be excited about some Travelers Gate content! I enjoyed the series, but I can tell how much more polished your writing has become since then and would love to see those new skills applied to that world.
Steven Brown
9/1/2021 10:07:18 am
The question is do you want to take a break from the cradle series Is for a breather or not.
Brad C
9/1/2021 10:22:43 am
More Elder Empire would be great, it's got a good environment for short stories.
Sam Skiffington
9/1/2021 12:36:43 pm
I think we need some ester 6 + emperors short stories. Hell a series on the north of the empire would be incredible
9/1/2021 11:47:47 am
I would love to see more Elder Empire short stories!
An Annoyance With A Wallet
9/1/2021 12:32:57 pm
Whatever short story excites you! That’s what I want to see.
Sam Skiffington
9/1/2021 12:35:31 pm
I think you should do some cradle and elder empire short stories
9/1/2021 01:14:37 pm
EITHAN AURELIUS. (Preferably a trilogy about him, but I'll take what I can get 😝) Also Valin & Valinhall (& the dolls!!) Definitely need a story about Chuckles. You're brilliant! Love having short stories narrated to me
Rae Farley
9/1/2021 04:34:52 pm
Baby Orthos!! I'd love to hear about Orthos as a majestic young turtle.
9/1/2021 02:22:49 pm
Sir, I will read whatever you write. But an Eithan Novella would be...exquisite. I actually just re-read TG so heck, I would love anything on that too!
9/1/2021 02:57:01 pm
I would like to throw my hat into the ring for side storys. The first few that come to mind would be: Fisher Gesha pretty much anything, but what she was doing during uncrowned-bloodlines and how she reacted to London/Yerrin fight would be the cats pajamas. Fury getting settled after acention and either being super excited to get beat down or super bummed about paperwork would be great chuckles. The fight between Aurelius and Regan Shin and weeping dragon could be short but so good, and the lead up to the murder of Emriss is something I'd love, any side story that would develop the story of the 8ME a little more would be neato. The guy from the second round of the uncrowned tournament that said "Do not fight" to pride before pride killed him he was on Emriss team, what's he up to? Seemed like an alright guy. Somebody trolling Eithan maybe Sha Miara not taking traditional revenge, but something more subtle and mean girls style lol cut holes in his favorite pants, dye his hair while he's sleeping God that would be gold. I have to stop myself because I could do this all day. I am big cradle fan thanks again Will
9/2/2021 10:15:52 am
Fisher Geisha for sure! Some adventures in Serpent's Grave or with her family starting the local soulsmith foundry. I'm hoping our crew can get her to peak Truegold and she has her revelation.
9/1/2021 03:42:06 pm
Cradle shorts would be awesome, but I'm not sure what's safe to ask for. I assume a lot of open questions will be answered in upcoming novels. Orthos' journey into SV and his time with Kelsa would be cool. Or an early Eithan story of any sort. Akira Fury is one of my favorites, so maybe his Uncrowned tournament. I have many needs!
9/1/2021 04:20:51 pm
I felt that the hints of backstory for Yan Shoumei sounded like a promising potential future story or series. Apart from that, stories of Akura Fury ("I see, I see..." BAM!), the trials faced by the remaining members of the home Aurelius sect, and the life of Emris would interest me.
9/1/2021 04:21:11 pm
"Is there a particular type of short story you'd like to see from me?"
Royal Archivist
9/1/2021 04:40:16 pm
Just waiting for a day in the life of Chancellor Skwirgle
9/1/2021 05:24:14 pm
Serious idea; I believe it's been mentioned elsewhere that there are iterations with natural power caps higher than that of Cradle, but since Cradle has a high output level I would infer the ascension rate for other iterations is lower. I'd love to see a story about an iteration where the power cap is even higher than Cradle's, but Ascension is so rare that knowledge of it has been completely forgotten- how do the Abidan recruit them without being confused for some kind of weird cult? What is it about the world that makes ascension so rare, even though the power cap/potential is among the highest, if not the highest, in the Way?
Cody Gaudet
9/1/2021 06:22:36 pm
I’m terrible with names in books but I’d love to hear more backstory of 1/2 spider lady, armor king guy, broken horn hammer guy, floating dragon lady(red wrap head’s sister, sword sage, and green wingy guy
9/1/2021 07:11:59 pm
I'll second the idea of short stories about Northstrider. The Angler would be cool too. I think those are obvious though.
9/1/2021 07:19:26 pm
I would second requests for stories about Fisher Geisha, Yan Shomai, etc…
9/1/2021 09:06:42 pm
Here's a recommendation for some light reading: The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind ( It's a Korean translated web novel without too many chapters so far, and I've really been enjoying it.
Keyth Willis
9/1/2021 09:09:32 pm
I'd love to see more expansion of the world of cradle. What kinds of weird things do they do to remnants on the Everwood continent? Maybe a short story focused on Soulsmithing?
9/2/2021 03:59:50 am
Mr. Wight,
9/2/2021 04:43:38 am
The mad adventures of Akura Fury. Specifically, that time he got blackout drunk and spent the night pressuring poor youngsters into duels (my head-canon).
9/2/2021 04:46:24 am
Short Story Ideas
9/2/2021 07:51:11 am
The adventures of fisher gesha during black flame trials, OR after she was rewarded by the emperor and advanced to true gold. Let’s see her building her soulsmithing empire.
Fasunlua S
9/2/2021 07:55:59 am
I really enjoyed all the cradle series and can't wait for the reaper, I tried reading other will's book but can't seem to grow on me apart from cradle, however I would like to point out that Lindon seem to be limited considering the amount of power he wields, his black flame power have never been used to full capacity and I always have this feeling that Lindon is much more powerful with his mastery and the help of dross to improve
9/2/2021 09:14:21 am
Stories of people in the abyss beyond abidan territory, the things they see maybe some small congregations surviving just barely.
Calista Stafford
9/2/2021 09:21:45 am
I would love to see some short stories set in the Ninecloud Kingdom and learn more and Rainbow madra. There must have been a reason Suriel said she could help, so I want to know more about them. Plus, they are awesome.
9/2/2021 09:40:16 am
I'm likely in the minority but I want backstories for Ghostwater.
Raphael Hendrix
9/2/2021 11:06:26 am
I would love a glimpse of how the people who interacted with Lindon react to hearing about him now and where they are in comparison. For example the Skysworn members he interacted with, or the guy he almost killed with a punch before the tryouts. He could pop up as an Umderlord to thank Mercy as she becomes a Monarch for saving his life.
9/2/2021 01:21:53 pm
Backstory on Eithan and the downfall of Tiberian!
Andrew Tobin
9/2/2021 05:03:15 pm
We know in Wintersteel that Dross was putting nightmares into the Akura clan guys heads... So I want to know more about what Dross gets up to... whether he's sneakily doing things that Lindon doesn't know about. What he does when Lindon is asleep. Whether he has messed with any of Lindon's memories. How the plan for global domination is going. What he dreams about when Charity gave him her madra.
Andrew Tobin
9/2/2021 05:08:10 pm
Now that I think of it, I could see Eithan just happening to pop in to have a word with Dross while Lindon was asleep...
9/2/2021 05:48:01 pm
Would definitely love to see the full uninterrupted fight between Fury and the four Dreadgod Cultists, and detailed fight on how he killed Xorrus. #Anticipationspren right now.
Here since Simon, son of Kalman.
9/2/2021 05:55:05 pm
Sword Sage leaving the Winter Sage over the dubious future of an orphan and her blood shadow.
9/4/2021 04:26:31 pm
Excellent suggestion!
9/2/2021 10:00:25 pm
The eight man empire - how they came about, personalities / interactions / relationships between each members. This sounds like a spin off
9/2/2021 11:48:46 pm
A Deathmatch between one of the Valinhall dolls and Little Blue with a knife!
9/3/2021 06:54:02 am
Will, try your hand at a science fiction short story. You rock.
9/3/2021 10:10:56 am
A short story about the Redflower family path.
9/3/2021 10:21:05 am
Any cradle short stories, preferably about places or times never explored in the main series.
9/3/2021 10:29:00 am
Will! Will! Will. Will. Will! Just thought of something. Would you ever consider a little fan contest where we submit a path and a few key moves and features of it then the winner you pick gets it put in a future book? Like just a paragraph as an Easter egg not a main plot or sub plot thing. Maybe a character lindon walks by in a busy street shouting an ad for training in his path so he yells out a quick tagline and a move intro to attract students or some such minor thing.
Scott Pike
9/3/2021 12:06:58 pm
Personaly I want to see how Valen from Travelers Gate visited or learned about the Elder things of the Elder Empire. Short story or full book.
9/3/2021 12:22:39 pm
Would love to read a short story about zeal of the wasteland and how he became an archlord
9/3/2021 12:44:04 pm
I would like to see what the world of the Abidan is like. the support persons and the world that is up there. Maybe a tangential
9/3/2021 12:56:32 pm
Do the Abidan have janitors? Are they as good as the Aurelius family janitors?
Gorb 2: The Gorbening
9/3/2021 01:03:24 pm
I just hope to see more of Lindon having to interact with his dysfunctional family. It was always the thing that gripped me because it was the one problem he couldn't punch or advance his way through.
9/3/2021 01:58:56 pm
I would like to read any and all Cradle short stories. That said, specific stories I think would be exciting are:
9/3/2021 04:51:53 pm
I would love to read some short stories about kai and his dolls. Also I feel like there is great potential for stories about the sword sage and Yarin pre sacred valley. Also there is a 3rd sword sage mentioned but never introduced it would be interesting to meet him!
9/4/2021 08:44:03 am
Would love to have some Ozriel short stories around his origin, rise to power and actions as judge. He's an incredibly intriguing character that we don't know much about but what love to learn more about
9/4/2021 09:38:32 am
How about an early Traveler's Gate story from Otoku's perspective showing the interactions between Valin and the Elder Nye?
9/4/2021 12:01:35 pm
Cradle Cannon gets my vote. But I did really enjoy the podcast series of short stories from Travelers Gate and certainly wouldn’t complained if you gave us more lessons from the book of Elysians
9/4/2021 04:09:50 pm
Please oh pretty pretty please you wonderful man write some more travelers gate!!!! I have read the trilogy and all the extra stories at least 5 times and I NEED more Simon!!!
9/5/2021 08:27:25 am
Ascension of the Abidan Judges and some of the other "Named" authorities in the multiverse could make great short stories. If you can make them short that is.
9/5/2021 09:08:49 am
I NEED more cradle in my life! I vote all the cradle for as long as you can keep it going. thank you for your prolific imagination.
9/5/2021 01:41:23 pm
I want it all: the release date, Traveler's Gate stories, Cradle stories, Elder Empire stories (insert Stephen Colbert "give it to me now gif")
9/5/2021 03:57:21 pm
I love the cradle universe and I would love to read as many short stories as possible that take place in this world. Specifically, I'd either like to hear about some of the jobs Yerin did while Lindon was imprisoned after Blackflame or some of the jobs they went on while working for the Skysworn. Regardless, I love your work and I'll make it a point to read anything you put out. Keep it up!
9/6/2021 02:27:11 am
These things and more...will be answered on the next episode of...Soap?
9/6/2021 10:04:48 am
I want to know when book 11 is coming out! Do we have a release date for that yet??? Release dates through book 20 would be nice:)
9/6/2021 10:20:41 am
Per Facebook November 2nd, which honestly really disappoints me. Great to have a time but its another 2 months out. Seems longer than usual from when we usually here about him closing in on the end.
9/6/2021 12:00:58 pm
how did you like star odyssey?
9/6/2021 04:54:04 pm
It sounds like you didn't care for it. It reminds me of the old adage from the Ashwind continent: if you can't find something good to say, its often best to say nothing at all. I could have it wrong though.
9/6/2021 05:20:17 pm
if i just didn't care for it i wouldn't have bothered to say anything.
Derek Abbott
9/6/2021 08:31:54 pm
Perhaps a story on Northstrider and his path from copper to Sage, or continue on Simon travelers gate series
9/6/2021 10:33:56 pm
Would love to hear some tales from Northstrider's pocket dimension. Perhaps some others who interacted with the different wells. Perhaps some background how Dross came to be in the bottom the vat/well.
9/7/2021 11:40:19 am
I would love to see some more of Valinhall. I do want to be honest here, I thought that series was - at least compared to cradle - pretty weak for a lot of reasons. It's like back then you were iron and now you are a writing Monarch, lol :P
9/8/2021 02:28:42 pm
Will don't worry about being dismemebered. They won't take your hands only your legs. We can start calling you Will Chair.
9/9/2021 07:50:04 am
You realize… Lindon has a harem right? You say not having one makes the reading experience better for you, but I mean… Gesha, Mercy, Yerin, Charity, Suriel. C’mon man
9/11/2021 06:36:46 pm
Those are love interests not harems. Harems are when they are all dating at the same time.
9/11/2021 07:11:23 pm
A very good point. They should all be dating at the same time.
9/10/2021 02:41:08 am
I am very excited about Reaper! I won't berate you about a release date. I'd rather spend my time now re-reading the series(again), as I've done before the release of every new book since I found the books the first time around.
Dave Erickson
9/10/2021 04:35:04 am
First thing Will I have to say. WOW!! just WOW.. I love your stories. I'm on my third run through on the Cradle series and anxiously awaiting the next book. Ever since a friend introduced me to audible a little over a year ago I have discovered a new avenue of escapism from the pressures of working in IT and writing code all the time. I also have gone through Travelers Gate and loved it. Also Travis Baldree was an excellent choice to be the reader for your stories and I hope you continue to use him in the future. He just has some way about him to bring the story to life. Make it more real some how. I've tried a few other audible books by other authors and some i liked the plot, characters somewhat but in a few of them the reader / narrator's voice made me want stab myself in the ears. lol Anyhow thank you for all your hard work, beautiful mind, imagination and creativity.
9/10/2021 03:34:25 pm
I'd like to see some kindle vella stories for Cradle. Seems like a good way to publish fast short stories that can fill gaps.
Phil T
9/11/2021 06:30:11 pm
Hi Will! Big fan of the Cradle series. I have couple options for short stories I would love to read.
9/12/2021 08:32:30 pm
When I was reading your comment about Eithan's debt being paid back, there was only one thought that came to my mind. Malice wants some babies with both her and Eithan's bloodline powers.... He has to raise them until they are at least true gold.
9/14/2021 03:07:42 am
I think it would be really funny to get a short story from Little Blues perspective. The way she views the world and thinks of London and the team. Another idea would be to do a short story of the team spending a day trying to get Lindon a hobby, just some hijinks stuff.
9/14/2021 10:16:13 am
You should reach out to Brandon Sanderson and get his advice. Email me if you'd care to know my thoughts on why.
Roberto Novo
9/14/2021 09:30:29 pm
Hey Will, I just went to one of your previous posts and saw that you are into stories. I myself has been reading from them for years. I was actually trying to find the Cradle series in there once a friend highly recommended me the books.
Roberto Novo
9/14/2021 09:38:19 pm
BTW, Good Job on Cradle. As for now this is my favorite Book series. It was not enough to get all Cradle books in all existing formats I also wanted to let you know this a hell of good job, GRATITUD for that.
9/15/2021 09:31:09 am
Would love to see some short stories in your worlds from slightly different concepts, e.g. Elder Empire horror stories, a Cradle heist, Traveler’s gate buddy cop.
Joshua Tufte
9/15/2021 03:58:42 pm
I’ll chime in!
9/15/2021 11:46:00 pm
Book is out November 2nd, preorders begin October 19th. Info is on Will’s Facebook and reddit.
Martin J. L.
9/18/2021 02:58:15 am
Would love a story about the 8 man empire. I am fascinated by them.
9/21/2021 04:09:58 am
Thank you Will, your books are really awesome, and I really do not get tired of listening to the book several times. I would love to know what happened to the Holy Wind School in Bloodline, including Fury's battle with Xorrus. Thank you
Fasunlua S
9/22/2021 11:00:56 pm
I would like to know how you got the audio for the cradle series.
Fasunlua Oluwaseyi
9/22/2021 11:02:38 pm
Please can I get a link for the audiobook for the cradle series?
9/24/2021 07:25:07 am
I would like to see not a back story short story. Those never go well, just look at Solo or other prequels. It's rather see then drive things forward, so something like that girl that recognized Lindon at the restaurant would be nice but honestly, I'd much rather just get a new Will Wight book series to love!
9/25/2021 01:09:40 am
Some cradle shorts would be lovely, for sure! I’d love some history on a few of the regular cast, some side stories or whatever you come up with. Seriously can’t get enough Cradle!!!
9/26/2021 08:47:06 pm
I know it’s by far the least popular but I have to at least ask for some more Elder Empire stuff. I just love the world so much…. A “Tales of the Blackwatch” series of noir novellas would just be so cool.
10/7/2021 07:18:48 am
Seen a few of these and more I have probs missed but need to thriw my ideas into the ring.
1/3/2022 06:58:19 pm
I've been listening to all the series again - this time with my 11 year old son. Thank you for sharing your gift and creating such a rich and engrossing universe.
6/16/2024 05:56:40 am
Your appreciation means a lot! It's like putting together a puzzle—finding the perfect word is like finding that missing piece that completes the picture of your writing. Keep practicing, and you'll definitely see progress!
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