In an attempt to cater to those who still read paperbacks--like book-burners, grandmothers, and witches--we released Ghostwater's paperback edition a little earlier this time! It's available now!
Also, today through the 23rd, the Unsouled ebook is free! Of course, if you have Kindle Unlimited, it's free all the time. But you can keep it! For those of you who haven't heard from me since the Ghostwater release, let me fill you in: Ghostwater is selling very well. We've sold over fifteen thousand copies, which is quite fast, and there are over 290 reviews on Amazon. Which is blazing fast. That's much quicker than any of my other titles have ever collected reviews. Plus, it's currently rated a 4.9/5. Which is pretty great. So thanks for all your support! It's been a very exciting book release for me, and I'm already hard at work on my next project: a historical romance in which Victorian-era London itself has been murdered, and only an ex-detective prostitute can solve the crime. (Jk, it's Kings and Killers.) -Will
Sean K
6/19/2018 11:31:08 am
Calder is the one selling himself, isn't he?
Jeremiah H
6/19/2018 11:51:56 am
LOL, I don't know if I can see that or not, but it's certainly funny!
6/19/2018 11:39:57 am
I kind of want to see a story in which Victorian era London itself has been murdered and only an ex detective prostitute can solve the crime.
6/19/2018 12:04:12 pm
Also, are they an ex detective prostitute because the new job pays better or because they had some life event that made their previous career path... impractical?
7/2/2018 03:09:04 pm
Law enforcement doesn't get paid very well for alk that they go through. Nobody likes to get screwed for free! She peobably saw it as a pay raise with additional benefits.
6/20/2018 03:46:34 pm
Go play Fallen London! It's kinda like that.
The Dragon Sage
6/19/2018 01:48:40 pm
*minor Ghostwater spoilers ahead*
6/19/2018 02:35:20 pm
When can we expect the book after ghostwater?
6/19/2018 03:34:17 pm
I second this request for information!! Also Will I am still interested to know how you get paid for Kindle Unlimited.
A Less Fortunate Author
6/19/2018 07:42:58 pm
Kindle Unlimited pays authors by the page read, with a bonus if you're in the top 100 in any particular market place (, .uk, .ca, ect.)
Oren Velciter
6/19/2018 04:40:42 pm
Will has said he doesnt have a release date for the next cradle book. Give a few months more for EE, then 6 months at most likely for the next cradle book ( probably subtract time around Christmas/thanksgiving) and it should be out by May of 2019 at the latest. Earlier if Will can write faster. Assuming he goes back to Cradle right away
6/19/2018 04:50:18 pm
You’re the monster that made me believe October 2018 for ghostwater!!! OUT!! HIE YEE FROM WHENCE THOU CAME
6/19/2018 07:46:23 pm
Almost a year out for Underlord makes me very very sad...
Oren Velciter
6/20/2018 07:24:20 am
@JR Keep in mind that’s my pessimistic guess. Could be much sooner :)
A Less Fortunate Author
6/19/2018 04:10:58 pm
Good job authoring Will! Keep up the good work. I enjoy success vicariously through you.
stephen e
6/19/2018 09:06:17 pm
I have been too and I'm not even an author, nor want to be.
6/19/2018 04:35:20 pm
Gotta agree with Madeline, even as a joke the premise sounds intriguing and with you writing it it'd be great. :)
6/19/2018 06:43:24 pm
Wasn't there a movie made about that (that never actually seems to get released)?
stephen e
6/19/2018 09:07:14 pm
So, is lindon gradually becoming the fist of the North star?
6/20/2018 06:38:28 am
Ok I missed something there... what is the fist of the north star?
6/20/2018 09:38:51 am
Fist of the North Star is an old anime where the main character would travel the wilderness exploding bad guys by hitting them a certain way. The resemblance to Lindon is a little faint though, except for his one touch attack.
6/21/2018 01:11:44 am
It is faint,but lindon apparently always looks like he's ready for a fight and he has an imposing build so the fists's likeness always creeps into my head when i picture him. also, there is an anime quality to this story. It's what i imagine what the people around him that that don't know him well see him as. He keeps beating people above his stage. Whether he is lucky or not,that's going to garner attention.
6/20/2018 12:03:12 am
Give me ELDER EMPIRE!!!!
6/20/2018 07:33:39 am
The city of London has been murdered? Sounds like Will has been playing Sunless Sea...
6/20/2018 07:35:03 am
Any ETA you can give on City of Light audiobook
6/20/2018 09:40:47 am
Just chiming in to say that Ghostwater was my favorite yet. I loved the development of the characters and I am extremely hungry for the next book. But I will respect your commitment to advancing your OKAK series and will look forward to your release there as well.
6/20/2018 03:50:04 pm
Yeah it seems like Ghostwater is the point where Lindon's awful Magicarp build finally evolves into a Gyrados. And then he gets a super useful Portal 2-reject companion on top of it too.
6/20/2018 07:03:13 pm
Is it sad that I understand that perfectly and that my wife is looking at me funny because I do!!?
6/21/2018 01:04:28 am
I was thinking wheatly too. That's what you're getting at,right?
1/3/2019 12:48:24 pm
loved the LindonxYerin moment so much! I see these books as an anime in my head and it always irked me how the characters in animes never hug after being seperated. so their adorable moment made me fuzzy inside
6/20/2018 10:14:21 am
Will, you might not remember,but I was the one on Discord asking for the last fight to be rewritten for Harmony's point of view. If you are still willing to do it in the future, would it be in the next Cradle book?
6/20/2018 04:10:38 pm
This would be an EPIC short story/email blast like the deathmatches were. I upvote this so hard that my left mouse button has a crack now.
6/20/2018 07:05:34 pm
If he did write a scene as a prologue in the next book in Harmony's viewpoint that would make a great Segway into him surviving in some form and coming back!!! I think he said Harmony is totally dead but hey maybe he will have a change of heart..?
6/21/2018 11:02:10 am
Lets be honest though, has the word "No" ever been so unbelievably perfect before...
Path of Twining Ivy
6/21/2018 02:30:25 pm
Where to start, thanks for writing these books! Ghostwater managed to be the best in the series (so far!), which is never a given (looking at you, P-Roth). I've been reading electronically, but I may upgrade to the physical world if the set looks nice.
6/25/2018 02:00:02 pm
Answering parts of my own questions in case someone else reads this and is also curious,
Twinning is correct, but I'll add my own brief comments:
Scott Nichols
6/22/2018 12:26:11 pm
Everybody calm down, Will just made a little spelling error, what he meant to say was this: "Victorian-era Lindon itself has been murdered". Alternate reality Lindon who is genderless gets murdered and the only person who can solve it is young Gesha Fisher. A talented but somewhat misguided young detective with a tragic past who will never stop fishing for details.
6/22/2018 06:28:53 pm
I have to say, I loved this novel and the entire series. It’s not just setting, but the contrast of strengths in the world. We see our main character waltz ahead through levels of power, at some points being strong than those seen as his equal, but still know he is a gnat when compared to the titanic power he wants to achieve. He is constantly put in the presence of people who could crush him, yet he still trundles through, always getting strong and better. God I love these books
7/1/2018 10:19:20 am
At this point I'd usually be complaining about wanting a new blog post, but you've been pretty active on Reddit so I'll let it slide.
7/2/2018 02:30:37 pm
Yeah, it's actually been exactly one month since Will responded to any of the posts on his blog here. He's responded about a hundred times to comments on Reddit during that same period.
7/5/2018 03:05:29 pm
He also talks a lot on the fan discord. I just lurk there but he does answer questions over there as well.
7/6/2018 12:44:28 pm
Blackflame was great Will!! I really enjoyed it!! Keep it up!!
Stephen e
7/10/2018 04:27:39 pm
I saw the best seller tag on whitewater in the Amazon store. Congrats, Will
stephen eric sorensen
7/10/2018 07:44:41 pm
Wow, posted in the wrong thread and with a typo. Way to go me.
First and foremost, your positivity is infectious! In a world where negativity often dominates, stumbling upon a blog like yours is like discovering a hidden gem. Your ability to find the silver lining in every situation is truly admirable and serves as a beacon of hope for your readers.
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