To celebrate 100 combined reviews of the first pair of Elder Empire novels, I've agreed to give you some extra content here on the blog. Because I'm awesome, and because 100 is such a cool number, I'm including not just one piece of content, but five! That's four cooler than it could have been! Here's the first: information regarding the future of Simon and the Traveler's Gate universe. (Hit the jump to see it!) In the beginning, there were nine. The first humans, our ancient progenitors, sought a bounty of food, medicine, and exotic poisons from Asphodel, the Gardens of Mist. Some who braved its blanket of parasitic fog returned with even greater rewards than they expected. Many did not return at all. Scholars of these elder days sought Helgard, the Tower of Winter. The Tower’s vast libraries were responsible for humanity’s first advances in science and agriculture, though only the hardiest explorers could endure its bitter cold. Humans were not the first to discover the Crystal Fields of Lirial. A long-forgotten race, known to us as the Daniri, left behind artifacts of their wisdom that our ancestors fought and killed one another to protect. Naraka, the Caverns of Flame, was once believed to be the final destination of all wicked souls. Those with a heart for the law soon found that this Territory’s eternal flames would yield great power to the just. It was only appropriate that a team of miners discovered Ornheim, for there were great deposits of gems and precious metals in the whirling Maelstrom of Stone. But it took time and study to reap the rewards of this Territory, and some were not so patient. The Feathered Plains, Avernus, is the home of a thousand species of birds, some with the unique powers to invade—or control—the minds of men. Beyond all else, these winged beasts were loyal to their tribe, and it was soon found that they would defend adopted Travelers as quickly as any member of their natural flock. Soldiers often stumbled upon Tartarus, the Steel Labyrinth, by accident. No one will ever know how many men were lost in this razor-edged maze before some found their way out, bearing finer weapons than any in the natural world. Endross, the Lightning Wastes, was a country more hostile than any. This blasted landscape, home to murderous, storm-fueled beasts, became a home for men with hearts even darker than the weather. And the truly ambitious, those who sought the destruction of their enemies at any cost, found in their hearts and veins the key to Ragnarus, the Crimson Vault. With the powers of the Nine Territories, those early Travelers flourished. They brought their discoveries to the material world, the Unnamed World, the world in which we all live. And thanks to their bravery and their sacrifice, civilization blossomed. With the rise of these early settlements, Travelers discovered that their abilities could not be fully controlled. The Territories themselves brought ruin to their exploratory outposts, and Incarnations—Travelers transformed by power unchecked—rose among the population. Soon, the existence of the Unnamed World itself was threatened. It was at this time that Elysia, the City of Light, arose to defend the humans. Within the walls of the City, Travelers found power enough to match any or all of the other Territories. They ruled supreme, guided by virtue, keeping the Incarnations and all who threatened progress in check. Elysia’s reign was long, but it ended in violence. When the Incarnation of Elysia sought to command the other Territories instead of curbing them, all of civilization came under threat once again. The world was darkened by the shadow of the City of Light, until Cynara of Damasca stepped forward and ended the war. Thus began the Age of Ragnarus. For the next three hundred years, the nation of Damasca lived in peace and stability. Philosophers, scholars, and Travelers alike agreed that the Territories must be limited to ten. Some believed that the City of Light would open its gates once more when Ragnarus’ time had ended. But no one thought an eleventh Territory was necessary, or even possible. Surely, if it were out there, then someone would have discovered it. That was the prevailing belief until roughly 325 of the Damascan Calendar, when a man named Valin returned with keys to Valinhall, the House of Blades. The date is uncertain, because he hid the existence of his newly formed Territory. At first. It was over thirty years before knowledge of Valinhall passed to the public. Even those who clashed with a Valinhall Traveler in combat—those fortunate enough to survive the encounter—did not truly believe that they had seen evidence of an eleventh Territory. How could there be eleven, where there had always been only ten? They did not remember that, in the beginning, there had once been nine. In these days, as Queen Leah of Damasca uses her Valinhall Travelers to defend the realm from Incarnations, and rumors abound of an order that trains Travelers of Elysia, one has to wonder about ancient history. Where once there were nine, there are now eleven. Why not twelve? *** Enosh is practically rubble. Leah rules as queen. Simon is bodyguard to the ruler of a nation he once hated, leader of a new generation of Valinhall Travelers, and a reluctant treasure hunter. As per his bargain with the Eldest Nye, he's tracking down the remaining Dragon's Fangs with the ultimate goal of expanding his Territory's power. While searching for one of the lost swords, he catches wind of a new threat: a foreign nation, long considered extinct, making its way to Damasca by sea. With them, they bring new weapons, new Territories, new Incarnations...and new ways of defeating Valinhall. But Valin's Territory is versatile, and there's plenty of space for new rooms in the House of Blades. Coming "soon"...
The Traveler's Blade Trilogy
6/16/2015 10:04:01 am
Well that was great! Thank you for that! Random question that may be too spoiler-y: Will there be new POV characters? Other valinhall Travelor's would be awesome, and I personally could do without Leah. Keep up the good work!
6/17/2015 12:06:25 am
Will there be new POV characters: almost certainly yes.
2/12/2022 03:16:25 pm
I kind of respect Leah - it never seemed to me than she WANTED to be Queen rather everything was broken and that’s what it took to fix it.
9/7/2022 04:33:31 am
9/13/2022 04:13:47 pm
I just finished TG book 3. When might we hope fire a book 4?
9/13/2022 05:01:38 pm
When will the new books be coming?? I literally cannot put the traveler's gate trilogy down and I have read them multiple times!
Matthew Martens
8/13/2020 06:24:21 pm
I agree about leah. Love the first two books was a little let down by the third
Josh A
7/7/2023 10:30:55 pm
So I’m curious if the missing swords. What happens after this all ended. Didn’t Simon make a promise to increase the territory of Vallin Hall and also to find the remaining swords?
6/16/2015 11:54:08 am
That sounds awesome and I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for the peek.
Will M
6/17/2015 04:53:41 am
Yep. I normally go by Will M on this site but I forgot (working too many hours). As you can well attest, all the greats are named "Will"!
6/16/2015 11:55:51 am
That would be cool if there were some ancient Territories. I was thinking, why can't you use the power of multiple Territories? Not the way Elysia has them, but can't you travel in other people's territories?
6/17/2015 12:11:02 am
To really become a Traveler and not just walk around, you have to bond with that Territory. Different Territories have different requirements.
6/17/2015 01:34:00 am
What does it take to make a territory? Or is that a secret for now? 6/17/2015 07:05:21 am
It's not exactly a secret, it's just complicated and requires a long explanation. An explanation that will be coming in future books.
3/2/2019 05:32:47 pm
its heavily impled by eldest Nye and Valin that Territories are bit of long dead worlds that still have some remaining spark of power in them that if someone from a "living world" binds some measure of power to themselves the world can enter essentially a state of mutualism with the Territory (at least no downside has been shown from the world a territory is linked to). leah has talked about a compatibility test with Territories though its never explicitly stated you have to have x, y, and z to link to it, like naraka is all aout justice. from what we have seen Valinhall seems to be the easiest to link to as the primary aspect for Valinhall travelers seem to be willpower or determination
Agent Smith
6/16/2015 01:46:37 pm
Soooo excited for the prospect of more Travelers Gate books!
6/16/2015 02:52:15 pm
Got me hooked already!!
6/17/2015 12:12:23 am
Awesome! Now I can pull you into my boat and fillet you!
6/17/2015 12:01:52 am
6/17/2015 05:25:05 am
After reading the series for the 3rd time... It finally hit me that Denner is a beast that we know very little about. I tried to grab every detail about him that I could, and in doing so I realized how powerful of a traveler he really is!!
1/10/2018 02:02:44 pm
You left many questions about Denner unanswered, mainly why he was so ideal for taking out the Endross Incarnation. I am really hoping to delve deeper into that mystery.
6/17/2015 06:05:25 am
I'm sure you are working on your other series, but also that you have obviously been thinking about The Travelers Gate series.
6/20/2015 04:34:58 am
That face though xD and OMG!!!!! I just spazzed while reading this XD I was wondering about the rest of the world at the end of City of light especially since one of the Vallinhall travelers is a sea farer, can't wait for the new rooms in the house!!! Are you gonna finish the Elder Empire first though? I really need the rest of that series Will xP Anyways thank so much for this ! Your the best! =D 6/20/2015 06:30:03 am
Strangely enough, Jessiah, that's exactly what my face looks like. I'm told that's not normal, and that maybe I should be checked out by a doctor.
6/17/2015 12:05:12 pm
Ooooh! Really want to see how the Founder's Heir handles one of his new responsibilities by adding a new room, challenge, and power. Valin collecting and collating everything into a single Territory is one thing...his successor adding to the mix has such potential for fun disaster :D
6/17/2015 12:35:54 pm
That's a great question, Scott! I have many thoughts. I considered making Traveler's Gate a long series that I could return to indefinitely, doing one or two a year and interspersing them with books of other series (TG #4 followed by New Series #1, then TG#5, then New Series #2, etc.).
Zelda lady
6/25/2015 04:01:10 am
Whatever makes the series the longest while legitimately adding to the story and characters. Travelers gate is my all time favorite series so just saying ( you kill it and an assassin will be coming for you mwahahahaha)
6/17/2015 05:21:51 pm
Thank you so much, as much as I like your Elder Empire, Simon is by far one of my favorite character out of all the books, I like those quiet, but work hard and kind personality. any chance of romance in this new trilogy? haha
6/20/2015 06:34:50 am
Lol no.
6/22/2015 04:20:39 pm
Your website does not say this blog update exists! I am sad, and glad I decided to go back and look at a previous post.
James johnson
6/18/2015 10:34:36 am
I am looking forward to this contimuation of a great series. I would like to find out the story behind the nye and why the eldest doesnt know much before Valin came. I also hope Simon steps up to become a great leader, he has big shoes to fill. Maybe he will go to rooms that even the nye dare to enter. I am sure whatever you write will be brilliant. Also I don't care for Leah, How dare she boss around the leader of valinhall without earning the right in combat.
6/20/2015 06:32:11 am
My current plan is to finish the Elder Empire, then release the Valin prequel, then a new series (possibly alternating releases with the Traveler's Blade trilogy).
7/7/2015 02:58:57 pm
Ummmmm, Will?? It's the "Traveler's Gate Trilogy," not the "Traveler's Blade Trilogy."
7/7/2015 03:00:27 pm
3/4/2023 03:03:44 am
Funny to have just now found this blog post and associated thread. I finally read all the short stories. Also, I just reread the Travelers Gate series again. All this on the heels of the announcement of "The Captain" and Waybounds' release date. Thinking about how long its been and all the real world stuff that has happened. Given the changes in direction of your writing subjects and looking back at ideas from 8 years ago, it's interesting to wonder the chain of events that pushed you down the path you are now. I would love for their to be room for "The Travelers Blade" to exist. Hopefully Simon's stories interest you once again.
Kristina M
6/23/2015 01:03:55 pm
I have never been so excited for a sequel announcement in my life! Thank you so much for the preview and for creating such a delightful fantasy world for me to escape to.
6/27/2015 08:44:19 am
I know you probably won't tell but does this foreign nation have access to any of the currently known territories??
That's so not cool. You tease us with an awesome general idea for future books, but you don't even give us a possible release date. Or even when you will or have begun work on them. Tease!!
7/7/2015 04:40:15 am
The reason Valinhall Gates take so long to open is because it takes that long for time to normalize between the entry hall and the outside world. Nye Essence wouldn't affect it, except it would seem like it was taking even LONGER.
3/2/2019 05:40:09 pm
that's a really interesting bit of information there. that one statement gives a lot of interesting context on the nature of the gates themselves. this right here is why travelers gate is one of my favorite book series of all time, definitely a top tier magic system
6/28/2015 02:23:19 pm
Really looking forward to the sequel books. I asked once if you had any intention of having Simon learn to Travel multiple Territories, I would like to revisit that question in light of the new information. Also in light of your response to the question before, and taking into account the hints you've given us on the nature and origins of the elder spawn, wondering if you've given any thought to the two series colliding at all? Even if it just turns out to be a cameo appearance....
7/7/2015 04:38:04 am
No, I still do not intend for Simon to summon multiple Territories. I might change my mind, but he's got a lot of work to do with Valinhall alone. I wouldn't want to overburden him, poor guy.
4/4/2018 06:12:50 pm
wasn't there already a cameo with a quote from "the lone wanderer" appearing in one of the other series?
3/2/2019 05:42:49 pm
was there a cameo of simon in the book "sufficiently advanced magic" or is this news to you?
7/17/2015 06:10:09 am
I've just recently discovered this world and I can't get enough of it. Fantastic! Great to hear that there's more on the way too!
2/1/2016 08:29:31 pm
Awesome to hear about the continuation of my favorite fantasy series in recent times. Great Job, Will.
That sounds like a spoiler!
2/20/2018 05:53:40 pm
Hey will I read your Traveler’s Gate series a while back and now I’ve been re-reading them all in 2018 how soon do you think they’ll be out?
2/23/2016 08:45:35 pm
I did not squeal when I read this, I gave a very dignified Yelp that happened to involve a lot of shakeing and smiling.
3/15/2017 11:07:15 am
Loved the books. Any update on the continuation of the series?
6/7/2017 09:41:16 am
Just finished The Traveler's Gate Trilogy, great series. I was searching for any updates to your Traveler's Blades trilogy. Haven't been able to find any for this year, any updates?)
8/26/2017 02:15:06 pm
I'm happy to read some sequels as long as it ends with Leah and Simon ending together. The books dont need to have much romance in them. They've been through a lot together so it'd make sense if they like each other more than friends now. So adding a hug or a kiss in one of the books would complete the series for me.
10/11/2022 09:17:29 am
I am in complete agreement. This series isn't completed without some sort of romance between Leah and Simon...
1/8/2018 07:17:45 pm
Definitely loving the series! Randomly had the book suggested and regret nothing. I would like to see some new books in this series. Keep up the great work boss!
Connor Estes
6/11/2018 10:53:37 am
Hi! I am a reader who just blitzed the full series in 3 days! I love your books, and I have a question for ya 'bout one of the Territories... Asphodel... How do the powers and gates of Asphodel travelers work? It wasn't explored very much in the books, and I have been quite interested in the territory as a whole
7/25/2018 03:34:34 am
Someone asked if Simon would be able to summon multiple territories, you said no, but, if he is picking up relics from other territories and fusing them with/in Valinhall, wouldn't that give Valinhall somekind of connection to the other territories, thus giving them an insight/advantage over those territories? I am a very old lady, don't wait too long to write the next pressure.....
Will I Am Not
8/7/2018 07:59:57 am
This is an acceptable excuse to delay the next Cradle, but we really need to finish your clones so you can work on all the books at once.
Andrew Rowe
8/7/2018 10:18:56 am
I'm sorry, I feel like I must address a problem here. I, Andrew Rowe, saw someone say "all the greats are named Will!", and I must disagree. All the greats, every single one, are named Andrew Rowe, because we are all Andrew Rowe.
8/20/2018 08:45:04 pm
When will more travelers gate books come out
9/12/2018 08:26:43 pm
Love to see more of the other territories, you seem to ficus on only a few of them
9/12/2018 08:28:35 pm
Will there be more ragnarus travelers?
10/14/2018 06:54:23 pm
Wow Simon, I suggest you ask your queen this...She'd have to make them...
12/11/2019 11:04:20 am
Not necessarily, she does has sisters (2 left), even if at least one of them is insane.
3/11/2019 06:44:27 am
Not what I meant. I was asking because there were 1 or 2 ragnarus travelers that were exiled to other territories, and I was wondering if they were going to come back and try to take the throne.
4/30/2019 09:41:46 pm
I must say, though Traveler's Gate brought me to your works and is amongst my favorites books, I do find Cradle to be a bit more satisfying and would definitely like to see that one finish first. Don't get me wrong however as I will want to see TG expand further but despite that I do have a curious inquiry in regards to your inspiration for Cradle, namely which Wuxia works you have read and if any of those included the works of Er Gen who I personally believe to be the master of that particular craft.
6/24/2019 02:49:43 pm
I literally started salivating. When will this come out, Will?
Jasmeet Singh
6/27/2019 01:03:27 am
Snap back to present! Was there any work done on this? Is a sequel planned for Travelers Gate?
12/11/2019 11:43:51 am
I wonder if nobody asked this before, but could TG and Cradle be in the same multiverse?
Where are we?
5/10/2020 09:24:43 am
This was so long ago
Colton m
7/26/2020 05:44:21 pm
Hey will, just finished the series would love to see you pick this back up again!
12/5/2020 02:30:32 am
Hey Will, when is Traveller's Blade coming out? Loved Traveller's Gate, looking forward to this series
9/6/2021 04:59:08 pm
I haven't explored the Elder Empire series yet, but TG and the Cradle series are excellent. World-building and magic systems are unique, interesting, and overall impressive. From what I've gathered, all of these could be occurring in the same multiverse, which is even more impressive to pull off and leaves endless possibilities. I can't wait for Reaper and the Traveler's Blade Trilogy, and I'm sure the Elder Empire series will hold me over at least until Reaper comes out, though I suspect TB may be awhile. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your stories with us, I would rather binge Cradle or TG/TB stories over anything on TV today. I hope that one of these series can survive long enough to rival Drizzt's long running and awesome story, and I've enjoyed Cradle and TG as much as Manning's Art of the Adept series, as worlds that stand out and make a home in my head. I could honestly see Manning's world as one of the Cradle series' iterations as well as TG's world, even the world's of the Runelords series I could picture as a distant sector going through the chaos of worlds colliding in the multiverse of the Cradle series. For that matter, the Forgotten realms including Salvatore's work would easily fit in the Cradle hierarchy, so I admire the universe building and the endless pathways. Beyond that, I could see all of the Cradle multiverse fitting into a marble of an even larger scale universe to continue ascension in a regressive style, where characters ascending from Ozriel's level would be like coppers in the higher realm, or like Simon just beginning in the house of blades. I hope your realms continue to expand and eventually we find some interactive formats like games to dive in and experience them all in new ways as well. Thanks again for sharing your dream tablets with us and expanding our imaginations with so much entertainment.
6/14/2022 10:36:28 pm
Has there been any updates to the travelers blade series?
6/28/2022 07:17:36 pm
I would also like to know if there is still a plan for more from the Traveler’s Gate series. I really enjoy all of your work and am looking forward to Dreadgod! Still and to hear more about Simon though.
dana wheatley
7/7/2022 03:12:15 am
are the territories fragments of worlds destroyed from the cradle series?
Ulf the Red
10/5/2022 12:17:17 am
Late to the game. I love this series so much. The prospect of new books is fantastic. This is in my top 10 series now. Love the lore, can't wait for more.
10/11/2022 09:06:59 am
Traveler's Gate Trilogy is literally the best series I've read. I recently found this website and am super excited at the prospect of another series continuing the story. I gotta agree with most of everybody's comments especially about there should be MORE DENNER!! He is seriously a powerful traveler and there's so little known about him. Question: if there's going to be new territories, are you making a territory to oppose Valinhall? Don't get me wrong, I love Valinhall better than any other territory, but that question is still there....
2/28/2023 03:53:55 am
I reread this series every few months I need more and am willing to break down the doors to the crimson vault myself if need be to get it
4/17/2023 09:30:17 am
It has been many years since I have felt the relentless need to almost literally beg an author for more, and this is the first time that I've fallen; broken and pleading for just a little bit, just enough to keep going - and then I found this blog post.
Josh A
7/7/2023 10:33:16 pm
So I’m curious if the missing swords. What happens after this all ended. Didn’t Simon make a promise to increase the territory of Vallin Hall and also to find the remaining swords?
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