EDIT 3/28: Aaaaaaaand comment replies are back up!
EDIT 3/27: Some of you may be wondering why I'm not responding to your comments. It's not because I'm back in closed-door cultivation, it's because there's a bug with Weebly right now that's preventing comment replies. I'll let you know when that's back up, but in the meantime, I'll be beaming you my responses to each of your comments via psychic wave. So be on the lookout for that. I'm having trouble putting these blogs together while I'm working on Blackflame, largely because all I want to say each week is "It's not done yet, check in later." Last week, I gave you some extra story information about Cradle's Blackflame Empire. So this week, I wanted to know: what extra story information do you want? I might as well ask you! In the comments below, or on Facebook, or on Reddit, let me know what extra background information I can give you. This can be for any of my series--maybe you want to know more about how Kai grew up, or about new cultures in Cradle, or Calder's favorite food. I don't care. This is just to give me ideas for future blogs...and maybe for short stories as well, since I know I owe you quite a few of those once I finally finish Blackflame. Let me know what you want to see, and I'll start making up some answers! -Will
3/22/2017 01:36:18 pm
Maybe a simple question, but I've long wondered where you came up with the word madra? It seems so familiar to me, as though I should recognize it, but as far as I can tell it's completely made up.
3/22/2017 01:46:29 pm
Well it's an Irish word for "dog" but, somehow, I don't think that's what Will had in mind when he picked it :^)
Okay, but keep this to yourself. I don't want this to get out, because it ruins the author mystique.
3/22/2017 02:10:56 pm
To be frank it comes across as mana anyway. An internal and external power source for magic. My immediate conclusion was "this is literally chakra from Naruto, which is literally mana, and in Naruto their jutsu, or techniques, are literally magic." Dope.
3/22/2017 01:41:08 pm
Honestly, just a "StI'll not done, but I'm working on it." Would be perfect. As long as you're breathing and working on it, I'm happy.
3/22/2017 01:51:08 pm
I have a bunch, lol.
3/22/2017 02:09:07 pm
1.) Not everything.
3/22/2017 01:52:19 pm
I would love to read a short story about Suriel before she ascended!
I'm certain I'll do this eventually. It's fun to write stories about the Judges as mortals, because they were all extraordinary.
3/22/2017 01:55:40 pm
The Nye. Why are they bound to the house? What exactly is their goal?
3/28/2017 07:22:38 pm
I thought this was pretty much answered already in the books? Weren't the Nye just part of a fractured world that became part of Valinhall and that's why they're bound to it? And isn't their goal to make Valinhall a more powerful place because by extension they became more powerful?
3/22/2017 02:04:33 pm
What are the names/roles of the rest of the Abidjan? Phoenix, Hound, Reaper...
3/22/2017 03:04:11 pm
That would be phenomenal!
3/22/2017 03:09:41 pm
A+ for you
3/22/2017 02:08:53 pm
In no particular order:
3/22/2017 02:28:31 pm
The answer to how Valin created Valinhall was answered in one of the books, he didn't actually "create" it, it was just sort of floating around in tons of little fragmented dimensions and as Valin ventured through and added things to it he revitalized it. Valin found the Territory, named it after himself, and shaped a good amount of it because he was the first one.
3/22/2017 02:43:49 pm
You're right- I phrased that one poorly. It should have been more along the lines of the second half; could someone else do it?
3/22/2017 03:33:24 pm
I think the teaser for the next book in the travelers gate series already alluded to their being other man-made territories, but its been awhile since i read it so I'm not sure.
1.) They were the only ones to EARN those powers, not the only ones to know about them. Some rooms have to do with personal compatibility, so they're easy for some people and very hard for others.
3/22/2017 02:28:33 pm
I would like to hear about some of the weirder paths on cradle and how they came to be. Like, for instance, one where they replace their limbs with tentacles or those who gather madra by being drunk and brewing alcoholic beverages or one that turns their lower body into mist or something.
3/22/2017 02:30:24 pm
Or a path that focuses on fear, or maybe tranquillity, or insanity
3/22/2017 02:33:14 pm
1) more background on valinhall (rooms etc) would be hot fire.
1.) When I'm getting prepared to write the next Traveler's Gate books, I'll have to go back over all my Territory notes and re-read the trilogy. At that point, I would like to develop a Guide to Valinhall, so to speak.
3/28/2017 06:41:40 pm
Only a cruel cruel man would tease us that story and not finish it.
3/22/2017 02:42:25 pm
In the Traveler's Gate Trilogy, you talk only about two countries, which are relatively close to each other, are there other countries in this world (there would have to be right? Pirates were mentioned, also the badari desert.) Why are there no real representation from these other countries in the Territories? Do they perchance have access to different Territories?
3/28/2017 07:31:01 pm
Don't lie Will. We all know you moonlight with Chippendales.
3/22/2017 03:07:05 pm
I've wanted to know why Denner is a specialist in taking down flying creatures since I first read it in the Crimson vault. But it's not answered! Not even in the short story about him in Avernus! So if you could please enlighten me and others like me? :)
Honestly? It started as kind of an inside joke among the original Dragon Army. They made Denner fight the flying creatures that are annoying to fight, and then they kept making him do it with the justification that he had more experience.
3/22/2017 03:10:24 pm
Maybe some of the more exotic places on cradle that we probably won't visit. Given it's so large we can't see all of it in the series so some of the more interesting places/people we won't meet would be quite cool
3/22/2017 03:12:03 pm
How long is a day on Cradle?
1.) It's 24 hours, because I learned a long time ago that people get really irritated when you make up your own scales for space and time. In Wheel of Time, a week is technically ten days, but that does nothing but confuse the timeline.
3/28/2017 04:19:37 pm
2) That's pretty cool! Cradle has so much potential for future stories (outside of Lindon's I mean) with the different types of aura, madra, iron bodies and other different abilities that seem to be available. Your other settings also have this to a lesser extent, e.g. different territories or the type of soulbound vessel, but Cradle seems to have the most variability available, which I personally find fascinating!
3/29/2017 09:11:19 am
What I meant was how many of the Abidan come from worlds with magic systems like that of Cradle?
3/22/2017 04:47:38 pm
I have for the longest time wanted more information on Valin. I loved one of the short stories where it ended with him beginning to tell the origin to Simon! I need to know how Valin became Valin!!!
I started Cradle as a simple side project to buy myself time to finish Elder Empire and write Valin's backstory.
3/22/2017 05:57:37 pm
You should make a secret power like the iron scroll or the glass bell for the bath and simon
3/28/2017 07:34:38 pm
So there's some way to conquer the bath and get the healing ability permanently?
3/22/2017 06:08:27 pm
Wow...I'm impressed and encouraged by the number and quality of questions about Traveler's! I feel this is the biggest and most exciting "world" Will has created, with boundless opportunities to expand without leaving the planet/changing the system. Don't get me wrong: the quality of writing is best in Cradle, and the imagination best in Asylum (since I can't remember the right acronym), but there's something special about Traveler's.
3/28/2017 12:24:45 pm
If I were you (which, surprise! I'm not) I wouldn't be embarrassed. The majority of authors I've read can't write at the level you were writing at when you wrote House of Blades. Instead, I'd consider that progression with pride--like an athlete tracking lap times. Just because you can run a 5-minute mile now doesn't mean your 6-minute mile was crap. :-)
I like that analogy! And that's very good advice; I think you're right.
3/28/2017 09:23:13 pm
Glad to have been on service! I think this idea is critical for morale and serving well in the role you exist in at any point.
3/22/2017 06:52:14 pm
I would like to know about the different types of madras. Do they have weight or density or other physical characteristics other than color? Are sacred artists taking in pure madras and converting it or do they need a source of that type nearby. For example, can you use sword madra if no weapons are nearby? And does sword madra work with blunt weapons or piercing weapons?
>Different physical characteristics
3/22/2017 07:44:38 pm
I would love be backstory in the cradle characters that Suriel said could save Lindon's home like the princess of the ninecloud empire.
3/22/2017 08:23:03 pm
Anything cradle related or Abidjan related. Like other cultures we might not see or won't see for a long time or interesting customs like various types of iron bodies other clans aim for. Also I'm wondering how in sacred Valley with 1 million residents there are no known golds. No crazy hard workers, no genius warriors in 1 million people? Is there a story based reason when according to everything we've heard, in the entire rest of the planet gold is the bare minimun.
3/28/2017 12:41:30 pm
This is having me thinking that there may be something under sacred valley that is somehow draining energy from everyone living there. Such a minute amount that no one would notice outright but enough that makes the requirements for gold impossible to achieve.
3/28/2017 06:15:45 pm
Will said (in response to something I asked on Reddit) that there are a fair number of people below Gold in "more civilized areas" (although some of those same areas also have a fairly high number of Underlords). It's only in places like the Desolate Wilds that everyone is a Lowgold.
3/22/2017 08:26:41 pm
I would like knowing more about the emperor's early history. I'm sure some will be covered in okak flashbacks, but there is surely something you could share?
I'd love to know more about the thirteen Dragon fangs and if there's a way to make more keys to the house for say non-Travelers.
3/22/2017 10:05:22 pm
I was wondering where Kai's dolls came from... I saw them as powerful travelers trapped in dolls by the wanderer.. I always thought about witting a short story for each..
3/28/2017 01:25:11 pm
Fan fiction time!!!!
3/29/2017 02:09:53 am
My personal canon is that they are the retired members of the Abidan. Ridiculous I know. But cool
3/22/2017 10:06:34 pm
I'm echoing Yosef - I would like to know the outcome of Lucas and if he eventually gets a Dragon Fang.
Most of these are about the future, so I'll answer them eventually! ...in the books!
3/28/2017 08:58:44 am
He hits something in the crypt (or whatever those ruins were at heavens glory I can't remember) that sets off the pyramid with the spear right? Just based off how the doors looked familiar and the pyramid showed up around the same time the sword sage was killed. I guess that weakened him enough to be killed, as you've mentioned before that normally he would not die to poison. I think some other people have mentioned maybe that is stuff Ozriel (sp?) left behind but you probably can't answer that without spoilers.
James A.
3/28/2017 10:08:20 am
We believe you. It's also I think pretty clear just within Unsouled that the explanation made so little sense that there had to be something else going.
3/28/2017 06:14:53 pm
I doubt that the heavens glory school will be able to destroy a clan whose poweres revolve around deceit and illusion. Damage yes but it is very hard to kill that which you cannot see.
3/23/2017 12:32:34 am
1. Where does the idea of Madra cultivation coming from?
Core cultivation is a common theme in a lot of martial arts traditions and legends all over Asia. I mostly took it from Chinese mythology, but there are some Korean and Indian influences as well.
3/23/2017 12:36:46 am
Here's the real question we all need answered.
3/28/2017 09:48:28 am
Damn it will you got my hopes up for a second there:)
3/23/2017 01:39:46 am
Does Simon ever just go to a party/social gathering without being forced or tricked into going by someone? Seems like Leah has been putting a decent amount of effort into getting him to socialize with varying success. Has anyone else pulled a stunt like that on him?
>Does Simon ever choose to go to a party or social gathering?
3/23/2017 06:23:46 am
I know someone mentioned it up earlier in the comments, but when you say you'll do some sort of structure on the Abidan, I'd love to get an idea of the scope and other operations they have. Of course about the court itself but even the other roles like Sector Control or local enforcement, etc. Perhaps an idea of what it is like once you transcend your world and join the Abidan? Or maybe you don't? I'd imagine their organization has to have thousands or even millions of people in it to monitor all of those worlds.
Jay W.
3/23/2017 07:33:25 am
Anything Cradle related. More back-story about the other powerful characters. In general I would love to read some some short stories involving all of the strong characters that Suriel shows Lindon in the first book.
3/23/2017 09:21:14 am
Honestly I would be cool with "it's not done yet, check in later." I don't really want spoilers for the series or upcoming book.
3/23/2017 11:16:54 am
I would love to learn more about Northstrider or the 'Eight Man Empire (the precise name escapes me)."
3/23/2017 12:17:53 pm
There are a lot of questions about Lycas and his future. I suggest you read the short stories that take place in the Traveler's Gate series. It mentions Indirial's daughter as well. I would definitely like to know about is Valin. Before Valinhall's creation or revitalization or whatever, Valin was not a traveler. I would love to explore his backstory more.
3/23/2017 12:46:25 pm
For the sword sage dying by poison I assumed it was because his steel iron body has no inherent advantages for healing that kind of damage.
3/23/2017 06:27:39 pm
1. Does Storm Madra include Lightning or are they separate?
3/23/2017 08:28:28 pm
3/30/2017 05:53:13 pm
Thanks Asterion! I think i'm still unclear on the order everything happened. If I understand correctly, Valin created the advisors in the workshop but there's nothing to say (I think) he created them before bringing in the trainees. Maybe he saw Kai and immediately knew this kid wanted 50 perfect little dolls.
Family of Raccoons in a trench coat
3/24/2017 05:38:16 am
As tempted as I am to ask a question about the Travelers gates, I'm gonna ask something that's had my curiosity for a while.
They think of Valin kind of like a kid who wandered into a factory filled with dangerous machinery. They sort of scoop him up and send him back home, while telling him what he did was bad.
3/28/2017 06:33:42 pm
I'm halfway through book 1 again and at one point I noticed Li crying that he had not violated the Pact. I was going to ask what that meant but this comment sheds light.
3/24/2017 12:07:15 pm
I'd like to know more about when BlackFlame is coming out. If you wouldn't mind :)
Sean K
3/24/2017 03:26:09 pm
I want to know one thing. How far have you gotten in Zelda so far?
3/24/2017 09:00:47 pm
I would like to know more about the four beasts that were on the door to the labyrinth and pyramid? What is there significance, there path, were they god's to the ancient people or something darker, and finally when will Lindon have to fight them?
3/24/2017 09:04:30 pm
How big of an uproar would there be if the progress bar jumped from lowgold to copper?
3/25/2017 02:03:12 am
I'm pretty sure they are the four gods from Chinese mythology. Suzaku the pheonix, Seriyu the dragon, Genbu the turtle, and Byakko the Tiger. I probably butchered the spelling.
A suspicious looking dragon statue that definitely does not have a trap hidden on it
3/25/2017 03:17:16 am
I'd like to know the following two things:
1.) Sort of, yes! They're not called Remnants in that case, but rather "natural spirits."
3/25/2017 08:26:15 pm
We could suggest rediculous path names and you could write wrandom blurbs about them.
>Path of the Tap-Dancing Tigers
3/28/2017 08:19:47 pm
Hahaha:) That was fantastic Will. You truely are fantastic at that. My favorite was the tap dancing tiger. If you don't think it will be to distracting/annoying I'll do some more later
3/26/2017 06:15:17 am
Smart move asking your target audience to provide you material to assist in future writing projects. The information provided should help you orient where you can focus efforts in the near future.
I was having trouble each week thinking of something to say in the blog, because all I'm doing is writing Blackflame. All I can see is Blackflame; I'm dreaming in Lindon scenes.
3/29/2017 01:50:47 am
Challenge accepted! I've been thinking of a fun short story about one of my favorite, and least commented on, characters from the Travelers gate series: Olissa Agnos. She has a rather sizable role to play in the re-establishment of the house. I would love to see how her character progresses and what she can contribute to Valinhalls power.
3/26/2017 07:01:36 pm
jhonny cash
3/28/2017 03:58:55 am
Read "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson it is an excellent book
Thanks, Josh! Stop it, you're making me blush.
3/30/2017 06:38:06 pm
For example; "...Told in Lindon's way, soft and polite..."
3/26/2017 10:31:43 pm
Have you read the schooled in magic series by Christopher g nuttal? Or The Artifactor series by honor raconteur? Or tales of alus by Donald wigboldy?
God Of The Tower
3/26/2017 11:07:32 pm
How many other worlds have elders on them? Whats the strongest power in Valinhall and Ragnarus? Are different types of madra really different essences of intent of the universe? How many things in vallinhall are awakened objects?
1.) The only worlds with Elders in them are doomed, except for Asylum.
Captain Nemo
3/27/2017 08:03:27 am
I would really like to know about Valin.
3/28/2017 07:46:41 am
Yes please! :D
3/27/2017 01:17:03 pm
Hey will
1.) The answer to this is pretty tightly related to why Valin hates Damasca in the first place.
3/29/2017 02:54:50 am
so 2 last question
3/27/2017 01:25:06 pm
3/30/2017 02:20:10 am
3/27/2017 06:46:03 pm
Are there any obscure objects in the house of blades like "the stone cup of bladder control" that aren't life savers but just kind of convenient?
3/27/2017 10:04:10 pm
Suriel said Cradle is where they keep the babies, but then alluded to her being from someplace else. Explain please. Is it like a reincarnation thing? or once you ascend beyond a world you are immortal fiveever?
She doesn't mean literal babies. She's speaking metaphorically.
3/28/2017 09:12:45 am
So will, Question time:
I saw this on the other thread, and I didn't give you much of an answer because of spoilers.
RHYS asks great questions.
1.) Normally I don't answer questions about the future, but no, Yerin will not get a Dragon's Fang. I'm not planning an elaborate Cradle / Traveler's Gate crossover.
I have a new question I just thought of when you started answering replies. You are basically saying that your books are all basically set in the same multi-universe.
If Calder, for instance, was teleported to Cradle, he would find the Intent strange and alien. It would make his powers as a Reader unpredictable, and perhaps even a liability.
3/28/2017 09:12:26 pm
Thanks so much for doing this!
3/29/2017 12:50:41 am
Like everyone else here, I am a huge fan of your work. Everything of yours I have read and its all phenonmal. Thanks for sharing your imagination.
Thanks, Adaen! May the shirt fill in the gap where your soul should go.
Family of raccoons fighting their way through dark souls 3: the ringed city
3/29/2017 06:07:58 am
So, it has been established that plants take much longer to become sacred creatures than animals, and cannot ever speak.
In power level? Technically yes, although it would require a series of chances so astronomically small that an Abidan would laugh at you for asking the question.
Family of Raccoons
3/31/2017 05:53:55 am
I'd read a story where stupidly improbable event after stupidly improbable event lead to a tree becoming one of the most powerful entities in the willverse.
3/31/2017 10:55:19 am
I too would love to read a story about that:) or at least a short story
3/29/2017 03:19:05 pm
So, round 2,
1.) If everything goes according to plan, we should meet a character in book four or five that cultivates two different types of madra in one core. It's normally not possible, because they blend.
3/31/2017 11:02:17 am
There really isn't any reason you couldn't just change the color of the chains and add something on the end of their chain weapons like a sword blade or a mace head or a sickle or a dagger if you want to go classical. You could also have the end change shape. That way the focus is more on the weapon on the end of the chain then the chain itself while still maintaining the whole I'm a badass cause I kill people with chains thing.
Michael Bose
4/6/2017 04:58:23 pm
what are dreadgods? are they corrupted sacred artists? Elders? abominations born from fragments of worlds adrift?
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