A big, planet-sized thank-you to all of you who have already checked out The Captain!
We really had no idea what to expect from this book launch. As I've mentioned before, this is the first series I've started since Unsouled in 2016, and I didn't know how many people would be interested in reading something new that's so different from Cradle. But tons of you read it, the reviews are better than I expected, and all the discussion on Discord and Reddit has been incredible to see. I know it's a risk checking out a new series, even from an author you like. I salute you, brave explorers, boldly going where there are no Amazon reviews to guide you. You all are awesome. So many of you read the story that we got up to #12 on the Kindle Store, which is insane for any first book. I know it's only been out a couple of days, so most of you probably haven't read it yet, but many of you have. I hope you enjoyed it, but thanks for giving it a shot either way! I look forward to seeing you all in space again soon...but first, of course, we have to finish things up in Cradle. Thanks for reading! -Will
4/6/2023 01:23:11 pm
Excellent Book. Imo I think it was a little too fast paced by the end there, but still better than it being too slow. I'm also curious if we can figure out what Veric's other two magics are without more info. 😅
4/11/2023 09:26:48 am
Honestly, I think that is Wills biggest weakness as an author is that sometimes there isn't a moment to catch ones breath. I had to rewind and relisten a couple of times at the end to catch everything. Other than that I really enjoyed this book. Like most first entries wether film(TV especially) and books the first is always a bit more here is all the intro world building, people you should know and look characters or team assembly.
Alvin Strong
5/11/2023 05:45:38 pm
All of his magics are mentioned in the book. I think you should read it again.
4/6/2023 01:39:50 pm
The Captain was awesome 🔥🔥 can't wait to see the next book Will,
Frank Pepper
4/28/2023 11:29:01 pm
You’re a nard Will
5/19/2023 06:58:11 am
4/6/2023 01:49:07 pm
I loved it so much. I'm sure you already know that, but I wanted to say it again.
4/6/2023 02:02:27 pm
I absolutely loved the book listened to all of it at work... so when is book 2 :P
Mike Green
4/6/2023 02:41:28 pm
Great book and bloopers where the best can wait to read the second book
4/6/2023 04:23:35 pm
Do you plan for this series to be as long as cradle
4/7/2023 11:03:55 pm
He said 6 books are planned on the release stream
4/6/2023 08:00:05 pm
I was listening to it all day off and on. And I was shocked that I only listened for a few hours. I mean so much was happen I thought I was more that half way finished. So far so good.
Ed H
4/7/2023 11:08:19 am
The captain might be my favorite book 1 you've done so far. Cradle is still hands down my favorite series but this book started off strong. I hope the mc can keep being a teacher because those scenes are short but IMO resonate with the character. Great Job!
4/17/2023 11:00:40 am
Hey there's no rule saying the crew cant have apprentices
4/8/2023 04:13:08 am
How come no one is talking about 6th June.
4/8/2023 04:27:03 am
It is because we are all completely petrified by excitement and half sure that it is a lie. Even though it is the truth.
4/8/2023 07:40:05 am
Waybound is up on Amazon for pre-order, both Kindle and Audible versions. :)
4/8/2023 11:35:39 am
IMO, if you had released after Waybound, then The Captain would have made #1 on kindle. No matter how much we love an author, some of us refuse to start that new book when another series is unfinished because it possibly will encourage other authors to do the same. Blame it on Rothfuss
4/8/2023 04:56:45 pm
I'm with you. Ok, maybe not - I did read the book. But there was a sense of disquiet because I was reading a new series before closing up the last.
>The Captain would have made #1
4/10/2023 02:45:31 pm
I was with you right until the last sentence..."...because some people wouldn’t have finished reading Waybound yet". You're kidding, right? Maybe you meant that "..some people wouldn't have finished reading Waybound AGAIN".
4/14/2023 04:18:46 pm
Bold of you to assume any of us will set the book down without finishing it.
5/9/2023 09:54:26 am
Information Requested. Probability of Suriel reversing causality to test alternate outcomes.
5/18/2023 06:15:56 pm
I personally don't want to read the Captain before finishing Waybound. Will be interesting to see if there are more like me, which means sales of the Captain will pick up after Waybound is released.
John Wayne
4/8/2023 03:46:33 pm
Agreed, the goal is to hook us on the next series which I would have read but will not until this series is complete.
Kevin Burden
4/8/2023 03:59:23 pm
Loved the Cap. So much fun. Really excited to see what's next!
4/9/2023 06:27:12 am
Brilliantly done Captain. Now you and your not so secret super power deserve a vacation. ♡
4/9/2023 11:57:42 pm
Thank you for The Captain. Such a fun read!
4/11/2023 09:08:24 am
This was a very fun read. The opening sequence showed a lot of the world without being an exposition dump. The MC is definitely overpowered, yet his victory never feels assured. Did I mention it was fun? Classic Will, throwing you into an extremely hostile environment with death in every shadow, but with a sense of lighthearted whimsy.
Omega's Verbal Sorcery
4/11/2023 12:05:03 pm
Hey there. Thanks for both Cradle and TLH!
Keith S
4/11/2023 03:43:47 pm
Loved the Captain. A fun read. But I’m not emotionally invested in the characters yet, it’s so hard comparing a series I’ve literally read over and over again like Cradle to a new series. Hoping that improves later on with more character development, I hate to say it, but could use a little less pace in spots and a little more character development. Regardless, I’m sure I’ll read it a couple more times before the sequel comes out!
Syed Fahad
4/14/2023 09:21:42 am
Woah woah woah
4/14/2023 05:34:02 pm
The Captain was excellent. This is why you're my favorite author. I told my fiancé I was reading the first book of a new series. She asked what it was about. I replied, "Space wizards, and it's f#@&ing awesome."
Gunnar Busch
4/15/2023 12:06:50 am
"I don't like guns and spaceships"
4/17/2023 01:55:56 pm
Just started reading... you wouldn't happen to have played Starsector, would you, Will?
4/17/2023 10:50:54 pm
Hey Will! I absolutely adored this book. You are easily one of my favorite authors of all time and this series has be ecstatic. I was sad to realize the cradle series was coming to its end but now that I know this is cooking next, I am only happy to see what awaits in the future.
4/18/2023 09:49:55 am
Do you have any hopes/plans for a video game? I get the feeling that the Traveler's Gate series could be an incredible Metroidvania.
4/19/2023 08:58:53 am
Really, really liked this. I love fantasy, but I'm a sucker for sci-fi, so I was thrilled to find out you were delving into this direction. After reading it, I'd say it's a more whimsical take on 40k. This is great, because the pessimism in 40k is a bit much sometimes. The Captain's universe feels like it has potential to carry the same color and depth as the 40k universe, but with a sense of humor. Looking forward to the next one!
4/21/2023 12:17:29 pm
I just preordered Waybound and the Captain as well.
4/23/2023 06:51:59 am
I am only on chapter 8 and I am intrigued. The story has made me ask for more. The descriptive writing immerses me in the fantasy world. I think of the magic and the technology as one. The Audible performance is compelling. Top notch.
4/24/2023 02:21:19 am
“so different from Cradle” he says 😐
4/26/2023 03:12:21 am
I think my favorite thing about it is , farscape with constantine , elim garrick(ds9) ,voltron force,Sergeant Calhoun (wreck it ralph). I am all for it and cant wait to see more.
4/27/2023 04:55:13 pm
Overall the Captain was good. Varic was one of many characters. He started the book powerful and then became more powerful, so I feel like he needed a bigger emotional in. His parallel encounters and failures and losses might have forged a bigger emotional tie to current challenges and relationships. I feel like it was leveraged, but a few flashbacks might have helped really bring it home. I am worried by the title of the next book,as it might have a new lead character when I feel like I just got to know the current one. Still, a great result, but an amazing one was just around the corner.
5/1/2023 09:25:48 am
Your writing is like literary crack! In barely a month's time I've binged through everything you've written, including the short stories, bonus scenes, and bloopers.
5/4/2023 10:08:05 pm
Hey Will if you see this I was wondering how long a year is on Cradle. Is it earth standard or is it longer and if it is how much longer, also are days and months different too?
5/5/2023 08:21:51 am
meow meoooww meeeow MEOW mow mow mow MEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWW
5/15/2023 05:11:42 am
5/6/2023 08:27:13 am
A month gone by, a month to go! Can we get a sneak peak of Waybound? Its been way too long "wayting" for this long "awayted" finale... a little taste?
5/7/2023 10:38:22 pm
Thanks Will!!!
Bob Mortimer's Kid
5/13/2023 08:19:01 pm
Loved this book! Can't believe all the crazy people who won't give it a try just because the other series isn't done yet. Can't wait for the next!
5/29/2023 04:30:46 pm
Is this also a part of cradle universe similar to travelers gate. Haven't yet read all of the the eldridtch horror book sets so not sure if they are.
5/30/2023 01:07:26 pm
Will is there going to be a May blog post?
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