The first round of beta readers has read Soulsmith in its rough, unpolished form, giving me a new handful of cracks to fill in before the second wave seizes it in their filthy jaws. And just listen to the praise from these discerning, steely-eyed critics who have analyzed the book thus far: "Soulsmith was really good, and I loved the conversations between Lindon and Yerin, but it's so fast-paced and there's so much going on that I couldn't take a break and I couldn't breathe and it really stressed me out."
-My mom "Your characters sound slightly less like they're quoting dubbed anime at each other." -Devin "You have to write a romance this time, Will. You can't avoid it. Don't hang up on m--" -My sister "This was the best unreleased, half-finished book based on Chinese mythology and written by you that I've read this month. So far." -Devin again "Stop using me as the butt of all your jokes. I'm a real person, and I have real feelings." -Your mom
Your Father
9/13/2016 12:18:09 pm
If you don't quit making fun of your Mom I'm going to feed you to a Hanging Tree!
9/13/2016 12:51:21 pm
This is where I wish I could upvote.
9/13/2016 12:56:52 pm
Yes! My hourly refreshing had paid off. Now I know the book is real..... Out there somewhere in ether.
9/13/2016 04:48:42 pm
You joke, but I can think of authors who have done exactly that as far as I can tell :P
9/13/2016 07:01:54 pm
Oh man, I actually read Edward Knights books (book? It was really just one book divided in half), but I didn't know what happened to him. I'd kind of forgotten.
9/13/2016 10:52:41 pm
For me, talk like this always brings this guy to mind:
9/14/2016 07:59:45 am
B Justin Shier! It's been so long!
9/19/2016 09:37:58 pm
Just an FYI on Edward Knight, I have actually talked with him over I'd say a couple years (infrequently I may add) he actually didn't "vanish," he changed to writing romance then I believe he went to YA is what I remember. He writes under a pen name, I can't remember what it is. His books in other genres have actually done really well on Amazon, more so than A Thirst for Vengence (sadly, as I've been dying to read the rest!) He said it is still one of his favorites that he's written and wants to get back to it, but he believes the money's in other genres right now, mainly YA and personally I can't blame him considering writing isn't an easy job. Well maybe soon he'll pick it back up? It's been a while, I'll shoot him another email and see. Also I can't wait for your next book!
9/13/2016 01:12:27 pm
Great news what up for the shirr stiry
Jeremiah Halstead
9/13/2016 01:14:37 pm
We have been waiting not so patiently. April got me to read Mistborn from Sanderson, so I've been placated and had *ALMOST* forgotten that you have dashed my hopes of reading OKAK this year. I will have to settle for Soulsmith and sending you another badger
Jeremiah Halstead
9/13/2016 01:18:35 pm
I guess it's better than Sanderson, for whom I will have to wait who knows how long for the next mistborn.
Jeremiah Halstead
9/14/2016 08:08:25 am
Well, April is pretty convienced I don't have the patience for Stormlight and they are so long that I agree with her. So that leaves me with some shorter works. But the next thing I want to read will be after Stormlight 3 is finished, so, like, 2018 or something. That's a long time when I've read six of them in two weeks. :) You are the lucky dog, I've read your stuff as it came out so I am used to the pacing
9/13/2016 07:14:16 pm
Can I second on what your sister said?
I can hang up on you too, Jim.
Jim Chu
9/13/2016 11:11:22 pm
haha i actually hope for romance in traveler's gate rather than in soulsmith (simon is just too lonely, if he keeps only talking to the dolls, he'll become kai).
James T
9/14/2016 10:13:35 pm
Are we going back to the traveler's gate series? Just reread the series after finding out you had made more books. and is there a place to find all the short stories? Someone said Indrial's daughter got a short story or something. Sorry for rambling.
9/15/2016 10:19:37 am
I second the whole desire for romance in Traveler's Gate thing, although in my case it's because I'm curious what the Nye would say to Simon being "distracted" from his responsibilities of looking after the Territory, because of a romance. I don't think they'd approve no matter who he ends up with, whether they're a Valinhall traveller or not. And it would be interesting to see if the possibility of Simon turning into Kai if he keeps on only talking to the dolls would influence them to finally approve of a romance or not.
9/15/2016 01:53:03 pm
I agree on all counts of counting!
9/15/2016 03:01:51 pm
Im totally shipping Simon+Leah. Its a little cliche, the whole Queen falling in love with her bodyguard thing, but It would totally be hilarious if his dolls plotted to get them together to irritate the Eldest.
9/15/2016 03:11:42 pm
I also like Leah+Simon. Because again, I want to see the Nye Eldest's reaction more than any romance. And Nye Eldest's reaction to Simon being romantically involved with the Queen of Danasca would be priceless.
9/16/2016 05:48:19 pm
I think that if Simon were to have some sort of Romantic interest, she should have a better relationship with the dolls than him. That would be hilarious. The dolls could be giving him advice on how he screwed up I. Get middle of battles...
9/17/2016 11:01:33 am
The reason I'm in favor of a romantic plot/subplot is that it fleshes out the characters more fully and makes them more believable.
9/24/2016 02:45:15 pm
I think you have a rare opportunity when it comes to the Cradle series when it comes to romance. You have an undetermined end, and therefore can actually take time with the progress of your characters, which can allow a romance to bloom more organically rather then 'oh I need romance so bam'.
9/13/2016 09:35:49 pm
I'm all for the lobe Lindon's getting but damn do I miss Simon *sniff*
9/13/2016 09:37:17 pm
*love not lobe xD
9/14/2016 10:33:29 pm
It seems to me that they both strive to be a good person because ot was expected of them, or still is. Simon wants to live up to everyones expectations, as does Lindon, just with fewer people. The reasoning for that is what differs in my eyes. Simon doesn't really want to, he does it solely because it's expected, but Lindon wants to live up to everyones' expectations of a good person, because he genuinely wants to be one. In short, Simon seems dragged along, or manipulated, and Lindon leaping towards, seemingly the same place, whatever heroism may be to those they care about.
9/13/2016 10:23:40 pm
I know this is going to sound funny, since I am a girl who enjoys a good romance; but to be honest, I don't read many romance books. I feel that usually the romance comes off as too contrived and unrealistic. I enjoy a good romance subplot in fantasy books; however, I tend to agree with Will. Most of the time the romance is just too cheesy and unbelievable for me. This may be a matter of taste, but I think I prefer romance in books where it is understated and not exactly a torrid love affair. When it is an important bond between two characters that funnels each character's personal development in the story in an important way, it's very believable for me and rewarding. So far I've been relieved at the lack of romance in Will's books. However, if it can be achieved in his books the way I described without overshadowing the story, I'd love it.
9/13/2016 11:13:43 pm
try Codex Alera and The Chaos Walking Trilogy. In both series the romance sub-plots are blend in skillfully and actually help push the story.
9/14/2016 10:13:32 am
So do we have a release date now and do we get to see that date?
9/16/2016 08:17:05 pm
Hey Will, I am currently pondering through a bleak expense waiting for Soulsmith, as the day's drag on the situation gets more desperate. I check Amazon multiple time a day praying for salvation. I may have a slight problem. To help me survive the wait till the book is released I thought I should ask you some questions: Unsouled you mentioned some really cool sounding characters some of them too interesting to be left alone, specifically the Red haired young queen with the rainbow sword and the 7 man empire ( i think that what it was called) and maybe that guy who was eating sea-monsters/remnants. Hmm in retrospect this comment seems incredibly dramatic.... Oh well.
9/16/2016 08:20:02 pm
Make that Wandering not Pondering XP
9/17/2016 02:05:20 pm
any of the upcoming books in the series
9/14/2016 07:19:20 pm
You could always pull a George RR Martin and have one of the hopeful romantic interests die in a horrifyingly unexpected manner.
9/14/2016 10:37:27 pm
You have? I can't think of the specific instance(s). Having central characters die is a delicate balance however, too few and the book appears unrealistic, and difficult to relate to. On the other hand, too many and not only do you not want to bond to new characters, but it weakens those who remain, as those moments they shared with the recently deceased are tainted. I'm just now thinking of Lorcan, I think that's the name, I'm quite terrible with them, are there other instances, if that one counts?
9/14/2016 11:03:58 pm
Jordan how could you forget about Kai and Otoku man?
9/15/2016 01:29:04 pm
Oh come on. Why did you have to mention Kai and Otoku? Just run a dragon's fang through me next time instead.
9/15/2016 08:16:29 am
Hey guys, if you're a reddit user, and want to talk about Unsouled or spread it's awesomeness. Help me Nominate Will's book over at /r/Fantasy for book of the month! Thanks!
9/17/2016 08:45:44 pm
I can't wait for soulsmith. I really want to see how Lindon progresses as a sacred artist. I'm also assuming by the title there going to be a lot of soul smithing stuff which I find very intresting.
9/17/2016 10:23:01 pm
Aaaaargh! I keep refreshing the blog, but not yet!
9/18/2016 08:56:38 am
Can't wait for OKAK probably my favorite of your series
9/18/2016 10:34:35 am
Let me 2nd this... again. Not like I've not already made this clear with badgers
9/21/2016 09:38:13 pm
A badger might kill him though we need something that will maim not kill
9/18/2016 09:33:59 am
Ooooh a short story on Lindon's sister would be cool.
Hunter Thompson
9/18/2016 12:46:50 pm
Can someone actually become a beta reader? And if so, how can I become one?
9/18/2016 01:21:03 pm
Dibbs on being a beta
9/19/2016 06:58:11 pm
Double Dibbs! Or Second Dibbs!! Or maybe Dibbs squared? Either way me too!
I do get this question a lot, which is totally understandable, but I'll respond in a little detail here:
9/20/2016 08:43:47 am
9/25/2016 01:53:50 pm
So will i was reading crimson vault did the eldest release valin just to test simon or did he take advantage of the situation? Basically im wondering how tricky he is cause it seems like he wanted to get a founder who'd be his puppet over vailin.
9/26/2016 06:20:23 am
You've got 4 days buddy...
James T
9/26/2016 07:24:13 am
Well that means only 4 more days of uncertainty. I'm hoping for tomorrow as everything on Amazon comes out on like Tuesdays.
4/28/2017 08:17:47 pm
How did I miss this post the first time around?
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