EDIT: Hey, would you look at that? It's up!
THE UPLOAD HAS BEGUN! I will update this blog post, as well as Facebook and the mailing list, as soon as the link goes live on Amazon. So make sure to let me know when that happens, as I'm sure you'll see it first with your thousands of eyes, you monstrous creature. -Will
9/27/2016 12:25:01 am
Im at work on a grave shift. Been checking once every half hour. Im super excited to get no work done tonight:)
Patrick Q
9/27/2016 11:21:09 am
ONLY $2.99?!?!? You're a good man Mr Wight, a good man
Thanks to both of you! I'm very tired now, and I should have gone to sleep many hours ago, but I keep checking book stuff. Sleep is for the weak.
9/28/2016 11:38:31 am
I agree that you really should charge more. While shorter than your other novels, the quality is excellent, not not mention the amount of time and effort you put into them.
9/27/2016 12:35:00 am
Hurray, It available on - https://www.amazon.in/Soulsmith-Cradle-Book-Wight-Will-ebook/dp/B01M09PWJQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474961524&sr=8-1&keywords=soulsmith , but this is on Amazon India. Still not available on Amazon.com
9/27/2016 12:40:42 am
Btw Will where do you come up with the book names , I just jumped to the Sequel page and let me tell you seeing the Sequel Name brings to Mind lots and lots of badassery. BLACKFLAME!
I'm glad you liked it, Aru! I was actually torn between two names for this next one:
Soham Ghosh
9/29/2016 10:06:49 pm
Now that's plain unfair. Tantalising plot points already!
9/27/2016 12:43:09 am
It's live now!
9/27/2016 12:51:51 am
Downloaded in Aus Yay!!!!!!
9/27/2016 01:02:02 am
Out in the uk now!!
9/27/2016 06:15:25 am
Purchased in the U.S.
9/27/2016 08:35:54 am
You Sir, are the Man!
Jason A
9/27/2016 08:48:00 am
How am I supposed to see patients today when you put out a new book? Seriously man.....
Aaron J.E.
9/27/2016 08:52:13 am
Woohoo! It's bought and paid for, but I will sadly need to wait until this evening before I read it. I have so many assignments do in the next few hours I'm pretty much puking up essays at this point.
9/27/2016 11:42:31 am
I feel you bro :') Just got one more left out of seven
9/27/2016 12:44:18 pm
Gah! Must finish book dad wants me to read first! Why could you not release this yesterday instead of today?
9/27/2016 02:05:11 pm
Loved it! Great book
9/27/2016 02:35:12 pm
Yeah, this series is addicting. I'm hungry for the next episode. This is one of those sets of novels I can see myself re-reading in order repeatedly every time a new book comes out.
9/27/2016 02:57:22 pm
That was awesome. Please tell me you are done with Blackflame and it is coming out tomorrow!! Going to post my review now. Personally, I hope you shelve the other series in favor of this one for now. Your best series so far, in my opinion at least. Great job.
Man, I wish I was already done with Blackflame. That would be a nice surprise, wouldn't it?
9/28/2016 10:01:32 am
Thank YOU for taking into consideration your fans of EE's feeling. I love this book series, but I already have 1 Brandon Sanderson sized longing for completion, I don't need another.
9/27/2016 03:57:32 pm
I spent a while tearing through this book. Fantastic!
9/27/2016 05:53:59 pm
Will, question for you.
9/27/2016 08:55:54 pm
Will makes a little bit more through unlimited if people read it all the way through the last time he went over the numbers with me. It could have changed since then, because amazon is a fickle beast.
Devin is correct, as usual, although with this series in particular I'd say that I probably make about the same from an Unlimited read-through as from a sale. Some of my books make more, some make less, but it depends on the month and the title. Usually it evens out.
Bethany H
9/28/2016 11:42:29 am
So if we have KU, and we read the book, then return it and borrow it again an indefinite number of times...do you get paid for each time it's read, or only once per customer regardless?
9/27/2016 06:51:27 pm
Just purchased my copy and I will read it later tonight after dinner. Look like the book is doing amazingly well at #185. Well deserved.
10/4/2016 10:47:27 pm
you forgot battle through the heaven
9/27/2016 08:55:52 pm
Just finished it and I have to say, it was another great book in the series. I already want to read the next book.
Everything you said is absolutely true, but I'm going to respond with a mild spoiler.
9/28/2016 12:07:54 am
I had a feeling something like that was the case. You're pretty good at remembering 'plot holes' and other oddities and addressing them later on.
9/28/2016 07:29:45 am
Oh, good to know. Thanks.
9/29/2016 11:30:20 am
James A
9/27/2016 09:40:39 pm
Just finished the book. Loved it like everything else you wrote. Given the clear hint that the Sage was a major Underlord I was also wondering how it was he could have died and if it has anything to do with Yerin's guest.
9/28/2016 12:37:32 am
I think this is such an apparent "plot hole" by the end of Soulsmith that it deserves to be addressed as a plot point in the actual series, as I'm sure far fewer people read the short stories.
9/27/2016 10:10:34 pm
Just finished. Great follow up. One question, do you plan on starting the 3rd book soon?
I'm in a bit of a pickle on that, to tell you the truth.
9/27/2016 10:38:52 pm
It's simple, really. Things come in 3s. Get the third one done....THEN go back to Elder Empire ;)
9/29/2016 11:34:54 am
No, TRIEU, things come in fours!
9/29/2016 01:50:04 pm
In this case I think threes is the most we could argue for. Elder Empire HAS been left hanging for a while...
9/29/2016 01:59:47 pm
I am the great QUADRU and you dare to come between me and my arch-nemesis TRIEU? Prepare to meet your doom! You will be drawn and quartered!
9/29/2016 02:01:09 pm
Oh no! My secret identity has been revealed! Curses!
Chris DZ
9/27/2016 11:13:30 pm
Eithan is amazing, and I was wondering just how incredible Lindpn would be with both his supernatural awareness and Yerin's offensive power
9/28/2016 12:12:28 am
Finished! More! Another! Feeeeeed me!
9/28/2016 07:19:59 am
Easily one of my favorite parts of the book. They were describing the different types of Iron and then when they settled on the choice for Lindon I was like 'oh thats lame'. Then we get to see how normally people obtain that type and its like 'oh shii----'
Talha Yilmaz
9/28/2016 02:37:31 am
Hey Mr. Wight,
Glad you enjoyed the book!
9/28/2016 06:03:08 am
Do not be tempted by the darkside Will you must write OKAK (elder empire book 3) to balance the force
9/29/2016 09:00:57 pm
If you finished up EE with just one book instead of two, you could then start on the next Cradle book, while writing short stories about EE, possibly asking your readers about what they thought would be best to cover in short stories. That way you finish up EE, get to start the next Cradle book faster, and still get to fill in any EE gaps that fans ask for with short stories.
9/28/2016 06:33:39 am
As a major Sith Lord, it is my responsibility to tempt Will (although I am guessing sales and greater income which this series seems to be bringing in for him are a greater temptation than I could be).
A steady paycheck IS nice.
James G.
9/29/2016 09:26:24 pm
Come to the dark side, Will. We have cookies...
9/28/2016 07:31:51 am
I've read Soulsmith twice, I need Blackflame now!!! RIGHT NOW!! Okay, so, I've read all of your other books, and this series is by far my absolute favorite. Thank you for being such an amazing author. :)
9/28/2016 02:18:29 pm
Not sure i like it better than travelers gate..... yet. I still love Simon and his powers. But cradle just has so much more potential than anything else will has written imo. A completely open world followed but multiple other open worlds, which arent established and so dont trap Will and Lindon into a specific mould. I love it
James T
9/28/2016 08:20:39 am
So just finished the book and I loved it. I know you want to finish the other series as stated above but I haven't seen anyone ask when you think you will be done with the final two books in that series and ready to move onto blackflame.
9/28/2016 10:06:27 am
I have really enjoyed everything you've written so far, and this book was no exception. I was just sorry it was over so soon. You are showing yourself to be a master world builder on the level of Brandon Sanderson. Each of your books leave me hungry for more. I can't wait for the next book!
9/28/2016 10:26:26 am
Finally! I just bought it and I'll read it right away!
9/28/2016 02:14:53 pm
Amazing book! Each one you write is better than the last. Only one problem.... Now I have nothing to read till you release something else. Any suggestions people?
9/28/2016 07:45:40 pm
Amazing book! Better than the first! When's the next one out? Elder empire is good and all, but all the answers point towards writing another (or 5) cradle books! Except maybe you telling people you'd write Elder empire? Nah, cradle overrules that! Write another! Please?
Haunting Jeremiah
10/1/2016 05:23:49 am
I will haunt you too
10/1/2016 11:08:32 am
I second Jeremiah. And you'll still finish it... Just not immediately...
scott pike
9/28/2016 08:11:43 pm
Well I'm more than a quarter throught the book and I have to say I like it. I got it through Kindle unlimited the moment it went up. I like your characters a lot. Though since I'm not finished I wonder if these infected animals are the great sickness Suriel is fighting on other worlds.
9/28/2016 11:02:09 pm
Oh man, you skills get Luke Daniels as your narrator. Not that you aren't a great narrator but you have books to write and no time for that.
9/28/2016 09:11:54 pm
Another great book Will! I've stuck with you from House of Blades until now and have never been disappointed. The rate that you churn out books is astounding, but with the Elder Empire series also out, is Cradle a priority or will you finish the Elder series first?
9/29/2016 05:06:59 am
Will I want to say shelve EE and just write cradle for a few more books. But you should finish EE for all the EE fans, though it pains me to say it. After that though, Cradle might be your best bet. It has, in my opinion the chance to be a true epic, something your other stories, while great dont.
9/29/2016 06:39:31 am
I have to second this. The Cradle series is one of the most compelling stories I have read in a long time. While I enjoy EE in a big way it does not draw me as does Cradle.
9/29/2016 06:04:28 am
Will, is it safe to say that Simon(at his current power level as the heir to Valinhall) would get completely owned if he set foot in Cradle outside of Sacred Valley?
9/29/2016 07:20:59 am
I get the feeling that with ghost armour and nye essence and especially mithra, Simon could give them a run for their money tbh. Also will, is the advisor system in TG similar/related to the goldsign revenants in cradle?
9/29/2016 11:33:10 am
Interesting! I would say even the regular Simon (no mask) could be on par with our slightly above Truegold level on most aspect but have some SERIOUS advantage even against Underlords. I say most aspects because still don't all the Sacred Artist powers.
9/29/2016 09:47:04 pm
Come to think of it, would Simon's powers even work outside of his own world(Amalgam?)
9/29/2016 11:23:51 am
Will Will Wight write? Yes Will Wight will write.
9/30/2016 08:51:18 am
Do iiiiiiiiiiiiit!
9/29/2016 11:48:24 am
Are there tens of billions of lowgolds on Cradle? Since 1000 x 1000 x 10,000 = 10 billion, either the odds that Eithan quoted are incorrect, or else there must be a heck of a lot of lowgolds around somewhere.
9/29/2016 02:36:25 pm
As i understand it mist of the children of about 15/16 are lowgold. Its a normal level of power. Its just sacred valley that is abnornally weak
9/29/2016 04:26:00 pm
I think you missed my point. The population of the Earth is 7.4 billion. And compared to what we have seen on Cradle, the population density seems much lower on Cradle than on earth. So, if there are say, 10 people on Cradle Underlord or higher, then the population of Cradle must be around 100 billion (if we assume that all of them are lowgolds or better...more if a significant percent of the population is below lowgold). And I get the impression that there are significantly more than 10 people on Cradle Underlord or higher, based on the tour Suriel gave Lindon, and based on the fact that there were two Underlords nearby even in the benighted area Soulsmith took place in.
This may or may not surprise you, but I actually have an answer for this.
9/29/2016 11:55:18 am
When Lindon progresses his other core to iron, can he get an additional, different iron body? A steel body sounds like it would be good for when he gets to underlord....
Lindon will learn the answer to this question in the next book, but since it's not a huge spoiler, I will answer you here:
9/30/2016 08:21:56 am
9/29/2016 11:58:33 am
Gods but this series is good.
9/30/2016 08:22:35 am
Fair enough. I hope to see one at some point. Maybe as a companion piece just on the website?
9/29/2016 12:47:19 pm
I'm guessing that it will take more than twice as long to finish Elder Empire (two books, each longer than a Cradle book) as it will to finish a third Cradle book. Like, 5 months versus 2 months. So, if you do EE next, then it will be 7 months until the next cradle book.
9/29/2016 01:17:11 pm
Even if it took a bit longer than that (let's say a full year to get all 3) that's still an incredibly huge amount of content produced in a short timeframe compared to contemporary fantasy authors. From that point of view it's a remarkably good deal, IMO.
9/29/2016 01:52:28 pm
That kind of assumes that everyone wants to read 2 more EE books. I'd much rather read a single, more focused EE book to conclude the series than 2 more less-focused books.
That is true, Scott, and it's another factor for me to consider. Because at this point, people EXPECT three books from me a year. Which is an absurd pace for a fantasy author.
9/29/2016 10:59:16 pm
I think Brandon Sanderson averages around 400K words published per year. So, one Stormlight book, or several of his shorter books, depending on what he is working on that year.
More like nine months. It takes me five months to write EE and two months to write Cradle, that's true, but there's always editing time to consider. Plus there are a lot of people waiting on a CoL audiobook.
9/30/2016 08:55:32 am
One book to end the series would make me more interested fyi.
10/4/2016 10:33:33 pm
Captain Nemo
9/29/2016 05:11:00 pm
Hey Will! I've been reading your books since you published House of Blades, and I'm a big fan. Now, question: The Arelius family in Cradle and the Aurelian empire in EE. Is that a connection or a coincidence?
I am very glad you asked that question, because it IS a coincidence. I knew someone would notice, and I'm glad you pointed it out.
Captain Nemo
9/30/2016 07:44:13 pm
Well, that certainly makes sense.
scott pike
9/29/2016 07:38:51 pm
Just finished the book. That was a great sequel. I look forward to future adventures. It looks like Lindon is just advancing fast.
James Shaw
9/29/2016 08:43:41 pm
Hey Will just finished the book, enjoyed it as always. I love reading your books I think they are always fun action packed fantasy that really makes me like the main character they always act a bit different from the standard hero's journey protagonist and I always really like that. I think your writing is getting better as well. My only problem is now you have so many series I want to read more about and you only have so much time :'( . Also honestly charge more for the books, I think they are worth more even though you may think they are short they last longer than $3 and I would hate to see you stop writing because its not economically viable. Can't wait for the next one great Job!
I'm glad you're enjoying them, James!
9/29/2016 08:54:32 pm
Have you thought about consolidating the last two books of elder empire into one longer book? (not gonna lie I haven't read it, but I thought they were story lines that would eventually come together anyway...)
Read it, and then let me know if you think it should be in one book or two.
9/29/2016 10:34:45 pm
For one data point, if the conclusion of EE is two books, I will definitely not buy both of them. I might buy one of them, or I might not. I don't want to have to guess which one has the best parts (i.e., the parts I would not find boring, as quite a bit of the middle books were for me), so there is a good chance that I would not buy either one (I don't feel especially compelled to see how it concludes, it might be interesting, but I can take it or leave it).
Honestly, John, I talk about sales a lot because they're concrete, quantitative ways to measure reader response to a book. But I'm motivated BY that reader response, not by the sales themselves. Knowing people enjoy my stories and want the next part is what keeps me wanting to write.
9/30/2016 12:44:10 am
Hey Will,
9/30/2016 09:16:51 am
I definitely agree with you on sticking with the two book formats for EE conclusion. It might be a little different to have to read the ending in one book and then start reading the second knowing the overall ending to the story, but it's been an interesting experiment that I think you should finish. Plus, I'd like to see how you handle that problem of having two interesting endings that don't spoil the other book. Maybe have some mystery in the one that's only addressed in the other?
9/30/2016 10:46:42 am
You seem to be arguing that sales are somehow NOT measuring reader response. I don't follow that argument. I think the reason that Cradle is outselling EE is because a large majority of readers prefer Cradle to EE.
10/1/2016 09:09:53 pm
Why the HELL aren't you still writing travelers gate? That sounds douchey, but serious, like why DoD you stop? It's still by far my favorite book from you, and I miss Simon. Seeing so little discussion of Travelers gate appearing here makes me kinda sad. Realistically, what you do is based upon your priorities, which I will not attempt to pretend I know all of, but my recommendation based upon what I do know is this.
9/29/2016 11:32:16 pm
Hi Will,
9/30/2016 06:16:33 am
Will the christmas point i hadn't considered. It might be worth writing the third cradle in time for the holiday season then giving yourself time to finish EE at your leasure. If you wrapped up the first cradle mini arc as well then you take some pressure off.
9/30/2016 12:06:08 pm
Cool idea, why not try to appease both the fans of EE and Cradle at once? Not only do the fans get to enjoy smooth slow-steady release rates, they do for both series. Plus, stopping now on Cradle right after Blackflame does have the consequence of stopping the momentum you have gained. At the same time, slowing down EE (even while still working on it alongside Cradle) would disappoint those fans, too.
A lot of good arguments, Chris! There's only one problem: in my experience, sales actually decrease between Thanksgiving and New Year's. They do not increase.
10/1/2016 10:09:41 am
Well... that is strange to hear, but if you wait until summer then you're still losing 6 months of sales right? The immediate sales might be better in the summer for but it's still 6 months later so overall worse. Plus, that actually might be an argument to release EE in the summer since it has a smaller fan base it can use the extra support and wider release. The Cradle series is getting a wider fan base and so doesn't actually need the extra support of a more popular time to selll. It's going to sell well no matter when you release it.
9/30/2016 10:58:15 am
Just finished Soulsmith and I loved it. Elder Empire is interesting and the Intent system fascinating but I personally prefer Cradle.
I'd love to do a box set of some kind, and my graphic designer would certainly love to do it, it's just hard to set aside time to develop projects other than new books. I don't even have time for all the new books!
Jeff Smith
9/30/2016 11:10:53 am
Let me just vote for the EE series to be next and be 2 books. I really enjoy getting to see the same fight from a different viewpoint. It is proving a contention that I always have had that the hero/villain of every story depends on who you follow. It is hard to hate someone when you see that their actions are consistent with events that have already happened to them. I realize EE can't really have a full on happy ending based on what has happened but it still can have a great ending.
You know, I don't typically prefer full-on happy endings anyway. When EVERYONE gets what they want, it doesn't feel satisfying or real.
9/30/2016 02:21:00 pm
To add to the list of bribes for you to write Blackflame first, mom says she has more quilt kits than she knows what to do with and what is your favorite color.
Shreyas Amrutkar
9/30/2016 03:52:10 pm
Hey Will,
9/30/2016 05:35:19 pm
I think the weakness is easily explained by their isolation. There is much less danger in the sacred valley, and it seems the best way to advance is to be put into danger and have to find a way to survive.
9/30/2016 05:38:42 pm
...or better yet, just capture one of the people who periodically venture out of the sacred valley to gather fruits and such, and make that person tell them how to get in.
10/4/2016 10:40:33 pm
does the explanation has anything to do with the missing abidan OZRIEL having grown up there???
10/4/2016 10:39:25 pm
probably has something to do with the cloud over mount samadra
9/30/2016 04:42:58 pm
I respectfully request a new thread to be created. I have to hunt through for new comments on this one.... Too many comment.
9/30/2016 07:46:33 pm
I loved the new book. I didn't really like the first one but I'm glad my trust in you as an author payed off. For a second I almost joined the bandwagon screaming for the next book. Until I remembered that would push out Elder Empire.
Thanks for trusting me, Emily!
Not haunting Jeremiah
10/1/2016 05:34:27 am
We could stalk you if it would help you write faster. Or be more motivated to finish okak. Or I could buy you lunch
10/1/2016 08:26:18 am
Offering to buy him lunch sounds like a lead in to the stalking part.....
10/1/2016 08:47:15 pm
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