It's up! Get Skysworn here!
...if you're on! I don't know about other domains, sorry! I was sitting around, and I had it ready to go, so I figured...why wait for midnight? I uploaded Skysworn just a few minutes ago! Someone let me know when it goes live (I'm checking, but I'm sure you'll find it before I do), and I'll post a link whenever it's up! ...also, don't skip Chapter 1. There was another scene in the chapter that I was going to post tonight, but instead I uploaded the book. It's an important scene, so I didn't want you to miss it. That's it! Enjoy! -Will
9/30/2017 05:18:49 pm
Damnit Will. Now I won't get any sleep tonight while I wait for the book!
13-year old
9/30/2017 05:18:49 pm
Can't wait to read it! Had to commandeer my mom's phone for this!
9/30/2017 05:18:57 pm
Thanks so much Will!
The Champ
9/30/2017 05:21:08 pm
Great. Now i have to spend all night waiting and then i have to read it. You're evil Will. Evil.
Eddie Munster
9/30/2017 05:39:40 pm
A Flaming Turtle
9/30/2017 05:40:40 pm
I want to know about my stolen Disciple already!
9/30/2017 05:47:23 pm
The refresh spamming of amazon begins....
Eddie Munster
9/30/2017 05:54:18 pm
Exactly 😂😂😂
9/30/2017 05:59:54 pm
Just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep- WAIT IT IS OUT NOW?!?
9/30/2017 05:48:24 pm
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes join the Discord will yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YEEEERERESSSSSSS
9/30/2017 05:48:37 pm
Is it posted on amazon yet? I don't see it....
9/30/2017 05:53:51 pm
Me neither... It seems that the Lord Amazon is being rather stingy towards our savior...
9/30/2017 05:57:48 pm
Thank you Will! Now we all need to recommend this series to 2 more friends and acquaintances to make it up to Will!!!
9/30/2017 05:59:58 pm
9/30/2017 06:02:44 pm
9/30/2017 06:03:17 pm
Nothing yet, but keeping an eye out
9/30/2017 06:05:21 pm
Yes! It's like Christmas but without the creapy fat guy in the red velour jumpsuit
13-year old
10/3/2017 03:14:52 pm
You lost me with that comment.
9/30/2017 06:08:22 pm
Already up on Amazon UK
9/30/2017 06:10:27 pm
Up on Amazon AU but keeps telling me I can't have it due to copyright restrictions in Australia! WAHHHH!!!!!!
10/1/2017 01:36:51 am
Think it may have been something to do with myself clicking on it too early. Resolved the issue by removing my address field.
9/30/2017 06:11:37 pm
It's up!
9/30/2017 06:12:21 pm
I just bought it!!!!!!
9/30/2017 06:14:48 pm
It's up now.
10/1/2017 03:13:54 pm
9/30/2017 06:18:02 pm
Still nothing amazon AU...
Remnant groupie
9/30/2017 06:19:53 pm
oh i'm so excited can't wait. I took my nap, reading a will eternal for now to pass the time. eww so exciting can't imagine how will feels
9/30/2017 06:26:23 pm
Amazon US link:
Remnant Groupie
9/30/2017 06:26:35 pm
I have it i have it amazon kindle unlimited (whatever). muhahahaha. starting to read right now. 9:26pm est
James L. Quinley
9/30/2017 06:28:37 pm
It's up. Just bought it.
Garbagiel the Raccoon
9/30/2017 07:13:50 pm
Thanks Will! Now to find a place where I won't be disturbed until I'm done...
9/30/2017 08:13:27 pm
Acquired!! Can't wait to dig in!
9/30/2017 08:25:17 pm
I know there was a thing where the day that people bought it mattered in terms of month. Would it be best for you if we bought it tomorrow? (or twice :) )
Book Monster
9/30/2017 08:52:08 pm
So i just finished it....WILL WHEN IS THE NEXT ONE COMING!?
10/1/2017 04:07:29 pm
Sooo, got any of them ghost waters? 😏😬😂😅
9/30/2017 09:13:38 pm
Got it!
That One Guy
9/30/2017 09:19:43 pm
It was fantastic. I really appreciate the contrast between steady training and buildup we've had for the past few books, compared with the severely upped ante for this one.
9/30/2017 09:59:51 pm
Finished it, and it was just as good as always!
9/30/2017 10:19:49 pm
Well, that was an action packed book! So much was answered, so why do I have even more questions then when I started? Help me, Will!
10/23/2017 08:39:26 am
I cant smoke. It'll send me straight to the hospital. Does this mean ull answer my questions? :P
9/30/2017 11:42:10 pm
Just finished it!!! It was could possibly be better than Blackflame and I don’t think my poor heart can take waiting for Ghostwater to come out... It better be soon Will or else I’ll bring the wrath of the Dreadgods onto you. But until then I’ll have to be satisfied by rereading it several dozen times.
10/1/2017 01:36:28 am
So excited it's dling right now. Just want to say thanks in advanced for another amazing book.
10/1/2017 02:09:44 am
10/1/2017 04:08:58 pm
10/15/2017 08:09:37 pm
I acknowledge this point to you. I also thought of it, but since you commented on it I din't see a reason to repeat.
mason jones
10/1/2017 03:13:46 am
Curious about the next title already! Other title's were all self explanatory. Going to reread it again but have I missed something here or is it a mystery?
Cameron Ove
10/1/2017 04:07:30 pm
Read the last report in the book. Last two paragraphs...#solidhint
Mason Jones
10/2/2017 02:17:05 am
ive reread that a few times, don't want to post any spoilers (not one of those guys), but i know which one is waking or should say next to awaken. guessing thats the next threat but is Ghostwater to do with that? Read a theory about Northstrider being in the next one, that would be cool. For some reason i really want him to be a dick haha
10/1/2017 04:11:54 pm
10/23/2017 08:42:01 am
My question is why the Akura clan is keeping Sacred valley under the wraps and hidden. I'm guessing it must have something to do with the labryanth near heavens glory, but only will knows
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/1/2017 03:14:34 am
Excellent book. A few mysteries explained, a couple excellent action scenes. The real question is: How long til Ghostwater?
10/1/2017 04:13:31 pm
Follow up questions for above^
Save of the Impatient Reader
10/2/2017 08:19:12 pm
Was trying to be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers.
10/1/2017 05:44:45 am
Teenage Mutant Ninja Lindon
10/1/2017 12:06:11 pm
10/1/2017 04:14:02 pm
Maybe the armor he might get? 🤷♂️🤔
10/16/2017 07:07:19 am
The only way he could get the shell is if he took in Ortho's Remnant
10/1/2017 06:37:40 am
Just finished reading it and I have to say this is absolutely my favorite book in the series so far. I feel like you've managed to really distill that moment of horizons broadening that is one of the things that keeps me coming back to your works again and again. Keep up that awesome work Will!
10/1/2017 07:01:23 am
Absolutely wonderful. I was up until 4 reading Skysworn last night after being alerted that it was available. Now I must shambles through my responsibilities for the day in a mindless fugue. I can't wait until OKAK!
10/1/2017 07:05:47 am
Finally have a chance to start it. I was way too tired to enjoy it last night so I went to bed. Something like this should be savored!
10/1/2017 07:22:34 am
That scene where Othos corners Lindon about his decisions *_*
10/1/2017 04:15:17 pm
Lol, I see it.
The world's fastest reader
10/1/2017 07:32:02 am
I am done reading skysworn. when is the next book coming out?
Sean K
10/1/2017 07:52:34 am
WOOT! Excellent job! Everyone give Will a hand (although maybe Lindon needs it more?)
10/1/2017 04:16:21 pm
10/1/2017 08:17:18 am
You sir are a gem! I was lying awake at 11:00 last night just laying in the dark, lonely and bored as the kids and wife were asleep. I couldn't turn on the tv in the bedroom, I'd wake up the wife. I didn't want to go downstairs and turn on the tv in the living room, my kids are like heat seeking missiles and come down anytime, day or night, and they needed their rest. I thought to myself, just wait an hour, buy the book, it will be glorious, just be patient. On a whim I checked the blog, don't know why, just read some comments or whatever, it will give me something to do, and...JOY GASM, the book is already uploaded! 2 minutes and I was into the first chapter like a pig in slop. It's at this point the story takes a sad turn. I decided I needed to re-read blackflame, just to brush up you know, things weren't as crisp in my memory as I thought. This is where the story takes a happy turn (trying to be a glass half full kind of guy)! So I start blackflame, and I come to the realization, hey, instead of getting to read one book by the infamous Will Wight, I get to read two!!!! I don't know if you understand the joy you bring to your readers Will. You sir, are a gem!
10/1/2017 08:54:25 am
Wanted to add, I had a very intense debate with myself:
10/1/2017 08:58:40 am
Will, wanted to say thanks. Hope your year rocks and the writing continues to flow.
10/1/2017 09:35:58 am
Man that was nice. I thought you couldn't possibly top Blackflame, but man, that was great. Non-stop reading of a new book for a few hours is something you never get tired of.
10/1/2017 12:11:04 pm
I believe they said there was an Overlord, and the Sage of Red Faith.
10/1/2017 01:00:30 pm
As separate entities? My question was whether or not it was possible to become a Sage a or a version of a Sage at the Overlord Stage.
Hayden Ainsworth
10/1/2017 06:27:58 pm
A sage is another name for an Archlord. They are supposed to be the most powerful Archlords. At least that is what I understood from Skysworn.
10/2/2017 05:14:27 am
Yes, they were described as separate entities.
10/5/2017 04:29:42 pm
what are the levels above Overlord
10/1/2017 11:43:39 am
SO GOOD!... :( I'm sad I finished it already!! It seemed short, but I'm sure that's because I was burning to finish it! Time to read it immediately again! Can't stop won't stop-- please keep going!
10/1/2017 12:01:13 pm
So he started as an Unsouled, then he turned into a Soulsmith: Iron, then he gained the path of Blackflame, and then...
Mason Jones
10/1/2017 02:41:43 pm
haha this is killing me too, sounds like a place to me though either that or a soulsmithing path??
10/1/2017 04:21:13 pm
10/2/2017 08:59:13 am
10/2/2017 06:31:09 pm
Oh yeah!! That's right! As I was reading I thought he'll make his hand into his very own drudge as well.
10/5/2017 07:37:02 am
Good point, Ghostwater could also be a binding or an elixir.
10/16/2017 07:10:52 am
My guess is it's an ingredient for soulfire
Tame Curtsy
10/1/2017 12:11:05 pm
Great read, great job, Will. Your disarming prose is sure to charm your audience. You deserve to take a nice long break and relish in another book well-written.
Mason Jones
10/1/2017 02:45:48 pm
he put this order up;
Cameron Ove
10/1/2017 04:13:57 pm
Will, I just want to say that you are absolutely my favorite author. I've read all your books and haven't been disappointed yet. Simon has been my favorite character so far, but, man, I really really like Lindon. Your stories are soooooooo good! I read Skysworn all in one day...don't do that often (I'm a slow reader). Loved every moment.
10/1/2017 04:36:04 pm
Just an awesome book, Will. I couldn't put it down. It's hard to believe but each following book is better than the preceding one. You are really growing as an author as much as your characters are growing as sacred artists. I hope the book does really well because you certainly deserve it.
10/1/2017 06:47:56 pm
I believe that I have worked out the proper series of rituals needed to clone Will Wight's brain and place it in a simulated world. I can then accelerate this world and thus get his clone brain to produce books at a faster pace. Just need to gather the needed reagents...
That guy
10/1/2017 07:02:51 pm
Loved the book! But in the progress bar it says that Lindon is True Gold, but he never went up. Did seeing what was in Ozriel's marble move him up or is it just a typo?
Nathan L
10/1/2017 07:19:02 pm
That was the progress on completing the book, not the rank Lindon has achieved, the two are not specifically related.
Brian S
10/1/2017 10:21:08 pm
I think it's extremely uncool and inconsiderate of people to post spoilers on the release thread of any book. It's also disrespectful to the author as it could possibly lead to less revenue for him.
Another guy
10/1/2017 10:31:22 pm
What is best in life?
Daniel young
10/2/2017 12:51:07 am
Crushing your enemies underfoot and smirking at the lamentions of their women?
10/2/2017 12:25:57 am
Another amazing addition to Cradle, thanks Will! You have successfully ruined my sleep schedule, as I saw this post as I was going to bed on Saturday and instead had to stay up and wait for it to show up on Amazon. Then I of course had to read some, then it was 5 am. Totally worth it though!
Daniel Young
10/2/2017 12:48:00 am
I had an odd thing happen to me. I purchased a copy of skysworn from the amazon kindle page and then I went and checked my kindle books and it wasn't there. Confused I then proceeded to check my order invoices and my back account only to find everything in order. Now since reading books is about as addictive as coccaine for me I then proceeded to get it on kindle unlimited and read the whole book in less than three hours go to sleep and then read it again. Now I was assuming that my digital copy I bought would show up at some point but it still hasn't so now I'm rather confused. I'm going to call amazon support later but I thought I'd ask if any of you have had similar issues in the past?
10/2/2017 03:13:08 am
We got now two new names for cultivation stages (Herald and Monarch)
10/2/2017 03:16:57 am
I tihnk I got the ranking wrong(feel free to correct me)
10/2/2017 05:17:02 am
Quoting Will here "A Sage is an Archlord who has 'achieved something special'. It's actually easier to advance to the next stage than to become a Sage."
10/3/2017 10:52:32 am
I think it goes copper iron, Jade, lowgold, high gold, true gold, underlord, overlord, archlord, sage, maybe something between, herald, monarch
10/6/2017 11:27:18 pm
I think there definitely are stages between herald and monarch as the guardian remnants at the gate of the akura stronghold were herald level it would be extremely weird if the guards of the place were just a level lower than the ruler. I personally think herald is the stage after Archlord.
10/8/2017 07:28:37 am
Here's the full list we have as of now - there might be stages between the lords and heralds and between the heralds and monarch.
10/8/2017 12:53:39 pm
Lance, I think you're correct on every stage except the last. I remember (not exactly where) that on this blog, Will at one point said that the Sword Sage could have ascended beyond Cradle, if he had wanted to. So while Monarch may be the highest power level one can reach while on Cradle, I think you can leave Cradle earlier if you want to/think you're ready. Perhaps you go to different new locations when you ascend depending on your Cradle advancement level. Good job all the same.
10/8/2017 01:55:14 pm
You are correct, Scott. Will once said that you don't have to have reached the stage of Northstrider Eight Man Empire, and the queen have reached to ascend.
10/8/2017 02:01:02 pm
I remember it was specifically referred to as the Sword Sage that could ascend at based on his stage of advancement, not necessarily all Sages.
10/11/2017 04:40:20 am
"Sages are the most powerful archlords."
10/2/2017 03:15:06 am
I just finished it! It was great!! Now back to the agonising wait for the next one...
Lazy frog
10/2/2017 06:41:47 am
What do the items Lindon couldn't use do? You should write an alternative scene where he was allowed to use them... Pretty please?
Garbagiel the Raccoon
10/2/2017 07:32:15 am
It seems weird to me that Eithan's order to gather information on the Phoenix and its vassals, as well as repair and rebuild was the order that Cassius defied.
10/3/2017 02:34:16 am
I think it was more a problem that they'd already been through a harrowing evacuation, and were looking at another in the near future, and Eithan wanted to throw them into this random task that is not anything to do with getting the clan to safety. Glory for house Arelius is good, but if it means that Arelius will largely cease to exist as a result of said glory... that might take it a bit too far. Eithan may have visions of ascending from Cradle with his chosen companions in the future and be on the right path to become an Over/Archlord and on, but that also blinds him to the fact that to people like Cassius who might never advance again, this life is what they have and jeopardizing it for no reason that they can see isn't something they are willing to do. If Eithan had been able to tell Cassius his source ("uh... so that Monarch says she'll save us now but I, the Patriarch of the Arelius clan, am expected to do her a favor at some point in the future, can we please start laying the groundwork for our clan not being stomped out of existence by a giant please") would go a long way towards giving the rest of the clan a tangible goal that he is working towards, rather than just Eithan spending massive quantities of money because he is Eithan.
10/7/2017 06:52:54 am
Yeah... I agree. he even admits himself it one of his failings. To beFrank from Cassius's perspective. his people came first. Especially since he wouldn't provide no more than a Vague reason than "information"for sending his people back out toward the slaughter. Yeah...he is going to have to trust Cassius a little more if he wants his absolute loyalty.
10/2/2017 08:21:44 am
Hey Will, big fan, loved the book, the first one to purchase the book and review it on
Alpha reader
10/2/2017 09:18:18 am
Actually, if you read the previous books again, it's mentioned quite often that Lindon has a demeanor/look about him that makes people think he want's to fight or that he's scowling/glowering etc. Just off the top of my head, it's mentioned in the first few chapters of soulsmith.
10/2/2017 09:19:56 am
He's still a wide-eyed, always trying to learn information sort. It just happens that his face/frame says otherwise to people, which is why he has a lot of confrontations.
10/2/2017 10:46:22 am
While it probably is just their preconceived notions toward Blackflame's being evil, maybe the blackflame is starting to corrupt Lindon just a little bit? He's fought several strong enemies recently with it.
10/2/2017 12:22:12 pm
I could be wrong, but I remember this being a thing in the first book, and that perhaps it just didn't come up in the 3rd book much (or at all) as he wasn't meeting that many new people for the first time who would have remarked on it.
Khurram Baig
10/2/2017 08:50:37 am
You are the best (at least in KU). I can see marked improvements. You have what it takes to redefine the fantasy as well as self publishing scene.
10/2/2017 10:22:50 am
10/2/2017 11:29:12 am
Well, I'm unhappy with the book will. If Lindon is going to lose an arm, it needs to feel like it's worth it. It just doesn't. Not at all. And what is up with Eithan? He wants the people beside him to walk to the end of the path with him, but it's fine if they lose a limb or two? So to Eithan, a Dreadgod's death is worth Lindon's life? I didn't mind the saving the world at-the-cost-of-each-other undertones because Lindon has a personal stake in it in "Unsouled", but if you're going with that theme long-term, I hope you can let me know in advance.
10/2/2017 12:32:29 pm
I didn't have a problem with Lindon losing his arm. I have had this exact same problem you're having in 1-2 other stories I've read, but only because of the way it was handled.
10/2/2017 03:02:07 pm
Doesn't really matter either way. Once he advances past a certain level he'll probably be able to regrow it anyways. It also teaches him not to be careless, he's been pretty lucky so far.
10/3/2017 10:24:39 am
Actually I had an issue with Lindon losing his arm at first, but the more I think about it, it seems rather logical that something like this was going to happen due to his carelessness. My biggest issue with this book is that it is basically transitional book, a filler to introduce more characters and set up for the continuation of the story. Also, it relegates, almost forces Lindon into a secondary position instead of being the main protagonist.
Lindon's main problem is that he is NEVER careless, which means Yerin would likely be a more exciting main character. Eithan forced that duel with Jai Long to continue, and stood by while his arm got taken off, for a concept which I've come to despise thoroughly in novels, "the greater good" - Eithan's version.
10/3/2017 03:33:34 pm
I have to disagree with that statement. Lindon ALWAYS has a plan, but he is almost always careless. When his plans go awry, he jumps into things when he sees the option to gain Power as opposed to actually learning the sacred arts. Granted he has the incentive to get the Power, but the cost is usually higher than it could have been.
10/6/2017 11:31:42 am
I agree with Jonathan. Lindon is very careless. He does usually have a plan, but he's always ignorant of half the variables he'll run into.
10/2/2017 11:51:34 am
Outstanding novel will ! in my humble opinion the best one in cradle series yet.
Charles Crapuchettes
10/2/2017 01:36:16 pm
May I suggest you make an author page on Amazon, so your fans can follow you and get notices of anything you publish?
Chris N
10/3/2017 04:04:06 pm
I believe he does have an author page on Amazon:
10/2/2017 02:56:59 pm
Hey Will you said a Sage is an Archlord that had achieved something special. Are they still called Sages after they advance higher? Or is there a different name for each.
10/2/2017 04:06:53 pm
Personally, I think that the mask is more akin to a chemical booster due to its extreme side effects, but I think that the fact that he has experienced such a deep connection to Valinhall may allow him to learn how to develop such a method on his own, or at least approach it. He may need to obtain more and varied powers from Valinhall in order to progress though, since each power could be considered a binding to Valinhall. Also, it was mentioned by Indirial that the more they use their powers the slower their chains rise+the longer they can call on their power+the stronger those powers become. So this process occurs even without the mask, though maybe at a slower pace even though we haven't seen enough evidence either way.
10/2/2017 06:32:44 pm
Actually unless I am very mistaken it is the opposite with the chains. The closer you are to Valinhall and the more powers you have the slower the chains LEAVE and the faster they rise. I think it is why Leah can't ever remember Indrial not having chains on his arm. Because the chains start there and Indrial has so many powers, and bound himself to Valinhall so much, that it takes an absurd amount of time for them to fully fade. That is just from memory though, so I may be wrong.
10/2/2017 06:55:46 pm
Chris is partly right I remember that is part of it as I remember. Kai said you could make the chains shrink and disappear with time, I think. Kind of reminds me of blockage Lindon gets from blackflame. I think Indrial never really stopped rested and fully made the chains disappear by paying his debts.
10/2/2017 07:10:13 pm
Ok, so I may have not been clear enough. The chains do rise slower, but they also fall slower. Essentially your capacity to call on the powers of the house before incarnation increases the more you call upon the powers of Valinhall. I am not sure what effect "paying off debt" does though. I mean does giving a magic sword to the Eldest give Simon enough EXP to LVL up? Was Indirial so much faster than Simon(At the beginning of book 2) because the Eldest liked him more or because he was a higher level? Does the weakness from the mask come from the strain it places on your body by essentially boosting it to Incarnation level strength or from Valinhall trying to get its due? If Lindon went to Valinhall and earned the mask and steel, could his Bloodforged Iron body heal him from the weakness for after using the mask and steel? These are important questions that will reveal the meaning of life itself and i want answers!!!
10/2/2017 08:30:54 pm
I mean it reminded me of Lindon's blockage in a loose sense, as in he needed some down time or it's harmful. The bloodforged body shouldn't have anything to do stacking up debt in valinhall as they are completely different systems.
10/3/2017 08:32:58 pm
I actually think Simon doesn’t have anything like a core. That’s the thing about Will’s multiverse. The magic systems are totally different.
10/4/2017 10:10:17 am
This is the problem with trying to use comparisons lol. I'm not saying he has a core, but everyone has something they can draw their powers from and it has a limit. (which is different for each person.)
10/5/2017 01:51:01 pm
We also see him move to fast for her to see when he is actually trying to end the fight, so perhaps the essence is different than normal powers?
10/2/2017 04:15:13 pm
Will, this book was awesome! Thanks for all your hard work. Looking forward to the next Cradle and to OKAK.
10/2/2017 06:04:49 pm
Loved the new book but it was too short. I hope we'll get another installment soon ;)
asian dude
10/2/2017 06:05:43 pm
renfei means flying man in chinese, and bai rou means white meat. just letting you guys know.
Asian dude
10/2/2017 06:08:06 pm
renfei is 人飞 which is man fly
10/2/2017 06:24:37 pm
I wonder what type of madra is used by Mercy's path? Any thoughts on this? I would think that space would be part of it for sure.
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/2/2017 10:36:59 pm
I was wondering this too. Based on sharing a goldsign with Akura Justice (hands that look like they are covered in tar), and the fact that Eithan recognises the goldsign as marking him as a blood descendent of Akura Malice, we can infer that Justice, Mercy, and Malice all follow the Path of the Chainkeeper.
10/3/2017 10:08:12 am
Excellent points, thanks for sharing. I too thought that her path might involve space and the fisher's binding madra. In the lowgold course that she and Lindon went through for the Skysworn she seemed to "clumsily" weave her way through the orbs without ever being hit. I think that she was displaying a spatial awareness of her surroundings.
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/8/2017 11:27:17 am
Found this at the beginning of Soulsmith, when Lindon first sees a Dreadbeast, wondering now if it's related.
10/2/2017 07:47:42 pm
i bought the book the day it came out and a day later i have already finished reading it! now i have to wait awhile for the next :(
10/2/2017 08:48:32 pm
Seemed like I'd been reading for an hour and I was already more than 50% through! Out of curiosity, how many words is Skysworn compared to previous books? Seemed shorter, but maybe I just lost track of time??
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/6/2017 10:25:30 pm
According to the page count shown on Amazon, Skysworn is about the same (slightly longer) than Unsouled or Soulsmith. Blackflame is the longest by a decent margin (about 20% longer than Skysworn).
stephen eric sorensen
10/2/2017 11:11:18 pm
Finished it already. That's my only complaint. It was good.
10/3/2017 06:41:17 pm
I was a little worried for Lindon... then he punched the guys ribs in... I see why Blackflames were living weapons!
10/3/2017 01:33:18 am
Will I know I said this before and I have seen a few people mention it before but I would love for you to start a patreon page with weekly or even by-weekly charpter release. I would pay 20$ or more for a chapter every few weeks. I just finished skysworn and I loved it. I can't wait for more. I know you said thart you have thought about doing the patreon thing. Here is the help site for how to make and set up a patreon. I hope you choose to do so. Anyways i really just wanted to say thanks for an amazing time with skysworm until you release another book.
10/3/2017 02:07:50 am
Seconded! Of course these chapters or short stories could be modified if they end up in a book. It would just be there to give us something to chew on :p
10/3/2017 10:12:41 am
I would love to have something like this available to us, but I have heard from several creators that the compulsory nature of such content can put a damper on larger projects. I'm not saying that I don't think Will could make it work, but I would much prefer the speedy release of his books. Just my two cents
bill warrilow
10/3/2017 03:32:35 am
just finished the book - Will, keep the momentum up! thoroughly enjoying the world building and the turning wheels of cause and effect from the micro to the macro scale. "as above, so below". :^)
10/3/2017 03:37:17 am
Hey Will,
I'm dying
10/3/2017 05:23:19 am
"he needs a shell"
A bit upset
10/3/2017 05:27:10 am
The book feels a little rushed
10/3/2017 09:07:56 am
Although I keeep reading people praising the book, I have to say that I liked it the least, unfortunately. I didn't like the pacing.
10/3/2017 10:17:04 am
The pace did seem a little breakneck in some parts, but I felt that this book really gave us a much bigger scope of the world and the ultimate goals that London and the team are working towards. Might I ask what specifically you didn't like about the pacing?
Me again
10/5/2017 03:13:53 pm
I didn't like how it felt slightly rushed at the beginning. But later from chapters 9 and on, It was more poetic and smooth like will's normal writing style.
Sean M.
10/5/2017 10:27:55 am
I got to agree with all of this. I still liked the book, but this one was my least favorite thus far. There was no advancement by either of the mains, the book rushed from fight to fight, it was taken up largely by filler information on the dreadgods and there really didn't seem to be any logical reason why they needed to join the skysworn.
10/3/2017 09:17:11 am
I bought the book as soon as I woke up and finished it in a single setting. lol. I have to agree with many that the pacing felt a ?
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/4/2017 12:31:49 am
Here's what we have:
Lord of the Tower
10/9/2017 06:46:26 pm
Exactly anyone who has read wuxia would know that after large advancement a time stabilizing your stage is needed
Doc Mosh
10/3/2017 11:49:10 am
Thanks Will... good stuff... but now that I'm done with it... can't wait for the next book... great world building in this one... I'm beginning to see the picture.
10/3/2017 03:02:40 pm
This may have already been said but there is so many messages that I couldn't read through them all.
Lord of the Tower
10/9/2017 06:50:27 pm
Maybe Eithans path is the path of ghost water
Mason Jones
10/3/2017 04:20:58 pm
Again i'll try to keep spoilers out of this but ive seen a few complaints from people which i totally don't understand in the book.
10/3/2017 07:19:02 pm
It really was amazing. Lindons hard work paid off! Imagine doing what the H&EPW is described as for hours a day,!
10/3/2017 11:43:04 pm
When/where did Yerin duel a high gold and lose?
mason jones
10/4/2017 03:01:51 am
training duel 6 seconds on cloud ship
10/4/2017 08:46:22 pm
At the end of Soulsmith she fought Jai Long when he was a high gold, and was k/o'd.
10/5/2017 04:48:21 pm
To be fair, she had been fighting for weeks with little rest, and has just fought nonstop all day. Also, Jai Long was, as shown in the duel between him and the Fishers, a powerful Highgold at the time of the duel.
10/6/2017 01:10:38 pm
Actually, Jai Long was a Truegold at that point I believe.
10/7/2017 08:17:23 am
He became Truegold after he got the spear.
10/8/2017 07:54:30 am
Thing is, the last 2 book makes it seem more like Eithen is in a search for sidekicks, he feels much more like the driving force and protagonist than Lindon, who feels like a dog on a leash being trained, getting treats for doing whatever trick his master asks. That's a feeling that's been growing for me awhile, but not due to power or level but lack of any form of self determination (other than to continue) for Lindon. It feels to me like he's a pawn without agency these latest books.
10/8/2017 01:35:48 pm
Lindon has had multiple chances to leave the Arelius Family, but has stayed because Eithan, the "omniscient puppet master" can make him more powerful than, say, running around by himself in the wilderness. We actually see him reasoning with Yerin to not join the Skysworn because Eithan can help him advance to (in this example) Truegold. But when he asks himself what HE wants to do, he goes with Yerin to join the Skysworn. Unless Eithan becomes the officer of their squad, then they will have little contact with him. Overall, I think that Lindon views Eithan as a resource, and Eithan views Lindon as a tool. Lindon wants to get everything he can out of Eithan, and Eithan wants him to get stronger so he can use him in more extreme circumstances. So when Lindon sees an opportunity for advancement without the omniscient puppet master, he takes it(albeit unwillingly).
10/10/2017 10:33:49 pm
Eh, every disciple needs a master. It is more annoying in a story where people.have trained for centuries to get to x power level, but the main character goes to x plus 7 by wandering in the wilderness or getting angry etc. Lindon needs to build his foundation and be taught. He makes his own decisions but with Eithan providing the best path possible.with a few mistakes ... i.e. his arm. Besides it's nice to have more than one main character and more than one perspective and motivation ... see Brandon sanderson
10/11/2017 02:05:44 pm
10/14/2017 03:57:14 pm
10/15/2017 07:00:11 pm
I kinda agree with you, actually I DO! By the thing is, this series is going to go on a LOT longer, and if Eithan has to be the protagonist until Lindon becomes a little powerful, I can live with that.
Akura Wisdom
10/3/2017 09:02:46 pm
Where's Ghostwater? Huh?
10/4/2017 01:11:05 am
The cycling technique Eithan is using comes straight from Ozriel. I am 99.999999999999999999% sure.
10/4/2017 05:17:43 am
Is that your professional opinion? That high level Sacred artists increase the strength of their spirit?xD
10/4/2017 05:22:27 am
10/4/2017 05:31:08 am
Likely yes. Remember when Fisher Gesha and Lindon were discussing whole "hunger madra" business? They wondered where it originally came from.
Lord of the Tower
10/9/2017 07:04:02 pm
Um I was under the impression the blood pheonix was talking about the wandering titan which started to slowly awaken
10/10/2017 07:13:24 pm
But it's not lost, is it? The Dreadgods want to get into the maze, they can only sense it when a door is opened, the doors are now closed,so it is waiting until they are open again.
Garbagiel the Raccoon
10/4/2017 12:45:21 pm
I'd be interested to learn when Will's various series take place. Is TG and EE happening at the same time as Cradle?
10/5/2017 05:00:17 am
So like my earlier comment, I will preface that this is from memory. If I recall correctly the Emperor in EE meets a specific WANDERER when he is on his journey to kill the Elders. I think this is pretty clear cut to be Valin. This is almost definitely before Valin creates Valinhall. So I can't help with cradle, but EE and TG main story lines probably take place within 1000 years of one another. Give or take the time differences in every iteration of course ;p
Garbagiel the Raccoon
10/5/2017 02:21:54 pm
I don't remember where it was mentioned that the Emperor and Valin met, but I recall there being a Valin cameo in one of the Shera EE books. I believe he was creating the dolls at the time.
10/5/2017 04:23:43 pm
I kind of like the fact that after such a fast paced book, Lindon and Yerin haven't advanced at all. It kind of drives home the difference in power levels between Lowgold and Underlord. Yerin advanced to Lowgold at the end of book one, and to Highgold at the very end of book three. Given that pacing, even if the distance between Highgold and Truegold is the same as Lowgold and Highgold, I would be surprised if she reached Truegold before the end of book five, and similarly surprised if Lindon reached Highgold before the end of book five. Although the non stop action of Skysworn may have brought them a bit closer to advancing than otherwise possible, which was kind of the point of Malkiel's interference. I wonder how many books it will be before Eithan reaches Overlord, horrifying the Emperor, and then Archlord, horrifying the Emperor even more
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/6/2017 11:03:41 pm
Warning, spoilers ahead
10/7/2017 02:14:12 pm
Actually, I would not be surprised to discover that Eithan is deliberately holding himself back until he assembles the group he will climb with. Once he advances, every Underlord as well as the Emperor will perceive him as a threat who is trying to seize the throne, and move to attack him unless he surrounds himself with enough Underlords that they won't be willing to make that sacrifice. That's the problem with being one step under the person who holds the throne. Reaching the top requires you to take that next step but taking it is something that's kind of automatically a challenge.
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/8/2017 11:02:58 am
Eithan holding himself back to avoid offending the Emperor actually sounds quite plausible.
10/6/2017 05:52:45 am
After praising the book (above) right after finishing it, I've been thinking about it a lot. The more I thought about it the more little nagging sensations of dissatisfaction set in.
10/6/2017 11:16:16 am
OK, I like the book. Let me start with that. Secondly, SPOILERS BELOW - THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING. Continuing: Despite enjoying the book, I seriously feel like it was missing something. By and large, in LitRPG and (western) Xianxia novels, a large part of the appeal is that feeling of steady progress. In a LitRPG, it's the levels and skills you gain, while in Xianxia it all about your cultivation level along with the skills of your path, dao, whatever - and both genres share a love of loot, of course. But, it's this feeling of progress that's lost in this iteration of the series, I think. And, sitting to write this, I feel like this is a result of poor pacing for the story.
I Need an Idiot's Guide to the Willverse
10/7/2017 02:57:28 pm
THIS is exactly what I was thinking, but unable to put into words. I liked Unsouled, I really liked Soulsmith, but Blackfame and Skysworn just
10/7/2017 04:04:30 pm
The thing is that if Will Wight starts focusing his books on Lindon's advancement, then it loses its true charm. His books(Cradle) aren't supposed to be full on xianxia novels, they are more like American novels with a xianxia theme. As such character and plot development takes on a more important role than power development.
10/7/2017 05:51:12 pm
Adarsh: looking, seriously, at the plot of the Cradle novels, they are a typical xianxia plot, in a typical xianxia setting, with a somewhat unique(but clearly of xianxia origin) magic system, told in a Western style. Young man finds out his home will suffer a great tribulation in 30 years, killing almost everyone he knows. Young man sets out, despite his deficiencies in natural skill, to improve himself in order to prepare for this tribulation, save his clan, etc. He eventually succeeds beyond his wildest dreams and reaches a level of achievement unmatched by his peers.
10/7/2017 07:29:08 pm
It's already been said that Lindon's unique doubled core puts him at something of a disadvantage as well as giving him healing properties. He has to focus on one core at a time, and while he could just smash his Blackflame core to Monarch, neglecting the pure core, that would weaken him even more because his body heals the Blackflame degradation with his pure core. So, he will often experience periods of boring lack of development as he brings the core which doesn't have any intereating attributes up to par with the core with the interesting fighting skills.
10/8/2017 08:48:12 am
So much the same it's scary.
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
10/9/2017 01:46:39 pm
10/6/2017 06:52:31 pm
In the end of black flame, renfei mentions that lindons goldsign is different from the original black flames goldsign. I was wondering what the original blackflame goldsign was
Irememberedmyname I am AwesomePossum
10/8/2017 10:02:57 pm
Nobody knows?
10/10/2017 10:09:10 pm
Hasn't been revealed yet.
10/7/2017 08:23:43 am
Anybody think that Ghostwater is the name of the Riverseeds madra? Let the theory storming process for the 5th book and the name of the hunger madra begin!
10/8/2017 10:08:42 pm
Actually, yes, it is probable that littles blues madra is called ghostwater, but it would have to be a big part of the next book for the book to be called that, so ghost water might be something else more important to the story, mentioned in a previous book under a different name.
10/9/2017 02:12:49 pm
Perhaps the Riverseed is the key to defeating the Dreadgods. We know they are perversions of nature, massive dreadbeasts, and that the Riverseeds form in places of perfect aura harmony. Also, the arm seems to want to devour the Riverseed more than the other valuable Remnant arms. Maybe the reason the next book is called Ghostwater is because somebody finds a way to create Ghostwater MADRA, which has some sort of special cleansing effect.
10/10/2017 10:07:47 am
I think ghostwater is the opposite of soul fire. Perhaps it's even the raw material that you have to weave into soulfire.
10/10/2017 10:08:05 pm
I don't believe so ... I keep seeing this pop up. Isn't the riverseeds madra pure. It integrates into orthos, jai Chen, lindon, yerin, etc. Other made a doesn't do that. Just a thought.
10/9/2017 03:59:56 pm
This may be a far fetched idea but here goes nothing,
10/9/2017 04:08:30 pm
Congratulations, you have joined the ranks of the people who know this fact.
10/9/2017 04:20:51 pm
Or wait, hmmm, I spoke too soon. I don't think there are any more open spots in the Order of the Secret, what should we do with them?
10/9/2017 06:54:21 pm
You realize every single one, like Naraka or Asphodel, is a world fragment, right?
10/10/2017 12:58:44 am
World of Simon is called Amalgam. All territories are remnants of broken worlds. Amalagam is the only iteration where they managed to not corrupt everything, forcing abidan to destroy entire iteration..again.
10/15/2017 09:04:17 am
Territories are world fragments that glided through the universes until finding a home on Amalgam. Will even described how Ragnarus became a Territory on the Q&A blog post!
10/9/2017 04:21:59 pm
10/10/2017 12:56:03 am
Madra is a Cradle thing. People on Amalgam "borrow". These parasitic pieces are remnants of worlds broken either By Abidan or "bad guys". They may predate Abidan court since it originated from Cradle. Unlike other chaos ridden pieces, these have not corrupted Amalgam and now natives of Amaglam can draw power from them.
Urban Blues
10/10/2017 11:55:01 am
Has there been a previous connection made between the Elder Empire/Aurelian Empire and Cradle/Auerlius Clan?
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
10/10/2017 12:36:12 pm
I think Will said once that the Aurelius family and the Aurelian Empire are unrelated. Their names are just similar. It was something of a coincidence that he thought up two similar looking names that are otherwise independent of each other.
10/11/2017 07:11:40 pm
What do you mean Amalgam? The Elder Empire books are in the Asylum world.
10/12/2017 05:58:44 am
Amalgam is the world the Traveler's Gate books take place in.
10/12/2017 02:16:42 pm
I know, but he said the amalgam verse, but was implying that that was the world EE took place in.
Urban Blues
10/13/2017 06:53:31 am
Sorry. I mistyped/spoke. I was making more of a leap and asking if all the books (EE, Crade, Travelers) have shared elements or are linked - i.e. is there an "Amalgam"-verse? building on Travelers as progenitor. I guess I liked the idea of the blended worlds/universes between the various series
10/14/2017 10:47:12 am
They are in COMPLETELY different universes. However they are connected to the Way, so it isn't like there will never be contact.
Sage of the Impatient Reader
10/16/2017 10:58:56 pm
All three series take place in a single multiverse, which is the one we see in the Suriel chapters. The Abidan is an organisation that protects this multiverse from threats and chaos.
10/9/2017 04:24:26 pm
Oh, someone already thought of that?
New path Idea:
10/9/2017 05:03:35 pm
Forger on the path of endless pizza
10/10/2017 10:18:42 am
I’m likely the contrarian here but.....
10/10/2017 10:00:22 pm
Agreed. And it shows the difference between the levels. Children blow to gold by a low age. But rising higher takes time.
10/10/2017 12:02:00 pm
Does anyone understand why Lindon seemed to have figured out the Blackflame striker technique at the end of Blackflame, but seems to be incapable of using it in Skysworn?
10/10/2017 12:21:50 pm
It's not that he didn't have it figured out, it's that it's an inherently slow technique, and Jai Long's Path focuses on speed.
10/10/2017 10:53:50 pm
Next step for Lindon... advancement and find a weapon. Major questions I have ... What did heavens glory do to the wei family ... when will we see an actual member of the blackflame family... What is ghost water... does the parasite have negative effects later on ... What weapon will Lindon master... What else does mercy s madra do ... What is her trump card... What other techniques does lindon learn with his pure madra... What does the arm actually do...What rank are yerin and mercy ... how close is eithan to overlords... What can overlords do and what must one do to advance to it ... What is the third step for underlord advancement.... What powers does the titan have... does suriel join makiel...what happened to ozriel... how far does the group have to advance to be lifted up... What cool powers does jai chen have... who does lindon end up with ... if anyone at all... What is the treasure of the north and what piece of it was present on the mountain...
10/11/2017 05:12:12 am
Sadly, I can only answer one, as we do not know what rank Mercy or Yerin is, but the third Lord stage is Archlord, and Sages are the most powerful Archlords that have distinguished themselves. Will said it is easier to advance to the level beyond Archlord than become a Sage.
10/11/2017 11:01:27 am
I appreciate the response but I believe the question got jumbled ... What is special about an overlord and what is the third step for underlord. Make a hole in your spirit, weave soulfire and what ... I assume it is to bathe your body in soulfire ... But I don't think it has said explicitly.
10/11/2017 01:54:57 pm
It has not, but I believe that is correct. I assume going to over/arch lord is just like advancing from low to high to true gold. Just a matter of purifying or stockpiling madra, but there probably is some kind of step.
10/11/2017 01:57:23 pm
Oops, was talking about the wrong thing completely! Well, they say that the second step is making soulfire, and they say without a perfect iron body you can't survive going to Underlord, so it probably is bathing your body in soulfire.
10/12/2017 01:24:30 pm
Ah ... and ... What's up with those scissors?!
The question
10/10/2017 11:26:00 pm
So Will great book by the way did Yerin really win or is she possesed. The ending was kind of fishy
10/11/2017 05:12:46 am
I'm sure Eithan would've realized if anything was up!
10/11/2017 12:10:58 pm
Believe nothing until we have at least one POW of her
10/11/2017 10:13:11 pm
I'm looking forward to the Chen's going to Sacred Valley so we can learn a bit about what has been going on in Lindon's absence.
10/13/2017 11:47:43 am
Another hit in the dark.
10/14/2017 10:49:48 am
Maybe Lords can do it in general? All we know is that Sages can ascend. But I do have a question. What are the Sages called if they pass the Archlord stage?
10/14/2017 03:25:52 pm
Wait wait wait, Lindon can't have Underlord weapons but Jai Long can have the spear, which we know is an Underlord weapon? Come on Gwei, thought you were the No.1 Duel Adjudicator!
10/14/2017 07:24:59 pm
Yeah, but Gwei also shows himself to be an ass who doesn't allow a peaceful end to the duel because he's got personal issues with Eithan.
10/15/2017 07:02:52 am
They also possess the largest and most obvious entrance into the labyrinth that forms the foundation of the entire Sacred Valley, an entrance they call the Nethergate. The door stands thirty meters high, and is carved with the image of a Dreadgod. Every ten years, it opens, and the Fallen Leaf elders are able to retrieve some treasures from the shallowest levels of the labyrinth within.
Chu Feng
10/22/2017 12:17:46 pm
I've spent the last weeks cultivating Martial God Asura, and now I see where the inspiration for Dreadgods must've come from!
11/3/2017 06:53:36 am
Well, I know what the rest of my day will look like. Side note, I always (re)read chapter 1 to help catch me up and work as a refresher.
Devin Mann
11/12/2017 12:26:43 am
I cant wait to see everyones reactions when lindon goes back to the sacred valley as like an undelord or whatever he is by then
11/15/2017 08:09:11 am
I finally am getting around to my re-read & had a couple of ?s that I would like to resolve.
Scott Russo
11/15/2017 09:24:36 am
Always glad to help a fellow reader!
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