Also, in just a moment I'll reveal the first line of Reaper. Thought I ought to lead with that information.
But first! There's been a lot happening since I've been on Broken Foot Leave, so it's time to catch you up on all the succulent news. 1.) Cradle #10, Reaper, is now available for pre-order in ebook and audiobook! It releases on November 2nd, and we have NO PAPERBACK PRE-ORDER. Amazon's paperback service is print-on-demand and they can't do pre-orders for us lowly independently published authors. Our hands are tied. We'll try to release the book early enough in paperback that you might be able to get it delivered and read it on Day 1...but we can't guarantee that, because we don't know where you live. Our ninja spies followed you home, but they never reported back. You have very impressive security ghosts. 2.) There's a sale going on right now for Cradle merchandise! Everything Cradle is 10% off, no promo code necessary, but unfortunately we still can't ship outside the US. COVID and the Union of Bridge Trolls really wreaked havoc on our shipping lanes. 3.) The third Cradle collection, Rise of Lords, is now available in ebook! Just like the first two collections, this one contains three books of the Cradle series in one file, this time of course being volumes 7-9. I don't know what I'm going to call the fourth and final collection. I've been workshopping Lindon Dies, but I'm also considering that as the final book title. Lindondies. 4.) The first six books of the Cradle series are FREE right now on ebook, in case you need something else to stuff your Kindle before Halloween. This sale includes Unbeseelt, the German version of Unsouled, which is 100% in German and also currently 100% free! See if you can catch all 16 secrets I slipped exclusively into the German version! 5.) >When on November 2nd will the book go live in my region? Good question, you! The answer is, WE DO NOT AND CANNOT KNOW. People have been upset at us in the past for the book not becoming available exactly at 12:01 AM in their region, and we have no control over that. If I could control Amazon, I would be in space right now. But I cannot. However, the audio and the ebook WILL both be released on the 2nd, that we can guarantee. They're both coming out and they'll both be out on the second of November , but the timing is never guaranteed across regions. We've had people on the west coast of the US get it before people on the east coast, we've had people in the UK get it before people in Australia, and some people don't get it until 8 or 9 AM. But it's always up on the day of release. Audio and ebook = November 2nd! Paperback = Probably before November 2nd! Does that mean you'll get the book on or before November 2nd? We don't know! Paperback shipping was an inexact science even before the Rise of the Paper Weevils. 6.) There is a fan-submitted Path contest going on through next Monday, the 25th, at noon EST! I guess you submit through this link! I did not even know this contest was going on until very recently, because I have been sequestered from such knowledge. Speaking of which... 7.) My foot is fine, thanks for asking. I know you were scrolling down to see how I was doing physically, and my heart radiates in sympathy with your concern. I was getting tired of waiting for it to heal, so I had it replaced with a cyborg foot. It's one more step toward my ultimate goal of transcending fleshy humanity. Is that it? I think that's it! -Will PS. First line of Reaper: Information restricted: Personal Record 8154. Authorization required to access. Authorization confirmed: 008 Ozriel. Beginning record… Ozmanthus Arelius looked up into the ash falling from the sky and knew he’d failed.
10/20/2021 09:08:51 am
Ohhhhhhhh yes that line was gooooooood
10/20/2021 08:56:57 pm
For REAL!!
Will littleone
10/20/2021 09:59:19 pm
Can’t wait
Cult of Remnant Will
10/20/2021 09:10:02 am
Abort the mission. I repeat, abort the mission. He has ninja spies and a cyborg leg. The crutches and clumsiness were just a ruse to lure us out.
10/20/2021 10:47:52 am
10/20/2021 09:57:44 pm
They can't hear you, he's jamming the signal
Alexander Schliep
10/20/2021 09:15:24 am
Nice to see there are translated versions popping up. Is there any kind of timeline for more? In my case specifically the german version as i would love to introduce my little brother to cradle but i think he just began to learn english in school this year and we all know how much "fun" that brings.
10/20/2021 09:19:34 am
I think I almost enjoy these blog posts as much as the books themselves... almost. Your posts are always good for a laugh. Can't wait for Reaper and the adventure it will take me on.
10/20/2021 09:28:55 am
S.A. Shaffer
10/20/2021 10:58:17 am
Actually, Osmanthus is a plant more commonly known as Sweet Olive. I'm guessing there is a major plot twist coming that none of us predicted.
10/22/2021 08:22:21 pm
I think it's actually the dead Arelius Monarch but you could be right.
10/22/2021 11:17:53 pm
That's Tiberius Arelius.
10/24/2021 07:20:19 am
I know but unless it's Tiberius(possibly another name he favored) or one of his advisors that convinced him to ally with Shen(like Eithan) I'm not sure it would make sense. Ozriel wouldn't need permission to access his own memories.
10/20/2021 09:33:02 am
I’ve had a long running theory since Underlord that Ozriel is Eithan. Theory goes that he incarnated himself into cradle gave himself the will/drive to save cradle/ascend and made the marble for himself but removed all of his own memories and power.
10/20/2021 10:36:20 am
100% agree. Idk why some fans are so against Eithan being Ozriel
10/20/2021 01:02:10 pm
Because it's a complete asspull and honestly it wouldn't be very satisfying.
Captain Obvious
10/20/2021 08:08:13 pm
Why Ethan != Ozriel? Quite simply because Ethan's backstory, whether shared with his people or not, extends backwards into his adolescence, where he rubbed shoulders with Tiberious and the Sage of 1000 eyes. I cannot speak to Ozriels looks, being ascended, but nothing leads me to believe he has authority similar to the Phoenix, or over Blood/ FACT, I have instead hypothesized that the closest living cradelite to Ozriel would more likely be Lindon, given his authority over the Void....and the End of Things. I've wondered if Ethan purposefully raised a Sage who would obviously be able to reconstruct Penance (like ozy) especially given his Soulsmithing skills and dross.
10/21/2021 09:58:04 am
I have thought the same, thing, But Ozriel had this thing where he envied the power of the Phoenix, maybe he was tired of being the Reaper and just quit, wanted to start fresh, kept his madra pure until he knew what to do and then discovers Lindon and is now turning him into his successor.
Tiffany Jewell
10/20/2021 11:00:32 am
Mark, I have the EXACT same theory!!! Ethan is the only character that doesn't quite fit. There's more there. And it would be the best place to hide because Suriel even says in Unsouled that Ozriel literally could not hide in Cradle, that he would have a better chance hiding in Sanctum. Careful with those absolutes!! Glad I'm not the only one 🙂
10/20/2021 01:46:02 pm
I also think he’d be able to predict London and Yerin. Or at least that was part of his goal, to raise allies to join him outside the Abidan’s influence (which cradle is now). He knew Suriel would come to cradle and he probably knew she’d meddle somehow. I think because he has the Aurelius bloodline he’d be able to predict the future way better because he can probably see the present perfectly. Instead of the future being an upside down triangle full of possibilities, for Ozriel i think it’d be right side up where everything now leads to one inevitable certainty. Hope that makes sense
Dr. Monocle
10/20/2021 12:21:31 pm
Here's my guess: he is actually the dead Arelius monarch. He reincarnated himself possibly with the help of Ozriel, and has to re-gain his power the old fashioned way. He wants develop stronger relationships this time, because life as a monarch is unspeakably lonely, and he has enemies. He might also have a deal with Ozriel to ascend and become the new reaper. First, he will right certain wrongs (revenge against the monarch who screwed him over), which is another solid reason to have friends.
10/20/2021 01:43:57 pm
Eithan was a known member of the Arelius monarch's court before the monarch was killed. So it is unlikely that Eithan was the Monarch. I also think it is unlikely that Eithan is Ozriel, although I do think the marble he has from Ozriel has much more to it than the one Lindon got.
Captain Obvious
10/20/2021 08:17:59 pm
I don't mean to troll by disagreeing (vehemently), but how lame would ozy be if he returned to Cradle, unable to kill a dreadgod despite being the Abidan of Utter Destruction....and instead pretends to be a young advisor while getting his Monarch decendent, known for his character and promising career, Killed by just another plebian Monarch who isn't fit to button ozy's pants. Next someone will be saying the MadKing is really Sophara...or Harmony, or Elder Whisper. Don't try so hard, the truths are usually clear enough to those who read the books umpteen times...otherwise we would feel mislead and cheated. And Lindon managed to kill a Dreadgod in a future vision....but Ozy couldn't?
10/24/2021 05:00:13 pm
I think Eithan is the de facto heir of Tiberius, and one of them discovered how the NineCloud Monarch transfers his memories and powers to his heir, and then Tiberius transferred *his* memories and powers (or at least understanding of them) to Eithan. Might've just been his memories and knowledge as a sort of in extremis escape from Shen. This would certainly explain how Eithan is so much more than he seems, and how he's managed to advance so quickly at such a relatively young age.
10/20/2021 11:54:59 pm
I think it’s a cool theory and I would love it but only if he doesn’t insta power up and kill the mad king. That would be way too easy. I’d want like foggy memories and slight power up, maybe even dross being involved to help him get back on his feet, but even then I think will can’t kill the mad king for a few books at least
Timothy Jones
10/21/2021 01:31:26 am
I'm wondering if Ozriel is the remnant of Osmanthus.
Timothy Jones
10/21/2021 04:29:52 pm
Lindon possesses a mummified left hand and Regon Shen possesses a mummified right hand. Mt guess is that 'subject one' is the mummified remains of Osmanthus.
10/21/2021 10:10:47 am
I agree? Why? We never really find out Eithan’s power level, he seems to advance at will to stay one step ahead of Lindon and Yerin. Plus, it’s the perfect place to hide. These first lines could be Eithan accessing a memory.
10/20/2021 09:52:54 am named him after a flowering shrubbery. D:
10/20/2021 10:52:05 am
and a wine
10/20/2021 10:14:36 am
Uh.. that's more than one line. I count five. I also hope you splurged on the techno foot for the Dross version.
10/20/2021 10:18:13 am
The Ozmanthus cometh? \m/ \m/
10/20/2021 11:02:15 am
Confirmed - Will is turning into a Cyberman, one appendage at a time.
10/20/2021 11:35:00 am
Devilwood...that's some tuff stuff.
10/20/2021 11:38:26 am
Your foot still hurt? You know you shouldn't have let Naru Huan kick Ethan. karma...
10/20/2021 11:45:14 am
Brandon Sanderson 🤝 Will Wight
10/20/2021 12:43:36 pm
My first thought when I read it: Great minds think alike! :)
10/20/2021 01:14:29 pm
Awesome can't wait. Any thoughts on making hard covers of the cradle books? Also thanks for continuing to update your blog for those of us that avoid most forms of social media.
Wei Shi Lindon "Void Sage" Arelius
10/20/2021 01:44:22 pm
Will, please reply with the username WillWightFightsBadInDeathmatches if you see this. Thank you so much for you books! I love 'em. Adios!
Stephen (Ferirwolflord)
10/20/2021 02:01:43 pm
It's confirmed here! Will is becoming the 6 million dollar man.
Michael D
10/20/2021 04:38:04 pm
Ozmanthus Arelius looked up into the ash falling from the sky and knew he’d had turned out to be impossible to get more lines for Suriel.
Timothy Jones
10/21/2021 04:33:50 pm
Could "ash falling from the sky" be a reference to the Aurelius homeland?
10/20/2021 05:30:04 pm
Thank God its an holiday on Nov 2nd Melbourne Day, but was just googling by seems on Nov 2nd we have Day of the dead and book being released is Reaper coincidence I don't think so.
10/20/2021 11:05:53 pm
Ah-Ha! With that first line I think I’ve put the pieces together. ( waves arms wildly at red string diagram )
10/21/2021 08:52:55 am
yes, yes, and more yes at no point is it confirmed that the original cloak destroyed it just vanishes from the eyes of the mad king and Ozriel said I' take that soo yesss, yesss, and more yesss
Wait, Lindon Dies?!!!!
10/21/2021 09:00:40 am
Lol @ Blind Wombat --- I am not sure what you mean. But these books and characters are so much fun. Would hate to see Lindon die :-)
Wait, Lindon Dies?!!!!
10/21/2021 03:11:48 am
10/21/2021 01:44:03 pm
Would love the option to get hardbacks of the collections once you finish the series. Hope you'll be able to make that an option.
Dross Preservation Society
10/22/2021 02:23:26 am
Anything on poor Dross? :(
Cool Dross Tricks
10/22/2021 04:41:54 am
It’s been Established sages have restoration powers I’m hoping Lindon levelling those up get us the one true Dross back.
Dross Preservation Society
10/23/2021 06:59:34 am
But Lindon and Eithan, both said it isn't exactly straightforward... Else Dross would have told Lindon to resurrect him, instead of telling him not to discard him. Thoughts?
10/23/2021 10:22:04 am
I think that line is probably talking about the previous generation of monarchs that was supposed to be wiped out. If it were about Ozriel then he would probably be # 1.... but keep on guessing I love a good theory!
10/24/2021 07:02:21 am
Is the books still free? Dont look like it to me. Was hoping to get my brother to read them.
10/24/2021 07:26:34 am
It says in the third line that it is, in fact, Ozriel the memory is from. As for whether it is a memory, why just read the first line , it's clearly stored in a dream tablet or his Presence so it's definetly a memory. From when and where is the big question.
Joel Reid
10/24/2021 10:02:42 am
That's just who is accessing the memory
Uttkarsh Wardhan
10/24/2021 10:11:07 am
"Information restricted: Personal Record 8154."
10/24/2021 08:29:01 pm
Is this the book where Lindon turns Subject One into a new arm/weapon, or does that come later?
Dario Ronzone
10/25/2021 07:04:29 pm
Dude... Your dad jokes must be epic.
11/1/2021 01:23:08 am
Sorry but the ninjas didn’t stand a chance against my wolf fang fist!
Michael Robbins
11/11/2021 12:58:05 pm
Just finished Reaper, wanted to drop a note about how much I have enjoyed this book series and I appreciate all the work that goes into them. Its not too often that I blitz through books as fast as these. The bloopers at the end are hilarious.
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