This is a pretty minor point in Blackflame, but I've been having trouble coming to a decision on my own, so I thought I'd get your opinion: what do I call the level immediately above Underlord? I'd originally intended to call them Overlords, as you'd expect, but I already have Overlords in Traveler's Gate. So in my notes I've been using the word "Highlord," but A) it doesn't sound quite as cool, and B) it looks very similar to Highgold. So when I'm discussing a Highgold and a Highlord in the same sentence, it's easy to read those both as the same word and get confused. What do you think? Should I go with Overlord and ignore the fact that I use the same term with a different meaning in Traveler's Gate? Should I go with Highlord and just try and write my way around the potential confusion? Or should I make up something else? I can't promise I'll abide by the results of the poll, because I could always have a new idea, but I would like to hear your thoughts. -Will
1/3/2017 09:21:54 am
Come 2020, I would happily vote for president Eithan.
1/3/2017 09:26:20 am
You could use the word Starlord or something other cosmic thing along that line. (maybe a bit too marvel)
1/7/2017 12:20:56 am
Dan Gullick
1/7/2017 12:57:18 am
I think you are missing the obvious. Will-lord. The only problem is that it has to be hyphenated otherwise it looks like Willord. And typing hyphens can really slow down a book. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for find-and-replace.
1/8/2017 08:44:23 am
Demi prefix has a rather Godly/Saced ring to it as well as Arch from Archangel.
1/9/2017 10:46:50 am
I like the suggestion of "archlord".
1/10/2017 11:25:50 pm
1/3/2017 09:36:12 am
Magnate, potentate, viscount...
Yeah, that's my default go-to when I need to come up with another magic word: the thesaurus.
1/3/2017 11:50:38 am
Firstlord, Highlord, Blow-the-pants-off-the-jade-valley-lord
1/3/2017 12:11:36 pm
Have you tried Upperlord
1/3/2017 02:24:45 pm
Omnilord maybe?
1/3/2017 03:16:44 pm
You could possibly just skip the prefix at this point, assumedly the individuals are pretty rare so why not call them lords, instead of naming them with their name, call them lord ... e.g. Lord Eithan, (possibly at that point) or another one like greater lords for the entire stage of advancement
1/4/2017 10:55:01 am
Spirit lord. Or something else.
1/7/2017 01:53:10 pm
David W
1/7/2017 11:29:00 pm
Uberlord, although honestly I think Overlord is the most approptiate, seeing as you have low, high, truegold. Overlord just makes sense despite the title appearing in Travelers gate
1/10/2017 11:50:09 pm
Unchained lord
1/20/2017 10:26:47 am
I would think something like the following would work. Just some thoughts.
Bill H
2/6/2017 03:22:43 pm
I like this progression if you are sticking to threes. 1/3/2017 09:37:16 am
Perhaps Greatlord? Or perhaps O'erlord (with the apostrophe, to differentiate)?
1/3/2017 09:58:54 am
Wouldn't it technically be a Lord?
You've traced my thought process accurately, Brian, but I'm considering one other factor.
1/3/2017 11:28:44 am
Fair enough. In that event I kinda agree Greatlord or Overlord could work there. I doubt the overlap with Traveler's Gate would be confusing to many people. I was leaning against -lady too, for similar reasons. I initially thought of it in order to demonstrate an explicit provision for women at that rank, to show that they're equally common, but having a gender neutral term illustrates that perfectly well. Plus, "lord" is only gender-specific in English, which they aren't speaking.
Luke Austin
1/3/2017 06:25:16 pm
Why not switch it around to start with "Under Lord, High Lord, and finally, True Lord"? If this doesn't work, how about making the last one "Omni Lord", and giving "High Lord" to be middle, or some such thing?
1/4/2017 08:57:10 pm
What luke said works nicely
1/5/2017 03:26:12 pm
A couple of thoughts...
1/5/2017 06:02:14 pm
Why not use colors for ladies instead of lord/lady. Say she reached Red Blood red blue ( belt or shoes:) There is a precedent in martial arts and its different. Or girls wear jewelry ring/earring with symbols/ colors of their level
1/5/2017 06:32:07 pm
How about madralord?
1/8/2017 08:49:11 pm
Try truelord following the lines of true gold
1/11/2017 09:48:20 am
1/3/2017 10:01:33 am
maybe just Lord/Lady? not as powerful sounding as overlord...but i like the overlord name best
Of the two, I definitely like Overlord better. My problem with just calling them Lords and Ladies is that I wanted to call the whole realm (Underlord, Overlord, Archlord) the Lord realm, just like Lowgold-Highgold-Truegold is the Gold realm.
1/4/2017 08:38:49 am
I didn't realize you were sticking with the 3-tiered schema after "Gold." If you're going with Archlord (awesome), I deff think Overlord makes sense. Greatlord & Highlord feel a little clunky for some reason (to me at least).
Brian C
1/3/2017 10:47:46 am
See whenever I think about the next stage after Underlord, my mind goes to Truelord, then HighLord/Overlord. This way it shows that Underlord is the lowest of the "Lord" stage. I feel like Truelord is that they've fully master the "Lord" stage but haven't figured out how to ascend to the next stage, i.e. they are suck on a plateau. (I think it was Sage from one of your posts?) Then you have the last of the "Lord" stage showing that they are transitioning/ascending to the next stage. By this I mean they have figured out how to reach the next stage and are just on the path to it.
I was considering Under-, True-, Over-, but I already have Truegold as the final stage of Gold. So having True be the final stage and then the middle stage could potentially cause some confusion.
Sean K
1/3/2017 06:30:05 pm
Laben, friend of Jeremiah Halstead, esq.
1/3/2017 11:08:55 am
What do you think of making the level of lord they are (at least at that high level) be named after some achievement or change that the person goes through to reach that level? Like a flying lord, or a wandering lord, or an inhuman lord, or shining lord, or dread lord (which may not be named after a change, but I like the sound of it). Other random ideas: ice lord, mist lord, perhaps a fun corruption of time lord (back to the thesaurus we go), scholar lord, ... These are getting worse as I go so I'll stop here.
Makes sense, Friend of Jeremiah. But as I have it now, the mechanic used to advance from Gold to Lord involves claiming and holding external powers, which is somewhat implicit in the word "Lord." So any prefix I used based on the mechanic would be redundant.
1/3/2017 05:08:23 pm
Just name one Palipatine and we'll know what you mean!
Isaac Xander
1/3/2017 09:02:31 pm
The prefix thing could go back to the aspect of the outside power (like the aspects of madra and energy) like a Dream Lord or even what path they're on. Like, Lindon could possibly be a Lord of Twin Stars and the girl with him (for the life of me i can't think of her name) could be a Lord of the Endless Sword. This has its merits because from what I'm hearing, lord-level people are rare enough (by virtue of most people can't get there and anyone having the talent to get there moving on eventually) that the title can be used almost interchangeably with their name. Taking it further, the progression will eventually get to the point where the title will all but replace their name anyways (like with the sage of the Endless Sword)
That's a good idea, Isaac, which is why...
1/5/2017 04:10:24 pm
I'd suggest the following:
1/7/2017 09:34:45 pm
I was going to make a similar suggestion, but using the form Lord High _____. Along the line of Lord High Admiral or Lord High Judge.
1/5/2017 06:07:31 pm
1/3/2017 11:28:13 am
I think you'd stopped reading comments by the time I posted this one on a different blog post, so I'll copy it below since it seems relevant to me.
The materials motif changes after Gold, reflecting the fact that improving the quality of your madra alone is not how you advance. You could technically get all the way to Truegold just by cycling and refining your madra, it would just take forever.
Brian C
1/3/2017 01:47:51 pm
Now that I know you were thinking of using Archlord as the last stage of "lord" I toally believe that you have to keep it and then you can use Silverlord. Underlord, Silverlord, Archlord. These just sound so awesome. I vote for this sequence.
Brian C
1/3/2017 06:50:28 pm
I don't know maybe have it so that their madra starts to take on a silver tint that is not connected to the type of madra they used. So like its outlined in the silver and no one knows why and it only comes with having reached the Silverlord stage? Just my two cents trying to explain why its called Silverlord because I really like the sound of Underlord, Silverlord, Archlord as the "lord" stages.
1/3/2017 09:32:23 pm
Ahhh, okay. Moving away from materials makes a ton of sense with that description of what it takes to ascend to that level. Since you have to claim some kind of external power to be a Lord, maybe halfsilver (which was described as important to the sacred arts, though I don't remember the explicit reason) is an integral or at least common component to claiming that external power.
1/4/2017 06:58:44 am
I don't know, with the very previous grouping of three powers being based on gold, it seems very odd to have the middle of the next grouping of three only mention silver in the middle one. Maybe if you had been asking us before writing Soulsmith, and then Underlord could be the middle name and Silverlord could be the first, but as is it seems odd to go metal reference -> no metal reference -> metal reference
Andrew Luscomb
1/3/2017 11:56:19 am
Middle lord lol for accuracy's sake
1/3/2017 07:01:54 pm
It makes me think of the "Your new name is Mid-Boss!" scene from Disgaea:
1/3/2017 12:44:05 pm
Call it Overlord anyway. Then have the people from Cradle end up in the Traveller's Gate world and panic because Overlords are so common there are many of them in this one country alone.
Andrew Luscomb
1/3/2017 12:48:02 pm
This is great
1/3/2017 08:46:39 pm
See? The idea is growing on you!
1/27/2017 09:18:18 am
And then the emperor shows up and redefines gods for them.
1/3/2017 01:32:55 pm
Why not have a blurb in Traveler`s Gate that the Overlords are called that because of stories from mysterious wanderers in white? after all, if the Elder Empire is visited at times why not TG too and have terminology, customs, and myths spread to add a level of connectivity.
I like leaving crossover Easter eggs like this, but I don't know if this level of a coincidence is even worth explaining in-universe. Even on Earth we use the same word for different things.
1/3/2017 04:53:06 pm
True, but it doesn't have to be so blatant. In Cradle, Suriel is capable of speaking to Lindon with ease. An organization the size and age of the Abidan Court is bound to have leaks as Suriel herself states she does not want to start any new myths or advancements. Having small commonalities is to be expected if Abidan visits are regular say, every thousand years. You can pull a Brandon Sanderson and drop terms and mythos, that the reader would recognize, but goes over the characters heads with no explanation needed.
1/3/2017 01:37:09 pm
Overlord sounds pretty good. Greatlord not bad either.
Luke Austin
1/3/2017 06:30:15 pm
What about doing the same with all the materials, besides just Silver Lord? This way it doesn't sound so random when you use Silver Lord in between Underlord and Overlord.
1/4/2017 12:07:32 am
Honestly will, while overlord probably makes more thematic sense, silverlord is really, really cool. So i vote for that.
I still like "Silverlord" as the coolest name, but it DOES seem random to have it in the middle. Maybe if I'd consulted you guys beforehand, Underlords would have been Silverlords.
1/3/2017 01:51:26 pm
The poll is harsh, nearly 50% on make it up yourself.
Will M
1/3/2017 02:06:32 pm
Maybe Master Lord (like master chiefs?)
1/5/2017 08:19:46 pm
You solved it! Lordlord
1/3/2017 02:40:49 pm
Something that conveys the the level is in the middle or upper parts of the Lord rank would work best since your going to use archlord which conveys being at the peak of said level
1/3/2017 02:48:17 pm
Have you thought about dropping the first part of the compound word you're considering: over, great, etc... into a language generator?
1/3/2017 02:49:16 pm
It's probably clear but I meant to say language translator.
Heart of the Star
1/3/2017 03:17:22 pm
My personal thoughts are that in the end it doesn't matter a huge amount. Overlord would probably work the best and I doubt anyone will get confused with Traveller's Gate.
two midgets in a trench coat
1/3/2017 03:19:59 pm
I like the highlord suffix specifically because it overlaps with highgold. I like conistency in ranks, and if you're going to drop the metal/stone ranking names as you go up, I'd like some sort of connection to the lower ranks.
1/4/2017 07:36:01 am
Prefix. Sorry
1/3/2017 04:02:26 pm
If you like the sound of "Archlord" but aren't tied to having it be the third stage, what about:
1/3/2017 09:48:00 pm
I still don't like Primelord. It's a cool-sounding word, but it evokes feelings of a distant sci-fi space opera setting for me. Like a guy wearing rusted robot armor and carrying a laser-axe while wearing a copper gear as a crown. That sounds like a Primelord to me.
1/4/2017 03:12:34 pm
1/3/2017 04:14:04 pm
Overlord is a commonly used in Light novels and I think it would work really well here.
1/4/2017 01:11:41 pm
*begs for short story with Cradle characters coming to Traveller's Gate world and meeting Traveller's Gate Overlords*
1/3/2017 04:18:11 pm
While i know a new name might be nice. Unless its 100% perfect wveryone will expect was kind of set up since you picked underlord. If you want since gold is low high true. You can make it under lord, lord, then over lord? Or since u went from metals to titles like iron jade gold. Use that as an excuse to go to a different title all together without lord? If you just simply go overlord then people will say ok its expected to reach the next stage. I assume if your rare enough to hit underlord amd you reach the next stage. You probably would make your own name for it if you were the first to reach it so aj entirely different name like BARON wouldnt be that unexpected. Let me know what ya think :D
Jason Dergham
1/3/2017 04:24:29 pm
Just trying to say apprently a lot of people reach GOLD. So based on ur proud society its not surprise ALL the people in gold would want more classifications to seprate them selves. Not many people reach underlord so i feel that you shouldnt be stuck in trying to make lord a tierd system because it doesnt seem that there are enough underlords in that part of the world that it needs to be a tierd system. You arent stuck with it! Go with Baron :D!!
1/4/2017 07:38:44 am
It might be a sociatal thing but there are differences that deserve classification of only for progression sake
I don't have a problem doing something like Underlord, Baron, Count, Prince, King, Emperor, Grand Poobah, Guy With the Biggest Hat, and so on, but then I'd have to come up with a different distinguishing power for each of those scales.
1/3/2017 04:54:07 pm
I found it strange that you went from a material to a title. So maybe go back to material. Underlord then becomes Platinum Lord, Steel Lord, Silver Lord, Unobtanium (worst name for a metal ever)Lord 😉
1/3/2017 09:51:23 pm
I was really hoping that Lindon would use his multiple cores to "purify" his iron body to a steel one
The Steelborn body is just what Yerin's Iron body is called. Steel isn't a rank over Iron.
1/5/2017 05:15:24 am
Was that what it was called? Oops soz. I wasn't thinking that steel was above iron or anything, just that as it stands with his current Madara his iron body really hurts him in combat, seeing as it heals so well that it just drinks all his milkshake when he's hurt.
Sean K
1/3/2017 06:20:20 pm
I say call them "Dread-Lords". You already have Dread beast, and Dread Gods, make it a level of advancement. It sounds ominous, and implies power. No one messes with a Dreadlord light.
Sean K
1/3/2017 07:16:58 pm
Also, Under and Dread both imply underworld/undead themes. Then Overlord just rules them all :P
1/3/2017 09:36:32 pm
Similar options to these would be Ur-Lord, Fell Lord, Demi-Lord, Leige-Lord.
1/3/2017 07:09:11 pm
Astatine Is the rarest element on earth. Approximately 30 grams on the whole planet. That would be the ultimate level.
1/3/2017 07:40:44 pm
Are you suggesting Aslord? LOL
1/3/2017 07:50:20 pm
It kind of breaks the mold, but perhaps Demilord? Close but not quite perfect.
1/9/2017 11:08:07 pm
Since you're going with an oriental theme you could go with Daelord. In Korean Dae means great, or magnificent or amazing for example king saejong the great is called saejong daewong (Wong means king in Korean)
1/3/2017 08:07:34 pm
Brian C
1/3/2017 08:29:56 pm
Will has already said that "Sage" is the next stage after the "Lord" stage. Though the "Sovereign" could be the stage after that one. I don't know, I'm not sure if Will has mentioned that yet.
1/4/2017 09:20:58 pm
Oh I had forgotten about level ! For some reason kept only thinking that was a title for powerful experts and not an actual level lol my bad alright edit:
1/4/2017 06:15:24 am
Oo I like Prime Lord. My vote's for using that :)
This is the right track! I had a similar idea.
1/3/2017 09:20:50 pm
How about ancient regal titles as the root word and then adding a bit of Will Wight flair to it?
1/5/2017 12:47:37 pm
If someone in genuine terror told me to run from the Wanglord, I would be terrified on a primal level. However, my curiosity would probably lead me to being crushed by said Wanglord.
1/3/2017 09:47:19 pm
If they are sub stages of the Lord rank or w/e the the immediate next step should be highlord then overlord IMO. Or you know the other way round maybe or like truelord
1/5/2017 06:33:51 am
What about Underlord, Archlord, Purelord/Headlord?
James G
1/3/2017 10:05:10 pm
1/4/2017 06:25:44 pm
You can have an ascendant Warrior! Oh wait... I think that one's taken
1/3/2017 10:46:42 pm
What about Master Lord?
1/3/2017 11:53:41 pm
Highlord makes plenty of sense given highgold is the middle of the gold tier.
Mark M
7/11/2022 04:08:27 am
...and in fact it was used for something else.
2/1/2023 03:05:14 am
Glad you were able to fit this into the story!
1/4/2017 12:20:39 am
Maybe since you dig deep for rare metals (video game logic), instead of going under to over, go under to even more under. Deeplord or Abysslord or something. That sounds a little too much like dark souls. Anyway the idea is that the lord is settling deep into the body.
Heart of the Star
1/4/2017 04:48:32 pm
It would be interesting, albeit not very fitting, to have it go down rather than up.
1/4/2017 03:15:57 am
What about Realmlord?
1/4/2017 07:43:22 am
Realmlord is an awesome title, though he does use the realm moniker for the advancement stages
I posted this as a reply but I have a notion that it won't be noticed way down the list. So here it is again.
As a Post Script to my above post; This matches the current details of the books. The box wth the medallions. The hand held medallion that the only underlord we have met so far uses instead of a neckless madallion works with the wood medallion for Foundation in that those levels represent beginning levels at each cycle and are in some way blank slates and therefore not ranked like the others. Beyond that Emperors would be so rare on cradle that they would not need to bother with symbols of rank... could explain the lack of badges off planet too. (I should probably have called them badges all along) Emperor could also be combined or linked with Adept in some way (a correct path that can continue, Adept vs. an incorrect path that cannot, Emperor) Again, I offer these ideas freely and without any expectation of any quid quo pro and I relinquish any clam to them. (Just in case your lawyer reads this.)
Post post script: The overlap with Travelers Gate is not a liability... That world could be an infected one that was incompletely destroyed. It would not even really need to be dealt with much if at all. Cultivation paths need not be the same in all worlds (Iterations) and significant deviations can be explained by the infection and subsequent shattering. The vestigial use of Overlord would fit perfectly. Again, I offer these ideas freely and without any expectation of any quid quo pro and I relinquish any clam to them. (Just in case your lawyer reads this.)
Well, the badge Eithan showed was just the sign of his family, not anything representing his power level. It's what the head of the family carries.
John Vargin
1/4/2017 08:28:11 am
Drol Revo
1/4/2017 08:52:34 am
Maybe something like "Aspect Lord" or "Domain Lord" to show they have lorship over something, and have mastered it?
1/4/2017 08:55:45 am
Maybe a weird question, but would the rank above Underlord not just be Lord? it doesn't sound as cool, but it makes sense right?
1/4/2017 09:26:59 am
While I think you could do Overlord without too much conflict with another series, especially since Overlord is very appropriate in this context and it also has plenty of roots in traditional wuxia/xianxia stories, far be it from me to pass up a chance to brainstorm some other options.
I like Skylord, but as I have it now, I have Skysworn who are sworn to the service of the Blackflame Emperor. Who is CURRENTLY a Skylord/Overlord/Highlord (Underlord+1), but doesn't necessarily HAVE to be.
Hey Will,
Sexlord. Done. They don't increase in sacred arts powers, but their erotic skills skyrocket.
1/4/2017 10:56:30 am
1/4/2017 06:47:37 pm
Got me thinking that BoatyMcBoatface-lord should have been in the poll too!
Nick O
1/4/2017 09:55:07 am
I like the idea of moving Archlord to the second spot and making up a new name for the 3rd spot. And possibly keeping the True- as the 3rd spot as with Gold.
1/4/2017 05:31:36 pm
I agree with Lightsyde's post on the over-thinking idea for the most part. I had already been calling the middle Lord stage Overlord whenever I talked about your books anyways. However, the Silverlord thing sound really cool. There was the halfsilver badge at the temple, halfsilver somehow disrupts madra inside a practitioner's body, and Eithan could manipulate madra inside Lindon's body to force him to advance. I think it has a sufficient background. As for the lack of pattern, it doesn't have to appear designed. Many systems describe reality to create their classifications and if there is a link to halfsilver for this stage then it doesn't have to look like the creators of Cradle had OCD. lol
1/5/2017 12:11:51 pm
1/4/2017 12:06:20 pm
1/4/2017 01:01:23 pm
It looks like you've settled on overlord which makes the most sense, so I was thinking that since the realm after lord is sage the realm after sage but before you leave the planet should just be known as cool. where you've got so powerful people just keep saying thats so cool whenever you do something. plus at this stage you get sunglasses and you can smoke.
1/4/2017 01:47:14 pm
This is just getting me more excited to learn more about Eithan, too...
1/8/2017 09:02:07 pm
Thank you for putting it onto words
1/4/2017 01:58:11 pm
1/9/2017 12:57:36 am
1/4/2017 02:23:15 pm
I like the idea of StormLord. Id say Starlord or Sunlord but thats a little to close to Guardians of the Galaxy to me.
1/4/2017 02:46:07 pm
Stormlord has already been taken by another fantasy franchise.
1/4/2017 02:41:53 pm
1/4/2017 04:12:53 pm
Y not go with something completely different. Like indomitable or something like that. Just a quick thought
1/4/2017 05:01:00 pm
How about Demi. Like Demilord. I thought about it because of the Demilich from D&d. Plus the it's the halfway point through the Lord tier.
1/4/2017 05:14:57 pm
Overlord, makes most sense and was what I was already anticipating. Definitely preferred over Highlord.
1/4/2017 05:42:08 pm
Will said in this thread that a remnant is not needed to advance to gold and that all the way to Truegold is just measured in amount of madra. That means that absorbing a remnant is just about madra. To me, this highlights that Yerin has what I think of as two goldsigns. She has her master's remnant as a sword arm, and she has the weird rope-bow-belt thing. If she could master these two things, just how much madra would she have...
1/4/2017 06:19:36 pm
I thought that "Sage" was a rank unto itself, was I wrong?
Devin R
1/4/2017 08:24:06 pm
A bit late to the party here.. but what about Direlord? Has the same serious sounding tone to it as underlord while also sounding superior.
1/4/2017 10:46:06 pm
Maybe things would be easier if the order of true gold and high gold were switched. That way it would go low gold, true gold, high gold -> under lord, true lord, over/great lord.
1/5/2017 06:25:48 am
You seem pretty set on Under Over Arch, which is cool, but you could also swap out the language a little,
1/5/2017 08:23:26 am
Maybe you could use steellord which could be where they perfect there iron body's to compliment the power being a underworld gives the like begins body I'd built for strength so she could unlock its full potential and the differences between the different iron body's is made clear. Even if it doesn't become clear immediately it would make sense later in the book there is also the fact that steel is made of carbon and iron so it could link the Lord segments ability to draw power from there domain they could use this special Mandriva to help forge there body's to a higher level
1/5/2017 08:25:32 am
Typos begin is yevin Mandriva is mandra
1/5/2017 12:52:48 pm
You could follow the coffee size chart:
1/5/2017 01:38:18 pm
autocorrect :(
Captain Nemo
1/5/2017 05:40:40 pm
Here's my two cents on the matter:
Joe King
1/5/2017 08:40:26 pm
Well I can see everyone is leaning towards Underlord, Overlord and Archlord. It seems simple enough. If you really want to avoid using Overlord you can just go Underlord, Highlord, Supremelord...but that reminds me of supreme pizza too...
1/5/2017 11:48:05 pm
I don't believe someone hasn't suggested Soullord yet. It would be best to use it as the last stage (can manipulate souls, yada yada yada) but I suppose you could use it as the second one as well.
Sapient Toaster
1/6/2017 07:59:52 am
1/6/2017 08:32:09 am
I would probably go with your original Idea of underlord, overlord, archlord. Just makes the most sense.
1/6/2017 09:26:35 am
How about GrandLord?
1/6/2017 11:57:20 am
Just my humble suggestion, but could Pathlord work? I do like the under-over-arch progression but if you're looking for a new word to avoid crossover confusion.
1/6/2017 01:19:23 pm
How about Vicelord?
1/7/2017 12:29:40 pm
After reading this entire reply chain, this series gets my vote! I love the "vicelord" middle ground.
1/8/2017 09:10:29 am
i concur
1/7/2017 12:17:36 am
Why not go latin influence like Phaedra or imperito
1/7/2017 06:53:54 am
If you're going for the middle stage of the three how about Medilord...
1/7/2017 10:10:01 am
I just wish there was a better place to comment on the progress update... :D
Sean K
1/7/2017 10:23:21 am
Like a forum or something...
1/8/2017 09:04:51 am
Some back of the napkin math:
1/8/2017 09:12:40 am
Although, Soulsmith was only 253 pages. Given that Will has said he allots 2 months of planning for a novel, that leaves 30-40 days to write ~250 pages. 7 pages per day, though I imagine it's more than double that to allow for editing and revisions. Plus all the short stories and hypothetical battles in the blogposts. Though that could be an effective tool to get over writer's block, thereby increasing efficiency.
1/9/2017 12:52:29 am
LOL!!! This... this is the best comment on this page.
1/9/2017 04:49:20 pm
1/8/2017 03:00:40 pm
Overgold? What is the level above gold or is underlord still gold? Alphalord?
Brian C
1/8/2017 03:42:48 pm
The realm after "Gold" is the "Lord" realm.
1/15/2017 02:29:56 pm
1/9/2017 12:00:32 pm
In TGS, overlord held weight because aside from the term traveler there was overlord king and incarnation. One if which there was one, and the other taboo so being an overlord actually ment something.
1/17/2017 02:23:41 am
My vote is Underlord, Overlord, Archlord. Not only is it the simplest solution for you, Will, but it also rolls off the tongue. It's what my mind automatically assumed was next when I was reading book 2.
1/17/2017 11:43:11 am
Depends on how many levels you want or need, if you need a bunch then you can have Jadelords, Ironlords, Goldlords ect.
1/20/2017 12:33:03 pm
So I tried to come up with something that went with underlord..
1/21/2017 10:03:23 am
I think you should go with a the top title after Underlord. Simply put: after this, there is no name for higher since its so rare. I would simply go wtih Archon or some such.
1/26/2017 11:33:31 am
Lord Patriarch / Matriarch?
2/5/2017 06:35:21 pm
2/10/2017 04:31:11 am
the books mention a couple of times that if you fuck up your advancement to iron you loose the chance to hit highgold, truegold etc. maybe you can fit silverlord as the end of the road for them.
2/18/2017 12:21:41 pm
2/1/2023 03:01:25 am
Just dropping by to say I’m really glad you went with Overlord. Just wouldn’t be the same if it was Highlord or some other thing. Some of the suggestions in this thread make me shiver in fear of what could have been…
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