I hope you guys enjoyed the Deathmatch last week! I assume you did, but I haven't gone through all the comments yet, so maybe you all hated it and are cursing my name in the foul language of Mordor. I'll find out soon, because I'll be going through comments and emails tomorrow and catching up!
While I do, let me know in the comments what you want to hear from me next! I'm working on OKAK, but I have room for short stories, answering questions, more deathmatches...I'm just interested to hear what you want. And in the meantime, it's National Puppy Day here in the U.S.! Go out now and celebrate by not eating any dogs. -Will
11/8/2017 08:05:54 pm
I'm not a big fan of the deathmatches. So far no one in the traveler's gate has won a match against anyone, and none of the Empire has won against cradle.I prefer the short stories focused on, well let's face it Simon. That is what started it all, but I do like the other ones revolving around one character or another. Anyway, i really like the books. Keep on writing.
11/9/2017 10:36:32 am
While I understand the point you're making about you not being a big fan of the deathmatches, I gotta say that your followup detail is baffling. Someone from the Traveler's Gate iteration did, in fact, win the very first deathmatch and a different entity from TG won another deathmatch later on. No one from the Elder Empire has even faced anyone from Cradle.
Thanks, Aaron! I understand people have different opinions about the deathmatches, which is why I'm trying to change it up.
11/8/2017 08:25:31 pm
Happy Don't-Eat-A-Dog-Day! Any idea when we can expect the next entry for Simon and crew?
11/8/2017 09:46:14 pm
I want another round of Cradle world building where we ask you questions and you expand on the lore :D
11/9/2017 08:11:13 am
I second this
11/10/2017 11:13:50 am
I third this. I really loved those world building little tidbits. I would actually love to see some more independent short stories set in any of the iterations.
11/10/2017 11:27:06 am
I fourth this
Hello my name is Joe..
11/8/2017 10:58:30 pm
Would linden have won if he was allowed all of the constructs against the Jai clan?
11/13/2017 04:09:18 pm
He had like three underlord level constructs....Idk how he afforded them, but still against a truegold that's a bit much.
11/8/2017 11:49:24 pm
I want more stories about Simon. Perhaps expanding on what occurred after Steel Diplomacy?
11/9/2017 12:27:32 am
Far off estimation of when you think you might be starting pen to paper on the next cradle? 😅
11/9/2017 02:27:01 am
Seconded! :D
11/12/2017 02:04:16 am
That would be very impressive, even without writing OKAK first.
11/24/2017 09:00:13 am
I am amazed by how fast you get these books out. Do you have a writing construct doing the writing for you?
11/9/2017 01:59:26 am
I want to see Simon go to the Christmas party mentioned in one if your last TG short stories. If not that then any Simon based short story would be good. Maybe him earning a new power or recovering another fang
11/14/2017 11:50:38 am
I'd like to see some general skill improvement. It seems to me that in general both Simon and Lindon are progressing from complication to complication so fast they don't have time to build any actual fighting skill. You'd think Simon would have SOMETHING by now (with all the between book downtime), but all I've ever seen him do in the short stories is put on his mask and hack at things. It feels like he can't accomplish anything without the mask and no one has bothered to teach him to actually fight yet.
Sean K
11/9/2017 04:02:09 am
A short story of young girl Yerin and the sword sage, from the sword sage's perspective!
11/9/2017 04:18:46 am
Wish I was getting these. I subscribed on June 28 but never got anything updates or anything else after my initial you are subscribed notice. Checked my spam and nothing there. Asked about getting some of the past stuff as there was a note to ask about that in the FAQ. Kinda just gave up. :(
Sean K
11/9/2017 05:55:21 am
I couldn't find it either, but then I check the "Promotions" tab in my gmail and the stories were under "Gnome Publishing".
11/10/2017 04:05:11 am
Ah!!! Wasn't coming up when I searched for Will Wight. It does come up when I search for Gnome or Willwight.. sigh! thanks!!!
11/9/2017 01:08:02 pm
You can read all previous (and future) short stories here :
11/10/2017 04:10:25 am
Just got a blank page on that one.:(
11/9/2017 04:48:19 am
I would love to see Whisper vs Orthos
11/9/2017 05:18:40 am
Hey Will! Absolutely loved the Deathmatches. Alin lasted precisely as long as I thought he would, ouch. As to what I'd like to hear, I'd love to hear just a few snippets about other famous paths in Cradle. For me, personally, I've always been a tank in every MMO I've ever played so I'd love to hear more about The Unstained Shield Path as I love the idea of protecting others, but there's a lot of other awesome-sounding paths.
11/9/2017 07:36:30 am
I would love to see a death match were all the main characters fight each other.
11/9/2017 08:20:25 am
I would love to see another episode of world-building (like what is the best thieving path on Cradle, or what is the spiciest spicy ramen shop in the Elder Empire). Also, I think it would be cool to see a death match between Luminous Queen Sha Miara and Northstrider, Or between Simon and the Emperor Naru.
Nikk B
11/9/2017 09:36:24 am
I like the Death Matches, but I would love to see short stories about Simon. I agree with Rhys, I like the idea of Simon going off to that Christmas party or something centering on Simon.
11/9/2017 06:34:54 pm
In addition to the wonderful suggestions above, I'm curious about other Iterations. Are there other Iterations that are "special" like Cradle or Asylum, ones that have a purpose?
11/9/2017 06:53:08 pm
I'd like to know more about the magic systems in Asylum and into Travelers gate aka Amalgam.
11/11/2017 02:12:23 pm
You should do one of those books that describe the world and cultures etc. of your series
11/9/2017 07:31:23 pm
I'd like to see a short story set in the Sacred Valley sometime after Lindon left. From the POV of either Lindon's sister or mother.
11/9/2017 09:53:10 pm
Yes! I have been wondering about sacred valley for a long time. I can't wait to see how they react to how far Lindon has grown.
11/10/2017 05:20:31 am
The short story I was suggesting would not have their reactions to "how far Lindon has grown" since they would not know about that until Lindon returns, and Lindon's return would be more properly covered in the books, not short stories.
11/10/2017 01:53:02 pm
I imagine that would still be a spoiler ... the big question is what did heavens glory do to the wei clan... and that would almost have to answer that. Just a thought.
11/10/2017 02:24:27 pm
Any good short story will reveal something about the world. What is going on in the Sacred Valley in Lindon's absence is hardly a big spoiler that can only be covered in the books. The books mostly follow Lindon's point of view. It is not a problem to have a short story from another character's POV in the absence of Lindon.
11/11/2017 12:47:11 am
I like this idea
11/11/2017 11:08:55 am
I was not talking about "getting ahead". I meant just after Lindon left, so more than a year ago from the main series.
11/11/2017 11:25:36 am
That seems silly. A lot of epic fantasies have multiple POVs that follow what happens concurrently in a world. The other POVs do not spoil the rest of the story.
11/11/2017 11:47:05 am
I don't think so. It's entirely possible that there's some huge surprise waiting for Lindon back home at the Sacred Valley. Maybe his whole clan got wiped out and everyone is dead at this point. Or maybe the gates to the labyrinth opened and the whole valley is filled with extremely powerful remnants that have killed everyone. Maybe Jai Long has crowned himself King of the Sacred Valley.
11/11/2017 12:01:25 pm
No, none of those things have happened. It is not possible Will would write such a bad story.
11/11/2017 01:19:40 pm
Your response illustrates my point about spoilers exactly.
11/11/2017 02:36:45 pm
No, it is not because I have not imagined context where they might happen. It is because there is no context possible where those things could happen and it could be a good story.
11/11/2017 04:53:05 pm
I read everything you wrote and fully considered it in my response. Also, I’d like to point out that getting hostile does nothing for civilized discussion. It only makes your argument seem weaker when you rely on emotional reactions rather than facts and references.
11/12/2017 05:17:07 pm
Actually ISeeUJohn, you did not "fully consider" what I wrote, since much of what you wrote is logically inconsistent with my suggestion of "just after Lindon left" Sacred Valley. And if you call someone "hostile" just because they point out your mistakes, it only makes your argument seem weaker when you get emotional instead of using logic. Furthermore, saying that someone "knows nothing" is a personal attack. I criticized what you wrote without making a personal attack.
11/13/2017 10:50:34 am
Dudes (Or Dudettes), what is going on here? Will has said that going back to see what is happening with the Wei clan would spoil some future reveals (that will likely be better for not knowing what's happening in SV right now) so isn't that the end of the discussion? It is his story and his right as to how he wants to tell it. If he doesn't want to go back to the valley right now then I trust that he has a good reason for it and leave it at that. Can't we all just be friends?
11/13/2017 01:15:13 pm
If you do not want to discuss it Deadnettle, no one is forcing you to discuss it. No need for you to tell others to shut up.
11/14/2017 03:01:22 pm
I like this idea too. Even if it's not a short story, I can't wait to find out how Lindon's family reacts when he returns home, as well as the rest of Sacred Valley
11/14/2017 04:02:08 pm
Chill out friend. I think it may be best to refer to Q at the end of this conversation thread. His statement is more succinct than I could put it without coming across as hostile.
11/14/2017 05:42:21 pm
If you do not want to discuss it Deadnettle, no one is forcing you to discuss it. No need for you to tell others to shut up.
11/14/2017 05:57:06 pm
I'm sorry that you feel that way John. I hope you have the best of luck in your future suggestions.
11/14/2017 07:42:24 pm
You're not fooling anyone, Deadnettle.
11/14/2017 10:09:07 pm
I'm sorry that you feel that way John. I hope you have the best of luck in your future suggestions.
11/23/2017 05:37:03 pm
Yes. John's original idea was good, but unfortunately he lacked the etiquette to accept no for an answer or the intelligence to understand why it couldn't happen.
11/23/2017 05:49:17 pm
Top points for the personal attack, Nick. Do you feel clever and strong now?
11/23/2017 08:29:30 pm
Haha, wow. You sure responded fast. You must check this form every hour.
11/23/2017 09:08:19 pm
Is that what you deduced with your huge intellect, Nick? Truly astounding powers of deduction you have. What does your stupendous intellect tell you about the check-box below the comments entry box?
11/23/2017 09:50:31 pm
Use as many big boy words as you like. We all know you're a sexually repressed twelve year old.
11/24/2017 06:29:37 am
Ah, Nick, surely you can do better than that. An intelligent and sophisticated adult such as yourself should be able to be able to deliver an insult so scathing that a sexually repressed twelve year old has no choice but to run off and commit suicide immediately. I have faith in you, Nick.
11/24/2017 09:14:17 am
I'll take that as a compliment. You see, the only reason I have time bother with this dialog is because I'm currently staying with my parents at my grand parents house for thanksgiving and there's nothing to do except amuse myself by pestering the particularly childish on the internet. Thus far you've proven the best target.
11/12/2017 10:24:07 am
So in the end... we all agree John had a cool idea that isn't practical due to spoilers and all of his talking down to the author and other fans was completely unnecessary. Good meeting team. See yah next week!
11/10/2017 03:37:18 am
Hello Will, I would like to read a short story about Orthos and how he got the blackflame power. Thanks.
Sean K
11/11/2017 09:37:36 am
Any info on Orthos would be great! How was the GREAT MIGHTY DRAGON when he was just a little turtle?
11/13/2017 08:26:03 pm
Orthos is a Sacred beast. A descendant of the actual blackflame dragons. He was born with blackflame madra. Thats basically what sacred beasts are, beasts with a core.
11/10/2017 04:23:35 am
Do you have an approximate ish date for OKOK?
11/10/2017 06:21:05 am
I would still love to see Valin vs the sword sage in a death match. Probably still one sided, but hey
11/10/2017 06:40:45 am
The Abidan invited me to that one Valin didn't even make it out the doorway before he was cleaved in two
11/11/2017 09:19:54 pm
Would love to see this!
11/10/2017 09:28:57 am
I'd like to see pretty much anything - a more corner/dive, more short stories (traveler's gate or cradle esp.), or my new favorite match up for a deathmatch, Northstrider vs the Emperor.
Sean K
11/11/2017 09:40:39 am
My best on Northstrider!!
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
11/10/2017 09:52:30 am
Well, for short stories, Simon’s always entertaining. But, I’m also interested in Yerin’s past. I think someone above mentioned telling a story about Yerin from the Sword Sage’s perspective, which is an extremely fun idea! So, I’d like to see a short story in one (or both!) of those two areas.
11/10/2017 11:41:04 am
How about a 3 page story on how lindon's family would react if lindon returned after the book "skysworn" by (look at teh top left). assuming that the dreadgods aren't about to kill everyone that is.
A bookworm on the path of suggestions
11/10/2017 01:01:00 pm
I Would like to see something from cradle... maybe something from when cradle was still ruled by dragons? Or by the Black flames? Or something about eithans backstory(if Thats not reserved for the books)
11/10/2017 09:58:27 pm
Is Akura Malice the weakest of the Monarchs? Based on Eithan's summation of her fight with the Blood Phoenix she was losing.
Sean K
11/11/2017 09:42:34 am
From what I gathered, The Monarch are only able to drive the dredgods off, NOT defeat them. This means that they are weaker than the dreadgods.
11/13/2017 04:19:19 pm
Well I think it was said dreadgods can't die? That's a major contributor (if it's true, which I'm not sure it is), I mean why risk your life all the time fighting something with even a remote chance of killing you, if you can't kill it permanently.
11/11/2017 12:59:10 am
I have thoroughly enjoyed every book you have ever written. I really like the death matches, and I thought the death match between snuffles and the Elisian bird was quite clever.
Sean K
11/11/2017 09:44:09 am
11/11/2017 10:47:37 am
Would enjoy some more of the short stories you did a while ago (the earth artist story - think the stained sword? was one) that take place somewhere else in the world with no bearing to the main story line. Just a snippet into the lives of others that are going to at the same time (or past) as the main characters.
Sean K
11/12/2017 05:31:42 am
Well if it tears you so much, I promise it would be okay with me if you did both :P
11/17/2017 06:28:08 am
I'd say maybe a random story as I feel if you put out a Yerin backstory people will be calling for blood as you work on OKOK.
11/11/2017 11:24:35 am
Hey Will, since OKAK will be finishing up soon do you plan on having another series as a side project while you work on Cradle, or are you just going to focus on Cradle for a year or two?
11/11/2017 11:31:29 am
Hey Will I pirated all your books. Sorry. I'll pay for them someday though, I promise.
11/11/2017 11:34:50 am
I would like to read another Will Wight vs story. Will Wight vs all 4 DreadGods please.
11/11/2017 11:40:18 am
Am I the only one still waiting for a continuation of "House of Cool Swords"? It seemed like a great idea, although it could be a bit more serious in its execution. Maybe you could work a Manor of Swords as a feature in the Cradle world? Or maybe a Hall of Blades? Like Redmoon hall, except for swords.
11/11/2017 02:16:30 pm
What I want to see is you join the discord :P....
11/13/2017 08:29:51 pm
Lindon has no normal days. Hes a training beast with no life whatsoever. Its why we love reading about him so much. :)
11/12/2017 10:38:48 am
I like the world building threads. I still wonder what sports and games they play in cradle. Another such thread would help alleviate the pain involved with waiting. I also second the yerin short story. I look forward to meeting the sage in a more direct way. A short story involving eithan as a kid would also be fun if it isn't too much of a spoiler. Who was his master ... How did he really get his iron body etc. What was his life really like. I assume it would be a good bit before his gamble etc. Also a short story on the abidan would be fun ... let us see some of the relationships there.
11/12/2017 10:50:49 am
Also, how many books have you sold now and how did skysworn do?
11/12/2017 01:08:14 pm
Best idea ever ... the story of the guy that became lindons arm. Sounds fascinating.
11/12/2017 01:48:11 pm
11/12/2017 05:17:00 pm
I too would like to read a story about that guy who became Lindon's arm. What was he like before he became an arm? How would he feel about the fact that his remnant became an arm?
11/13/2017 10:53:55 am
Was he given a prophecy as a child that told him not to "pollute" his core because one day a great hero would use the arm of his remnant? All jokes aside though, I also would like to hear a little bit about what this dude was all about before he died and became a prosthetic arm.
11/13/2017 04:22:42 pm
Couldn't it just be an iron maybe swallowed a whole lot of scales to get to highgold? I mean We've read pure madra is like adding water to wine for your core. So maybe he just did that to get stronger faster and somehow ended up dying?
11/14/2017 06:06:22 pm
That actually makes a lot of sense.
11/14/2017 12:03:13 pm
I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere (can't find where), but i'd love to see an undeath match between a dread god and one of the elders from EE.
11/19/2017 03:05:48 pm
Deathmatchs... Well, Ozriel vs either Makiel or one of his judge allies.. but that might be both too revealing, and also would propably break Iteration 000 where you placed it in the first deathmatch;)
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