It hasn't been long since I first saw my books in bookstores, which was all thanks to you and your support for the Cradle Kickstarter last year.
But because I haven't been in bookstores, and because the touch of your dread sun drains me of my powers, I've never done a live book-signing event before. That's about to change. Soon, I will drag myself from the tunnels beneath my Writing Prison and make my way to Barnes & Noble for an official signing! I'll be in the Altamonte Mall Barnes & Noble in Altamonte Springs, FL, on Friday, August 4th (that's next Friday!), from 6-8 PM Eastern. It's not a reading, so I won't be reading anything but your minds. It'll just be a chance for me to sit behind a desk and pretend not to be terrified as I sign the books you've purchased from our lovely local Barnes & Noble. For more information, click this! I think I'm also supposed to be answering some questions, so please remember that it's difficult for me to compress my vast cosmic knowledge into your limited human language. Those with the misfortune to encounter me in person have described the experience as "weird," "off-putting," and "the first time I've ever seen a grown man curl up like an armadillo and roll away." This is the point where I'm supposed to say "I hope to see all of you there!", but there are too many of you. I hope to see a manageable percentage of you there! Maybe if this goes well, I'll do more signings elsewhere, like inside a lucid dream or that old shed behind your dad's house. -Will P.S. I have been engineering The Engineer. More information will be forthcoming pending approval from the O5 Council.
Carson Walters
7/27/2023 09:28:27 am
Awesome! Please go to the Midwest next! I need all 22 of my books signed
7/27/2023 04:47:44 pm
Agreed. Southern midwest would be perfect.
7/27/2023 09:34:56 am
You know, that curl up like an armadillo and roll away sounds like fun. You should lead with that. Can you plan that as a party trick at DragonCon?
Ian Vassilaros
7/27/2023 09:46:19 am
If we leave a trail of Oreos out to our car where we can safely remove you to a forest of your preference (with good wifi, of course) and thus live out your days as a wild book-writing hermit, would that help some of the stress?
7/27/2023 09:47:56 am
For anyone who can say "the first time I've ever seen a grown man curl up like an armadillo and roll away.", you have lived sheltered lives. I see grown men curl up and roll away on a daily basis.
7/27/2023 09:59:55 am
In that case I'll let my dad know to clean up the shed a little. Thanks for the heads up.
7/27/2023 10:04:31 am
Floridians eating well this, between this and Sanderson at Tampa Bay Comic Con. Meanwhile I am... enjoying... a wave of hot & humid Florida weather in Chicago, with none of the nerdy benefits!
7/27/2023 10:37:17 am
Do you plan on traveling? Would love to see you in California!
Calvin Wait
7/27/2023 11:04:06 am
If you don’t come to North Carolina or Virginia, I will haunt you everywhere you go, even that forest they are taking you to. Of course I’m going to do that anyways.;)
7/27/2023 11:49:25 am
Ouch. Missed you by a Month. Looking forward to the next engineered installment in the Wight universe
7/27/2023 12:08:16 pm
"A man in Florida curls up like an armadillo and rolls away from a Barnes and Noble. Onlookers leave Oreos on the ground for him." Classic Florida.
Linda Bommicino
7/27/2023 12:59:16 pm
Any plans to come back to DragonCon this year? Please say yes!!! Thoroughly enjoyed your event last year - you are the best.
7/27/2023 03:16:18 pm
He will be at DragonCon again this year! The Saturday of the con. The 2nd I think? Posted on his socials.
7/27/2023 01:12:21 pm
Come to Huntsville Alabama I doubt there are enough of us to overwhelm, but there are a few of us spreading the words of Wight, and it would be super cool to meet the guy who’s books I’ve been reading over and over again for A decade
Amanda Hiser
7/27/2023 01:23:54 pm
This is exciting! I'm sure it's wildly uncomfortable, but I'm happy it's happening for you! You've done great work. You deserve it.
7/27/2023 03:59:06 pm
Never been to a book signing, being a librarian that sounds weird, come to central NJ and I’ll go to yours …. dare you!
7/27/2023 05:25:54 pm
Exciting, hope you and the local fans enjoy! Use it as an excuse to travel and come and sign some books here in Wales, UK too and I'll be there.
Ryan Nix
7/27/2023 07:28:28 pm
If you come to any store in the tidewater region, you bet I'd be there!!
Lord 2,6-diisopropylphenol
7/27/2023 09:41:13 pm
Can't wait, gonna be my first time going to any kind of nerd event! Also, thank you for confirmation on the title, won me a bet :)
7/28/2023 07:24:15 am
Bit too far for me. You should do one in Seattle. Do a tour like sanderson, with readings from works in progress please please please.
Jack Moore
7/30/2023 03:06:54 am
Please come to dragon con! I promise you'll find your kind of people at dragon con! Atlanta is a wonderful city to visit too
7/30/2023 09:10:08 pm
I will be at the Port Orleans resort that day. Can anyone give me a ride to the signing and back? I would love to hang out with some fans, meet Will, and get a book signed.
7/31/2023 11:08:29 am
If you could pop up to Vancouver Canada real quick that would be GREAT my dog ate my signed copy of Blackflame this morning (instead of any one of the hundreds of other not super special signed books I have) and Florida is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Canada is nice I swear! Come see!
Jay K
7/31/2023 12:45:55 pm
Any chance you're making your way to NJ for a signing? It's so awesome here, I know you can't resist visiting. Just don't sign in places like Atlantic City or Trenton. They're not cool anymore.
Thomas Wilson
8/1/2023 08:30:57 am
I am a new fan, I only found out about Cradle from a buddy 3 weeks ago and I am about to finish Reaper. I have a library and I collect hardbacks of my favorite series (in multiple printings if available), but I know you only released hardback for 1-3. Is there going to be another Kickstarter or way to get the special edition hardbacks/printings? I heard there may be 3 more special editions in the works?
8/2/2023 07:08:08 am
[So many juicy addresses, give me more. I take bribes]
8/2/2023 01:11:51 pm
Sure! Just one thing, kinds of bribes and what exactly would we be bribing you for?
8/4/2023 07:51:05 am
[It’s simple really, I grace your mind with my presence, and in turn, you give me everything…, well a deal’s a deal]
8/4/2023 04:07:35 pm
Please come up to the North East! VT is a barren wasteland devoid of people and therefore not ideal for a visit but I’d drive to civilization in MA or NY to meet you.
8/6/2023 09:20:32 am
NOOOO! I can't believe I missed this. I live in Central Florida. Please do more signings!
8/24/2023 12:41:08 pm
I see the website has seen an overhaul. Nice.
8/24/2023 08:59:47 pm
Any Oreo trail that leads to hidden knowledge of next kickstarter or if you’ve chosen the 3 follow ups to cradle? Looking forward to next books and hoping you advance to sage soon and open up portal to U.K.
8/25/2023 01:31:32 pm
Many trails have been left, but with so many followers of the Twin Wight Sect around, all the Oreos have been doubly stuffed into their Cores awaiting the reemergence of their Sage from new found depths of the Labyrinth
8/30/2023 02:58:33 pm
Will, I hope this note finds you, your family, your friends, and your acquaintances all safe and sound.
9/23/2023 05:37:32 am
Dear Will,
11/14/2023 11:14:44 pm
Conquer pixels, command victory! Join the online gaming revolution.
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