I just sent an original Traveler's Gate story, entitled A Collection of Swords, to everyone on my mailing list!
If you got it, or didn't get it, let me know in the comments! Tell me what you thought, and if you'd like to see more content like this in the future. If you missed this one, sign up for the mailing list at the bottom-right of this page, or the bottom of the home page (beneath my bio). And most importantly, thanks for reading! -Will
Hi Will!
It definitely was a "day in the life" story, and I had actually considered a title to that effect. As for the length, it's funny you mention it: this is a fairly moderate length for a short story. I was actually aiming for something HALF this long, but I couldn't do it. I needed to write.
3/1/2016 01:26:58 pm
Hi Will,
3/1/2016 02:25:14 pm
Loved it. Really loved the last line or two!
3/1/2016 03:25:55 pm
Really enjoyed it. Brought back memories of reading the other books in the series. Can not wait for the return of The Traveler's Gate series. I am really enjoying your new series, have not got my hands on books 2 yet, but I am eagerly awaiting the finish The Elder Empire series so we can get back to Simon. Keep up the great work Mr. Wight.
Chase Jacobsen
3/1/2016 03:44:58 pm
Big fan of the series. but I haven't received the short story, please resend. Keep up the awesome work.
Hm. Would you mind checking your Junk folder for me? I've heard from two or three people who didn't get the email, so I'm trying to figure out why so I can do better next time. Two or three out of 400+ isn't that much, but it means there's a problem somewhere.
3/1/2016 03:46:14 pm
Just got, and read, the short story. I loved it! Please please please continue Simon's story, or another Valinhall Traveler's story. I love the world you created.
3/1/2016 05:10:12 pm
That was really cute. Make another one.
3/1/2016 07:03:07 pm
given how little time i devote to pleasure reading these days, your story was just what i needed to feel connected to your characters. thanks!
3/1/2016 07:42:25 pm
So excellent! I cannot describe how excited I was to see you sent out that email. There are very few authors i actively follow - you, Rothfuss, and Sanderson. Keep up the excellent writing. You have a serious gift and I look forward to each book you write.
That was a nice surprise.
This might come a little out of nowhere, but I appreciate the Dune reference, Mentat.
3/1/2016 09:52:13 pm
OMG! The world in which you have created the travelers gate series is seriously my favorite! I have been desperately waiting for more. This was the perfect teaser and has me chomping at the bit for another tale.
3/1/2016 11:11:58 pm
Really love the travalers gate trilogy and reading the short story was wonderful brought back
3/2/2016 08:28:36 am
Hah! That was great :D
3/2/2016 01:54:23 pm
to gooodddddddddddddd jjajajjaja
Alessandra Porta
3/2/2016 02:26:21 pm
Great teaser. I really, really loved it! I've read everything I could grab in the Traveler's Gate universe, included all your short stories... Just keep writing, great world building, great characters. I love the Elder Empire, but those Travelers stole my heart!
3/2/2016 03:05:26 pm
This was a great short story, and now I'm waiting for more!!! Keep up the great storytelling, and thank you for providing this to your fans. It's nice to see someone give something back, and you will continue to receive my financial support for your incredible books!!!
3/2/2016 04:53:48 pm
3/2/2016 04:22:19 pm
Loved it. I'd appreciate it if you could summon some more from your territory of awesome.
3/2/2016 04:23:17 pm
Didn't get the email =(
3/15/2016 05:30:33 am
Why Rhys, if I may ask Will? Not that I object to having my name in the Traveller's gate series. At all. In fact go right ahead, I like this idea more and more.
3/2/2016 04:51:30 pm
Looks like I just missed it :( I can't wait until the next ones!!
3/2/2016 09:12:22 pm
The story was absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for it. I certainly look forward to the future stories you write.
3/2/2016 09:25:28 pm
Didn't get the email :(
That sucks, Andrew! Email me at [email protected] and I'll send you a replacement.
3/3/2016 09:35:36 am
It is, Ken! Email me at [email protected], let me know you didn't get the story, and I'll send it to you directly!
3/3/2016 09:56:01 pm
Great story! I think I might have to re-read the series now, thanks a lot
3/4/2016 12:55:02 pm
Thanks Will, it was brilliant. It made me go back and read the whole trilogy again. So many hours when I should have been working swallowed by Simon and his dolls!
3/4/2016 02:47:04 pm
I will try to keep this short, but...
Thanks, Jason!
3/4/2016 06:54:27 pm
Loved getting a story to tide me over until the next novel but missed the full fleshing out of motivations and back story of the islands. Interesting to see an option of where you might be going.
3/4/2016 10:29:02 pm
Loved the short story! Can't wait for more Traveler's Gate! And Elder Empire, of course.
3/10/2016 09:43:26 pm
Knowing your stories, it took at least an internet arch-demon, who is now running away from Simon and a horde of dolls in terror.
3/6/2016 07:37:49 am
Dude was in that first thousand back in 13' reading you..watching you trend Amazon...glad you finally revisiting Simion and especially Valinhall..wishing you would come to NY ComicCon..hey use it as an excuse to meet the girls whom do the book covers..aren't they from Boston? Better yet make a comic book with them..Hugh Howie did with Wool..and it's by far one of the best things in our collection...just wishing you could let Valinhall grow into a multiuniverse..... ISJ. 😇 from a fanzie
3/7/2016 04:39:04 am
Jeff J
3/7/2016 09:16:11 am
I tried signing up for the mailing list on the 29th and never got the email to verify it until today. So now I'm on the mailing list but missed the story. Any chance of sending it out to me? Really want to read it.
Jeff J
3/9/2016 09:07:08 am
Thanks a lot! Read the story as soon as I saw it in my inbox. My wife thought I was crazy for sitting up in bed at 2am and reading it on my phone, but a good story isn't bound by trivial things like "time" or "having to work in 4 hours".
3/8/2016 02:57:40 pm
Tried to get the new short story from Will but was unable get receive it. Sad face....Anyone want to help me out and send it to me please??
3/10/2016 06:05:57 pm
I didn't get the story can you help? I could have sworn I was on the mailing list
3/10/2016 08:28:08 pm
Sure [email protected]. Thanks you are not the only one having a problem with my email lately
scott pike
3/10/2016 06:26:56 am
I really liked the short story. Read it quickly in one night and I was hungry for more. I hope more come soon. It will be nice to see how he handles his powers now that it isn't always a world ending emergency.
3/11/2016 05:56:54 pm
I am a big fan of your books. Especially the traveler's gate trilogy. I think this is yet another fine example of a great literary work and i can't wait to read more. I also can't wait for the next traveler's gate to come out
3/12/2016 12:57:41 pm
I have added my name to the mailing list. I had been away for some time and happened to stop in to find out that I missed out on this wondrous opportunity. Is there no way I could get a back copy of this short story? Please let me know.
3/13/2016 07:54:44 pm
Thanks for sending me the story, love it! Simon is one of my favorite protagonist out of all the fictions I read. Hope the new traveler's gate series will arrive soon!
3/14/2016 06:57:52 am
I just realized I had signed up for the mailing list, but never received a confirmation email. I am going to assume that was because I signed up on my iphone. I had been a little mean to my iphone that day, so I think it was just trying to get back at me the best way possible...screwing out of this story. Life goes on, but I will be signing up now. Looking forward to the future stories Mr. Wight! As I have stated before you are in my top 3 authors.
You know, I was wondering what the common denominator was between people who signed up and didn't get the confirmation, and maybe that's it...it might not work properly on mobile. More data required.
3/14/2016 09:20:37 am
The email has been sent! I appreciate you sending me the story, as does my phone. I was preparing to start the torture process to my phone, but I will give it one more chance now that it didn't cost me the story. Next time I will not be so forgiving!
Brian Cody
3/14/2016 08:43:19 am
Great short story!! I'm a huge fan of Simon and the Travelers' Gate Trilogy and can't wait for more stories in that universe.
3/14/2016 11:06:21 pm
T.T I should have not gone on vacation....I thought i had suscribed a week or two prior, thinking that to do so in gmail you just had to click on the link in the vertifcation email, but it seems you had to click on a subscribe button in the inbox itself...
3/17/2016 05:46:02 pm
I'm re-reading the Traveller's series again after first picking it up a while back. I really enjoy the way you crafted the two hero's stories of Simon and Alin, demonstrating how the best of intentions doesn't always end the way you want it.
Send me an email, Mick! I'll toss the short story your way, just because I like your look.
3/18/2016 02:39:46 pm
Thought the story was rather good!
That's a cool question! I'm writing a story now that involves making magical things out of magical corpses, but I hadn't applied that to the Incarnations. For the Naraka Incarnations we saw destroyed, they were mostly piles of ash. For the others, it's not really explored.
3/21/2016 02:09:54 pm
Loved the short story Will! Really cannot wait for the next installment of the series to come out. This is the only thing keeping me alive while I wait for that last Rothfuss book to come out. Are we expecting to see new powers that you haven't touched upon yet in Valinhall?
You'll definitely see more of Valinhall. As for new powers...maybe. I mean, Simon got a lot of his powers offscreen, so to speak. If I give him TOO many powers, he'll be even more OP, and I'll have to nerf him in Patch 3.4.
4/11/2016 08:46:27 am
um just singed up and I have not got the email yet
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