This Sunday, at 12PM Eastern (or 9AM Pacific, for the heathens), I'll be a guest on the Plucky and Woo-Woo radio show!
Their show airs on the Public Service Network, and they like to interview "plucky" people with cool success stories. They also apparently enjoy talking about sci-fi and fantasy novels, so I might have something to say after all. The show begins at 12PM (my time), and they tell me I should be on the air by 12:20. I don't know what we'll be talking about. They told me to say something about my books, and then just "join the conversation." So we'll likely end up talking about some random stuff. Feel free to stop by, listen to my words of dubious wisdom, and depart enlightened. Here's a link! You may notice that the radio station starts playing as soon as you visit the page, so all you have to do is follow this link on Sunday at noon (again, Eastern Time) and turn on your ears.
3/14/2014 01:12:33 am
So... does that mean you're done writing CoL :)?
3/14/2014 01:27:03 am
"I'm sorry...what was your question? I had to finish that scene, but I'm listening now."
3/14/2014 06:41:48 pm
Wait, are you implying that that's NOT how it will go?
3/14/2014 01:38:51 pm
So I'm the one who has to say it? Shouldn't you be writing?
3/15/2014 01:03:51 am
I have finished every book on my reading list waiting for CoL. So shouldn't you be writing? lol
3/21/2014 08:54:21 am
Thanks, Plucky! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Writing. You know how it goes.
Jack S
3/16/2014 12:29:28 pm
I'm so bummed that I missed it.
Hayden Desrosiers
3/17/2014 09:11:02 am
Mr.Wight, is there any chance of you getting a copy of the show to publish here? So that us dweebs who missed it can check it out?
Jack S
3/18/2014 01:36:56 pm
Mr. Wight hasn't responded for awhile my hypothesis is that he's busy writing and the book will come out soon.
Hayden Desrosiers
3/19/2014 01:50:19 am
If that's the case, I should prepare to through my money at him. 3/19/2014 02:44:55 am
Okay, I'm on a break from writing, so I came to say this:
A person
3/19/2014 11:32:17 am
For goodness sakes!!! When will CoL come out. I need a date! I'm dying here. I have been waiting for 100000 years! The series is the best ever but I need an ending.
3/19/2014 11:49:13 am
May I recommend a judicious dose of Elysia's Green Light?
3/20/2014 05:10:01 am
Perfect example is Words of Radiance. Sanderson posted on his website when the book was done being written and that we then only had to wait a few months for it to be out.....
3/19/2014 12:16:50 pm
Do you best on the book and make the time a mystery until the day before you publish it
Hayden Desrosiers
3/19/2014 01:26:28 pm
Guys, he will be done it soon! If he works on it any faster, the flesh upon his fingers will catch fire and end his career! We should only push him so much!
3/19/2014 01:32:46 pm
So in the billion year wait for CoL i was doing some rereading and compiling info and i thought id share some it with you and have will fill in the blanks ....
3/19/2014 01:37:19 pm
Oh yea will you need to add a form/wiki to your website.
3/21/2014 08:55:16 am
Yeah, I probably do. I've thought of adding a magic system glossary in the back of the books, like Brandon Sanderson sometimes does, but somehow I've just never found the time...
3/19/2014 02:01:49 pm
Take your time and release great work product like you always do. We'll be here when it's ready!
Jack S
3/19/2014 02:10:17 pm
Yeah take your time, dude. We can be patient. It's worth it.
3/21/2014 08:56:12 am
Thanks, guys! It's important to me that I get you all something that's as good as I can make it...within a reasonable time frame. Waiting sucks, I totally get it. Thanks for your patience!
Ken from New Zealand ( There are orcs here)
3/20/2014 11:00:43 pm
Hey Will, just wanted to offer my support. I've been into fantasy since I started reading and I like to think I know my way around a fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I love the ridiculously long intricate style ala Robert Jordan, Steven Erikson and the stormlight archive I mean wow frickin wow WOR was awesome but I think action fantasy like the traveler's gate is the way of the future, and you're leading the way. I tip my hat to you sir, take your time with City of Light. We all know it will be worth it.
Ken from New Zealand ( There are orcs here)
3/20/2014 11:31:42 pm
Some pretty repetitive wording there, I may or may not have had a smallish amount of mead before posting.
3/21/2014 09:10:08 am
Thanks for the encouragement, Ken! I was going to make a New Zealand joke, but then I realized I could only think of Lord of the Rings jokes, and I gave up.
3/22/2014 09:17:05 am
Wow... it's not many times you see an author wishing for the death of his fans!? Not that The Great Will of The unnamed Elysian Wight Light is any old author.
3/21/2014 04:48:41 am
Hey ken, you need to hit libraries, bookstores and goodreads more.
3/21/2014 08:43:16 am
I certainly wouldn't call Tigana or Name of the Wind action books. Not at all. They're both incredible books (well, I wasn't a huge Tigana fan, but I AM a Guy Gavriel Kay fan, so the point remains), but they're neither fast-paced nor full of action.
3/21/2014 09:43:09 am
Huh I forgot i was thinking of action, then I realized every book has action but not "fast" paced action.
3/23/2014 11:13:12 pm
I could also say you can read any of the David Gemmel books. They are not the best written, and can be somewhat repetitive, but they are good for what I refer to as "bubblegum" reading. There is not a lot there, but very enjoyable overall!
Brian Son of Andy
3/21/2014 05:52:48 am
Wow tough crowd on some of the posts. I want to thank you for the sample chapter, it was awesome. Do people realize how fast you pump out books. Its been years between George RR Martin books and Anthony Ryan's Tower Lord people need to relax a little. Keep up the good work. When its ready its ready don't rush, your books have been amazing so far.
3/21/2014 09:14:39 am
Glad you liked it, Brian! Honestly, I even appreciate the "OMG HURRY UP AND WRITE" posts: they mean that people are excited for the next book, which is a great message for me to hear.
Mark jaeger
3/21/2014 09:11:58 am
You forgot jim butcher. His books have kick ass fight scenes though I think the best fight scene I've ever read was Drizzt Do'Urden vs Artemis Enteri. (R a Salvatore) #2 is probably from this book called weapon of flesh. Which is small time but still magnificent. I very much like simon and his fight scenes.
Mark jaeger
3/21/2014 09:13:55 am
Oh shit nvm u didn't forget jim butcher I just didn't read the PS.
3/21/2014 09:16:12 am
Oh man, I forgot R.A. Salvatore! Yeah, he's another great action writer to add.
4/2/2014 03:28:37 pm
I'm wholly loving Stormlight Archive (can't wait for #3!) but I'd rather be from Valinhall or Helgard than Alethkar. However, if we (and by we I of course mean you and Mr Sanderson) could have a cross-book combined effort...
3/21/2014 09:58:37 am
Just wondering Mr. Wight...
3/21/2014 10:05:12 am
I think, more than anything, City of Light focuses on the deaths of Simon, Alin, and Leah, and how their tragic loss paves the way for the real hero: Overlord Lysander.
3/21/2014 10:59:50 am
Chapter 23 - 3/21/2014 11:49:48 am
I can't believe you saw my Lysander/Otoku twist coming...get out of my head, sorcerer!
12/19/2016 01:19:01 pm
No! I was shipping Kai and Otaku!
Hayden Desrosiers
3/21/2014 10:54:49 am
"...and on that day, the man known as Will Wight, would become the first person ever to conquer the world without ever trying. All he ever did was promise the release of books in under a year. The people of the world rejoiced and elected him Supreme Emperor of the Universe..."
3/21/2014 11:48:01 am
"...and we still serve our immortal Emperor today. All hail the Empire Eternal! All our base are belong to him!"
Ken From New Zealand
3/21/2014 11:21:18 am
Obviously I've read everything Brent Weeks has put out, the name of the wind was ok but hardly action fantasy, I mean nothing happened in the second book... Robin Hobb and Fritz.. Alright as a space filler but not re-reading that series any time soon. What I meant was there are no other fantasys that spring to mind that have such a frantic pace. Jim Butcher comes close I guess. Acts of Caine wasn't bad, but at least half of it was soul searching about how he was a bad guy but came to terms with it... Jeez guys, cant I compliment an author with a style I like without you recommending ( in your opinion) better books? On said author's blog no less? And to the dude who recommended visiting a library to me its 2014 man, do they even still have those?
3/21/2014 11:45:20 am
Hey, I know exactly what you meant, and I was glad of the compliment! In my opinion, there aren't nearly enough action fantasy books. They're far outweighed by the contemplative, world-building types.
Hayden Desrosiers
3/21/2014 11:57:59 am
Fun New Zealand fact: NZ produces Mordor's than any other country.
Mark jaeger
3/21/2014 04:59:25 pm
I do you like action try the legend of drizzt. Story about a badass dark elf with morals raised in an evil society. Also weapon of flesh kicks ass. It is about a boy covered in magical runes meant to become a weapon for a twisted guildmaster
Mark jaeger
3/21/2014 04:53:17 pm
Ok this is meant as a compliment. I love that you're small time. I feel like authors with fame have more time for the little people. (Ever try getting a question to jim butcher or Brandon Sanderson very unlikely) I hope you continue writing after the trilogy comes to a close
3/22/2014 02:51:13 am
Thanks, Mark! I, too, am glad that I have enough time to address everyone individually. If Butcher or Sanderson tried to answer every question they were asked, they'd never get any writing done.
Mark jaeger
3/23/2014 07:55:39 pm
How many copies have you sold? And what does sharing the book do for u and how? Also have you tried getting it published? I mean I like kindle but there is nothing like a real book! :D 3/23/2014 11:40:03 pm
Roughly 70,000 novel sales. Not counting the short stories.
Again from Ecuador
3/21/2014 07:17:50 pm
I've just finished B. Sanderson Steelheart. It's actually an awsome story with lots of action potential. The only thing i didn't like about it is that in some parts of the book i felt the story moved too fast. Anyway i wanted to tell you that besides been a great book and written by a fantasy master like B. Sanderson, travelers gate trilogy is far better. I love the pace of the story, the characters, the world, everything. I'm not a literature autorithy just an MD. but your books are addictive and i can't wait for COL and a supersayayin Simon
3/22/2014 02:47:12 am
Thanks, person from Ecuador! I enjoyed Steelheart, and I'm looking forward to Book 2 (Firefight, I think it's called) later this year.
3/22/2014 01:16:52 am
Quick question off topic. Will, if someone borrows one of your books from Amazon prime do you get any kickback for that? If not then I will make sure the people I recommend it to buy the book instead of borrowing it (I have some cheep friends). I heard other authors getting something for borrowing so I was just making sure because I want you to keep getting the financial support so all of us can enjoy your awesome books! And for the above conversations: not only is Brent weeks' The Lightbringers series full of action but the light drafting concept is freaking awesome.
3/22/2014 02:45:09 am
As a matter of fact, because my novels are only three dollars, most months I make slightly MORE from a borrow than from a sale.
Mike S
3/23/2014 05:30:23 am
I can't wait for COL!!! Keep up the good work.
Bruce Wayne
3/23/2014 12:16:14 pm
When do we get to see the cover? I'll let you in the bat cave if you show it early.
3/23/2014 11:40:48 pm
Oh, Bruce, you're hilarious. Everyone knows that Batman is Harvey Dent.
Elder III
3/23/2014 03:37:38 pm
Take your time my friend, we want you stress free so that the words pour forth like a flood of Biblical proportions. So eat right, sleep at least 8 hours each night and ignore the fact that I'm sounding like your grandma.
3/23/2014 11:42:31 pm
Hey, Grandma, you finally figured out how to use the computer! Don't worry; I'm eating as badly as ever, I haven't slept in six days, and I think I'm drowning in that flood you mentioned.
3/24/2014 02:13:32 am
3/24/2014 11:48:42 am
Greetings from the U.S., Seth!
3/24/2014 05:49:20 am
The dinosaurs like myself appreciate that you've released House of Blades and Crimson Vault in paperback (hard to beat the weight of a book in your hands and the smell of a new book - like I said, dinosaur). Do you think you'll ever release the Traveler's Gate Chronicles in paperback as well?
3/24/2014 11:51:57 am
Ebooks are the way of the future, grandpa! Join us in the clean, cold light of new technology!
Jeremiah Halstead
3/25/2014 09:16:34 pm
If you do that, I would have to drive down and pick up a copy... and buy you dinner. But if I did that you dinner would come from the McDonalds Value menu or, if I really scrimped, the Wendy's value menu.
3/25/2014 12:07:02 pm
Not sure where to post this so it has a chance to be seen, but as the most recent post, this probably has the best chance. First, a little explanation of the following post. My husband Jeremiah wanted to get me Gardens of Mist of Christmas. When Christmas Eve rolled around with no sign of it, he sent an email to the scribe of Library of Wight, requesting a paragraph for his wife. The response he received follows.
3/25/2014 12:08:11 pm
Sticky with drying blood, Jeremiah kicked open the door to the Library of Wight. He would have sheathed his sword, but the blood would just gum up his scabbard. He left the blade bare.
3/25/2014 12:13:42 pm
Some good news for those hoping that Will gets us a book soon. My husband told me some time back he would get me City of Light for my birthday, which is Friday. He just left grumbling about needing to go clean his sword "to keep that Wight chap motivated." Don't worry, his 'motivation' won't include any sort of damage that would keep Will from writing.
3/25/2014 01:23:35 pm
Also, for anyone stumbling onto this story without context:
Krog Hellscream
3/25/2014 03:31:12 pm
Mr. Wight, Due to the above conversation, I am going to need to take the next two weeks off using a portion of my total PTO. I hope this is not a problem, but this is clearly covered in section 3: article B of my Orcish Union Contract.
3/27/2014 02:55:51 am
3/27/2014 03:54:00 am
^ Awesome.
Tim K
3/25/2014 11:01:11 pm
Oh man. These posts are entertaining. Allow posting of pictures, reddit better look out.
3/27/2014 02:52:53 am
Man, I really do want to be able to post pictures in comments. I'd do it all the time.
3/26/2014 12:46:02 am
Hi Will,
3/27/2014 02:56:47 am
France! That's awesome! I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint an international audience: I'll do everything I can to make the conclusion as satisfying as possible.
3/27/2014 12:15:18 am
Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying your books so far. They remind me a bit of a cross between a really good action packed anime, and a particularly fun role playing session I hope never ends.
3/27/2014 03:01:05 am
Anime/RPG, eh? That's...fairly accurate, actually.
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