EDIT 5/14: Wow, this has generated SO many comments. I'm diving in.
Over the last few weeks, I've had a couple of phone meetings with Michael J. Sullivan and his wife, Robin (mostly Robin), and they've had great success Kickstarting print runs of their books. They suggested Kickstarter as something I might consider, so I thought I'd bring the idea to you, the fans. Here's the concept: I don't need funds to write a book (the reverse, really: I need to write a book for funds), so I wouldn't be Kickstarting a book so much as special-edition print runs of that book. So there might be a limited-run signed hardcover version, paperbacks with alternate covers, whatever. Exclusive stuff. If we Kickstarted something like Cradle #7, Uncrowned, the Kickstarter audience might even get the book early. But these are all ideas at this point. Just dreams floating around in the ether. The compelling part of this to me is that Kickstarters are fun, this gives an opportunity to get fans involved, and it allows me to try projects I normally wouldn't, like limited-edition hardcovers. What do you think? How would you feel about a Kickstarter? What sorts of things would you want to see as rewards? How was your week? Has everyone seen Endgame yet? Discuss! -Will
Aanu Ajayi
5/9/2019 03:52:54 pm
First commenter. I think it's a solid idea, anything that helps me get Uncrowned early gets the pass from me!
Autumn West
5/9/2019 04:20:10 pm
I agree! Anything that allows me to read Uncrowned early!
7/3/2019 09:48:37 pm
Absolutely agree with this. I was really hoping for a patreon type site where we could get sneak peeks into uncrowned - but I guess we are out of Luck!
Tim Lundberg
5/10/2019 04:02:43 am
Shaun Van Rensburg
5/10/2019 09:25:09 am
What's up Will. I'd be happy for you to incorporate a kickstarter program and would happily contribute to get Uncrowned early.
5/10/2019 02:38:46 pm
Usually "early release" actually means "delayed for anyone who didn't pay extra".
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:08:48 pm
I'm not sure why you would come to that conclusion, but just to put you at ease. Will is basing his Kickstarter off of ours and the reward levels are set at the same price as the retail versions of the books.
5/11/2019 07:45:24 am
Within the Kickstarter sure. But are you saying that the early release for Kickstarter participants won't mean the public launch is delayed?
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 03:47:13 am
@Phillip - yes, for our Kickstarters the release date was not delayed. But It may be that Michael has a different release model than Will. In our case, we have the books written when we set a release date (which is generally 6 - 9 months in the future. Now, when that date is set, the book is not "finished" -- we still have to do (a) line editing (b) beta testing (c) layout (d) gamma reading (e) proofing and (f) running the presses such that books are in the warehouse several months before "on sale" date. We have "simultaneous" releases for ebook, audio, and hardcovers.
5/12/2019 03:35:32 pm
Thank you for your reply. Robin is of course absolutely correct, so just to elaborate a little: with Underlord, I already "delayed" the release of the ebook because of the paperback and audiobook editions, because the ultimate goal is to have all versions of the book release at the same time. We're talking something similar here. Also, as she said, not charging extra unless you want one of the extra-special-chocolatey-fudge-coated-super versions.
5/14/2019 04:45:58 pm
Dark chocolate?
5/15/2019 03:04:19 pm
Umm Will are you a YuGiOh abridged can? Maybe this is common knowledge but I didn’t realize!
5/15/2019 08:21:14 am
Hi Will, to me the value would be early access. I will pay for it as I love your books. Can you not give early access for a premium on Kindle?
Ronnie G
5/9/2019 03:55:46 pm
I would Kickstart the shit out of Uncrowned. Don't let your dreams just be dreams.
5/9/2019 03:56:38 pm
Eh, Kickstarter rewards could be nice, but in my opinion they're not necessary. But if you want to release extra stuff...
5/15/2019 04:32:21 am
It was brilliant! Especially how they showed how each character went down their own path of grief. And they juggled everything so well.
5/9/2019 03:57:06 pm
Man, I'd love a signed hardcover edition. I'd happily pay for that, though there is a very real chance I might beg and plead for hardcover editions of the rest of the series so they all look consistent on my shelf...
5/9/2019 05:03:02 pm
Id love a full hardcover set of books. Not just the ones till now but all the future ones. I plan on buying a complete set when the series is done, autographed if possible. Only reason im not buying them now is i need to keep them alive till the end and thats hard with paperbacks. Hell i love the series so much that I would kickstart for the first time for hardbacks, especially if they were fancy.
5/15/2019 01:13:10 pm
First time posting.. just want to say your friends are right on.. 😎. Can we get signed hardcovers of Travelers Gate as part of the Uncrowned Kickstart 😉
G Fisher
5/9/2019 03:59:29 pm
Love the idea of greeting the book sooner, always do the same with the Sullivan Kickstarters
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:09:42 pm
Hey, thanks for the support!
Nate Drevlow
5/9/2019 03:59:52 pm
Michael and Robin know what's up his writing is great and his contact with readers is awesome. So listen to them also I love kickstarers 😁
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:10:11 pm
5/9/2019 04:01:21 pm
Pay some $$ to get an early print for “Uncrowned”?
Actually, as somebody that is still trying to make time to write with that real life stuff continuing to get in the way, reading an early version as well as later reading the final version would be very helpful to read the changes you made going from draft to final. That’s valuable information for someone who is still learning how to craft a story that will be worth reading.
5/9/2019 04:03:43 pm
I’d definitely be keen for a limited ed. hardcover set, sounds like fun.
Michael Ruurds
5/9/2019 04:04:15 pm
I'm up for this.
Webb Waites
5/9/2019 04:05:50 pm
I think the idea is great. However, like Aaron, is want hardcover editions of all the Cradle books so they matched.
Yeah, I know that if I do a hardcover Cradle printing I will eventually be obligated to print them all in hardcover for the collectors.
5/9/2019 04:14:05 pm
Absolutely! I love the idea!
5/9/2019 04:21:19 pm
I'd buy it, but if you're going that route making it really special with both a single Uncrowned and full series hardcover goal would be great.
5/9/2019 04:22:04 pm
Love the idea, my only thing is I wouldn't want just the 7th book I would want the whole set so they are all the same.
5/9/2019 04:24:59 pm
I would love to get a way to get signed hardcovers. I just watched endgame last weekend, they did a really good job on it!
5/9/2019 04:25:17 pm
Would be on board for signed hard covers. Especially if we got advanced copies
nephi rowe
5/9/2019 04:26:31 pm
Can we kick start to have cradle made into an anime??
5/10/2019 04:53:28 am
I would also like an Anime adaptation over a movie or live action TV series. I think An anime could be made true to the story. Just don't use Netflix to produce it. The CGI for most of there anime makes it unwatchable. Also avoid whoever did berserk season 2.
5/10/2019 11:31:17 pm
Ufotable is the only studio I’d want touching Cradle for unlimited budgetworks.
5/14/2019 04:08:30 pm
?? Not really. We have endless hunger, after some time we would just crave more. Its natural selection, sad really. We could have banded together to form a uthopia eons ago otherwise.
5/17/2019 05:03:45 am
... Worth it.
5/9/2019 04:32:10 pm
I would absolutely pay for a hardcover set!
5/9/2019 04:33:15 pm
This is good idea. I mean if it fails, none is lost, and if it succeeds :D.
5/9/2019 04:34:12 pm
Amazing to endgame, and absolutely yes to Kickstarter!!
5/9/2019 04:35:45 pm
Honestly, I would love to have a Kickstarter for a complete hardcover set of cradle books
Calvin Park
5/9/2019 04:47:12 pm
I'd love a hardcover for cradle #7...but, to be honest, I'd then want some option to get hardcovers for the previous six books as well. I think this idea definitely has legs.
5/9/2019 04:48:14 pm
One of the things Phil Tucker did in his Kickstarter was raise money for interior art (see: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/682901669/death-march-book-1-in-a-litrpg-trilogy/description ) and I thought it turned out well. I’d definitely pay to get the book early.
5/9/2019 09:45:09 pm
THIS!! we have a huge lack of quality fanart and this would help!
Jeremiah h
5/10/2019 02:21:08 am
There's a fair amount of good andl great stuff in discord along with commissions. A lot it is JazzyKandra's but there is other stuff as well.
5/14/2019 02:31:15 pm
I see my name, I must comment. I really like the type of exterior art you get in SA, in Cradle it could be similar, like examples of scales, robes, more advanced badges, etc. (but not maps). That would be super cool to see in the books, I think, but I'm an art nerd. xD
Daniel Jones
6/15/2019 02:57:59 pm
I agree with idea of additional art inside the cover!!!!!!
Cool Person
5/9/2019 05:02:14 pm
signed, early books! YES! endgame was great, one of my favorite marvel characters. I was a bit sad, but at least that part was realistic.
Christopher Robin
5/9/2019 05:06:03 pm
Will, do you have an estimated date for when your more detailed review of Endgame will be? That way I won’t have to keep checking your blog every day! 😂
Christopher Robin
5/15/2019 08:25:04 pm
5/9/2019 05:06:38 pm
I'd pay for a leather bound set of a completed series. Otherwise I'm only interested in the content.
5/9/2019 05:09:34 pm
The early access might be a problem for international backers with the time and expense of shipping.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 03:51:51 am
If Will follows the format of our past Kickstarters, it' won't be a problem as you can buy ebook or print versions. For overseas people, they can opt for the ebook.
5/9/2019 05:25:33 pm
I think this is an awesome idea. I'm not sure if rewards are necessary, but I do have some ideas if you're interested. Maybe putting in the name(s) of donors as some type of cameo might work for an upper-tier reward, maybe a shout-out on the blog for others (if that works), printed bookmarks with art of the characters/book symbols on them, custom t-shirts/beanies/mugs, art prints of some type (created by Micah Epstein, maybe?), character reference sheets, etc. Most of these are visual mediums, but I think these kind of rewards would be kind of cool to get and stuff.
Yeah, that would be neat! The ideas I listed are just because right now I only KNOW of one asset I'll definitely have (the book itself), so I was thinking of what I could do with that. Once we brainstorm and develop some more, I think there are a lot of cool things we could do. An acknowledgement/credits kind of thing, naming a character or location, prints like you suggest...loads of fun stuff!
5/15/2019 01:28:23 pm
If you added art into the earlier books as part of the hardcover, this would be both differentiating and awesome. Would love to get a visual of Jai Long before and after his gold sign. Not to mention Orthos before and after Ghost Water
Rogue 9
5/9/2019 05:32:11 pm
I would totally do a Kickstarter for a full set of hard covers. I'm not really into early release action because if it was ready for release then it wouldn't be a early release. It's hard enough to wait for a book, but to be teased chapter by chapter, no thanks.
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:07:35 pm
The ebook wouldn't be "chapter by chapter" - you'd get the full ebook. For our most recent Kickstarter people received Age of Legend on April 9th and the official release date stayed unchanged at July 9th.
5/10/2019 05:28:02 am
And thanks for that 😎 I now get to run that in my sisters face, since she didn’t do the Kickstarter like I told her to.
5/10/2019 09:40:42 am
Can you go into detail on how this works? So the book would ready to be released on Amazon on April 9th but isn't officially released until July 9th? I don't think I agree with that method for Will if so.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:20:03 pm
@Phillip - You are very welcome. Although you could "loan her" your copy - just saying ;-)
RObin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:22:47 pm
Christopher Maas
5/10/2019 07:55:13 pm
I appreciate the detailed response, Robin! Thank you.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 03:52:59 am
@ Christopher - sure thing. You are very welcome.
Lorne Jacobs
5/9/2019 05:35:47 pm
I think a hardcover set would be amazing. I would hope that they would be made in a way that they all matched in the end. I think it would also be worth maybe trying to raise funds for a short animation movie or mini-series. Just a thought.
The idea would certainly be to provide the opportunity for people who want a matching set after the series is over to get one. As for animation, that is definitely my dream medium for Cradle or indeed for any of my works. I love animation; you can do so many fantastical scenes that would look ridiculous in live action.
5/9/2019 05:42:18 pm
Kickstarter is cool for limited edition stuff - however I enjoy the community hype that goes on when you release a book. I feel like that wouldn't be the same if you did an early release elsewhere. (please don't hate me, other fans!)
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:10:48 pm
FWIW, I find that Kickstarters are actually really good at generating "community hype" before the release of a book. You get a bunch of people who are in an "exclusive club" that have read the book and as they talk about how fun the read was, it gets others excited and pre-ordering.
5/13/2019 04:18:02 pm
That sounds a bit awful, like when people come into communities bragging about getting ARCs. Rather undemocratic and cliquey.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 07:29:47 am
@Kevin - I guess I'm not communicating very well. Let me back up and try again.
I definitely hear that, and I have some of the same concerns myself.
John Rowett
5/9/2019 05:44:23 pm
Yes! Love it! I would just ask that the print version also comes with a digital copy so I can read it wherever!
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:12:13 pm
Yes, we've been talking about Will about following our model which is every reward level has the ebook. That way people who want to keep their printed copy "pristine" they can read the ebook. I'm pretty sure Will would follow the same paradigm.
5/11/2019 07:11:33 am
What kind of price would we roughly expect to get early access to an EBook? I understand hard copies cost more and therefore the price will be more, or is this still all under discussion?
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 03:56:10 am
@Jaeger - we are at the very early stages...but if Will mirrors what I've done in the past the prices for the Kickstarter books is EXACTLY the same as the retail copies. In our case, that meant $10 for ebooks, $15 for trade paperbacks, and $25 for hardcovers. Will's ebooks run a bit cheaper than mine. But I wouldn't expect there would be any "premium" paid by Kickstarter backers. So, if his ebook is $6 that would be the price on the Kickstarter as well.
5/9/2019 05:45:54 pm
I would love a hard cover of your book with some sweet alternative artwork on it. Only thing I would worry is affecting your Amazon sales. I want you to be successful as possible.
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:15:35 pm
If you want Will to be successful as possible, then supporting a Kickstarter will definitely work toward that goal. Kickstarters are essentially "buying pre-orders directly from the content creator." And because the retailer middle-men are cut out of that equation it's the best way to ensure the highest % of your money going into Will's pocket. For instance, if you were to buy a paperback for $15 from Amazon he might earn $2 - $3. But if you pay $15 for a paperback through a Kickstarter he would earn about $12. So the more people who "buy direct" the more money Will makes.
5/11/2019 11:21:09 am
While it may be true that the author receives more money for the book, on the other hand, how does the audience grow if he does not have the exposure on Amazon. I found his books , under the suggestions "if you like this author- " read one book and then started searching for more.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 03:58:04 am
@Paat - Kickstarters don't REPLACE Amazon...it's just an "additional" sales channel. Future readers will continue to find his books the same way you did.
5/9/2019 05:47:10 pm
I’d definitely participate. I’d appreciate a hardcover or some special edition.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 06:14:10 pm
longest character: ﷽
Cool Person
5/13/2019 06:16:29 pm
Well. for the record, I had no clue it could do that.
5/9/2019 05:49:20 pm
I think some people may be misunderstanding the "early" part.
5/11/2019 03:12:31 pm
Yeah, I’m not a fan of having two different release dates. One for Kickstarter supporters and one for the rest of us fans who prefer to read on kindle. I do my best to support Will by reading it on kindle unlimited first then buy it again on Amazon.
Kevin O'Malley
5/14/2019 04:11:15 pm
If the ebook is a mobi, then you can mail it to your kindle email address and it is available on all your kindle devices like any other kindle release. Might not show up in your cloud reader, but you can save it to your dropbox if you need to.
This is all at the very early stages of conception at this point. I have no details ironed out, nor have I made any firm decisions, so everything I say could change as we investigate and plan.
5/14/2019 04:07:05 pm
Hypothetically, a kickstarter digital release that is complete after the amazon window that would make it go live on the first of the month could be released on kickstarter before the next window to get it to release on the first.
5/9/2019 05:50:52 pm
I think you need to GET BACK IN YOUR CAVE, WILL! Who the hell let you out!? What in the hell happened to the ball and chain?
5/9/2019 10:48:25 pm
Cool Person
5/13/2019 08:58:19 pm
I feel silly for asking this, but what does OKAK stand for? I know it represents Elder Empire, but I can't think of what OKAK could stand for.
5/15/2019 06:46:05 am
The Warden
5/14/2019 07:05:51 pm
Get back to work slave! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
Michael Keating
5/9/2019 05:58:28 pm
Seems like a pretty cool idea
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:00:18 am
The audiobook wouldn't be affected. The Kickstarter would provide ebooks and print books but you'd continue to get your audiobooks the same you always do.
Will (not Will)
5/13/2019 06:53:20 am
@Robin, are there non-book pledge reward options (like art or author notes) that you have offered so that those of us who prefer the audiobook format can offer Kickstarter support for new books?
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 07:35:24 am
@Will(not Will) -- yes generally we like giving away things that are difficult to do without a Kickstarter. Examples include Screensavers of the artwork, a bonus short story, a "Making of ebook" -- which talks about some behind the scenes aspects, and for our latest Kickstarter we are doing music that is composed especially for the story. So there usually is a low-priced level ($2 - $5) where you get all the "bonus stuff" but no ebook or print book. At least that's what we've done in the past.
5/14/2019 04:18:32 pm
Im more concerned about ppl giving spoilers. Not sure i can resist temptation.
5/9/2019 06:01:26 pm
I would personally go for most rewards for a kickstarter. I would prefer hard cover copies especially if it was for the whole series.
5/9/2019 06:17:05 pm
I'd also love a nice hardcover set of the entire series, so I'd prob wait till it's done so they'd match.
5/9/2019 06:27:59 pm
Okay, everyone's super positive about this, so I'll play Devil's Advocate.
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:22:28 pm
You are right to raise the issues regarding fulfillment. But I have some really good resources that Will can use to handle that end of things. I can set him up with our fullfillment house who has shipped thousands of packages (and something like 5 tons of books) for us, and in all that time I think we've had 3 "go astray" and only 1 package that was damaged in shipping (they do a good job wrapping/using boxes to protect the books) and when there has been a problem the fulfillment company deals with them and not me. In any case fulfillment CAN be a huge time sync, but I think I've solved that problem and I'm more than willing to help Will with that end of things.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 08:56:57 pm
well, thats good. it would be bad if my early acces book was later than the normal book would be.
I definitely understand your concerns, Ian, and they're mainly why I haven't pursued a Kickstarter before now.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 07:37:01 am
You are welcome, Will.
5/9/2019 06:35:38 pm
I love all your books, and would be more than happy to support a Kickstarter.
5/9/2019 06:42:45 pm
Endgame violating their own time travel rules was annoying. Sounds like they're addressing it in Spider Man, though.
Steve Christ
5/14/2019 07:21:28 pm
I suppose I should have mentioned spoiler alert or something... But oh well...
5/9/2019 06:51:23 pm
I think signed hardcover or leather bound would be amazing. I agree on that there should be an option to get the same for earlier books but that should be easy to set-up in the kickstarter rewards.
Lisa Herrick
5/9/2019 06:57:38 pm
I would love a Travelers Gate Omnibus..... Or Elder Empire.... I love a complete set.
5/9/2019 06:57:52 pm
I’m in. I think it’s a great idea. I’d also like to see signed copies of trade paperback and/or hardcover for the whole series.
Ambitious project
5/9/2019 07:00:05 pm
Can we Kickstarter a Cradle videogame?
5/10/2019 10:35:17 am
Seconded. I would play the crap out of that game. Make it a rpg being able to pick your characters path. Yes please.
5/13/2019 04:32:53 pm
I'll donate my life savings if this becomes a thing
That would indeed be an ambitious project!
Bobby Banes
6/4/2019 08:10:09 pm
I don't have any game development experience either. I guess you could hire a game studio to develop, but I wonder if that is how other games have happened. Like the Witcher series for instance. I assumed that the game studio decide they want to make a game based on a book series and then they would work with the author to create the game. I'm sure the contract could work many ways, but likely the author gets a portion of game sales or maybe just gets paid a set amount for the use of the original content.
5/9/2019 07:52:37 pm
Great idea. Also, for some extra funds/rewards, perhaps consider selling a few Tuckerizations. Those things are the coolest for fans.
5/9/2019 08:06:06 pm
I'd be into that. 1 suggestion though is since it would be a custom printing that you make a signable spot on the outside of the front cover so it's visible when displayed. I hate paying for something that you can't even see and part of that is paying for the signature. Also, let's be honest Lit nerds... we don't want to pop a custom early print open and damage it. Any way to get a digital copy with the hard copy so you could read without worrying about the hard copy? I'd pay a bit more to get both. Maybe another donor level.
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:26:18 pm
Wow, that's really interesting...I've never heard anyone asking for a signing place on the front - For Michael's books it would feel like putting graffiti on Marc Simonetti's amazing artwork. I'd be interested in learning if others want an "external" signing rather than an "internal signing."
5/9/2019 10:50:37 pm
I own a lot of signed limited editions and I generally agree that it's not the greatest idea to put signatures on the art work, especially since quite often these types of editions have unique cover art.
5/10/2019 09:40:54 am
I like the idea of a signature on the outside cover. It should be say enough to put a blank spot on the cover for the signature.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:34:48 pm
@Sancus - good to know I'm not the only one concerned that signing the cover would ruin the artwork. As for the artists signing them...that wouldn't be possible in our case as Marc lives in France and to ship them overseas for his signature then back to the US for Michael's signature and re-stocking would likely damage a lot of books and also would be REALLY expensive.
5/16/2019 08:16:49 am
I see how that might clash with the artist's work if you didn't design a specific spot for it. But I don't mean sign overtop of the full art cover. If they designed a small blank box surrounded by artwork or scrollwork that fit with the overall design then it would work, in my opinion at least. I have books that are signed internally and hate that it just looks like a random copy sitting on a shelf. The extra special part is the signature. It's the thing that says we've got a 'real' connection to the author :) Again, just my opinion having signed books.
5/9/2019 08:29:20 pm
I very much would like a hardcover copy, but I also think that getting some art made for the most incredible scenes in the story (since your perfected wuxia style lends itself exceptionally well to epic scenea) and having them on posters or something would be really cool as well. A poster of the ghostwater battle with the dragon or the dual at the top of the mountain just before the blood Phoenix rose or that incredible fight with the underlords at the end of the book of the same name is a ok I really want out of life...
Rumplestiltskin Wants dat Book
5/9/2019 08:30:14 pm
I would not only pay, I’d give you my first born for a chance at getting the next cradle book ahead of schedule
21st Gnome Legion "The Mighty Will Trappers" Tracker #453
5/9/2019 08:55:57 pm
Eh... Not the craziest about Kickstarter frankly.
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:38:33 pm
I think you may be under the wrong impression. Our Kickstarters (and the one Will is planning) don't charge a premium. Our reward levels are set to the SAME prices as the retail chain. So the reader pays the same amount, but the author earns much more because 55% - 70% of your hard-earned money isn't being bled off by the retailers. Having more of the readers money going to the author is generally seen as a good thing by those that love a particular author.
21st Gnome Legion "The Mighty Will Trappers" Minister of Propaganda
5/10/2019 06:01:45 am
While I am glad that Will would get more of my money, that was not the thrust of my post. I'm concerned that there may be Ill will between traditional buyers who would have to wait an extra month or two to enjoy Will's work while the Kickstarter backers have the novel early.
5/10/2019 09:33:21 am
"They get excited about making something happen that wouldn't otherwise, plus as a bonus for supporting they get to read the book a few months early. "
RObin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:41:46 pm
@21st Gnome Legion - so I don't look at it as "traditional buyers have to wait." I look at it as there's an avenue for "people to get it early," which I guess is a potatoe potato thing. Now granted, for many of Michael's books we had very specific windows in which we had to release his books (due to a non-compete clause with his traditionally published books). So the retail release date was being dictated by Del Rey, and in our case the Kickstarter truly was getting them "early" -- Now this was true for our Death of Dulgath and The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter Kickstarters, and out Age of Legend Kickstarter didn't have a given window ... but ... we were doing self-publishing in a "traditional publishing" way where a date is set far out in the future - 6 - 9 months so pre-orders can begin and marketing and sales people can start selling the book. In that environment you can't just "move up" the release date - once it's set, it's set. So maybe it's that Will's typical release has been different than ours. And maybe he doesn't do the whole "get the book early" thing. But I can say that from my own very successful Kickstarters people have seen the early access to the ebook has a HUGE perk.
RObin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:52:17 pm
@John well, that's not been the case with our Kickstarters. For two of our books the release date was dictated by windows due to non-compete clauses in our traditional contracts. So even if we had the books done a year early they could ONLY be in the retail chain starting in December 2015 and for the second book December 2018. In the third case, we were self-publishing but we also use a distribution partner for bookstore distribution and the release date has to be set 9 - 12 months before release because it takes that long to get ARC copies, get into the seasonal catalogs for bookstores to buy them, get the books printed and in the warehouses, get the pre-order pages up and running, and many other tasks that are involved when you sell printed books through the retail chain. So when we set the July 9th date it was like May of the previous year, and once set it can't be moved up...it can only be moved back and the retailers HATE it when that happens so you try not to.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 04:24:15 pm
@21st Gnome Legion - Sorry, I just realized I didn't answer part of your question. As to "I am curious how one gets access to the Kindle version if one Kickstarts."
5/11/2019 12:38:04 pm
"Will ran pre-orders for 3 weeks...and why wouldn't you want to get the book those 3 weeks early? "
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:05:37 am
@John - You asked, "What if someone wants to get a copy of the book today? Can they do it? Or are they out of luck if they did not get in on the kickstarter early enough?"
Mister Overtime
5/9/2019 08:59:52 pm
Mr. OT likes the classy hardcover full set idea. And also agrees with others that early access is not necessary and feels unfair to others.
Captain Spaulding
5/9/2019 09:05:06 pm
I'd pay for something like the Codex Gigas, but for like a compendium of your works.
5/9/2019 09:05:38 pm
I don't care if you sent it to me in an envelope of just loose leaf pages, if I can get Uncrowned early I would happily give to a kickstarter or patreon. Endgame was awesome imo
5/9/2019 09:23:20 pm
Try a presale and if numbers justify it then move forward with it
Robin Sullivan
5/9/2019 09:41:51 pm
That's exactly what a Kickstarter is. The author puts up copies of the book for pre-order, and if there is enough demand, then it funds and the hardcovers are produced. If there is no demand, than the project doesn't fund, no readers are charged, and the author releases in ebook only, or maybe ebook and print-on-demand paperbacks (which are more costly to produce).
5/9/2019 10:46:45 pm
I would definitely buy limited edition hardcovers of anything via Kickstarter. I frequently buy Subterranean Press editions of various authors and greatly enjoy them.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 03:53:43 pm
Yes, Will has helper bees and also can follow in the footsteps of myself and Michael, and we've engineered it in a way that it's not too bad.
5/9/2019 10:52:04 pm
I'll give you regular money for any purpose your books are so storming cheap. But for Brandon-stle leatherbounds with commissioned art? I'll give you enough to get in trouble with my wife.
5/9/2019 11:01:18 pm
Hmm can't edit? Well I'll add to this wisdom that you could consider a patreon arrangement. I would happily contribute and it adds up quickly.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:07:13 am
@ Extesian - Patreon works best for "ongoing content" -- like someone posting "what I wrote this week" but for a "finished product" - Kickstarter is a better fit.
5/16/2019 12:47:59 am
Heh :)
5/9/2019 10:57:39 pm
I think using Kickstarter for specific, specialized print runs is a good idea. You've likely already discussed the logistics of doing a big print run with the Sullivans: storage, shipping, etc, so I won't bother with that stuff here. You already know you've got a sizeable enough audience too. So all you really need to know are 1) which book(s) to try first, 2) what perks/stretch goals to offer, and 3) maybe what size print run to shoot for in this first venture.
Yeah, you and I are on a similar page here. On the one hand, the Cradle iron is hot, so that's where I want to strike. On the other hand, a complete series makes it so tempting to do hardcover special editions. A hardcover Traveler's Gate omnibus or box set with new covers would be super cool.
5/9/2019 11:11:32 pm
Dear Robin...before I kick in my "yeah" vote, please explain a little further how the Kickstart pre-release does not negatively effect the "promotion effect" built into Amazon digital releases.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 04:18:53 pm
@Kawa - Yeah, I know how Amazon algorithms work, and Will and I discussed this at length. Here's why it's not a problem. Quite frankly, the number of sales that are bled off in a Kickstarter are relatively insignificant to the sales that will go through Amazon.
5/16/2019 01:52:23 pm
The best thing about the kickstarter and patreon trends is opening up the line of discussion and awareness of the fact that writers are doing this as their jobs. It is how they earn money. To eat. And maintain shelter. And send their kids to college one day.
Ian Covert
5/9/2019 11:17:25 pm
I will literally pay any amount you want to get to read that book early. I. Need. It.
Nate C.
5/9/2019 11:34:26 pm
I would contribute to this Kickstarter as maybe one of your main supporters from Africa!
Justin C
5/9/2019 11:59:01 pm
This sounds like a good idea! Special edition hardcovers would be cool, but i’d like to see some collectible items too. Maybe you could get 3D figures of some of the characters modelled. Would love a figure of the Phoenix on my shelf.
Gabriel layman
5/10/2019 12:50:32 am
I think it sounds pretty great, I would love some fancy hard covers for some of your books.
5/10/2019 12:51:36 am
Do it do it!!!
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:09:40 am
Yes, there would be a way to get just the one book or the whole series.
Felix W.
5/10/2019 01:00:39 am
While the idea of a bunch of cradle hard covers - possibly signed, sitting on my shelf tickles my drive as a collector; up til now I've read cradle on kindle and will in all likelihood continue doing so, unless I magically end up with a bigger place with more shelf-space.
5/10/2019 01:04:39 am
Would definitely get involved with a kickstarter campaign, especially ones involving early book release.
5/10/2019 01:15:18 am
If it gets me leather bound hard covers of the Cradle series, then please do it!
5/10/2019 01:39:41 am
I'd buy a hardcover copy of all your books and getting book 7 early hell fucking yes ;D it'd be interesting to see how many of your fans would back this.
5/10/2019 03:14:57 am
I love the way the Sullivans do their Kickstarters, but since I do those books in audio they often don't appeal to me beyond simply supporting them.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 04:28:47 pm
You'll never hear us complain about people wanting audio books! Hopefully the other "bonus perks" make the support worth while (like the free short stories and video conferences and such).
5/10/2019 03:48:11 am
If this leads to the book being a month earlier that expected, I am all for a Kickstarter.
5/11/2019 11:41:35 am
Think about it, The book will be out later, typesetting, binding, editing, signing, mailing will all delay the books actual release to you. All of these things have to happen after the book is written and has gone through multiple proof readings. At the best case scenario, the kickstarters will get the book a month after it is written and the rest of the audience two or three months after that. Instead of waiting 6 months for Uncrowned you will wait 7-9 months.
Your logic is sound, Pat, but our whole plan is for this not to be the case.
5/10/2019 03:51:56 am
I would definitely put money down for a kickstarted project on this idea. I wouldn’t go crazy with the extra incentives though, that’s where I’ve seen and read about a lot of projects failing to meet expectations.
5/10/2019 09:26:25 am
I agree with Stephen, keep the rewards minimal. I would avoid releasing early as well, as you will get flak for it.
5/10/2019 04:28:06 am
I could not think of anything I'd be interested in kick starting for an author who is already established and producing. But, I did think of something. I'd kickstart a redo of the audiobooks of House of Blades. Sorry Will but I never was able to get into your self narration.
5/10/2019 05:18:27 am
I’m not on board with the idea of an “early release” Kickstarter. Frankly, that seems like a bit of a misnomer, because what you’re actually talking about doing is a delayed release for everyone who didn’t contribute - sitting on the completed book so that your contributors get a sense of exclusivity.
5/10/2019 08:39:13 am
To me the predatory part isn't the prepaying factor, it's the fact that it FORCES me to buy two copies of the book if I want it on Kindle and also want to read it as soon as it comes out. I'm likely to buy physical copies of all of Will's books eventually (hard to loan my Kindle copy to a friend), but I prefer to buy them in my own time, as my slow reading friends finish the other ones I loaned them. Not immediately urgently needing to buy two copies as soon as they're available to ensure that I get both of my goals (finishing the story and getting a portable copy) completed asap.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:14:02 am
No, you would not be forced to buy two copies. Our Kickstarters have ebook only reward levels. You can choose to get your ebook from the Kickstarter or from Amazon.
I honestly have concerns about splitting the fanbase as well. The excitement around the Underlord release was unreal, and I have no desire to divide that in half.
5/16/2019 01:57:27 pm
5/10/2019 05:19:59 am
I wouldn't mind throwing some money at a kickstarter. And I think it would be cool to have a signed luxery leatherbound edition. BUT I don't think it's fair to release uncrowded early for kickstarters only. In fact I think it ought to be the other way around. It takes time to print and sign and in the end it would actually mean a delay for the ebook. And just releasing the ebook for kickstarters only rubs me the wrong way :)
Yeah, I can see that, Mark. If I do go through with this, and fans end up not liking it, then I won't do it again. No problemo.
5/10/2019 05:40:54 am
The only Kickstarter I have ever done was for Michael Sullivan’s last book. If you can handle doing Uncrowned in anything close to the same manner, please please please do so. I would love to get my hands on this book early, I would love to add to my book collection, and I know you have a great community that would support this Especially if you get assistance from the sorcerously amazing combo of Michael and Robin. I don’t know how they have time to churn out great literature and also reply to every bit of fan mail they receive.
Robin Sullivan
5/10/2019 04:31:43 pm
Why thank you for your very kind words.
5/10/2019 05:41:54 am
Id love having a hardcover cradle book (and eventually the full series) but living in Chile would force me to pay double (the tax for shipping is astronomical). Kickstarters usually have a "pay and get stuff before everybody else" so first youd have to consider releasing stuff early and do you even want that? I dont like the kickstarter thing but as far as i now im the only chilean in your fanbase, so if youre not sure make a voting thing or something. i love you 3000 <3
5/10/2019 05:45:02 am
I think this would be a great idea. I do however disagree with most of the people here in these comments (though it seems Reddit shares my opinion)I don't think that an early release of the hard cover would be amazing. Limited runs of anything in a good quality are by nature kinda expensive and I personally would like a finished copy. I'm still way down for this Kickstarter though
5/10/2019 07:17:23 am
I love the idea of a Kickstarter for things like signed editions, special dust covers, whatever. But I hate the idea of early access to a book. Maybe a sneak chapter or something, but please don't isolate poorer fans and create an a haves/have nots situation. I feel like creating an environment where people are ducking spoilers and unable to discuss the books within their community is a poor decision.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:21:24 am
If Will follows the same paradigm as our Kickstarter, there is no "haves/have not" for "poorer fans." We priced the ebook level for Kickstarters at the same price as the retail price of the book. So, people can get their copy get their books through (a) the Kickstarter, (b)on a "buy direct from the author" pre-order page or (c) on Amazon. In each case, the price to the reader is the same...the only difference is that Will earns more money when readers purchase directly through him because Amazon doesn't get their cut.
Like Robin said, the only more expensive parts of the Kickstarter would be fancy cosmetic stuff. The ebook would be priced the same as if you got it on the Kindle store. And if you have no money but you have Kindle Unlimited, then you can still borrow it normally once the book releases.
Jesse Kaukonen
5/10/2019 07:25:36 am
Personally I'm don't see the appeal of kickstarting a book release. Instead, release the book when it's done, not when it's early.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:23:48 am
In our case, we did both. The Kickstarter people got two versions of the book (a) the version that was sent to gamma readers, and a month later they got the "official" release of the book. The only difference between the two copes was a few typos and addition or removal of commas that were found by the proofing process.
Yeah, I'm not proposing kickstarting the BOOK so much as the special-edition runs OF that book. So if that's something you want, cool, Kickstart! If not, don't!
5/10/2019 07:52:05 am
I'm fine with no early access. That might mess with Amazon exposure and such so might do more harm than good.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:25:55 am
FWIW - Based on (a) expected Kickstarter numbers (b) Wills pre-order sales numbers (c) first day sales numbers, and (d) first month's sales numbers there should be no affect on the Amazon ranking. Bottom line, the number of orders "bleed off" by the Kickstarter are a drop in the bucket to what will be processed through Amazon.
5/10/2019 08:23:53 am
I think a Kickstarter for a book is pretty meh since you’re writing and releasing it anyway. That being said, I’d put down money for an Unsouled comic book.
5/10/2019 08:29:31 am
I wouldn't be happy if the Kickstarter audience got books EARLY, because while I prefer reading physical books, my current life schedule makes being able to read books on Kindle a lot more practical. Being forced to wait to read a book until I get home because I don't have it on Kindle and I couldn't bring the book with me on the several hours of errands I have to run before getting home is TORTURE. If the Kindle release happened at the same time as Kickstarter releases, I would be happy, and probably buy both Kindle copy and participate in the Kickstarter, but after the rage inducing experience of being stuck at a ski resort in Colorado sick when the new Wheel of Time book came out and being unable to find a bookstore, let alone a bookstore selling the new book, and being unable to buy it on Kindle because lol "we want to force Kindle readers to buy two books to boost our sales" I really, really loathe "if you want to read it soonest and want to have it on Kindle for easy portability you are forced to buy two booos" scenarios.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:28:10 am
The Kickstarter provides for both ebook and physical copies. So, no, you don't have to (a) wait or (b) get forced into buying a print copy you don't want. The only difference is whether the book comes directly from Will or from Amazon. When it comes from Will he earns a bit more.
5/12/2019 09:33:20 am
Oh, so I'd still be forced to go home and download the e book on my computer to then transfer it to my Kindle?
Yeah, it's not as convenient. I don't think it's terribly INconvenient, since I email files directly to the Kindle app on my phone all the time, but it certainly would be less convenient than buying on the Kindle store.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 07:48:27 am
@ Madeline - transferring from your computer to the kindle is ONE way to get the book on it. I read from a tablet and I also have access to the Internet on the tablet so I can (a) access my Backer Kit account, and when I click on the .mobi it asks me if I want to open it with my kindle app and I say yes. Without knowing exactly which kindle you have, and what ability it has to get "online." But if that's an issue for you, by all means buy it from Amazon - the price is the same either way.
5/13/2019 04:47:20 pm
If the PDF got mailed to me, so I could forward it to Amazon kindle address, no biggie, but kickstarter is a spam factory in my experience. Just take my money and send me thing.
5/14/2019 08:40:28 am
Is this a feature on newer Kindles that ebooks can be sent to an email address and thus be put on the Kindle? My old kindle, which I have no desire to replace because it was my grandmother's, doesn't appear to have this feature.
5/14/2019 04:47:11 pm
Responding to Madeline here...
5/10/2019 10:29:12 am
I would gladly pay for special addition hardcover copies especially if it means getting the next Cradle book early. Like most other people I would to be able to purchase all of the books in a similar format.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:29:03 am
Yes, if Will ends up making hardcover books - the previous versions would also have them.
5/10/2019 10:39:17 am
So kickstarters look like fun from the outside looking in but I assure you they are a lot of work. If all you're talking about is doing special editions of existing books it wouldn't be as much work. We're not talking about trying to do a board game or card came for example which would require bringing in a bunch of people to design and build it, work with manufacturers, testers, etc etc et all.
If we do a Kickstarter at all, it's because we have the guidance of the Sullivans (who have done several Kickstarters and after whose campaign we would model mine) and we have a team who can shoulder the burden of the work so that I can keep writing.
5/10/2019 11:47:13 am
Definitely yes for kickstarter. Hell if you make a patreon I'd pay that too.
5/14/2019 04:56:33 pm
I was thinking about Patreon. "Keep Will in the Cave" for three bucks a month.
5/10/2019 12:17:24 pm
If we are part of the Kickstarter would we get the book early? Or would we additionally need to buy the book? Are there multiple kickstarters for different things or will it all be under the same umbrella?
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:32:04 am
Generally speaking a Kickstarter has various "levels" and you choose which one you want to back based on what formats you are interested in. For instance:
Cool Person
5/12/2019 07:27:11 am
Yep, that's me.
5/10/2019 12:43:38 pm
I have never participated in a kickstarter but would for Uncrowned. I already intend to pay for the book so a little extra for something special or unique seems like a no-brainer for me.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:33:06 am
If Will follows our model, he would price the ebook in the Kickstarter to be the same as the ebook in the retail chain, so there is no "little extra" that has to come from you.
5/10/2019 12:46:06 pm
Hardcover books would be absolutely fantastic! I have been eagerly awaiting a release of hardcovers. Early access to books would be a nice bonus, but I'd have to see how that would be set up. If I could get early access to upcoming books in exchange for ordering hardcovers I would be beyond pleased.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:35:05 am
If Will follows our model there are several levels including (a) ebook only and (b) print + ebook. So, you wouldn't HAVE to order the hardcover to get early access - you could choose the ebook level and in that case there would be only two differences (a) You get the book from Backer Kit rather than Amazon and (b) Will would earn a bit more while you pay exactly the same.
5/12/2019 01:03:56 pm
Thank you very much for answering me! I actually really want a hardcover version of Will's books but I am extra happy that Will would receive additional funding. By going through some of your explanations here on the blog, it seems like kickstarter would be the next natural step Will can take to advance his writing career. As a side note, I'm also a huge fan of you and your husband's books.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 07:52:05 am
@Deadnettle - You are very welcome. I'm glad to hear you have enjoyed Michael's writing as well.
Michael Kelley
5/10/2019 03:26:34 pm
If it works out for you then well and good. You do you and don't let my opinion influence you unduly. That being said I have never understood the appeal of special editions. What I like, and what I am willing to pay for, is the story. Digital, hardback, paperback, leather bound, box sets, artwork, none of that matters to me. It is the story that matters to me.
5/10/2019 03:38:36 pm
Eh, I dunno. I wouldn't do it just for book 7, and these days I really only buy hardbacks if it's a first printing of a book I really enjoy or think will be valuable someday. Ebooks are just easier to carry around.
Can not Tell
5/10/2019 04:10:51 pm
I say go for it, but I don't like the idea of some people getting the book earlier than others.
5/10/2019 04:46:44 pm
@Robin Sullivan
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:49:31 am
Hey nice to meet you. In our case this is the way it worked.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:02:16 am
Well, I'm not familiar with Royal Road authors, but I do know there are a lot of authors who write "Rapid Release" books and that's just not a model that fits well with Michael. Now, as I type this he has 4.5 books written that aren't out there. (Age of Legend hits the street July 7th - it's "in the can" meaning pre-order pages are up, the book is on the press, and when the clock chimes midnight it goes live on the retail chain), the last two books in the series are waiting on me to provide some additional structural editing feedback), and there is 1.5 books that I haven't read yet. My job is to make sure that Michael DOESN'T get distracted, but he also can only write for only a certain amount of time each day (3 - 5 hours) because past that the writing quality goes down and he'd just have to re-write it later. We get the books out as fast as we can, but we also want to make sure that they are as good as they can be and that means a lot of "post writing" work and feedback from others: beta readers, gamma readers, copy editors, proof readers, etc. But I'll keep running interference so he CAN write, and we'll keep the books coming as soon as possible! No one (especially not me because I love his books so much) want Michael to "burn out" - so if that means waiting a bit - I'm good with that ;-)
5/10/2019 05:28:32 pm
I'd be interested in backing a kickstarting for a physical copy of you books
5/10/2019 07:43:29 pm
Robin, I’d just like to add that I think what you are doing is amazing. It’s great to see the entrepreneurial side of creative ppl. I’ve been around a long time and it’s always felt like (I have no idea if this is true or not) that the creators (writers) succeeded or failed by what the publishing companies wanted, not what was best for the writers.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 04:57:48 am
Thanks Mike! So, I definitely have the "entrepreneurial bug." I'm a huge fan of Shark Tank, Kickstarters, Patreon, and the Profit. I'm also appalled that writers (who CREATE the stories we love) get "short shifted" by the "publishing mill." Basically EVERYONE in the publishing chain is making more than the author, and (IMHO) that's just not right!
Correct: Robin is the best.
5/24/2019 09:32:43 am
Bit late to the party but if you go down the patreon road i would happily add you to my list of authors to support! I think even some of Abidan Archive information or artwork / inspiration/ notes on the writing process would be worth supporting
5/10/2019 08:42:24 pm
Cue Palpatine saying "Do it"
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:50:33 pm
5/10/2019 10:48:22 pm
I am not interested in anything that delays the release of the books. Part of the fun of following the Cradle story is seeing quick releases There will be longer times between releases if you have to wait for the book to be printed, signed and mailed. Waiting for you to sign 1.000 books before I get to read the story is not appealing to me. Early releases to one group would also mess with the Reddit fan base who like to analyze every period and comma in the story.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 05:00:54 am
Just to be clear. ebooks go out when they are done - so there is no waiting for the "signing of the 1,000 books). For people who only buy the ebook - their timeline isn't affected. For people who buy the printed book as well, they will get that when it is done, so it's possible to get the digital reward before the physical reward.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:47:27 pm
Will probably only spends a certain amount of his day writing - more than other authors, yes, but still he has other time, which he could use to sign.
A signed limited-edition or first-edition paperback is definitely on the table here, should we go this route. And since THE TEAM will be shouldering the main time burden, it shouldn't delay my writing much at all.
Cool Person
5/15/2019 09:02:33 pm
I'm guessing the reason Secret Skills has 2 capitalized letters is so you can refer to them as SS and have people think you have your won secret service?
Cool Person
5/15/2019 09:03:56 pm
own. not won.
5/10/2019 11:42:25 pm
Kickstarter - yes.
Cool Person
5/12/2019 10:47:25 am
Some would argue that thor being a dick makes the movie more realistic, and hence, better.
5/17/2019 04:46:28 am
Nonsense. My parent’s basement is well insulated and my gaming rig has multiple battery backups.
5/10/2019 11:59:57 pm
I don't think a kickstarter would be a bad idea. Would it really be much more work than you were already intending to put in to write the book anyway? And at worst it fails
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:44:55 pm
5/11/2019 12:21:38 am
As I buy practically all books electronic nowdays a kickstarter with a physical book would not be of much interest to me.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:44:36 pm
I hadn't though of that, but that does sound fun. for me. not will.
Andy Adams
5/11/2019 07:35:38 am
I would definitely fund a set of signed hardcovers! Not sure how you would roll them out--in some single release order or all at once--but I would "need" a full set. Like many other responses, there would be a gaping hole in my shelf without all the hardcovers in matching format.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 05:05:47 am
Yes, the idea would be that earlier versions would be in hardcovers as well.
Nate B.
5/11/2019 08:22:51 am
I think a kickstarter would be great. I'm all for the author getting a greater share of the profit, and extra stuff like signed copies, early access, etc. is always a nice reward.
Robin Sullivan
5/12/2019 05:09:16 am
Thanks Nate! Usually when we do Kickstarters, we also have a "pre-order page" so people who missed the Kickstarter can pre-order directly from us. That didn't happen this time due to Michael's mom recent passing, which has completely upended many things I'd normally do. But I'm still trying to get that in place, so you still may be able to get your stuff early if I can get my act in gear. Stay tuned to Michael's blog (www.riyria.blogspot.com) for that to launch.
Micah Brown
5/12/2019 02:17:48 am
Would kickstart for nice cover art. But, like some others I'm not super pumped about an earlier release if it delays it for others.
5/12/2019 03:16:29 am
I'd be interested. Something around full series (fancy?) hardcover stuff would be awesome.
5/12/2019 03:24:34 am
Hi Will, really enjoy all your books and wait with great anticipation for each new release. One of the things I really enjoyed recently was all the fan banter leading up to the Underlord release and then all the comments post the release within a matter of hours .. it creates a great sense of community. Would be concerned that an early release would erode this community and, as mentioned elsewhere in the blog, potentially segmenting the community into haves and have not. No issue with kickstarter and hardcovers etc, just the early release component of it. Been on this journey with you since House of Blades and looking forward to supporting you for many years into the future whatever you decide re: kickstarter ... you do awesome stuff that always makes me smile.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:43:19 pm
I don't think a kickstarter would destroy the community because all the people in the community would know about and buy the kickstarter, and have fan banter about that.
Thanks for sticking with me, Rose!
Phantom Thieves
5/12/2019 07:44:03 am
Would be happy to support a kick starter, it sounds like a great way to do a special edition or get a unique bonus to fans!
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:41:43 pm
5/12/2019 07:48:43 am
I wouldn't really be down for kickstarting a book myself. For two reasons, the first being that from what Robin is saying it sounds like dealing with the print stuff takes what would normally be a 6 month writing process for our boi Will and turn it into something like 9-12 months, with the early release being early relative only to the physical copies. I like fast releases more than physical books. but maybe I misunderstood her points, I dunno.
5/12/2019 05:42:36 pm
I like this idea. I know that Will has said he doesn't want to do a map because there'll be nitpicking. But surely there's some amount of kickstarter love to balance the subsequent nitpicking!
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:41:10 pm
I think that there would be more than enough kickstarter love. if there isn't, I'll kill the nitpickers. either that, or enslave them to work for will so that he can publish faster. probably the latter.
5/14/2019 03:34:32 pm
Dang. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the path manuals.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:22:55 am
@ Enigma - if you think Michael is a "mean man" - you should try living with the brute!! Something to remember is when it comes to delivering things for the Kickstarter we don't "hold onto" one format while we are waiting for the other formats. So, when the ebook is done - it's sent out. Now, the print book takes a bit longer (because it has to be printed and shipped), and when it's done it goes out. But that said, people are still reading the "story" as soon as it is "locked down" - but they are doing so in ebook form.
5/12/2019 10:49:13 am
Yes, a full set of signed leather-bound hardcovers sounds absolutely delicous.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:39:40 pm
The crucnh of the pages... th snapping of the spine... mmm.
Cool Person
5/12/2019 10:51:26 am
I saw this post about a few hours after it was posted. it had 22 comment. 1 day later, it had over 130. now, it has 178. this may become the most commented post yet, beating
Cool Person
5/12/2019 10:55:49 am
Also, Robin, you seem to comment on everything related to publishing/kickstarting. I counted, you have commented 44 different times, which makes up 27% of the total comments. wow.
Cool Person
5/12/2019 10:59:04 am
Cool Person
5/12/2019 09:00:13 pm
wait, sorry, it would be 'koob a etirw ot sdnuf deen t'nod I'. I forgot the need/deen.
Dan Davies
5/12/2019 01:39:13 pm
YEEEEEEEES. I'd like the opportunity to demonstrate greater support for you other than buying multiple copies of your books.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:38:40 pm
5/12/2019 01:56:13 pm
When would uncrowned be released if it is done through Kickstarter
moe gann
5/12/2019 04:07:00 pm
I love it especially the limited hardcover. you could set stretch goals or higher reward tiers of digital and/or physical art from your books
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:37:56 pm
Cool Person, you've got to stop commenting with nothing or just a punctuation mark in order to inflate the comment count. It makes it harder for me to scan through and respond.
5/12/2019 05:36:29 pm
I completely, 100% agree with this idea. In other, completely unrelated, news. I have been texting with my brother so much about these books that when I was ordering my mom Lindor chocolates for Mother's Day my auto-correct kept changing "Lindor" to "Lindon". That is all.
Cool Person
5/12/2019 09:01:07 pm
You should be proud of yourself.
Cool Person
5/12/2019 09:18:05 pm
did a quick count... I see APPROXIMATELY 90 votes for, give or take some, I'm sure I mis-counted a bit, plus there were some I counted others wouldn't, and some I didn't count that others would. 90 votes. I didn't have time to count, because there's so few of them, but I think theres about 10 votes against. simply put, the majority of the poeple want you to do a kickstarter.
5/13/2019 07:36:34 am
Bill Redflame
5/13/2019 09:01:38 am
I'd love a kickstarter for a Will InPrint Special Book. Given I reread Cradle the most then probably Cradle verse. I understand Kickstarter is for new stuff so it would be new releases such as Uncrowned, but I'd really like a secondary purchase option of a Special Edition Collection of the earlier cradle books into a single, added art, nice-cover, smells like rose aura, type of book. Please consider.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:37:34 pm
stop complaining and be glad that we've stopp using squid ink. it could take centuries for that ink to dry!
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:27:26 am
It's not the printing....although sometimes that can take a long time as well. I've seen times when printers were backed up by 5 - 6 months. It has to do with the "retail distribution system." Publishers put out "catalogs" of their next season's releases (Spring-Summer or Fall-Winter) 4 - 6 months before that season, and then the sales people start working on the corporate book buyers to do their pre-orders. It's a much different "system" when you are traditionally published - so it's more about "generating pre-sale" orders than it is the physical printing of the books. Although sometimes it's both ;-)
5/13/2019 09:05:39 am
I'd be happy to be a Kickstarter backer to get Will a better margin on my sale. I'd do it for the ebook-only version because one of the main reasons I bought a Kindle in the first place was to stop adding bookshelves to my house, but I also think that KS is a fantastic way for people who DO want additional forms of the output to get it.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:36:11 pm
5/13/2019 09:51:25 am
Early Uncrowned? Shut up and take my money!
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:33:28 pm
5/13/2019 09:59:06 am
Would be great if you could also include some artist's interpretation of the characters or locations across cradle as Will imagined them. Haven't seen a lot of fanart out there (or maybe i've just haven't searched hard enough)
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:33:14 pm
no, I haven't seen much either.
Path of Killers and Kings
5/13/2019 10:16:56 am
Hi Will
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:32:20 pm
Yes, please! Go, Patreon!
5/13/2019 11:04:20 am
kickstarter, I choose you!
5/13/2019 01:35:42 pm
I personally would enjoy a signed first edition of crowned, but... I suspect you would get very tired of signing them all.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:31:46 pm
well, he wouldn't do them all at once. if he splits up the books he needs to sign, it becomes easily doable. if that is too much... well, theres always the whip.
5/13/2019 03:48:50 pm
I live above the Arctic Circle. The Wildlings I have to teach all day would likely steal my limited edition book, as they do all things worth value. Only the hope of Uncrowned on my kindle keeps me warm in my igloo all night.
5/13/2019 04:29:36 pm
what walter said
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:30:33 pm
I personally think this post has nowhere near enough comments. thankfully, that is fixable.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 04:54:29 pm
223 comments! with this one, we only need 6 more to make a record! the only problem is, I've commented so many times in the last 10 minutes that it makes me spend 2 minutes answering questions about store fronts, chimneys, crosswalks, and traffic lights just to post my comment. I'll probably get one this time. woe is me.
5/13/2019 07:52:54 pm
I would love a hardcover copy of the book. My vote is yes. However the best part for me is that Will gets most of the money. If that means he can write faster or take more time to work on the series than its worth it for me. I would definitely like to get a copy early too.
5/13/2019 08:16:05 pm
I would love a hardcover of the book. Would definitely do a kickstarter for it.
Cool Person
5/13/2019 08:59:56 pm
Yes! 230 comments! this is a new record:)!):(/:9;)
Scott Pike
5/13/2019 10:37:02 pm
I would like a kickstarter if we could get a special version of a book with artwork of characters or scenes as part of the book, like Broms Krampus.
5/14/2019 03:03:41 am
Lots of comments already, but I'll chime in with my thoughts. As I already own everything you've released digitally at least, then it's already a done deal for me backing a kickstarter campaign if you start one up, regardless of what the rewards are.
5/14/2019 11:55:24 am
I don't at all like anything that means a delay getting the book for those who do not pay via a Kickstarter. Anything else is fine though.
5/14/2019 02:05:47 pm
I think a really cool idea for kickstartered rewards would be different cover art. Let's say you liked character X, maybe that's a thing you can pick? Regardless I'd be interested in seeing what you had in mind.
5/14/2019 06:43:07 pm
Hey there Will i thought i would throw my 2 cents in here as well.
Fellow Daoist Ji Ning
5/14/2019 07:59:03 pm
I'd love to have a full set of hard covers for the whole series.
Cool Person
5/14/2019 09:40:01 pm
No, it shouldn't. Granted, I know nothing about this stuff, so I could be wrong, but I don't see any reason why it shouln't.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:31:32 am
No, it won't affect Kindle Unlimited because the Kickstarter happens many moons before the book is even on Amazon. For instance, we did the Age of Legend Kickstarter in March for a July release.
5/14/2019 09:42:51 pm
I have successfully captured fresh hosts for you Will. Do not worry, I bred them myself. One is a platypus, the other is a black sea slug. Choose wisely, you only have so much time.
5/14/2019 09:44:55 pm
If you did an early release ebook via Kickstarter, I would be really torn on whether to get it, and I’ve bought every Cradle book the day it was released. The reason is because I tend to read ebooks on many different platforms: my Kindle at home, my phone when traveling, my computer when I’m trying to be sneaky at work. When you buy books directly from Amazon they sync between devices; when you get ebook files another way they don’t. I know from personal experience that this ends up being a serious inconvenience for me, and I’ve stopped buying ebooks from kickstarter and similar because of it. You’re one of my favorite authors so I would consider breaking this rule to make sure I got to read the book and participate in online discussions, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of some of the reasons fans might be unhappy with getting the ebook from kickstarter even if it’s the same price. It’s also like how fans want their physical copies of the book to match, it would just be weird to have the other books as normal Amazon books and then have the new one be a file I constantly have to babysit and transfer between devices instead of having it just naturally show up in my account. That being said I’m just one person and I’m sure most don’t share my concerns, and I intend to keep supporting you regardless, I’m just not at all a fan of using kickstarter for ebooks.
5/14/2019 09:56:01 pm
All organic, with no ill effects to the environment.
5/14/2019 09:58:55 pm
Also, I fully agree with a kickstarter. Miriam, that's a valid point, and I'm sure others share it, but really, this is a Tyranny, not a Democracy. Me as Tyrant as of now.
Kura Alice
5/14/2019 10:05:15 pm
Southstrider, I hope to see you in the Uncrowned Tournament. But really, you cannot stand against my puny vassal states, Ei HI Indon and Kura Ercy.
5/14/2019 10:07:19 pm
You underestimate my power, Kura Alice. Ercy and Indon are nothing compared to my Nderlords. All of them turning 35 the day after the Uncrowned finishes of course.
Kura Alice
5/14/2019 10:08:58 pm
Ha! Your disciples may as well be from Acred Alley. Even my Owgolds could stand against them.
5/14/2019 10:11:10 pm
Shut up, puny mortals. You can not stand against Uriel, one of the great Bidan! Mwahahaha
Ool Erson
5/15/2019 02:52:27 pm
I am Ercy Ackson, and I have stood against many Ods more powerful than your Bidan! Uriel cannot compare to Ades, Yperion, Rios, Oios, or Ob. in fact, any of the Itans would best your Bidan. you Ools.
Ali A.
5/14/2019 10:18:22 pm
Hey guys, welcome to another... uh... Fort... shoot, wrong chat.
Cool Person's Friend
5/14/2019 10:21:49 pm
Tim Bruijstens
5/15/2019 05:07:06 am
Will if I could give you more money I would.
5/15/2019 06:04:26 am
Is there a possibility of blowback from Amazon with this strategy? Amazon seems to be evolving into a more ruthless company with the changes to KU.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:34:51 am
No. The Kickstarter happens long before the book is available on Amazon. They don't care what you do with a book BEFORE they have it for sale.
5/16/2019 09:58:38 am
Thank you for the answer. I eagerly await Uncrowned in whatever form it comes in.
5/15/2019 06:45:26 am
Personally I would not want just one book in a series as a special edition. I like owning a whole series and I have all your other books in Kindle edition so it would not make sense to me to buy one book as a hard cover unless it was maybe the first one. I would however love all the books as a special edition hard or soft cover if I knew it was helping you out. Another option is to write a stand alone book which is a parallel story to one of your existing stories. I would buy that as a special edition expecially if you had signed it and I got to choose my favourite cover or something. It might also hold more value if it could only be bought through the kick starter but then that might not make financial sense to you.
Robin Sullivan
5/15/2019 08:35:41 am
The Kickstarter would have provisions for just one book or the whole set.
5/15/2019 08:01:43 am
I don't like the idea.
Cool Person
5/15/2019 03:42:37 pm
The thing is, Will isn't looking for more money. He is just doing this for fun and for his fans. he also could do one for his other books.
5/15/2019 09:09:14 am
I would 100% support this. If you start a Kickstarter I will support!
5/15/2019 09:21:45 am
I like it.
5/15/2019 01:47:29 pm
Physical books are not for me, but i think Kickstarter for special edition book has merit for those who want on. Not at the expense of early release for pay to read ( but i would pay and donate my book to some orphanage or school).
Kura Alice
5/15/2019 02:35:52 pm
Will, can you PLEASE be on Patreon? PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!?!?!?!?!?
Arry Otter
5/15/2019 02:37:33 pm
Vadakadabra! Xpelliarmus!
Ool Erson
5/15/2019 03:45:41 pm
Top Aying Ings Hat Ave He Irst Etter Issing.
Kura Ercy
5/15/2019 02:49:23 pm
I think you have the wrong blog. Get out, or I'll sic my Onarch on you.
Cool Person
5/15/2019 03:43:41 pm
Will... how would you feel about selling movie rights to a company?
moe gann
5/15/2019 04:35:34 pm
tbh the first thing a thought of were not illustrations but plushies of little blue dross mercy yerin eithan orthos maybe even the jai siblings
William T. Hidden
5/15/2019 05:15:56 pm
I like the idea of a kickstarter, just not a physical book. I like the idea of plushies or some other nicknacks. To me physical books are so last millenia.
5/15/2019 05:40:36 pm
Hey, is anyone else thinking about the fact that if Will had a son named Will, they would be WW 1 and WW 2?
Cool Person
5/15/2019 09:09:31 pm
Now I am. and, they would be WW I and WW II, not 1 and 2. which, is also how you would do world war 1+2. Fun fact: on Brainpop, if you search up World War 2, there will be now results, but there will be dozens if you search up World War II.
Will's Favorite Stalker
5/15/2019 11:02:52 pm
You've already been beaten to that joke twice. Will's full legal name is William Lawrance Wight III.
5/15/2019 05:42:24 pm
William T. Hidden:
Elder Whisper
5/15/2019 05:44:47 pm
Can anyone guess how powerful I am?
Cool Person
5/15/2019 09:10:17 pm
I don't guess, I know. you're a truegold.
5/15/2019 05:48:04 pm
Uhhhh... Rchlord-Erald level.
5/15/2019 08:51:32 pm
Here's a speech I wrote in sixth grade: American law is run by the Constitution of the United States of America to this day. This 200+-year-old piece of paper still decides whether or not to have the laws we live by. That remarkable piece of paper has several quotes that changed the course of history. One of these famous writings actually ties into a very well-known activity: exercise. What is this quote, though, and where does it tie into physical exertion. The answer is, “life, liberty pursuit of happiness.” Now for the second part of this question, another answer. Many regular runners use the term runners-high. That’s actually exercise making them feel happier. What may be the goal in life, happiness can be achieved by exercising regularly. However, this isn’t the whole story. Exercise can also reduce and, stop circulatory diseases, reduce and control weight, and break depression, a long hated and fought against mental health problem. Although unbeknownst to many, a lack of exercise is just as fatal as many other diseases. In spite of this, a mere 21% of Americans exercise on a regular basis. Hundreds of thousands of people die from diseases that could be stopped by regularly exercising. Exercise plays a ridiculously important role in life, yet so few people get enough of it.
5/15/2019 11:05:24 pm
What is this? Are we copy-pasting to boost this blog's wordcount or something?
Cool Person
5/16/2019 07:24:00 am
you know...
Cool Person
5/16/2019 08:21:26 pm
Shoot, it got cut off.
5/15/2019 08:52:22 pm
The above.
5/16/2019 04:12:01 am
I would definitely like the idea and support for these. The worlds you build would be great to dive into more and I would be willing to help out.
5/16/2019 08:35:45 am
The nice thing about a kickstarter is you will know if it works or doesn't work depending on how many people sign on for it.
5/16/2019 06:50:31 pm
I think this is great idea. You have experienced advisors and a team to handle the brunt of it. I exclusively buy on Kindle, but the idea of hardcover Travelers Gate and Cradle collections is making me look up bookshelves on IKEA.
5/20/2019 11:48:20 am
It would be kind of cool too if there was like artwork/maps available from your imagination, like the mountain where Lindon had his duel or the waiting area for the Trials where he learned his fire skillz
5/20/2019 02:55:38 pm
So, here are my two cents concerning hardcovers and Kickstarter:
John O'Connor
5/20/2019 02:56:55 pm
If the kickstarter included print copies of previous books in the series I'd consider it. As different tiers you could have signed copies or perhaps as stretch goals. This series is one of the few I've bought on Kindle that I would consider owning in print.
5/21/2019 10:14:00 pm
Please do it Will, I've read your books through the power of Amazon Kindle Unlimited. However, I would buy your next cradle book through kickstarter in an instance. PLEASE DO A KICKSTARTER FOR UNCROWNED.
5/22/2019 05:44:46 am
I believe my previous comment was held up as spam because it contained a link (legittimate, of course.) In case that other long comment doesn't make it through my input was to maintain a subtle design language among all the series that are set in the same universe, actually integrating the books when put into a final hardcover version (removing the reminders at the beginning of new books for forgetful readers and using short stories as interludes, for example). For Kickstarter I suggested integrating a way to include the readers in the process, making them feel included even if they don't want to buy the actual book through Kickstarter. An example would be an artwork poster tier in which (beyond the first one that they can already see) the backers will be able to choose among a number of new possibilities commissioned if a sufficient number of users back the tier. That is, up to 100 backers they get the single poster you've already commissioned. From 100 to 200 they get to choose between the original and a new one, and so on from there. If you also consider them choosing a poster before shipping a kind of vote, then you get valuable feedback on artwork and they get to push for their favorite ones to be put into the book.
Rachel A
5/24/2019 09:22:33 am
I would very much support this! I would love to have your whole Unsouled series in leather with autographs!!!!!!! Have you thought about using Patreon also?
5/24/2019 04:22:10 pm
Better idea... So like multiple Kickstarter campaigns right, simultaneously. One for each of the series you have started, but only the campaign that raises the most cash will go ahead.
5/26/2019 05:01:27 pm
For the love of God, make the kickstarter.
Cool Person
5/30/2019 06:56:43 pm
hmmm Will have you considered making a discord server?
Can not Tell
6/1/2019 03:12:04 pm
We already have a discord,
6/1/2019 12:54:00 pm
Meh. From my perspective, as a resident in a space of limited size, print copies of books are worth less than ebooks. Also, as a person of unlimited laziness, ebooks not available through Amazon are worth less than ebooks available through Amazon. So, meh, I mean, if it brings joy to others, sure. Personally, though, it kinda sounds like a choice between mild inconvenience and waiting longer.
Bobby Banes
6/4/2019 07:39:47 pm
I would certainly be on board with a Kickstarter if I can get the ebook without having to wait on other mediums Cradle is by far my FAVORITE series and I may do hardcovers eventually, but right now I am all about the next part of the story. I just finished the series for the third time. I think I am good until Uncrowned, but I was having trouble reading other books as I kept thinking of Cradle. 😂
Bobby Banes
6/4/2019 08:41:28 pm
6/17/2019 12:31:22 pm
Am I too late to the game?! Can I just say YES ABSOLUTELY YES — funny you mention Sullivan because I just backed his last KS and thought “THIS IS GENIUS” and then I just finished Underlord and thought “WIGHT NEEDS TO DO THIS” and here we are.
6/19/2019 08:21:07 am
So I just read through many of the comments and here are my updated thoughts:
Alec Sullivan
6/27/2019 01:31:39 pm
Did this end up happening? Can I get subscribed to notifications in case it does? I would absolutely fund more cradle books, I keep devouring these the day they're written
6/28/2019 01:00:29 pm
Just going to throw it out there, but if you did custom or special back editions of the travelers gate or cradle, I’d definitely buy a signed one and you’d go on my shelf next to signed 1st ed copies of “a wizard of earth sea”, “Martin the warrior” “monstrous regiment” “Elantris” and “a memory of light”. So good company. If, you know, you wanted to join such prestigious company, a kickstarter for quality editions would be the way to it. Plus. Like the money or whatever.
Michael Warren
7/15/2019 10:29:40 pm
You could do a hardcover special editions of all the cradle series. Sanderson has been ding this with gold leaf pages and additional artwork. They're pretty great.
7/17/2019 01:46:30 pm
Will, I'm a little late to this party but I would love to see fancy leatherbound volumes of the Cradle books in three book anthology form. This will of course break if you don't plan to do at least two more books after Uncrowned, but having three books per volume lets you get a bit more elaborate while not scaring people off from getting all of the books that way. I'm thinking some nicely illustrated drop caps at the start of chapters and maybe an embossed cover.
7/27/2019 03:52:52 pm
Sounds like a great idea. Please post if you decide to run with it.
12/21/2020 09:54:12 am
Kickstarting for books is an awesome idea! Has there been any more thought into this? Do you think you will do a Kickstarter to product hardcover editions of the Cradle series? If so, any idea when? I’d definitely be interested in this!
12/21/2020 09:55:05 am
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