...nobody's asked me if I've played the new Subnautica: Below Zero yet.
Maybe it's because the answer is obvious. I definitely have. I took a day off last week because it was coming out. I know a lot of fans have some nitpicks, especially compared to the first game, but you know I love Subnautica. And does it have that Subnautica spirit? It does, so I loved it. Big fan. Anyway, in news you'll be more excited to hear, I've been working on planning out Reaper the last couple of weeks. I'm planning to start writing Monday. In fact, I've been doing some planning work on the next three books. This is probably the most fun part of the writing process, but it's nerve-wracking, especially when you're preparing to wrap up a series. Lots of pressure. And you know where else has lots of pressure? The bottom of the ocean. Play Subnautica. -Will
Some name or another
5/20/2021 09:03:03 pm
High fives Will
5/21/2021 10:07:01 am
Please take your time and flesh out everything. I loved the last book but I wanted to see the storm ritual described and a bunch of other scenes that were just summarized. Winter steel as your longest book was the best. Keep it up!!!
5/20/2021 09:14:02 pm
Finished reading the whole Cradle series on Kindle Unlimited (KU) that has been published so far! No spoilers though, but I'm SUPER excited to read "Reaper" when it comes out. Quick question though: Will we expect this installment and all future installments to be immediately available on KU upon release or will that be a couple weeks after launch? (I finished the whole thing in about 2-4 days with the compiled books plus the last three books)
5/20/2021 10:15:02 pm
All the previous releases we're, and will has not given any indication of changing.
5/20/2021 11:15:44 pm
I see. Thanks for letting me know.
5/20/2021 09:46:37 pm
I have a request: I want all of the rest of the Cradle series to be chonky books like Wintersteel. There is so much going on, we need to see it!!!
5/20/2021 09:51:15 pm
i have personally never played subnautica, and i am wondering if it is a required action in order to properly enjoy the cradle series. clarification would be greatly appreciated.
5/21/2021 12:21:52 pm
I assume you’re joking, but just in case, no.
5/21/2021 07:42:17 pm
Although, you’ll never truly understand the ambience of “Ghostwater” without it.
5/20/2021 10:31:55 pm
The real question is if you've set up the VR mod for Subnautica: Below Zero (on Nexus Mods) or played the original in VR!
You know, I actually bought a VR headset a couple years ago solely to play Subnautica...
5/20/2021 11:21:04 pm
I’m thinking maybe your next series could be an underwater adventure, and/or one where it’s all about building better stuff with progressively better materials. I would be really into that. Then again, I’m sure I’d be into anything you’d write.
How about a LitRPG in which a character is drawn into a survival game that just so happens to be set on an alien ocean planet? And they have to survive by gathering resources and building vehicles to explore deeper and unravel the mysteries they find on this strange planet.
An Annoyance With A Wallet
5/20/2021 11:48:02 pm
I knew you’d talk about subzero without us needing to prod you. Will playing subzero was as surefire a thing as the sun rising in the morning. Also thanks for recommending Risk of Rain 2 awhile back. I got that game cause of your recommendation and it’s one of my favorites.
Alex Dziewanowski
5/21/2021 12:09:17 am
What's Reaper?
5/21/2021 04:19:46 am
Who's Reaper?!
5/21/2021 10:59:47 am
Hint: carries a Scythe
Kimball Waites
5/21/2021 12:55:49 pm
Why is reaper?
Garbagiel the raccoon
5/23/2021 01:57:14 pm
How is Reaper?
5/21/2021 02:23:32 am
Next book gonna be leviathan?
5/23/2021 09:16:22 pm
Actually...it's levi-Eithan. Titles do change so much, lol
5/21/2021 02:49:51 am
Subnautica below zero was well done and really enjoyed the storyline. Been playing the early access for over a year and replayed it since they moved and changed a lot for the release. Still enjoy exploring and building afterwards.
5/21/2021 06:58:24 am
I played original Subnautica in Early Access from before the explosion was put in, so pretty early. I have over 700 hours logged in Steam. I mostly play on Switch now since I have kids and it's more convenient. When original + Below Zero came out on it I was SO STOKED. I've been playing Below Zero on it and it feels like those early days playing Subnautica, except with much better wikis and guides if you're missing something
Same! I started playing Subnautica REALLY early in Early Access, so it was honestly pretty funny seeing people complaining about the early builds of BZ because I was like "You young whippersnappers don't know where the original started. Do you even remember the Terraformer?"
Sha Miara, Who Has Been Publicly Congratulated by Will for her Subnautica Skills
5/21/2021 07:44:20 am
I too have been playing Subnautica Below Zero, but I'm saving most of it for this weekend. I played through the old storyline before, but this will by my first time going through the new stuff they've built.
5/21/2021 08:12:25 am
Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out the same day, between that and Destiny 2 which I have gotten back into due to all the free time I have now thanks to covid. Played either of them yet? I plan to get to subnautica, its already downloaded but not till I finish the ME trilogy again.
I had a weird relationship with the ME Trilogy in that I played most of it, but in inconsistent patches, so I never had a consistent journey of one Shepard with one crew throughout the entire story.
5/21/2021 10:38:39 am
I love Subnautica!
5/21/2021 11:34:20 am
I pretty much only play Destiny 2 anymore...so am a bit embarrassed to admit I hadn't even heard of subnautica. Might have to check it out. Who know, could be fun...🤪
5/21/2021 11:44:55 am
‘And you know where else has lots of pressure?
5/22/2021 10:55:59 pm
No god please no... I thought I left this on TikTok...
5/21/2021 05:31:17 pm
What does "Gastly" under the Reaper Progress on the upper left of the page mean? Is that maybe supposed to be "Ghastly" there instead?
Michael Brazier
5/22/2021 12:28:01 pm
It's one of the original Pokemon.
5/22/2021 08:08:20 am
Bro! I sent you a Tweet saying you needed to take June off because Subnautica BZ was coming out. So I want ful Internet credits. Enough credits to purchase enough my own pengwing.
5/25/2021 11:38:12 am
I played the original Subnautica based on your recommendation, and enjoyed it a great deal. I'm having issues with Below Zero saving a game, and a quick Google shows me that I'm not the only one having this problem. Since I can't actually save a game or save any progress I haven't played much yet. I do hope they changed some things about the gameplay. While I liked the fact that you couldn't 'level' to the point that nothing is a challenge and you can kill everything, it was frustrating to me that as you explored deeper in the original Subnautica your only gameplay options were 'sneak around the edges and hope nothing notices you' or 'run away...RUN AWAY!!!!).
Huh, that's interesting. I had way fewer bugs this time than I usually do even on a full build of the original game.
Jonathan Hernandez
5/25/2021 02:00:55 pm
Interesting! New book is called reaper and that is also the new class coming out in Final Fantasy 14. Coincidence?
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