I have returned to the surface after weeks of total immersion in The Crimson Vault to make an announcement: House of Blades is now available in paperback!
You can order it on Amazon, just like the eBook, only it's not an eBook. It's made of paper and everything. If you see me in person, I'll sign it. On another note, we've hit 11,000 sales for House of Blades (w00t!), and I am almost done with The Crimson Vault. If I keep up my current blistering pace, I'll be done writing it this weekend. Of course, that still leaves it to be edited. But don't worry; I'll keep you apprised of my progress. And that's it for today. I'm spending all of my time working on Crimson Vault, so I'm sorry if I haven't responded to your comment or email. I promise I will get to it eventually, it's just that somebody around here promised a book in two months, which means I have to work like a madman. As always, thanks for reading!
7/29/2013 02:36:09 pm
I just bought your book on amazon and I loved it. Good read! I was a little sad to see book two wasn't out yet but I think its awsome you are coming out with the second one so soon. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot more of the house explored. Thanks
7/31/2013 05:59:02 am
Thanks, Mike!
7/29/2013 02:41:56 pm
Will, I was damn near positive that you wouldn't be able to finish The Crimson Vault on time, but it looks like you've proved me wrong. Your ability to churn out books is approaching Sanderson levels of dedication. I'm looking forward to reading the end result!
Brian S
7/30/2013 09:32:04 am
Sanderson, by his own admission takes about six months to crank out a book. Granted, he's generally working on more than a single book at a time, but he also has the assistance of his publishing house to speed his progress, and in some ways to slow his progress down. What Sanderson does best, and the reason for his reputation is that he always finishes his books before deadline. Could Sanderson crank out a book faster than that? Probably. Tor publishes his books on a schedule to give each book a certain amount of exposure before publishing the next which slows the process some. Compared to his contemporaries he is an ultra fast writer, but then, his contemporaries are Rothfuss, who is good for a book every three years, and Martin who might be looking to collaborate with Robert Jordan before publishing his next book. John Ringo wrote a book in thirty days, but if you ask me, it showed in the writing even after Baen got done editing it. Mr. Wight will, in the event he makes his own deadline, have published his second book in less than three months after his first which is impressive to say the least.
7/30/2013 12:02:42 pm
Rothfuss: 4 years (2007, 2011)
Brian S
7/30/2013 12:09:53 pm
No argument, Rothfuss is a word Nazi. Typical English professor. Has to use just the right word and turn of phrase. He's the only author I know who actually takes into consideration how a phrase will translate into other languages while writing a novel.
Brian G
7/31/2013 06:27:27 am
"and Martin who might be looking to collaborate with Robert Jordan before publishing his next book." 7/31/2013 06:33:39 am
I have to concur with Brian G. I read right past that line the first time I saw your comment, and now I'm laughing out loud. 7/31/2013 06:03:21 am
I'll do my best! It looks like I'm going to finish the full draft of the book Friday afternoon, which means I've got about a week to finish editing. I'm willing to put the book online even if it still has a few minor typos--since I can re-upload a new, cleaner version whenever I want, as I have done several times with House of Blades--but I definitely want to finish any major reworks, rewrites, or corrections before I put the first version up.
7/30/2013 12:40:02 am
I must say, there are not many books that keep me up until 1am reading them, but house of blades did. I just really hope that your blistering pace with the crimson vault will not affect the quality of the book. But I am very much looking forward to reading it
7/30/2013 01:00:23 am
No worries, his beta readers won't allow the quality be impacted. We would rather see it delayed an extra week or two than have that happen. That being said, I don't think we will have any issues there post edit.
7/31/2013 08:58:52 am
I feel the same way, glad that it wouldn't be allowed to happen. Thanks for the feedback! 7/31/2013 06:06:39 am
I'm proud that I helped you stay up, Mike! Sleep is for filthy mortals.
7/31/2013 08:56:16 am
That's sounds great! And I would much rather the book be a few weeks late than read a scrappy book that made the deadline. Keep the work up, and don't worry, I'm sure that I will be able to write positive review after I rear it!
Brian S
8/2/2013 04:25:29 am
Yes, editing is important. That being said, I hope Mike reconsiders rearing your book. Reading it is a much better idea. :)
8/9/2013 10:20:34 am
I have never had the opportunity to rear a book. Hmmmm, I wonder... ;)
7/30/2013 01:30:49 am
I "borrowed" House of Blades from the Kindle store at first, and immediately purchased it when I finished. And it looks like you're actually going to fulfill your promise of writing the next book in two months, how can I not be excited?
7/31/2013 06:08:29 am
I know I hate to wait for new fantasy novels, I can tell you that. It drives me crazy when I have to wait for years in between awesome books in a series.
Jack Locke
7/30/2013 04:02:05 am
I'm most of the way through your first book. I will likely finish it today. I find it extremely interesting; It's a whole new take on the prophecy vs. choice dilemma that is sometimes an overly saturated subject for this area of literature. I look forward to its sequels, and hope that you decide to make it an epic instead of a trilogy. Epics are always better...
7/31/2013 06:14:13 am
I'm glad you're enjoying it, Jack!
7/31/2013 04:54:48 am
I just picked this book up on my kindle about three hours ago and really enjoyed it. I'm planning on reading it a second time to see how much I missed when I read it the first time. Good luck with Crimson Vault, I'm looking forward to it.
7/31/2013 06:16:17 am
Awesome, Matthew! I'm glad to hear it! I hope you enjoy the book--I've rarely been able to read books twice back to back, but I hope that works out for you--and thanks for the encouragement!
8/2/2013 11:59:33 am
I guess I didn't make that very clear huh. I reread any book I think is worth keeping. A good example of what I mean would be the Night Angel Trilogy. I've read the whole trilogy seven times. In a few years I might have read House of Blades that many times. It is a money-saving habit but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy rereading good books. 8/2/2013 02:43:41 pm
Thanks! Cliché or boring characters bug me, so I try to avoid using them where I can. Glad to see that worked out!
8/1/2013 01:21:18 am
make it a long book
8/1/2013 01:54:13 am
Sorry, Jim! The Crimson Vault will be roughly the same length as House of Blades.
8/1/2013 01:39:05 am
Ah! That is awesome! I can't wait!! But don't push yourself too hard...actually, please do...you can sleep once you finish the book. ;) That is, until you start on the one after that...lol
8/1/2013 01:52:42 am
Sleep is for the weak! And also for the week...after this one.
8/1/2013 09:01:31 am
I'm barely containing my enthusiasm.
8/2/2013 03:19:42 am
Congrats on 11,000 copies sold. As a struggling husband of a talented writer(this is sarcasm, can't find that font), to what would you attribute you success in having your book sell so well in such a short period of time. She suggests it's your platform, as that's the mantra in most of the courses/seminars she's done. But as a new writer, I can't see where you would have developed such a platform.
Brian S
8/2/2013 04:38:16 am
I would suggest that it was excellent cover art followed by about ten five start reviews within a week of publishing that gave him immediate exposure. Those handful of reviews were quickly followed by more. Reviews help sell books, but the value of a good cover should never be under estimated. WIll you should give your artists a big wet kiss.
8/2/2013 07:34:56 am
That's a great question, Marcos.
8/2/2013 07:44:24 am
I gotta say, as someone who had never heard of Will Wight or the House of Blades until a few weeks ago, the reason that I found Will's book is because it was a free monthly rental from Amazon because of my Prine membership. The cover art was interesting and once I read the plot description, I decided to try it. Then, I bought it several hours later after I finished reading it. Definitely props to both Will for the great story and to your cover artists!
8/2/2013 12:10:13 pm
Will, 8/2/2013 02:38:56 pm
Shiloh: I know I've said this to you before, but thanks for giving me a shot! I think the Amazon Prime Lending Library has been really awesome for me, and has certainly been one of the most pleasant surprises as I've learned about Amazon's infrastructure. It really seems like it benefits me, the readers, and Amazon. So it's a win-win...win.
Brian S
8/3/2013 06:30:38 am
Those cover artists of yours are actually pretty hard to track down. Had to get tricky to find them even on the book of faces.
8/3/2013 08:13:20 am
That's them, but to be honest with you I never communicated with them through Facebook. Most of our conversation was via phone, email, or Skype.
8/3/2013 09:57:53 am
As someone who keeps a constant track of Will's internet presence, this is where I've seen them post the cover and some of their work. http://sandedfaceless.deviantart.com/art/Book-Cover-House-of-Blades-377764069 8/15/2013 05:50:04 am
Today, Chelsey posted a comment on my Crimson Vault Release Date blog post. If you're interested in finding out about them, check it out! I've got to say, that was a pretty decent read, Will. Makes me yearn to finally finish my own novel. I'm glad I won't have to wait very long for the sequel. I only found your first novel today. One thing that struck me was the length of the story. I think it needed a bit more length in order to finish. It was kinda like, "... And then a big epic battle, that you don't get to see, The End".
8/3/2013 01:24:39 pm
I definitely agree that the first book could have used a solid extra 30-40 pages to touch it up perfectly. It's something i'm sure the author might consider perfecting in the future once he finishes the trilogy. The beauty of amazon, is that he can upload an updated copy with fixes and the readers can ask amazon to switch it out for the new one.
8/5/2013 04:35:28 am
Devin's filthy mouth and outdated opinions aside, I agree with you, Colin. There were parts that I really did rush; not because I was trying to meet a specific deadline, but because I was afraid of boring readers and stepping away from the plot too long. Fight scenes are great, and I love writing them, but in that particular instance SEEING the fight wouldn't give you any additional information about the storyline. So I cut it.
8/5/2013 04:38:02 am
P.S. I've known Devin for years. I'm not just verbally abusing some random person in the comments; I'm verbally abusing my friend.
8/3/2013 12:13:44 pm
Oh, and I meant to include, "It's definitely one of the better stories I've paid $3 or less for." but I forgot. Thanks for pricing it reasonably. I just bought an $11 hunk of polished dog turd from Amazon Kindle, recently. I'd burn the damn thing, except it's on my Kindle phone app, and I'm not due for an upgrade for another 6 months.
8/5/2013 04:40:21 am
Thanks, Colin! I'm of the opinion that $3 is a good price point for books like mine. They're fun, they're not long, and they give you at least three dollars worth of entertainment.
8/4/2013 10:18:33 am
So utterly in love with your writing style and am ecstatic that the sequel to House of Blades is expected to be out so soon. Thank you!!!!
8/5/2013 04:29:00 am
Why thank you, Alicia! I'm glad you enjoyed Book 1, and I hope you have just as much fun with Book 2.
Brian S
8/4/2013 01:37:39 pm
I was just wondering, where did you get the idea for the Nye? They are like creatures out of every five year olds nightmares. Turn off the lights and let the imagination free and that pile of cloths kicked half under the bed takes on a life of its own. They are perfect and add an extraordinary amount of character to Valinhall. They bring it to life and fill it with peril and uncertainty. They are definitely a very interesting story element.
8/5/2013 04:44:48 am
Well, they sort of came along when I made Valinhall a house.
8/6/2013 10:55:07 pm
I thought the Nye were rather clever as well. Not the concept of them, but the way they operated. One of the things that irritates me about novels these days is the penchant of authors to cast characters in a good/evil light, as opposed to the shades of gray everyone actually lives in. The Nye aren't good or bad, they just ARE. This doesn't even make a ton of sense right now, thanks to two double Bourbons, but I'm sure you get the gist. 8/8/2013 10:56:36 am
I was wondering, Colin. I was wondering, and you stabbed my wonder right in its baby wonder heart.
Amy C
8/9/2013 11:31:23 pm
Hey, just saying I LOVED house of blades. One of my favorite parts was when Simon rescued the villagers and they didn't believe that he was a traveller. That was a LOL moment. My favorite kind of heroes are unconventional ones, and I like the idea of Alin not Simon being in the prophecy.
8/10/2013 09:05:14 am
I do apologize if I am intruding but if you did greatly enjoy this book (and you're not the only one who was awake for more than a few hours imagining what the Crimson Vault will be like) and you enjoyed Blood Song, I would recommend The Inkeepers Son. I won't spoil it for you but I was greatly pleased by the read. Perhaps you might want to check it out!
8/15/2013 05:54:00 am
I enjoyed The Innkeeper's Son as well. It has a few problems, but--let's be honest--so does House of Blades. You should give it a shot! 8/15/2013 05:53:08 am
Thanks, Amy! I, too, have spent quite a lot of time imagining what The Crimson Vault should be like.
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