This week, on the World's Least Interesting News: I had a minor fracture in my foot, so I'm basically trapped on a couch until it heals.
How did I do it, you ask? As you know, it's currently Alligator Season in Florida, when tumble-alligators roll down the street on every stiff breeze. My friends and I were playing a quick game of Alligator Soccer, and my kick must have caught one of its bony scutes. I did, however, make it into the goal. And my alligator bit the keeper, so that's two points. While trapped, I've been re-reading Part 7 of JoJo, re-watching Futurama, and still re-playing Mario Odyssey. Lots of re-doing things. For the next week or two, if you happen to see me out and about, please don't kick the crutch out from under me. Sure, it was funny the first three or four times I face-planted in the street, but now it's getting old. And, in case you hadn't heard yet, Cradle #10: Reaper is due out November 2nd! By which time I should be back on my feet, hobbling around like a one-legged hippopotamus as usual. -Will
Nicholas Wightharaj
9/16/2021 03:31:48 pm
May the gods heal thine foot quickly mi’lord
9/16/2021 03:42:05 pm
Fun fact! It should be "thy" foot here, not "thine." Thine is used in two instances in early modern English: as a second-person equivalent for "mine" (e.g. "This piece of pie is mine, and that one is thine"), and as a possessive pronoun when the next word begins with a vowel (e.g. "Thy hand and thine eye").
9/19/2021 05:32:58 am
Should have something to do with many nouns losing their initial consonants, e.g. "an apple" used to be "a napple" so naturally your napple was "thy napple" which becomes "thine apple" (though it's hard to say which parts are causey and which parts were effectey here) before the second-person-singular pronoun passed out of common use entirely in favour of the plural forms with the plural form being more polite or something assumedly...
9/20/2021 12:55:14 am
Kevin Khan
9/16/2021 03:35:06 pm
Ah! It's that time of the year again. I miss that since I moved to NYC. They claim there's alligators in the sewer system here, but I've yet to see that. I've re-watched futurama like 7 times. It never gets old.
Tim K
9/16/2021 03:35:29 pm
Wish you a speedy recovery. I think I've listened to wintersteel and bloodline 4 or 5 times now. Thanks for the great work will.
Will Smallwanker
9/19/2021 08:15:43 pm
Sorry about your foot, looking forward to the book.
9/16/2021 03:39:15 pm
We’re going to need your best Eithan impression now that you’re on crutches. Show us how severely we’ve underestimated your legendary grace and agility.
9/18/2021 01:07:24 pm
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a dur
9/16/2021 03:41:25 pm
Stuck on the couch means plenty of time to write cradle 11
9/22/2021 09:59:14 pm
Suck it Cameron, mt foot hurts
9/16/2021 03:41:42 pm
If only your intent could mend your loosened bone. Can’t wait for the release! Might need to take a personal day.
9/16/2021 04:01:29 pm
I hear advancement does wonders for the body and spirit.
Josh S
9/16/2021 04:28:45 pm
Good News Everyone! Without distractions like mobility and physical prowess, new waves of books will wash over this parched land.
9/16/2021 04:33:55 pm
Funny. I am reading this directly after leaving my doctor having found out that I broke two bones in my hand. I was playing Ultimate Alligator Frisbee which is clearly the evil version of alligator soccer. I am now convinced that I am Nega-Will. Will I am flying down to Florida and we shall have a cripple battle of the ages!
9/16/2021 04:43:05 pm
Just pop a potion! Mercy has pkenty...
9/16/2021 04:48:48 pm
Looking forward to Reaper. Heal fast.BTW the thy /thine comment above is just kind of thing I look for in a quality internet community.
9/16/2021 05:24:02 pm
I mean... oreos (double stuffed) and video games for a month or two sounds well deserved, and a broken foot is a wonderful excuse. In all seriousness, I hope you enjoy yourself and it heals up fine in no time.
9/16/2021 05:37:33 pm
Dude. Forget the crutches. Get a knee scooter. You will rocket to the top of the six and under demographic guaranteed. Get a nice horn or bell on the handlebars and viola! In with the assisted living group.
Michael D
9/16/2021 06:31:00 pm
You should have opted for giant eagle wings when you absorbed remnant Will....
Stuart K
9/16/2021 06:40:54 pm
Wow, bad feet must truly run in our family! I guess you’ll have to give up your lifelong dream of running the next Disney princess marathon :(. There’s always next year.
9/16/2021 07:40:47 pm
I'll stop kicking your crutch out when you send me an early release of Reaper for my birthday!
9/20/2021 07:07:46 am
no we want it directly on Halloween because, well... do I really need to point it out?
The Foot Sage
9/16/2021 07:43:37 pm
I'm sorry my young disciple, I cannot allow you to continue on the path of the unbroken foot. Instead of the foot and unbroken madra you once cycled you must now use foot and destruction madra. For best results, I recommend bonding the remnant of Bruce Lee.
9/21/2021 08:20:31 am
9/16/2021 08:20:05 pm
That last foot note came out of left field. If you had cut it, that would really have helped keep your post focused.
9/16/2021 09:53:03 pm
Was this alligator a sacred beast? If so, maybe consider replacing your foot with an alligator remnant prosthetic. Or absorb his remnant during your advancement to gold and go for the ji long good sign. Then YOU can be the one to bite the goalie next match!
9/21/2021 02:14:22 pm
excellent idea
Charles Shumway
9/16/2021 10:08:51 pm
I'm sorry you broke your foot Will! But YAY I'm so excited for Reaper to come out! You've had me on the edge of my seat within the first day of Bloodline coming out and I'm so excited to read the newest wonders you have written! Stay healthy, don't die and start the next book as soon as you can! You're my favorite
9/16/2021 10:48:05 pm
Just advance 5 head
Remnant Preservation Society
9/16/2021 11:02:14 pm
Quick everyone! Strike while he’s weak. Remnant Will was way better than normal Will. Now he’s a crippled old man there’s no way we could possibly lose…
Will Preservation Institute
9/18/2021 01:10:45 pm
You may not lose to him but you will lose to us.
Remnant Preservation Society
9/20/2021 11:25:53 pm
Bah! You can't stay vigilant forever. Will is weak and crippled now. Protecting him will be like an escort quest with a particularly slow NPC. We just need to bide our time...
9/16/2021 11:47:03 pm
Sorry to hear about your foot Will, hope you get better soon.
9/18/2021 01:13:49 pm
How insensitive didn't you hear his foot obviously is not in a solid state due to being in a solid state during the gater ball game and you dare show you face here?!?!
9/16/2021 11:52:13 pm
I think that’s a sign from God. Release Reaper earlier! 😂😜
9/17/2021 02:14:18 am
Im in need of a 1 month fast forward ticket. Does someone have a amazon link for me, cant find it and google wont help either. x))
9/17/2021 04:59:14 am
If you want to try something new I've put way too many hours into Death Loop and it's a lot of fun
9/17/2021 06:48:52 am
I guess we'll have to amputate it.
9/17/2021 08:44:18 am
9/17/2021 10:56:56 am
If your mind spirit was paying attention you would not have tripped
9/17/2021 05:29:49 pm
I'm sorry to hear that you have hurt yourself. I hope you heal well and soon.
Marvin B.
9/17/2021 06:29:58 pm
Get well soon, Will! (or take a Lord-grade pill and kick that gator to space.)
The Gator Sage
9/18/2021 09:32:15 am
My brethren and I are offended at your sign of aggression Will! This is a call for war! The only way this may be averted is with an early signed release to myself and my sect. If not… THIS IS WAR! You here me!
9/18/2021 05:04:37 pm
Thanks for still releasing on time.
Scott Pike
9/18/2021 11:58:31 pm
Sorry about your foot. I have a question. Where does vital aura come from on Cradle? If every world is connected to the Way because of human presense on worlds theyn why aren't there vital aura in worlds like Elder Empire and Travelers Gate?
9/19/2021 10:35:50 pm
If you're looking for something new to do maybe try Jeff Wheelers Kingfountain series. I don't know if you've read it already and being an author probably gives you a completely different perspective on others books but Jeff has excellent character building and unique magic systems all things that I enjoy in your books as well. Cradle is still the favorite but I'd say Kingfountain is a pretty close second although they are different enough it's hard to compare. If your looking for non book things I'd recommend Mark Rober and Smarter Every Day on YouTube. They show the amazing things the real world is capable of.
Raphael Hendrix
9/20/2021 12:17:20 am
Just listened to Reaper excerpt, and I am more excited than Yerin at an Abidan sword dump, or Lindon with a winning points lottery ticket.
9/20/2021 12:14:07 pm
Will there be an audio book coming out at the same time or a later date?
9/20/2021 12:16:07 pm
Oh, never mind. I actually read the announcement.
9/21/2021 09:46:45 am
Foot injuries can take a long time to recover from. Hopefully you are up kicking alligators and romancing flamingos soon. When you aren't working on the next Cradle book, you can revisit Diablo 2 (Resurrected) for labyrinth inspiration.
9/21/2021 07:53:17 pm
As a dude who broke his foot by twisting his ankle on the horse ride portion of Gangnam style. I sympathize. May your boot be comfterble and your opposite hip not ache from all the wierd crip walking you will be doing around the house.
9/24/2021 10:03:05 am
While I'm pumped about Reaper, my favorite part of this post was actually learning about the term "bony scutes." Gold for puns, biology, dragon lore, foot care, pillow talk, and scrabble.
Ian Riddell
9/26/2021 01:56:29 am
Thanks for asking friend.
Dave Erickson
9/26/2021 08:13:14 am
I am counting the seconds until November 2nd!!! All 3,156,539 of them or there ... Hope the foot heals quickly! Maybe you should try alligator polo in the future.. Much easier on the feet!
Scott Pike
9/26/2021 08:08:51 pm
I rereading in preparation for new book and noticed a scene in sky sworn that reminds me a lot of the scene in Winter steel where linden kills the dragon there's a line where Ethan in sky sworn is fighting the underlord from red moon Hall forms this big focus of power of pure madre in the sky just like Ethan did of his elements after he says a line all things end which seems like a very similar line to I am the end that linden says and since he was an underlying then I'm kind of wondering if Ethan is already a sage when he was underlord?
James L. Quinley
9/27/2021 08:22:39 am
Feet are overrated. As long as your figures can still type books your good to go.
Adam Johnson
9/28/2021 04:59:45 pm
Woohoo thats right before my birthday!!!. What a great present!!!
The Void Sage
9/29/2021 01:52:27 pm
If you do not produce Cradle book 11 by February of next year, I shall make you disappear from the world by cutting off the root of your existence and then bind your Remnant to a pen so you must write for all time.
Edward An
10/2/2021 08:01:48 am
Dude, that's a bit extreme.
10/1/2021 08:23:28 pm
Fractured my left arm on Monday, when did you get hurt? Hope you get better soon.
Crusty ol' Coot
10/6/2021 03:25:21 pm
Sorry about the injury. A little late advice, since it's been like 3 weeks. An office desk chair makes rolling around the kitchen or any hard surface floor, way easier than up and down with the crutches.
10/7/2021 06:21:47 pm
So happy that Reaper is coming out, release date is same as my birthday -- looking forward to one of the best birthday presents ever!
Scott Walker
10/11/2021 10:26:40 am
Will, do you think of me as a one-legged puppy named L'il Brudder?
man of dubious intennt
10/12/2021 06:53:49 am
10/16/2021 11:52:12 pm
So… does anyone have the slightest clue what a gengar is? Or should I assume that it’s the pet of a cult leader in the next series that Will is going to come up with?
Treyvon Price
10/17/2021 08:38:17 pm
Gengar is a Pokémon.
10/17/2021 03:48:12 am
Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you recover soon.
10/18/2021 05:40:06 pm
Will the audiobook be out at the same time ?
10/19/2021 02:03:21 am
Reaper is available for pre-order on Amazon Australia. No sign of the audiobook yet.
10/19/2021 08:05:20 am
I see the kindle version available for preorder but no the papercopy. Do you know if we will be able to preorder the paperback to arrive by November 2nd?
10/19/2021 01:42:09 pm
Reaper is available for pre-order on Audible. Yes!!! Order made and countdown set 13 days 10 hours 18 minutes
10/26/2021 09:57:40 am
Hey everyone, can someone explain to me why Fury had to ascend to maintain balance? With two Monarchs dead (i.e., Tiberian & Seshethkunaaz), the power dynamics should already have been skewed. Fury sticking around would only begin correcting that imbalance. Now I could see the heavens forcing Malice or Fury to ascend when the dragons and Arelius raise new Monarchs. However, that could be decades or so away. Any thoughts?
10/26/2021 10:33:59 pm
Tiberian and Seshethkunaaz are another family. It's not explained in detail yet as Charity told Linden he would understand when he reached archlord. But before that she pointed that it was not keeping another herald or sage in the direct family line at the same time. Charity was the only sage and her father only herald in the direct family line. Clans have more than one herald or sage in extended family or in branches.
10/26/2021 11:50:56 pm
They havent explained it in the book yet but I believe there can only be one monarch per path. Fury follows the same path as Malice so he had to ascend to keep balance on cradle. If Fury had followed a different path like Tiberians path he could have just replaced that fallen monarch.
1/26/2022 08:42:12 am
I am new to the partay!
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