You remember how I told you I was going to edit and re-cover the first four Elder Empire books before releasing the last two?
Well, here's the first one. Enjoy the cover art for Of Sea and Shadow! The type is a work in progress (it probably won't just be plain white lettering in the final version), but the art is final. And awesome. Enjoy! -Will Cover art by Micah Epstein Graphic design by Patrick Foster
1/1/2018 07:09:47 pm
That is pretty wicked.
Fellow Daoist Ji Ning
1/1/2018 07:35:48 pm
Looks expensive. Probably cost you at least double what the previous covers did.
1/5/2018 12:47:58 am
Its literally super hot fire. I went to the illustrator's website and just salivated at all the covert art I wish I could afford for a book I wish I was skilled enough to write. :[
1/1/2018 07:39:22 pm
I like it. Reminds me of the cover for Mark Lawrence's Emperor of Thorns
Sword Immortal Darknorth
1/1/2018 07:41:49 pm
I'm glad that you went with your character facing away. I like to have the details of a characters facial features left up to my own imagination rather than having the book cover dictate them to me.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
1/1/2018 08:18:15 pm
Ah! You caught me Will. I had already posted the first comment when I realized I wanted to say something else. Didn't want to double post though.
Hentia For Sale
1/1/2018 07:44:47 pm
Ugh, I wish I could make art like that. Unfortunately I am only good for making tentacle porn >.>
Hentia For Sale
1/1/2018 07:59:47 pm
Yes, but if I could just get better at drawing clothes I'd be so much more marketable. As of now I can only draw sell-able illustrations when the characters are naked. It... limits my options somewhat. Ugh. I blame the fact that figure drawing classes always use nude models.
Daofather Crimsonbright
1/1/2018 08:01:18 pm
Nice illustration! Somebody should write up a story to go along with it!
1/1/2018 08:07:44 pm
That cover is sickening (sickening having the extremely positive connotation all the hip youngsters are attaching to it these days). It's *so* well done. I know we're not supposed to judge books by their covers, but I would have read this series a lot sooner than I did if the covers had looked liked this.
1/1/2018 08:15:06 pm
Well drawn image. I personally would have chosen to add a little more contrast by making the jacket dark gray or navy blue rather than brown, but I suppose if you've got to stick to classical color of leather you've got to go with brown.
1/1/2018 08:38:38 pm
Amazing can't wait to see the other three!!
The Green Man
1/1/2018 08:42:16 pm
Happy New Year, thanks for the cover art porn!
1/1/2018 09:16:25 pm
VERY good! Thinking about re-covering the House of Blades or just the in-progress work? Also, still at 7% for progress for OKAK?
1/1/2018 09:27:30 pm
That is really nice. I'm hoping the new edit will help me get into the story better. I love your other stuff, but can't get into this one for Dionne reason.
Pie Rat
1/2/2018 06:48:09 am
I read the assassin book first thinking I'd prefer it and never really liked her character at all. She has no personality and does everything effortlessly and perfectly while having hardly any emotions. Turned me off to the series but eventually I decided to read the other viewpoint, and it was much better in my opinion. After finishing his 2 books, I still couldn't make it through 2 chapters of the 2nd assassin book because her character is so uninteresting.
1/1/2018 10:32:42 pm
I've read all of Will's other books, but these four didn't seem as popular so I haven't gotten them yet. Are they worth reading?
1/1/2018 11:00:57 pm
This is MY opinion on the land & sea series, they trump the cradle series but don't beat out the traveler's gate series yet.
1/1/2018 11:04:03 pm
Shadow and Sea!*
Chris N
1/2/2018 09:06:04 am
I think they're definitely worth reading. The Cradle series is the best to me so far, followed closely by the Traveler's Gate series, so Shadow & Sea is third for me, but still very good. The world building is very interesting and the set-up of parallel books is unusual but in a not-bad way. The first two I read separately, but then after that started reading them together, reading one book to a stopping point, then reading the next one to it's similar stopping point. They roughly parallel each other. I found there were light spoilers when the stories intersect which is why I started reading them together. It's not too much though so fine to do separately, I just found it was more enjoyable that way. I'm planning to go back and reread them as soon as Will does the re-release.
1/1/2018 11:29:57 pm
Hey Will,
1/2/2018 12:52:06 pm
Your book version will automatically be replaced with the newest version if your kindle is connected to the internet. Just sync with Amazon.
1/3/2018 10:07:47 am
Well at least that's how it's supposed to work:
1/2/2018 09:28:03 am
Is that elder in the background the elder he had tied to his ship? I don't think it's a Great Elder, because I think those are the size of a large island, then again maybe it's too far and it only looks small.
1/2/2018 02:33:47 pm
Very cool. I really like it.
1/2/2018 02:36:51 pm
Once you finish up the OKAK books you'll only have one active series, Cradle. Are you planning on working on something new concurrently or are you going to be just focusing on Cradle?
1/2/2018 07:25:51 pm
Looks fantastic!
I Need an Idiotās Guide to the Willverse
1/3/2018 09:18:18 am
1/3/2018 02:46:51 pm
So you spent a bunch of money to redo covers on a book series that you have said is your worst selling one?
1/3/2018 07:50:23 pm
One of the reasons that they might not have sold as well is that the covers aren't that great. Updating the covers might help.
scott pike
1/3/2018 02:56:40 pm
Good looking cover. Finally looked at the list story from Christmas. I'll admit I didn't remember who most of those people where since it has been so long since I've read those books.
1/3/2018 04:17:06 pm
My guess for the reason for Lindon is he follows a path of literal destruction and fire.
1/3/2018 04:37:26 pm
Read title “OMG News about elder empire is it finally here after years of being pushed back for Lindon? ...oh cover art”
1/4/2018 07:31:27 am
^ I have been waiting almost 2 years for you to say that!! ^
1/4/2018 07:40:10 am
You spoil people too much Will....nobody releases quality books as fast as you do.
Salt and Pepper Shakers
1/3/2018 05:56:41 pm
While we’re on the subject of this series, do you have an estimate on when OKAK will come out?
1/3/2018 06:57:28 pm
Seconded. Anything you could tell us would be awesome. I know you probably don't want to put too much pressure on a single day or even month, but if you could let us know what quarter (or season) of the year that your aiming for it would be awesome!
I appreciate this, and I know you're being genuine when you say you just want a general idea.
Ya Boy
1/4/2018 11:31:06 am
Honestly all I want is a promise that it will be finished within the next decade. I haven't started the Elder Empire series yet and I don't want to start something that's going to either never be finished or is going to be written on a GRRM timescale.
1/5/2018 03:10:48 pm
I understand, Will. Though it grieves me deeply to admit it! I've actually really been looking forward to the conclusion of this arc of the Elder Empire series. (And I hope that you'll eventually return to Asylum)
1/6/2018 03:29:04 pm
Well, lets be honest, the people who does that will complain no matter what you do, theres always a bunch like that, and it wont matter who careful you are. resonable individuals would, if you post a novel early and they werent ready, just wait reading it until you are;)
1/3/2018 06:23:28 pm
Hey Will there's an author I found that I think you'd really like called Brandon Sanderson. He seems to have similar tastes to you in a lot of things like magic systems. He just published the third book in a series named The Stormlight Archives. You should check him out!
Johnny boi
1/3/2018 06:53:57 pm
I can't tell if you're joking or not...
1/4/2018 07:38:44 am
He might just be someone whom doesnt know much about publishing.
1/4/2018 07:40:15 am
(If you are new to the willverse and have been living under a rock) Will frequently mentions Brandon on this blog and he is a major discussion point in the comments; that being said the last couple posts have been lackluster of him so I see your mistake it could have been any of us no one blames you.
1/7/2018 10:19:11 pm
Oh alright. I apologize. I'm illiterate you see, like Yerin, so I don't really follow the publishing industry much.
1/4/2018 11:32:27 am
Hey Will I want to write a novel. How do I do it?
1/5/2018 10:26:57 pm
I would like to upvote TBoy's post. I'm upvoting you in spirit, TBoy.
1/25/2018 07:19:56 pm
I'm trying it Will. I just broke the 20,000 word mark. Ugh, it's getting much harder now.
Demanding Fan
1/8/2018 09:22:37 am
Okay, it's been one week. I demand new content Will.
1/8/2018 03:20:22 pm
Not asking how much you paid for this cover specifically, but in general, what price range do good book covers for self published authors usually fall into?
Demanding Fan
1/8/2018 04:02:02 pm
That could be your next blog post Will. Write me a five paragraph essay on choosing artists and buying bookcovers for self published authors.
I'll have a solid thesis statement and everything!
Addendum: each contract with an artist is different. You're negotiating with a freelancer, so they might charge you more or less than they charged me, depending on your requirements and timeline. They're free to charge whatever they want.
Demanding Fan
1/10/2018 02:08:33 pm
Very informative Will. I like it. I give you an A.
1/10/2018 02:18:48 pm
Well get ready to cringe Will because I broke all your rules with my "Series"
Sounds like you're looking for You log into your author account, go to the Bookshelf tab, and there are your books!
1/10/2018 06:21:37 pm! That was it, thanks Will! You saved me a night of web searching!
gorbegail the snackoon
1/8/2018 04:49:54 pm
But will the novel contain raccoons?
Garbagiel the Raccoon
1/10/2018 05:46:04 pm
Holy crap that's awesome! Leave a Reply. |
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