First, a progress report on Of Dawn and Darkness!
I'd estimate I'm about 30% done with the whole process. It's planned out and I'm happy with it, I've figured out most of the tie-ins with Book(s) 3, and I've written much of the flashback storylines. But I have an idea this time, and I thought I'd run it past you. There were some issues at launch last time, releasing two books at once. Those of you who follow the blog and the Facebook page figured it out, but there were a lot of random people coming in from Amazon browsing or Reddit that were confused. They couldn't figure out which one to read first, they didn't understand when I gave them two titles instead of one, and as a result I spent as much time dealing with complications as I did actually launching the book. Which, of course, was half the fun in doing this in the first place. But this parallel trilogy thing is an experiment, and I'd like to adjust the parameters for this go-round. So this time, I'm considering launching Of Dawn and Darkness and Of Darkness and Dawn separately. Not too far apart--maybe four to six weeks apart, I'm thinking, probably with a pre-order option--but releasing them one at a time. They still take place at the same time, two halves of the same story, same drill, but I can focus on promoting one and then the other. Also, anyone buying them at launch will naturally read them in a certain order. This has the added benefit of allowing me to finish one book, launch it, and then focus on polishing up and putting the finishing touches the second time. With the result that the first book gets launched sooner than would otherwise be possible. But as I said, I'm not committed to this yet. What do you think? The artistic part of me is somewhat disappointed about ruining the whole double-release aesthetic, but it will effectively be the same after the first couple of weeks. Only the people who are buying it at launch will be affected...which means YOU, most likely, if you're reading this. So let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments! As a side note, these books focus primarily on the Luminian Order and the Blackwatch, who take lead roles in Of Dawn and Darkness and Of Darkness and Dawn, respectively. However, I'd also like to bring a few other Guilds to the forefront, especially since the Blackwatch got a little time in the spotlight in OSAS. Therefore, a second question: what Guilds would you like to see in action? If it catches my imagination enough, I can probably still make it happen. And, as always, thanks for reading!
4/14/2015 05:20:45 am
Will (pun not intended) you be polishing the first one after you're done publishing/marketing the second one? If that's so, I don't have any objections to releasing them at different times.
4/14/2015 05:36:52 am
I meant I would polish them one at a time, this time. When the first one is done, I release it, then I work on the second one. Last time I was kind of trying to get them both finished at the same time.
4/14/2015 05:49:12 am
I can only read one book at a time...
4/23/2015 10:34:15 am
I'll do it in less than 4-6 weeks if I can, that's just a ballpark approximation.
4/14/2015 06:32:08 am
I agree with Matt, 4/6 weeks feels like too long. I loved that I had a companion book to read as soon as I was done with the first one.
4/23/2015 10:35:17 am
Yeah, I'm still sold on the various advantages of the dual-book format. And again, after the first few weeks, they would be available together.
4/14/2015 06:33:55 am
I think its ok if you release them separately but maybe a week apart instead? I don't think anyone is going to read them chapter by chapter alternating between books (although I am now tempted to try it) so separate release is in line with how they will read it anyway.
4/23/2015 10:36:18 am
I might try a week apart for Round 3, but at the moment I'm concerned that one week doesn't offer enough difference from simply releasing them simultaneously.
4/14/2015 07:50:22 am
No! Never! Release them all at once!
4/23/2015 10:39:29 am
The main issue is that, while sales were/are strong for these books, the actual launch was a little muddled. It felt like the books were competing with each other in terms of ranking, and people asked me a LOT of questions about the reading order and the nature of parallel stories.
5/19/2015 08:26:49 pm
I think u don't need to release them separately, for the simple reason that people who'll buy them have already read the first two, so they most probably have wrapped their heads around the concept of parallel books, don't u think so? ;) 5/20/2015 12:38:29 am
That's true, but the confusion issue is really just a side benefit. The real problem I'm trying to address is the two books competing against one another, to the detriment of both. If I release a few weeks apart, based on the way Amazon works, it seems plausible that they might actually BOOST one another, instead of diluting two launches as seemed to have happened this time.
Jonathan W
4/14/2015 08:00:32 am
Personally, I would love to see other guilds fleshed out a bit more. If I have to choose I would say Luminians, the Champions, the blackwatch, and maybe the witnesses.
Jonathan W
4/14/2015 08:09:37 am
As to the book release dates, it may be easier on those who don't know what's going on if you release them a few weeks apart. I'll be happy either way :)
4/23/2015 10:40:07 am
It MIGHT be easier on new readers. I'm not sure. My main motivation is to see if it does or not.
4/14/2015 08:11:42 am
Since this is "book 2" everyone should have it figured out by now. I say release them at the same time. I enjoyed reading both at the same time .
4/15/2015 05:44:51 am
I agree; I honestly don't expect anything like the same degree of confusion.
5/17/2015 05:00:49 am
Seconding this! Its doubtful many people would buy the 2nd (3rd and 4th?) book in a series without starting at the beginning. The benefits to you as an artist and to us as readers who were delighted at the concept and the amount of content to plow through all at once FAR out way the buggards who can't grasp it. Ask them--were they also confused when G'n'R's Use Your Illusion 1 and 2 came out at the same time? You're doing something nobody else has in books (I think?)--let the world remember this series for how it started please! :-)
4/14/2015 09:41:39 am
The first pair I started to read separately. Then (about one third of the first book) I decided to go with second book to the same event.
4/23/2015 10:40:47 am
I understand that. Out of curiosity, did you pre-order either book the first time around?
4/14/2015 12:54:40 pm
I'll take what I can get, but I like the simultaneous release. While yes, I did read one and then the other other, they were separated by a day or two, not weeks. Plus, added bonus of my husband reading Sea while I read Shadow. No worrying about various devices auto-syncing progress if we are reading different books.
4/23/2015 10:42:11 am
On an artistic level, I like the simultaneous release as well. It's just cooler and more unique.
Aaron J.E.
4/14/2015 01:09:59 pm
Greenwardens. They seem to be one of the most overlooked with the weakest power/lamest job. But I have a feeling that is not the case - they look more to me like badass Druid forest ranger/game wardens who must be both resourceful when alone and a force of nature when in numbers. Also completed disinterested in 'imperial politics bullshit' and 'elder dramas'. Please give me a badass Druid.
4/15/2015 05:53:36 am
I'm with you on the Greenwardens. I assure you, they're a lot cooler than Calder thinks they are.
4/15/2015 03:07:07 am
4/15/2015 05:49:40 am
I rarely make long-term promises, but here's one: I'm NEVER going to abandon a series midway through.
4/16/2015 02:07:17 am
I haven't experienced it yet, but you never know. Thats the realist in me. Sometimes life might get in the way of fun things. You write faster then most, so if you need to walk away for a little bit I can deal with my first world problems.
4/16/2015 09:20:31 am
I believe what's more common is a block for a particular storyline/series. Yes, some authors die in the middle (Jordan, probably GRRM). More frequently, they get distracted or blocked completely (Rothfuss, Lynch.) Then again, there are some superstars that seem immune to this and still produce high quality work (Abercrombie, Sanderson, Weeks, You so far.)
4/16/2015 09:13:46 am
{Unpopular opinion alert!}
4/17/2015 06:09:03 am
bw-I felt the same as you. I read shadow first and thought it was just "ok" where as sea was amazing. I recently re-read both books (in the same order) and enjoyed shadow much more the second time around.
4/18/2015 09:03:12 am
In hindsight, I actually agree.
4/22/2015 10:31:03 pm
I read Shadow first and thought it was awesome, then while reading Sea i hated Calder the whole time haha. So, I'm looking forward to reading more about Shera first.. Maybe I'm just that weird fan that does things backwards??
4/29/2015 02:49:52 am
I read Shadow first and thought it was awesome too, and I think that diminished my liking of Sea. I still loved Sea, so it is hard to tell if it was the fact I read Shadow first and that affected my view of Calder, or if I just like Shera better than Calder (I am leaning more towards this)
5/7/2015 02:16:05 pm
I read Shadow first absolutely loved it I was spassing when Calder took the job xD I think reading shadow first really fleshed out everything in Sea because after shadow a lot of interesting things started making sense hmm I think Ima reread it again after reading the entire malazan series the past few months back to back I need something... not so dark, happier? Anyways your books are always superb so bring them out in what ever order you feel will allow you to keep up the good work =]
4/17/2015 05:00:34 am
I think releasing them at the same time would give return readers the flexibility to continue whichever side of the story from OSAS they wanted.
4/18/2015 06:36:56 am
I read Shadows first and loved it, loved it so much that I didn't really plan to read Sea. However, I remembered that old adage, know your enemy. Plus, you had written it, so how could I not read it? Shera is still my favorite, but I enjoyed reading about Calder and the other side of things too. Whatever you decide about the next releases, I will buy and read them when they are available.
4/18/2015 09:04:16 am
Interestingly enough, there are apparently many people out there who read Shadow, enjoyed it, and then didn't read Sea.
4/26/2015 06:29:57 am
I agree with you to some extent. The ship/crew banter definitely gave Calder a leg up. However, Lucan was by far my favorite character in the first set, giving a narrow win to Shera. 4/30/2015 12:17:34 am
You liked Lucan the most? I've never heard anyone say that before.
4/18/2015 01:57:34 pm
I love your writing style and I'd love to hear more about the greenwardens because I feel like that would be a great way to talk about more of the world outside of the gray island and the giant floating dead body
4/23/2015 10:44:50 am
There's a little bit on the Gray Island, but the giant floating dead body makes no appearance, don't worry. I'm mixing the settings up a little more.
4/19/2015 01:48:50 am
As a Valinhall fan to my very core, I would love to see more of the battle hardened Champions. On the matter of the release date, I truthfully laud you for taking on such a challenge. However, just as your revision of House of Blades made a significant difference in my reading experience, whatever results in a more polished product is ideal for me.
4/23/2015 10:33:45 am
As you may have noticed, I tend to value quick releases over polish. That said, I THINK that separating them will make it easier to edit them one at a time. I'll be interested in seeing whether that actually holds up in reality.
5/17/2015 05:11:36 am
Flashback cameo of Valin and Urzaia meeting during Valin's travels plz!
4/19/2015 12:38:07 pm
I think you should release them at the same time again. It was nice reading them one after another. I would like to learn more about the greenwardens and of course more about the blackwatch because I really liked bliss she is one of my favorite characters I did prefer Calders' story more by the way, but it was awesome getting the whole picture form both books. I really would like to know more about the unknown wanderer, the observations of the unknown wander peek my interest.
4/23/2015 10:44:18 am
Well, you're definitely getting some more Blackwatch. And that includes more Bliss, because I love Bliss. She's one of those characters that came right off the top of my head; from concept to execution, she's been one of the easiest characters for me to write. I could write her all day.
4/25/2015 12:39:52 pm
hey whatever works, but I'm glad to hear we get more Bliss!
4/21/2015 03:46:12 am
I really love the idea of the paired books, and I'd prefer to see the rest of the trilogy released in that same manner, but I'll enjoy reading them however they come out.
4/23/2015 10:46:06 am
Yeah, I like the paired books as well. I definitely LIKE it better if they come out together, it's just a question of what's more efficient. The way Amazon links and ranks books, it's possible that they'll get more exposure if I launch separately.
4/22/2015 05:03:15 am
If you release them separately, I will just wait to start reading until they are both out. I enjoyed having them parallel so much, I am committed to the process ha ha.
4/23/2015 10:32:13 am
I enjoy the parallel dynamic as well, and I'm committed to it. But in terms of how they launched, I think the two books competed with each other too much.
4/22/2015 10:25:43 pm
I started with shadow just because I'm such a sucker for assassins/spies/thieves. I blame David Eddings and Silk, they messed me up some 20 years ago.
4/23/2015 10:29:50 am
Henrik, you've hit one of the major reasons why I want to try this. Instead of waiting until both books are finished, I can release one and then the other.
4/25/2015 11:51:31 am
I would prefer to have them come out at the same time otherwise I feel like you are putting a sequence to them.
4/29/2015 01:32:17 am
Yeah, I'd rather release them together. I'm only considering not doing so for practical concerns, which suck.
4/27/2015 07:33:40 pm
I would like to see them come out at the same time. It's...distinctive I think for this series, and fun to read. As far as the guilds go, I would like to see more of the majister, the blackwatch of course, and the champions. I would also like to learn more about the workings of the alchemists, especially regarding their internal divisions. As far as favorite characters go I liked both Caldor and Shera. They are both distinctive, Shera in that she is basically a savant for her guilds strengths even as she considers leaving it, Calder on the other hand feels more like a character who is similar to a jack of all trades, but actually takes the time to master a particular skill in each guild he has been in. I kinda wonder if we won't see him enter another guild, adding their abilities to his particular skill set. Whatever you decide with the release I am looking forward to the next set of books. On a separate note would be interested to know if you intent to write more books in the travelers gate series, or for that matter if you intend perhaps to introduce the two worlds together at some point...the comments about the possible origins of the Elder's and of some of the Territories, in particular Valinhall, and the Winter Tower (especially the Cold One I believe it was called) make it seem somewhat...plausible?
5/19/2015 09:40:49 am
Honestly, I'm still trying to decide how much I'm going to emphasize the multiverse thing. For now, it's just a convenient way to include Easter eggs: technically, Valin could have gone anywhere.
5/19/2015 09:55:14 am
Oh, I completely agree--no massive intertwining! You've already shown that this world is very diverse from the TG world, and it'd be a shame to make one seem dependent upon another.
5/7/2015 03:48:23 am
Hey Will, just a quick (and a little late) note from yet, another fan: I don't mind the order, as long Shera will be the first one :)
5/19/2015 09:46:46 am
You're in luck! Shera's first this time!
5/19/2015 05:39:22 pm
okeay! ^_^
David Deschuiteneer
5/8/2015 08:01:41 am
I thoroughly enjoyed the dual release, I read shadows first and then sea right after. I'm glad I did because I liked to see Shera from a more complete perspective rather than simply getting glimpses of her in Sea.
5/19/2015 09:48:11 am
That was my thinking, David. I wanted to try a different method with this set, and then whichever one worked better, I'd go with that for the third pair.
5/9/2015 11:33:31 am
I really enjoyed the dual release and switched back and forth between books frequently. It interesting and something new to experience and I feel that the series would be less interesting with staggered releases.
5/19/2015 09:49:46 am
I agree, I'd like to release them together. It's more fun and unique. But I feel like I have to try this in order to know the answer: DO the simultaneously released books compete with one another?
5/12/2015 01:06:03 pm
I absolutely loved the uniqueness of the dual publishing, but I hadn't considered how they would compete with each other, which of course drops the books on the rankings.
5/19/2015 09:46:07 am
I considered releasing them together, which would have worked perfectly well for this series (though I would have shortened most of the redundant scenes, had I gone that route). However, I wanted to try out the parallel thing. The more I learn about it, the better I can use it in the future.
5/14/2015 06:39:22 am
As long as you agree to publish the Calder novel first =) Just kidding... In all seriousness, that seems like a good plan on the face of it. I wouldn't even mind if you stagger the novels more if that means we could get to see one every 6 months instead of waiting a year (for instance... don't read that as a suggestion to rush).
5/14/2015 07:15:31 am that I think about it a bit more. I wouldn't mind hearing more about the Blackwatch... especially in regards to their interactions with the Elders who are pretty intriguing with their individual goals and peculiarities. Any excuse to feature Bliss would be great =) Unraveling the knot with the Imperial Guild and Jarelys with Calder would be interesting too.
5/19/2015 09:43:11 am
If I did it that way, it would be one book every 3 months, instead of a pair every 6 months.
Brian S
5/19/2015 09:14:37 am
I'd say release them in whatever way would be most convenient for you.
5/19/2015 09:36:35 am
Yeah, my thoughts are along the same lines. Artistically, I'd rather release them both together, just to emphasize the parallel release thing as much as possible. But it looks like the books competed with each other last time due to the way Amazon's ranking system works, so I want to see if releasing them a little apart solves that problem.
Paden R
5/19/2015 03:31:54 pm
Personally I'd buy both at the same time, but you are also one of a handful of authors that I unambiguously buy whatever you put out. You have yet to disappoint.
5/20/2015 12:36:00 am
Thanks for your faith in me, Paden! I'll try not to let you down in the future.
6/29/2015 10:52:47 am
Not so much about a Guild as a talent, for me. Readers are fascinating - that's what makes Lucan, Calder and even the Emperor so compelling. I do wonder if a Reader could give Intent to people like you can to objects, then Awaken the person. What would that make him or her? What if a wife gave Intent to her husband for 10 years? Almost seems like that's what the Elders' leave-behinds are doing to Bliss and some of the other Guild Heads. I mean, just imagine how powerful Shera could be if Syphren passed intent into her, then Lucan (or Syphren) Awakened Shera.
6/29/2015 10:55:32 am
Forgot to mention - simultaneous release is cool. Not a big deal if 4-6 weeks apart. I read slowly. And I read Shadow first which made Sea that much better.
7/24/2015 04:15:11 pm
I just finished the first set and I wish other authors attempted this. I can think of a few other series of books that would have benefited from this type of launch rather than slowing the pace of the story in order to capture multiple perspectives in one book.
7/29/2015 02:49:23 am
Thanks, Kate! There are some cool potential advantages to this structure, many of which I haven't had the chance to explore with this series. I might try it again later, depending on how this experiment works out.
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