It’s been about a month since Ghostwater came out, so I thought it was time for me to check in! I took about a week off and then got back to work, but I haven’t been very communicative in the last few weeks. I needed some time in my hole. Sorry especially to the people who have emailed me recently; I let that get away from me during the Ghostwater process.
Speaking of which, Ghostwater sold about twenty thousand units in June! That counts ebook sales, paperback sales, and Kindle Unlimited reads. I know the number doesn’t mean a whole lot out of context, so here’s some context: that’s a lot of books. Thanks so much, everybody! These books are a joy to work on! Speaking of which, I’ll be revealing the rest of the Elder Empire covers soon! All six paintings are complete, all by the talented Micah Epstein, and they’re just waiting to cover some books! Thanks for reading, as always, and I’ll be back soon! -Will
7/6/2018 01:30:45 pm
Wow, great sales. Like a great many people, I'm looking forward to Underlord, but it'll be great to get OKAK.
7/7/2018 12:58:42 am
I do not know how many more times I can read Ghostwater, and I know it has only been a month since release, but what is time to an addict. #cravingUnderlord
7/6/2018 01:52:50 pm
I've only read Ghostwater three times so far, so I'd say it was a mixed success. That reminds me, I should re-read Ghostwater.
7/7/2018 01:50:34 pm
Or maybe several progress bars, like Sanderson does?
7/10/2018 05:53:16 pm
Well, it wouldn't be a secret in that we we wouldn't know you were working on a secret project. With a secret project tracker bar we would be privy to the secret that you would currently be working on a secret project, but we wouldn't be privy to the secret of the secret project itself.
7/23/2018 12:29:28 am
Yes. Let us in on tier5 of the secret... the fact that the secret even exists... i like this idea.
7/6/2018 02:44:43 pm
Congrats on the successful launch!
7/6/2018 03:01:14 pm
Glad to be at least 4 of those after some friends finally listened and got into the series.
7/6/2018 03:25:28 pm
Need more Lindon, where is Underlord????
7/6/2018 03:50:32 pm
It was a great book, looking forward to Underlord and the rest of your books. Keep up the good work!
7/6/2018 05:27:43 pm
Will, I was one of those clamoring for EE more than Cradle. But Ghostwater...oh it was so so damn wonderful. Easily my favorite Cradle and now my favorite Will. Thank you mate.
7/11/2018 05:41:19 pm
You got several from my house as well Will!! Speaking of that my wife is currently very frustrated with you! She cussed for a good hour after she finished Ghostwater and realized Underlord does not yet exist.. That being said you are now her favorite writer!! And she is going through your other series while she waits for Underlord to show itself. Great work in all your series!! We can't wait to read more.
7/17/2018 03:06:07 pm
Of course she has excellent taste!! That is why she picked me!! 😁
7/6/2018 11:15:54 pm
Love all the books you put out. I am really excited for OKAK! And although I think it was already mentioned maybe an a
7/7/2018 08:08:25 am
This one was my favorite yet! I can't wait for the next one!
Sword Immortal Darknorth
7/7/2018 09:43:00 am
Congrats Will on being a successful self published author (I assume this counts as successful? I don't know how many sales you need a month to count as successful.)
Sword Immortal Darknorth
7/13/2018 06:37:22 pm
Then congratulations! Celebrate your victory! Through your years of toil you have built a throne atop the fallen corpses of countless lesser writers and cultivated your way that much closer to the Apex of the publishing world!
Alex Jeffries
7/7/2018 12:48:24 pm
Question: Which of the 4 eligible Cradle books would you prefer your readers support for the Dragon Awards? I would nominate Unsouled, but its publication date falls 3 weeks too early.
Bruce Almighty
7/8/2018 01:49:15 pm
I voted for ghostwater for best fantasy novel.
7/7/2018 03:01:40 pm
I’m just one reader of many, and I absolutely loved ghostwater, but I feel like with all the pressure to keep moving forward the little things are missed. Even just the small details of blackflame compared to ghostwater truly stand out like the crabs on the wall, the little apartments in the bones, the details of the training dummies, the furniture orthos eats at the end, the scene where we see the Aurelius family’s.. distribution centers?, the inner conflict of cassias and his own small side story, the rankings and small side plot of the other golds in the empire compared to yerin and Lindon, the description and way we were introduced to the caverns orthos was in, the descriptions for the techniques just for even traveling the long trek between the black flame trials and the city- small worldbuilding details that really added up together to the substance of blackflame. I reread blackflame five times and got something new from it each time, but for ghostwater my second run through I didn’t as much at all. And while i’m hungry to know what happens next, this one would ask that you flesh out the next cradle book further instead of advancing quickly. Sometimes longer isn’t better, but I think in your case your writing truly shines when you take time with the details. If you feel as though you did, please scratch all I just wrote. I only think that ghostwater was potentially a massive story arc, compared to even the sacred valley or blackflame, and I want to emphasize I really really loved it, I just wish it was thicker.
7/9/2018 09:41:25 am
Truthfully, I regretted my post as soon as I pressed submit. I probably just feel that way because I’ve read blackflame so many times, and I didn’t take enough time between iterations of ghostwater to get something new. I’m starting an unsouled-through-ghostwater read through with my significant other today (I’ve been trying to get her to read it forever) and I’m sure I’ll feel differently by the end. I apologize for my hasty critique.
Chris N
7/16/2018 08:34:45 pm
@Walter I get a little bit of what you're saying but I think Ghostwater will grow on you more in the future. I think that difference in detail is probably more a difference in focus and not actually a difference in detail. It feels to me much more like Blackflame has a wider focus and begins introducing Lindon to the wider world of Cradle and so has more world-building details and a wider focus and feel. It's almost like a Trek or external journey story of growth. In contrast Ghostwater is almost like a focused retreat, and so a more internal story of growth. In Blackflame I felt like we learned much more about Cradle and the larger story, but in Ghostwater I felt like we learned a great deal more about the path of advancement and what it means, in personal ways, to be a sacred artist. There's enormous detail and amazing facts there in terms of that internal path of a sacred artist, so just different type of detail than the externally-focused detail in Blackflame.
Chris N
7/17/2018 02:16:51 pm
I should clarify when I say Blackflame above, I actually probably meant both Blackflame and Skysworn. Those two have started merging together for me, haha... Skysworn has a bit more external focus than Blackflame but both have more world building than Ghostwater which is much more about the sacred artist's path imo.
7/18/2018 12:50:19 pm
Now that you say that, I completely agree with you about internal vs external, thank you 😊
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
7/8/2018 06:34:39 am
I know this has been asked before, but I feel a pressing need to ask it again: when you update the EE covers, will previously purchased editions on Kindle be updated as well?
>it depends on how fickle Amazon is feeling at the moment
The Questionable One
7/8/2018 09:50:53 am
So Will,
7/9/2018 12:03:55 am
Hi, very engaging series [Cradle]. When can we expect Underlord available for Kindle? Can't wait to learn what happens next to Lindon and the crew.
7/9/2018 08:37:59 am
He got a *presence*?!
7/12/2018 11:58:42 am
Yeah configured dross was like the weaker version of a presence. He doesn't have enough information stored like how Suriels one does. he probably also doesn't have all it's functions.
8/19/2018 06:29:42 pm
But that baby Presence is something even a Monarch doesn't have!
7/9/2018 01:29:44 pm
Hey, I just finished Ghostwater, it was pretty good, but the first part was a bit frustrating to read, because it felt like you (the author) weren't satisfied unless every step that Lindon took was walked barefoot on broken glass.
7/9/2018 10:20:49 pm
Have you not picked up on how London is constantly, almost laughably forced into situations where he has to punch way above his weight class? Fate itself is now literally forcing him to grow beyond Cradle or die. I don’t know how you expect him to not struggle mightily given the odds against him on the reality of his situation.
7/15/2018 12:22:20 pm
<Now let's remember, at this point he is a lowgold with a bloodforged iron body. He was fine and rested, stepped through a portal, had a short scuffle, escaped, killed a fish, walked to safety and collapsed, all in what felt like less than 15 minutes. Then he wakes up feeling super weak. That's not a lot of stamina.>
10/5/2018 01:35:21 am
Well, the purification wheel feels horrific by design. If you don't feel horrible, you're doing it wrong.
12/6/2018 12:32:27 am
I think you forgot the part where he was dragging a dragon turtle the entire way to the new bubble.
7/9/2018 01:43:19 pm
Hey Will.
7/9/2018 10:39:26 pm
I have loved everything Cradle and Travelers Gate but not sure how to start the other series. Is there a "right" perspective to start with?
Chris N
7/17/2018 02:29:56 pm
Nice! Which reader for Cradle?
One with a desire to see the covers
7/9/2018 11:25:13 pm
Could we SEE these covers, by any chance, before the book(s) come out?
7/10/2018 04:25:05 am
Will thanks for introducing me to this wonderful world of cradle, not just cradle but the whole Willverse. If i could, i would put so much intent (OKAK style) into this comment so you could hurry up and give us something to hold our thirst at bay. Thanks man.
7/18/2018 12:06:02 pm
I wish u had a dream well.
7/10/2018 03:27:39 pm
Well I think I read the series for the fourth time after ghostwater came out in preparation, then I read ghostwater like three times, then I read through the whole series again twice so I would say a resounding success, if there is any way you can release underlord early pleeeaseeeee do. #cravingUnderlord
7/10/2018 07:09:26 pm
I still want the book about the ex detective prostitute and the city of London murdered
7/18/2018 12:51:43 pm
Isn’t that greywalker?
7/14/2018 04:36:55 pm
I would love to see Lindon fight at his weight class a bit more. Just a series of fights where he easily crushes his opponents “One Punch Man” style
7/16/2018 07:14:12 am
I think that’d be fun, especially if he gets used to it and thinks he’s tough stuff, then gets slapped down really hard getting lippy with Eithan.
7/16/2018 07:23:55 am
It’d also be really interesting/fun to see and go back to that inner competition within the blackflame empire. Especially with the competition coming up, people will probably be skeptical of his ranking and demand him to prove himself, or consider his advancement too quick and think he’s lying, then forcing him to prove himself. I’d also love to see more variance/creativity in lindon’s applications of his moves, since that’s been his defining trait since the beginning: cunning and resourcefulness with a limited amount of resources.
Chris N
7/17/2018 02:33:23 pm
Ooh! So that means Mercy then will finally fully advance to Highgold and then Truegold? And why hasn't she already fully advanced? I get the that she has access to higher levels earlier with her path, but is it part of her path then that she doesn't advance as fast? Is there a reason she's advancing slower than others?
stephen eric
7/20/2018 10:57:33 am
7/18/2018 01:50:08 am
Well, there is that moment in Skysworn where he defeats the... the grey dude?... with one punch. It happens right before Lindon meets Mercy. Technically we have been shown Lindon fighting in his "weight class". They couldn't handle him. Hilariously enough immediately after that he gets his ass kicked by the admissions test (which I'm only a little sure is because of Orthos).
7/16/2018 09:39:44 am
Tremendous enjoyment our of this series so far. I wanted to wait until it was complete to start it, but I enjoyed OKAK so much, that I ran out of reading material. Buzzed through the first three twice while waiting for 4.
7/16/2018 03:15:00 pm
I started reading this series a week ago thanks to prodding from my son. Now that I have finished the first 5 I am going to practice patience in waiting for #6. Such great books I am pushing them on my friends already. Thank you so much.
7/16/2018 09:12:18 pm
Hmm, it seems Will has gone silent again. No sign of him on social media or on this blog, or even on discord. Which means he isn't even gaming.
Ordinarily I do only go isolated because I'm writing, but in fact I just spent the last week hanging out with my friends. I'm back now, but I'm leaving for a conference in St. Louis on Thursday, after which I do have a cabin booked for a no-holds-barred writing marathon!
7/17/2018 03:13:15 pm
Where can we get an invite to your discord?
7/17/2018 04:35:49 pm
7/17/2018 09:44:51 am
Oh my goodness!!!! I just realized that the mini presence could function a little bit like Eithan’s power and there could be a really funny interaction between the two if he keeps quiet about it and let’s Eithan figure out himself!
7/25/2018 07:14:43 pm
I hope he gets one anyway. When he becomes a guardian. Yeah, I said it. I don't want spoilers or hints or anything - I'll take the comedy, or tragedy or brilliance as it comes.
7/18/2018 10:50:30 am
Just wondering when we'll get another blog post and/or progress bar update. I'm jonesing for some news on the Will front!
7/20/2018 07:42:12 pm
Probably after Will gets back from his no-holds-barred Henry David Thoreau style writing session.
7/23/2018 12:39:26 am
I appreciate the fan girling stalking skillzzz.. although will may not
7/18/2018 01:04:38 pm
I’m not sure if I even want to know, but will we see Elder Whisper again? Is he disguising himself as a fox, but is something else? Sacred Valley’s past coming back? IM SO GLAD IM REREADING UNSOULED AGAIN, AH!
7/18/2018 02:12:32 pm
After this I’m just going to save up all my questions for the next blog post, but why don’t we see lindon try to make any deals with remnants again like he did with the wasps? It seemed like his primary go-to when he had very little madra, with the ancestral tree too, but now he has a lake of pure maxes compared to before, and binding remnants to pacts and keeping them as servants/backup seems like something he’d almost prefer to cutting them up and using their parts (not that he’d turn down a super awesome soulsmithing gig).
7/18/2018 06:55:32 pm
Hi! Loved the book so much, went back and reread traveler's gate and cradle twice to prep for it. A couple of questions about Eithan. Has he been working on advancement at all during the series? And how come he isn't the top ranked underlord? He seems to have so much more power than literally everyone!
8/3/2018 12:47:57 am
My take on Eithan is that he doesn't care about being ranked #1 underlord because he has goals. The responsibilities that come with the top rank would take up time and resources that he wants to focus on advancing with people that would be companions on his journey through the sacred arts. Remember when he revealed himself to Lindon and Yerin the first time he explained how lonely it was because as you advance you leave more and more of the the people you know behind. The path of a sacred artist is only 1 person wide
7/19/2018 09:20:28 pm
I am eagerly awaiting any news on when Underlord will be released.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
7/20/2018 07:49:59 pm
Probably not until the OKAK books are published. But that's fine by me. After all, the OKAK books tie into the Abidan storyline, which we kind of missed out on in Ghostwater. Not that I minded. It was somewhat refreshing to have a structurally simpler book that was focused on Lindon's personal growth.
7/23/2018 12:43:40 am
I really loved okak actually, bought them when they were first written. It was a very cool concept that helped with worldbuilding / pacing / perspective (to me).
7/27/2018 09:41:12 am
I agree that the series is just impressive as hell from a pure writing standpoint. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is to keep the two concurrent storylines going. The problem is that it was just as difficult for me as a reader to do so. I had an incredibly difficult time keeping the two seperate. Especially as the 'tone' of the whichever character was the antagonist varried based upon which viewpoint the story was in. Or rather our perception of the character changed I should say. If Will does another series like this in the future, he might consider doing several books totally from one characters point of view...then several from the others viewpoint. Then make the last book in the series a combination of both...switching back and forth between viewpoints within one story is a normal technique. *shrug* Although I'm not the kick-ass author, so what do I really know? :)
7/20/2018 11:14:52 pm
Does the website look different?
7/21/2018 06:58:39 pm
Yes. Yes it does.
7/22/2018 12:02:04 am
Shady Upvote Dealer
7/22/2018 12:08:08 am
I claim complete credit for all of this. I left a positive review on Will's Gateways product listing during his giveaway complimenting his blog.
7/23/2018 04:15:41 am
The significant other loves it! She started unsouled and is up through 15% of blackflame in one day! 😈 The fanbase grows; she said she had a dream about cycling her core.
Chris N
8/2/2018 01:22:37 pm
ha, you might be dreaming of cycling because that's your body telling you it needs something, which I'd suggest is taking up Qigong and Tai Chi, which is the actual basis for these cycling techniques. Not sure if you're aware but several of these cycling techniques in Wuxia novels have real-world counterparts in Qigong, such as Embryonic Breathing, Small Circulation Breathing, Grand Circulation Breathing, etc.
8/1/2018 07:36:03 am
OMG I can't believe I missed the launch of this book by an entire month. Just finished it now though, tried to hold my self back to not devour it in just a day :D Whoa, chapter 18 was truly awesome! Will, please keep this series coming as fast as u can and we'll keep buying! Love it! :)
11/1/2018 02:31:16 pm
So, did anyone else mentally hear Dross's dialog in the voice of Wheatley from Portal 2?
11/27/2018 11:04:15 am
Wow. I listened-to/read your House of Blades series over a year ago and decided to go for Cradle since the second book came out on Audible. I ended up finishing the entire series (audible and then kindle for the rest of the books) in 3 weeks.
12/6/2018 12:45:58 am
Hey Will, fantastic story so far. Read a book a day and then found out this was the last book out and had to waste time on here reading comments from other readers!
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