EDIT 2: Finally, two and a half days later, the book is up in the UK, India, France, and Brazil! Just now! I have no idea why it took Amazon so long, nor why those domains all went up at the same time, but the book is available at last!
EDIT: I know it still isn't available in the UK, India, Brazil, or France. I have no idea why. Amazon often uploads to different regions at different times, but never before so staggered or so late. I've been calling and submitting support tickets, but I'll let you know when the book finally goes live in those regions. It's been available in other regions for a while now, but finally it is available in the US! Get it now! (Still not up in the UK as far as I can tell.) Shout out to the fans on Discord, who stayed up all night with me waiting. I was getting loopy there by the end; never thought it would take this long. -Will
6/1/2018 07:10:56 am
It is still not listed on your author page.
Alpha Reader
6/1/2018 07:19:22 am
it can take a while for amazon to get the rest of the page polished up, but here is the link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DFWZP9C/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1527862231&sr=8-16&keywords=ghostwater
6/1/2018 12:16:22 pm
I've finished Ghostwater and I'm so upset. Will please I need more
6/1/2018 02:10:00 pm
Upset? After reading Blackflame and especially Skysworn, I would say Ghostwater had easily one of the most satisfying endingsin the series so far, maybe only second to Soulsmith. I can't wait till the next book, but definitely not upset!
6/1/2018 07:15:17 am
Here's the link:
6/1/2018 07:15:42 am
I feel like I have been DDoS the UK servers for the last day
6/1/2018 07:22:09 am
it is in Amazon. When you search for the title, for some reason it doesn’t show up as the first book. You have to go to the second or third page and it will be there.
Path of the everlasting light
6/1/2018 07:47:27 am
I am in the uk so am still holding out but can’t wait! Does anyone know how much time has past in the book since skysworn?
The Last Reader
6/1/2018 07:48:12 am
Yeah I somehow ended up falling asleep on discord lol
6/1/2018 07:58:36 am
When will the paperback copy become available? I like to have a physical copy too.
6/1/2018 08:01:18 am
😑 why is it $5? It should be at least $7.99, if not $12-14. Bruh, coffee costs $5- people can afford supporting you if they can afford the internet to download it.
6/1/2018 09:21:06 am
It can't be over $9.99 because then Amazon will give Will 45% less royalties.
6/1/2018 02:13:27 pm
To be fair, it is a very short book, I just read it in 5 hours.
6/1/2018 10:11:40 pm
I don’t comment and I don’t worry about books. But I do think that Will is a great emerging author and deserves success and the right monetary compensation. So I will say, “Will, charge the correct amount that works for you. We will pay it with a smile.”
Thanks, everybody!
6/6/2018 06:08:15 am
Hmm interesting and good to know what cut amazon takes!! Is there any way to make over 65%? Sell a million copies?
6/13/2018 04:40:33 pm
How much do you make from those that use Amazon unlimited?
Nitin Shekhar
6/1/2018 08:11:00 am
Atleast Andrew Rowe's review is up everywhere. I so regret moving to India last year. Damn Amazon..
6/2/2018 03:12:18 am
Any idea when it will be up here?
Kyle Sims
6/1/2018 08:38:01 am
When will the hardcopy be available?
6/1/2018 08:59:10 am
Was having trouble finding it on the kindle store via kindle, but I was able to go to sci-fi/fantasy and search ‘ghostwater’ and it was on the second page 🙌🏼 TIME TO DIG IN
6/1/2018 10:38:09 am
So this is conflicting for me. Yay great effort to get it out Will - well done and all that. BUT.... I live in the UK and it’s not out here. Amazon.co.uk has no conception of it. And that’s what wrong! Is this about Brexit? It’s fucking Brexit again isn’t it?
6/2/2018 11:22:35 am
Jesus H Christ. I’ve been in Brighton for the weekend and I’m not going to lie, I’ve been drinking. But I’m furious with Boris “tousled haired prick” Johnson. I’m on the train home now and it’s still not available. I didn’t kill a man with my bare hands for this. I’ve been conned.
Stewart (slight return)
6/2/2018 11:30:39 am
Also “yes” I can see you said “72 hours” in your previous post. That’s not what I voted for. Some Yank wordmonger holding me to ransom with his linear notion of time. In our post-Brexit paradise we won’t be constrained by linear notions of time. Ball to you Will Wight. I’ve read the book before you published it because that’s the power of Brexit. I loved it and the thing you did really cleverly with the narrative structure and/or the plot. Well done big man. With you’re words. You can’t ransom us.
6/5/2018 06:03:53 pm
So. Mr Wight. If that is your name? Nice effort. I finally got the book, despite the best efforts of tousle haired philanderer Boris Johnson and man of the common people Jacob Rees Mogg. It was great. Thanks for putting the words together in such pleasing combinations. I liked Dross. The dialogue was better in this book than any other. Thanks very much for the effort.
6/1/2018 10:51:03 am
Still nothing in the UK grrr... Are we unsouled?
Julius Oluka
6/1/2018 10:56:14 am
Feel your pain @Stewart, I was eagerly waiting for it to come out since about 02:00 this morning. I just feel exhausted and numb. I am like, “when ever kit comes out, it comes out. Lost that initial enthusiasm.
6/1/2018 11:07:25 am
Lucky I took a trip to the US, otherwise I'd have to wait. Thanks for writing Will!
6/1/2018 11:22:22 am
Consider all like buttons smashed, subscription boxes hit, bells rung, and patreons donated to (insert emojis as neccessary, I don't know how to get them on pc). Fantastic work!
6/1/2018 10:13:04 pm
As you should have, boy.
6/1/2018 12:05:19 pm
Ok it’s 8pm and nothing in the uk, sorry Will will try tomorrow!
Bill Wong
6/1/2018 01:08:55 pm
Like and subscribe, but you don't ask for comments as well?! That's the secret to winning, obviously.
6/1/2018 01:54:33 pm
SO. GOOD. ah! A full-length adventure! No corners cut! YESSSSSS. -high five- I can finally start EE without regret!
6/1/2018 02:01:22 pm
I don’t even want to read it again yet! Maybe later tonight, or tomorrow. I’ve never done this with any series before, but I usually read through your releases twice in a row because they’re so good, but this was EXCELLENT! I couldn’t handle another go through immediately because I’m still cycling it! I hope you flesh out and really stretch everyone remaining’s limbs next, but BRAVO! I almost like this as much as soulsmith, but 100% a 2nd place, and it might climb to my top choice after reading it again like 6 more times, like I’ve read soulsmith. Gah! You’re too good! You’ve cranked out 5 books in a series in under a year while working on your other series too! 🙌🏼 Woooooh
6/1/2018 02:03:50 pm
Will its 10pm in the UK WHERE IS MY GHOSTWATER????
6/1/2018 04:45:00 pm
Ok when is the next book coming out?? Like I don't know how long I can wait... can you just crank out the next 10 books in this series so I can cycle them in a few days??? Best series I have read in years! I can't say enough about your work.. it is just spectacular!!
6/1/2018 02:37:03 pm
Is there an email address we can vent at Amazon at?
6/1/2018 02:37:13 pm
*Begin Spoiler*Quick question Will, did Lindon keep the axe? I don't see any mention of it after the fight?*End spoiler*
6/2/2018 06:52:45 am
There is really no excuse for Lindon not picking up everything that he can now that he has a void key to store things in. The axe had better be in there.
6/2/2018 11:27:16 pm
I thought the exclusion of any indication was purposeful. After he complained about not having a weapon and having the knowledge of Lindon's hoarding tendencies, we all knew that axe had found a spot in his void space. I was already guffawing in my head, at the thought of him rushing to grab it as soon as he went into Lord-mode, to see what it could do.
6/4/2018 12:03:08 pm
Considering that he's mentioned several times that he's wanted a weapon, I think it would be ok to assume he would take it. All it would take is" good thing I kept that axe " at some point in the next book. Although it is an underlord weapon. It'd be a little bit before he could use it and he might not feel the need for it since he has something that northstrider would consider a treasure.
6/6/2018 02:27:21 am
I agree we can just assume he took it based on his character you didn`t even have to mention it though Lindon might be in trouble if the Akura finds out he has it or a jealous underlord. I kinda assumed Lindon would be like Meng Hao from ISSH who would have shamelessly have removed the tiles and roof from a place like that if he could.
6/17/2018 06:56:38 pm
Finally got a chance to sit down and read it through today, after getting 2-3 pages at a time for 2 weeks.
6/1/2018 02:57:34 pm
Is Noble Realm an option vs. Lord Realm? Lord Realm just refuses to sit well with my brain.
6/1/2018 03:34:34 pm
Congratulations, Will. Fantastic book! You really knocked it out of the ballpark this time. I think this is your best book ever. I absolutely loved every word of it. I almost want to re-read it immediately.
6/4/2018 05:55:46 am
Will, your books are simply awesome!! Cradle is getting better with each book!!!
6/2/2018 08:37:08 pm
I completely agree...can't wait for Underlord
6/1/2018 04:01:40 pm
6/1/2018 04:24:17 pm
It’s great Will. As always I read voraciously, and was pretty damn satisfied. I love it, and am only frustrated that I must wait again for the next installment.
Alpha reader
6/7/2018 04:54:46 am
Huh, you know I had that one highlighted, but thought I did so because I didn't like the wording.
6/8/2018 02:10:07 pm
You’re the best Will.
Now that I've read it twice...
6/1/2018 05:03:31 pm
That was, in my opinion, the best book in the series yet! Now where do I find the next book? That aura source was far too small to feed my reading advancement.
6/1/2018 10:28:30 pm
I won't go as far as calling it the best as Soulsmith and Blackflame had bunches of good moments, but Ghostwater has the most progression and action. I miss Eithan and his banter!
6/1/2018 05:06:22 pm
You definitely knocked it out of the park this time! I would have to say that Ghostwater is my second favorite Cradle book to date following extremely closely on the heels of Soulsmith. I cannot wait for more books by you.
6/1/2018 08:22:52 pm
I reserve the right to change my mind on the matter at a later date, but soulsmith just has a certain je ne sais quoi that I loved. By the way, I left a brief review on Amazon.ca for Ghostwater.
6/1/2018 05:33:51 pm
Thanks Will, Ghostwater was worth the wait.
6/4/2018 05:58:47 am
No, no, no! Absolutely not! The hunger madra will not be satisfied....you must start on the next book immediately!
Ronald McDonald
6/1/2018 06:15:44 pm
Thanks Will! Please have OKAK done for me by the time I finish reading Ghostwater! Thanks.
6/1/2018 06:39:49 pm
Will! They aren't counting my review for Ghostwater as a verified review!
6/1/2018 06:40:54 pm
Bravo! I kinda cheated a lil and made an Australian Amazon acct. Haha I'll get the US version next. Thank you for an awesome new chapter.
6/1/2018 07:06:07 pm
Look at me, I'm the captain now. :D
Just finished the book
6/1/2018 08:28:12 pm
I loved it so much that some one could have kicked me in the giblets and I wouldn't noticed whilst in was reading that book.
6/1/2018 09:51:09 pm
Dang good book, after MY i had to buy it! Support Will!!!!!
6/1/2018 10:19:57 pm
Will, I don't like to complain but as someone who is living in the UK, the only place in the world it seems that can't read Ghostwater. I must ask when you uploaded it, did you accidently click that you don't have the rights to it in the UK? I'm sorry I know this is far-fetched but at the time of writing this it has been 28 hours since the first email you sent saying you uploaded Ghostwater of which it has been 17 hours since it has available everywhere but here. I know it takes longer in different places but it has never taken this long before.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on either, but everything is right on my end. Amazon UK has the book and they're not releasing it. It's not out in India, France, or Brazil either.
6/2/2018 11:37:13 am
I found a work around at least for those of us in the UK if you go to manage content on amazon.co.uk for the kindle and pick preferences you can change the region you're able to but book for the kindle on to the USA. If you then go onto amazon.com you can buy the book. just remember to change the region back as the changing the region doesn't stop you from reading books but if you have a kindle fire it could stop from seeing some films or listening to some music, also you have to buy the book in dollars.
6/1/2018 10:21:01 pm
I haven’t read Ghostwater yet because I need some solid time, uninterrupted to do it. Otherwise someone may be murdered for interrupting me. Just wanted to throw you an ego boost. Best authored I have read in a long time. Look forward to you being recognized as one of the greats in the field. You deserve it.
6/1/2018 10:36:55 pm
My Kindle is out of commission, so I won't be able to read Ghostwater until my new one comes in. I'm going to have to avoid your blog like the plague until it arrives though, so as to keep away from spoilers.
6/2/2018 01:42:02 am
For everyone, log in to your computer and use read.amazon.com. Your kindle may be dead but no need to miss out.
7/19/2018 06:47:52 pm
Download the kindle app for your phone. Then as long as you have a phone you can read. Hell I can't remember the last time I picked up an actually physical copy of a book.
6/1/2018 11:01:01 pm
I swear your books are Heroin injested through the eyes. I always keep coming back for me, while reading I feel satisfied and when it's over I always want more.
6/1/2018 11:01:46 pm
It's been awhile now since the last Cradle book was released. When is book 6 coming out? Tomorrow? Next week?
6/1/2018 11:19:34 pm
Yes. I have finished 5 and now my core requires 6 & 7.
6/1/2018 11:37:27 pm
Best book launch i'v ever done, damn! Will u have a sexy reading voice, WTB Will discord every book plz !!!11111
6/1/2018 11:41:31 pm
Another amazing entry... maybe the best in the series so far. Thanks for giving me such a great read!
6/2/2018 01:46:55 am
I liked this one sooo much better than Skysworn! Fighting for 1st place next to Soulsmith, followed by Blackflame. Still waiting to see what his Blackflame forging technique will be, but utterly satisfied right now.
6/2/2018 02:04:19 am
I must propose a motion to enshrine Will Wight as our God for bringing Little Blue to our lives.
There was a typo in the first draft of this book that said Little Blue was six FEET tall instead of six inches, so I had all my beta readers thinking she had somehow grown to the height of a human woman and she was still sitting on Lindon's shoulder and lying flat on his head and everything.
6/2/2018 03:43:56 am
Ok...just finished reading Ghostwater!! Awesome!!
bill warrilow
6/2/2018 04:57:32 am
just contacted amazon.co.uk - no sign of ghostwater on the site as of 1pm saturday 2/6/18. very frustrating!
6/2/2018 06:18:42 am
It’s killing me
6/2/2018 05:36:11 am
It’s great Will. As always I read voraciously, and was pretty damn satisfied. I love it, and am only frustrated that I must wait again for the next installment.
6/2/2018 05:37:06 am
Whoops, accidental repost
6/2/2018 07:07:24 am
Still not available at Amazon Brazil, Jesus Christ.
I really appreciate that, man. Sorry for the weird release; it's never been so staggered between the different regions before, nor has it taken so long in three or four years. I don't know what the deal is. We'll have to try something different next launch.
6/2/2018 10:34:32 am
Ghostwater just felt like the culmination of everything that lindon has strived for since Blackflame, and i don't know how to word properly, but the execution/pace/flow of the story just felt natural.
6/2/2018 07:35:00 am
Perhaps my favorite book in the series...
6/2/2018 04:41:15 pm
Well, since you mentioned this... I'm gonna swoop in with this idea and pray you don't take offense.
I'm certainly not offended, Chris, but I doubt I'll ever do that.
6/3/2018 03:21:34 pm
Plus you don't get paid to make old books new. You get paid to make new books. As nice as it is to try and make the best books you can make, you need to make a living. Investing your time in stuff that won't pay isn't a wise business decision.
6/2/2018 08:45:26 am
When will it be available in India?
6/2/2018 09:31:55 am
No way to know. We are soon heading into 48 hr territory.
6/2/2018 09:09:06 am
Great book! I can imagine many things you can do with all you have set up so far in the story. That said, I hope I don't have to imagine too long. So... when is the next Cradle book coming out? I know its only been a day but I feel like Lindon right after an advancement. I'm already excited for the next one.
6/2/2018 10:00:51 am
I don’t suppose you’re willing to reconsider 13 single book installments for 13 3-story arc installments 😅 I’m already getting separation anxiety since you’re so prolific
6/2/2018 10:07:28 am
Just a heads-up, when searching Amazon, both "will wight" and "ghostwater", it doesn't show up until page 2. If you restrict to Kindle store only, it's about halfway down the first page.
6/2/2018 12:32:21 pm
At Location 3659, it reads "Lindon ducks, and the swipe of the axe
6/2/2018 12:55:55 pm
Yeah your right
6/3/2018 04:58:41 am
Just think if Amazon had actually managed a world wide release you might have managed higher.
Nitin Shekhar
6/2/2018 10:44:37 am
So amazon India uploaded the title yesterday but didn't allow you to download. There is a change finally. They have removed the link.
6/2/2018 09:16:27 pm
This has become frustrating now
Need more
6/2/2018 01:53:11 pm
You know when you finish binge watching a TV series... That how I feel after finishing your book... It's never enough, I'll never be satisfied, need more now
6/2/2018 01:54:52 pm
And like a TV show, there’s more on the way...next season!
6/2/2018 04:52:59 pm
So... Fall?
6/2/2018 06:11:55 pm
I think I am the only one here who liked the first four books more than this one. I liked this one too, but I had problems with Lindon's arc. I know you needed some way of achieving parity between Lindon and Yerin but I just felt that Lindon was way too lucky in this book (like Harry Potter lucky!). While many parts of the book were brilliant, I really would have liked to see Yerin doing something more .....substantial. Still, now that they are all together I am hopeful that thins will be back to normal. And Akura Mercy is a fantastic addition to the group!
6/2/2018 07:47:11 pm
Kass, I can see your point, but luck has nothing to do with Lindon's progression/power up/etc here. Eithan is on the hot seat to provide a credible defense against the Dreadgods and he needs to get his pieces up to speed, ASAP! And well all new how he views rules and customs. I agree it would have been nice to have Yerin's arc be 'actively' more substantial. However, I think that that would have disrupted the over all story flow too much. Yerin did need some time to adjust to her new/updated guest.
6/2/2018 09:48:58 pm
While I do agree that Lindon was very lucky, Its honestly not to the point it is in most Wuxia/Xianxia novels. Every "Lucky Break" Lindon encounters in the book has a reasonable explanation behind it. Yerin could have had a bit more screen-time, but honestly I didn't feel that it was all that much of a problem.
6/2/2018 09:50:28 pm
I get what you're saying, but at the same time, Lindon is the one I really came here to see. Sure, Eithan, Yerin, and Mercy are all point-of-view protagonists, but Lindon is the Main Character with a capital MC. We don't want him to be playing second fiddle in terms of awesomeness to the rest of the cast for the duration of the story.
6/2/2018 08:18:31 pm
I really loved Ghostwater, I even liked it a little bit more than unsouled. The pacing seemed allot better than the previous two novels and felt more complete. I am really looking forward to where this is going next. Cheers!
6/2/2018 08:39:33 pm
Can't wait for Underlord...Also, someone should make a cradle videogame
6/2/2018 11:06:07 pm
Hey Will, I'm glad to hear about the excellent reception of Ghostwater and I was just wondering how it's been doing on Amazon across the board so far. Have there been any noteworthy achievements so far from this release?
6/2/2018 11:11:20 pm
Any estimate on a release date for Underlord?
6/3/2018 08:20:55 am
And the UK has finally rejoined civilization....
6/3/2018 09:58:25 am
6/3/2018 10:15:19 am
Will you really made my day, just finished reading Gostwater can't wait for Underlord.
6/3/2018 11:48:17 am
Finished Ghostwater same day it came out because I was spending time at work reading it haha.
6/3/2018 11:58:19 am
While not being completely similar, the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound has a lot of the same aspects, but with more LitRPG-elements. It's on royalroad if you want to check it out.
6/3/2018 11:56:44 am
Gaaaaah, I'm not ready to wait another 8-9 months for Underlord, if the wait is as long as between SS and GW. That's not soon. That's an eternity. Love your books Willy, but you're too slow. A book a week is a more appropriate pace.
6/3/2018 12:58:06 pm
Wooo. Read the book in one sitting over a few hours and it is as good as ever! Seriously fun and one of my favorite series right now.
6/3/2018 02:02:45 pm
Love the new book!
Path of Next Book
6/3/2018 02:16:09 pm
So when is the next book, Underlord?
Another guy
6/3/2018 02:51:39 pm
Suu suu sudio
Matt Steel
6/3/2018 04:46:00 pm
OMG, just finished. I am floored. I was literally squealing to myself for the last 10%. Amazing job Will. I have to admit that the first time I read skysworn I thought it didn't feel complete (although after re-reading it in preparation for ghostwater I didn't feel that way), but ghostwater completely makes up for it. The cradle series is my absolute favorite and it's amazing that you can release them at the pace you've been. I really hope that this brings you a monarch-level book/tv/movie deal.
6/4/2018 02:57:14 am
I really loved Ghostwater. I'm going to say it's probably my favorite with Soulsmith being a close second. The addition of Dross was fantastic and everyone's POV was really enjoyable. I especially liked the Yerin / Lindon moment near the end. I know you don't like romance, but the slow development between those two is really nice. So many authors go from introduction to "OMG I'd die for you, you're my one true love" within 3 hours of characters meeting, and it is ridiculous. I was thrilled to see Lindon finally get to do some Soulsmithing. Looking forward to more of that.
6/4/2018 06:02:53 am
I don’t think Lindon and Yerin are necessarily heading towards romance. They could be just best friends.
6/6/2018 06:08:21 pm
I agree, I have a feeling that Jai Long and his sister will be back.
6/4/2018 05:18:47 am
Sean M.
6/4/2018 07:39:37 am
***mega spoilers***
Scott Nichols
6/4/2018 10:32:27 am
6/4/2018 10:58:10 am
All creature and creations in these worlds are part of the Way, but I don't think Dross has any more access to the way than anyone else. If he does it can only be accessed under specific circumstances. This is illustrated by the fact that Dross made a mistake in the instructions given to Lindon when fighting Akura Harmony. It's also shown by the fact he didn't realize what the Sun was upon going outside.
6/5/2018 09:36:19 am
I agree that dross isnt fully connected to the way because of ozriel's wish for them to grow outside of the way and if he is connected to the way it will go against that in the long run
6/4/2018 06:03:45 am
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
6/11/2018 09:41:20 am
Spot on
6/4/2018 01:51:26 pm
6/4/2018 02:07:38 pm
Since the Body and Spirit have to be reforged in Soulfire, I have to wonder if it will be NECESSARY to advance both at the same time, otherwise I would think one of the cores would be crippled, stuck at it's current level since it wasn't ready for the reforging.
6/4/2018 02:23:14 pm
Yep those were my thoughts exactly..
6/4/2018 02:35:10 pm
My thoughts on Ethan' s advancement is that he was waiting for Lindon and Yerin to become Underlords so as to have subordinates that could back him up. (Else the Naru clan might ...off him for being a threat, with both Lindon &Yerin he has backup and they would hesitate to attack an Overlord and 2 Underlord.)
6/4/2018 02:39:02 pm
I also have to think that when Lindon Advances to Underlord, that the reforging of his body will give him back his real arm OR somehow make his replacement actually more a part of him somehow.
6/4/2018 02:47:39 pm
Actually I think Dross will help Lindon forge a new arm that's gonna whoop asses
6/5/2018 08:04:35 am
6/5/2018 03:24:28 pm
Eithan said in the end of Skysworn that Northstrider is presumed to be dead. I think he wants everyone to keep thinking so and that's why he didn't save Harmony.
6/5/2018 09:30:13 pm
I think you're coming to the wrong conclusions from his actions. I don't think Northstrider cares what the rest of the world thinks. Whether or not the world realizes he is alive is irrelevant. I think it's more likely that the only reason they think je is dead is that nobody has seen him in decades. He is presumed dead, no one has ever stated that he has been confirmed to be dead.
6/6/2018 10:19:32 am
Northstrider didn't notice that a cage had been opened and that an eye of the deep was removed from the tree.
6/6/2018 06:55:07 pm
Northstrider does notice that something had been taken from the Tree. He notices it while he's transfering all the knowledge the Tree has gathered and halts the transfer to read the it's history and find out what. That's how he knows that Lindon was able to create a living construct. The Tree has Dross' information from up until Lindon got him out.From his response it doesn't look like the Tree recorded what happened afterward with Dross, which is why he isn't more curious.
6/4/2018 04:41:01 pm
I finished Ghostwater last night. Another great episode and you always leave us wanting more. I liked the extras/alternative scenes at the end.
6/4/2018 04:45:18 pm
Ah, yes 2 people have definitely mentioned the Malice/Harmony issue in earlier comments.
6/5/2018 08:18:34 am
I agree on Dross being great, my favorite and the most important outcome in the book IMHO.
Dan who loved the post credits scenes
6/4/2018 09:33:49 pm
Will, I really liked the post credits scenes (don’t know what else to call them in a book). I’ve never gone past the last page before and just happened to keep swiping.
6/5/2018 08:19:48 am
stephen e
6/4/2018 09:44:51 pm
Stephen e
6/5/2018 12:33:43 am
Sorry for the typos
6/5/2018 07:53:24 am
You're misrembering it. The Guy Who Didn't Get That Other Guy Out left a message saying that anyone who got a taste owed him a debt for the rest of their lives. He was making sure they knew that their newfound strength is all thanks to him. Basically, "Be grateful, for I have allowed you to feast on my scraps".
stephen e
6/5/2018 08:03:33 am
Oooooooh. My bad. Thanks. I was that because they brought the crystal back for him that yadda yards yards. Thanks
6/13/2018 11:20:13 am
Northstrider. Monarch on the path of the Hungry Deep. (blood path based on dragons) Creator of Ghostwater. Presumed dead by the world at large.
6/5/2018 07:00:12 am
6/28/2018 09:27:14 pm
6/5/2018 09:12:14 am
6/8/2018 08:15:38 pm
6/13/2018 08:32:59 am
My understanding is that as Northstrider made Ghostwater he can control it however he likes. He could probably fully restore it and re-anchor it to Cradle but to him it is a failed experiment and not worth it, so he leaves it to decay.
6/15/2018 10:54:27 am
If I remember correctly, some of this speculation was answered in one of Will's mailing list stories - the Northstrider vs Alin (very one-sided) battle. In it, Northstrider mentions that the Abidan have tried recruiting him before on several occasions, but he refused. He also is at least aware about other iterations and the differences in their magic systems, even if he doesn't know the details on how they work.
6/15/2018 11:17:05 am
Gameguy.. is there like a full listing of all the short story's that will has produced for the Cradle series?
6/15/2018 02:52:51 pm
I'm not sure. For this specific one, I believe it was a Halloween special with several extremely uneven or strange battles in the Abidan arena, so it wasn't Cradle-specific.
6/18/2018 09:28:10 am
I think Ascending means joining the Abidan. As a lowly recruit at first, of course. These Ascended are the worker drones in the various divisions (hounds etc) and they progress in rank to become Judges
P Tigras
6/5/2018 10:01:39 am
Will, I don't suppose you could clarify the difference between a Herald and a Sage? The book talks about 6 great heralds former a t
P Tigras
6/5/2018 10:15:14 am
oops, I accidentally hit submit before I was done.
Scott Nichols
6/8/2018 03:11:59 pm
We just haven't seen Redmoon Hall's herald yet. Back in skysworn when the bleeding pheonix is initially waking up there's a line about how everyone from lowgold to herald immediately fell to their knees or something like that, so they clearly have a herald that is distinct from the sage of red faith, we just haven't interacted with them yet.
P Tigras
6/13/2018 10:04:01 pm
You're absolutely right Scott. I had forgotten about that line in Skysworn.
6/5/2018 12:49:31 pm
I agree on the confusion about the level of a Sage. Is a Sage a full level between Archlord and Herald? There was one line that made it seem like a Sage was like an Archlord+?
The Other Dan
6/5/2018 04:08:33 pm
I've wondered the same thing. I sorta recall a line in one of the books along the lines of 'where sages go if they don't become monarchs.' I thought this to mean that it went overlord→archlord→herald→sage→choice of monarch or ascension. But, I'm not sure if herald and sage are different or even an actual level.
6/6/2018 01:09:30 am
I don't remember exactly where it is stated but sage is an archlord but at the peak of the stage with full knowledge of his/her path.
6/7/2018 01:06:43 pm
I'm not sure, but I believe Eithan's power as an underlord is more related to the Heaven and Earth Purification Wheel.
6/7/2018 01:08:23 pm
In a previous post*** this time autocorrect went the wrong direction
6/5/2018 01:04:06 pm
Sage of the Endless Sword - Did he let himself be killed?
6/5/2018 01:15:46 pm
There was more going on with the mystery of the Sword Sage's death than we currently are privy to. Will did NOT make a mistake. Quoting him directly from the 'Word of Will' on this:
6/5/2018 02:06:51 pm
Thanks. That's good, I'm glad it wasn't an unintentional oversight.
6/6/2018 05:16:06 am
Dan I have been thinking this from very early on. I think that the Sage of the endless sword let himself die or even killed himself so Yerin could inherit the only sage level remenant for her path. I base this on the fact that the jades had no chance of killing him, Yerin has quoted the Sage stating that "there is only room for one on the path of advancement" (I am butchering that quote but the intent is the same). Additionally, Yerin has stated that the sage's favorite training technique was to back her in the corner without assistance, and force her to fight her way through on her own.
6/5/2018 04:09:23 pm
While I am not one to usually comment outside of leaving a review on amazon (five stars, by the way), but I just had to post a comment on your blog about this book. This was my favorite, and I believe, best book yet in the Cradle series!
6/5/2018 05:33:48 pm
Absolutely loved the book!!!!! Dross was an amazing addition to the team and really filled a niche with Lindon that I hadn’t even noticed was empty beforehand! My only ‘complaint’ is the lack of growth and development we’re seeing in regards to little Blue! We keep getting teasers that more is coming with her but for the last two books she’s largely stagnated when it seems like she should be growing to have a larger role. Great book though. :)
Sage of Questions
6/5/2018 05:51:53 pm
(Beware slight spoilers)
6/6/2018 09:09:05 am
I missed any specific reference to it but I assumed it was when Dragon girl blew up his pack. Then it was either destroyed or left behind as he ran.
6/6/2018 03:02:47 pm
Was it on his hand when he lost it? Have we seen it since then?
6/5/2018 06:02:21 pm
so whens 6?
6/6/2018 02:00:50 am
It's been days and days since I finished Ghostwater. Where is Book 6 Underlord? :)
6/6/2018 09:36:24 am
Have to ask but will Lindon ever return to his family?
6/6/2018 06:59:04 pm
I'm really hoping for a set of short stories in the style of fate projections about Lindon coming home at various stages.
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
6/11/2018 10:31:19 am
...that’s not a half bad idea. That would be hilarious:) Let’s add that to the growing list of short story ideas.
6/6/2018 10:26:02 am
I've seen speculation over on Will's Reddit about the Cradle ranks and what I keep seeing there for the Lord category is Underlord, Overlord and Archlord. That doesn't make sense.
6/6/2018 11:52:34 am
"Lord" is a title used for everyone in the Lord ranks. From Underlord to Archlord, they're called Lord's. Just like how Sacred Artists from Lowgold to Truegold are called "golds".
6/6/2018 01:00:50 pm
Such a scheme makes sense for the Gold ranks only because low and high are unreferenced measures. The reason it doesn't work for the Lord ranks is that 'under' and 'over' are comparative to another rank and that rank is specified as Lord. It is specifically saying a rank is under a particular rank and over a particular rank. That's not so with 'low and 'high'. Undergold and Overgold wouldn't have made sense either without something in between as reference.
6/6/2018 01:20:58 pm
If you are speaking strictly by definition of the words used Underlord versus Overlord, then it can sound strange. However if you look at rulerships an underlord was not necessarily a lower level under the rank Lord. in fact almost everybody over rank of Peasant was referred to as lord and the title Underlord could refer to someone in a ruling position under just about any other rank, King, Duke, Count, etc. It could also refer to someone at the Highest level of rank over a group such as criminals or thieves, Lord of the Underworld, IE Underlord.
6/11/2018 10:21:03 am
After some reflection and a little re-reading, I've concluded that you are correct. Will is using 'Lord' as the overall category name in the same way he uses 'Gold' for that category. It seem odd only because of the historical aspect but makes sense for Cradle if viewed outside that context.
6/6/2018 07:05:37 pm
Underlords are underwhelming, overlords are overwhelming. What are Lords?
6/7/2018 10:09:21 am
Scott Nichols
6/6/2018 11:26:56 am
Ok I'm going to start this with
6/6/2018 09:39:45 pm
Pretty sure that the Blackflame goldsign was
6/16/2018 07:34:19 am
Jack Jack
6/6/2018 04:01:24 pm
This has nothing to do with the book, but I’m just curious to know if you (Will) could possible take Yerin and Lindon grocery shopping? Or something else that normal people do?
6/7/2018 11:35:36 am
Does anybody know on which level of advancement elder whisper is? He should e fairly advanced to be able to see into the future. Way beyond sacred valley standarda at least . Also i agree that there is a high chance that the sword sage planned to give his remnent to yerin. Because there is just no way that a copper and jade could even affect the remnent under normal circumstances
6/7/2018 12:17:01 pm
Will has confirmed he's by far the most powerful entity in the Sacred Valley, and that he'd lose to Orthos in a fight, so almost certainly gold, probably highgold. Presumably the dream-aura aspect of his path lets him glimpse fate at an earlier stage than most others.
A Happy Kitten
6/7/2018 05:48:44 pm
Orthos beating Elder Whisper in a fight isn’t really a surprise and doesn’t necessarily indicate that EW is a gold. The Path of the White Fox is a path of illusions, not really a combat path. Even a Lord on that path would probably struggle against a Blackflame dragon spawn in a straight fight. There’s only so far trickery can take you against something that defensive and that destructive, and blackflames are notorious for fighting above their weight class. Plus, EW is suppose to be really old. White foxes may simply have a long lifespan but if not he’d need to be a Lord to slow his aging. Honestly, he could be anywhere from lowgold to overlord and I wouldn’t be surprised.
6/10/2018 09:00:11 am
I'm half the mind that Elder whisper is Juwei The Ghost Walker fox. the gox whom has tricked Monarchs and escaped. where has Will said he would lose to Orthos? If that's true my theory is wrong.
6/7/2018 01:08:53 pm
Will we be getting a look at how life in the wei clan changed with lindon gone? That's been making me so impatient. I want to see if the heavens glory school completely took them out or if lindons sister got to lowgold and fought back. That would make for an awesome chapter in Underlord. Maybe elder Hall (I think that's the Fox's name) gives an update to the heavens glory school about lindon, making them stop their assault?? This is by far my favorite series, can't wait for the next installment.
6/7/2018 05:00:34 pm
There were plenty of hints dropped that Jai Long and Jai Chen planned to hide in a remote forgotten valley that was cursed where everyone is weak.
6/7/2018 08:38:36 pm
Yeah, they're for sure going there. I was hoping we'd get a scene about them finding the Wei clan in Ghostwater, but the book ends only maybe 6-8 weeks after the duel, so there's no way they'd have made it there in that time. Hopefully we get to see something in Underlord.
6/8/2018 04:34:09 pm
Pretty sure that Jai Chen was supposed to marry Lindon pre-Suriel. Seeing as how he wondered wether he had met her before. (I think it was his wife in the future vision)
6/8/2018 04:25:00 pm
Will, I can't remember seeing it mentioned but did Yerin gain another sword arm goldsign on advancement to truegold?
6/8/2018 05:10:37 pm
Will answered this question on Reddit.
6/9/2018 01:32:35 am
Great book, Will! It's real nice to see Lindon kicking ass in a way that feels like he's really progressed from previous books.
6/15/2018 11:06:10 pm
Poor Zeil Perhaps Blue will find a way to help him. He is in a very bad way.
6/9/2018 04:39:59 am
I just finished reading ghostwater and I absolutely positively loved it! Just now the inevitable question: when will Underlord be available?
A Happy Kitten
6/9/2018 09:19:20 am
Here’s a fun detail I just noticed from rereading the books; when Suriel first arrives in Cradle in Unsouled and is deciding what to do, one of the problems she disregards is a “kilometers long azure dragon” which is headed to attack a city and in Ghostwater (minor spoiler) Northstrider killed a massive blue dragon that is most likely the same one
6/15/2018 11:09:46 am
I was wondering whether that reference was actually about one of the dreadgods. In Skysworn, Eithan mentions that it is unlikely that the Weeping Dragon would attack the Blackflame Empire since he confirmed that it had only recently attacked another city and was already asleep. I could be wrong, but I think the timing of the Dragon's attack coincides with Suriel's visit to Cradle.
6/9/2018 09:44:10 am
I think tere is a chance thay suriel is the ancestor of the akura clan same way that ozriel is the ancester of aurelius. She has purple eyes which are a mark of the akura clan.
Nitin Shekhar
6/9/2018 09:49:03 am
Suriel is not from Cradle..
6/9/2018 08:47:21 pm
But it is also mentioned that the re is a portal to the aurelius homeland. So there is a chance that they spread through worlds
6/10/2018 09:10:52 am
No bro, the Aurelius homeland is definitely in Cradle. Eithan comes from there and he's an Underlord, remember each iteration(universe) has a different magic system, that means Eithan being an Underlord Is from Cradle. Ozrael was the Patriarch of the Aurelius family before he ascended and became Ozrael.
Scott Nichols
6/9/2018 11:20:59 am
In chapter 18 on my Kindle edition, location 3836 if that means anything, when Lindon is talking about going back to the skysworn ship skysworn is misspelled "sksyworn".
6/9/2018 12:21:09 pm
Ghostwater is amazing! There is something about your whole Cradle series that really hooks me. I read a lot.. Probably 10 or so books a month, and have for at least 20 years. The Cradle books are the first ones that I've ever wanted to read, finish, and then immediately read again. One of my all time favorite series', and that's a TALL order. Well done! I am anxiously awaiting the next books in the series!
Wannabe Underlord
6/9/2018 12:31:46 pm
6/10/2018 08:56:02 am
Right you are Underlord on the path of Wannabe. Also I'm amazed the rains of News has ended.
6/9/2018 05:37:48 pm
I reread ghostwater. I was still mad at the end that there next book isn't done
6/10/2018 06:07:38 pm
Will hasn't said anything in over 24 hours. Time to panic!
6/11/2018 07:10:02 am
Say one thing for Will, say he’s a damn good writer!
Nice added scenes
6/11/2018 09:35:17 am
I just finished GHOSTWATER for the second time. I got several new interesting facts in the second read. The best however is the scenes after the end of the book. Did anyone else realize Lindon Orthos and Renfie ended up in Valinhall?? Nicely played will nicely played!!! Now please send me the next book!! Thanks!!
6/12/2018 05:45:27 am
Whaaaa...I didn’t pick up on the Valinhall! I was wondering who the guy in grey cloak was!! Dammit!! How did Will sneak that one on us?
Nice added scenes
6/12/2018 10:30:30 am
I know right!! I had to read it twice for it to sink in!!
I Need an Idiot’s Guide to the Willverse
6/11/2018 03:35:14 pm
Well, I finally read this book. I loved it. I mean...
scott pike
6/12/2018 02:53:34 pm
Just finished this in kindle unlimited. This was a fun one. Linden has his own reporter thing . But it felt like this book covered a tiny amount of time compared to the other books.
6/12/2018 05:41:31 pm
That was great! Can't wait till Book 6 comes out next week. I'm going to be really bored till then.
6/13/2018 05:26:25 am
The problem with good books is that it only takes a day or so to read it (slowly) and months or a year for the author to write it.
6/13/2018 07:49:05 am
Just finishing a re-read. A bit of speculation: I don't think we've seen the last of Akura Harmony. We now that sometimes people survive going into the void, becoming warped and corrupted (but possibly also more powerful) in the process. Lindon's long term goals would put him in direct conflict with such beings, and I think Akura will pop up again.
6/13/2018 08:58:49 am
Interesting insights. I doubt Lindon and Yerin will go the way of the sky tiger. If a healer such as Surial can make it to Abidan status I doubt she would have killed or consumed someone to do it. They consume remnants for that purpose to get to gold... in any case I believe you may be correct about Harmony. He is to well written as a direct opposition to Lindon to not show up at some point in the future...
6/13/2018 11:50:59 am
I saw a posting on Reddit where Will apparently said "no" harmony is definitely dead. But who knows, he could just be saying that to throw people off the scent.
6/13/2018 12:07:52 pm
Hmm. Well that sucks. I could totally see him surviving in some way that makes him show up stronger and that being a catalyst to help Lindon break through to a higher lord level in the future by an insight he gains while fighting him and in doing so surpassing Eithan or something... but hey Will has done a fantastic job so far so if he wants to delete the little bugger why not??
6/13/2018 12:58:41 pm
Ah, see I don't do Reddit so I miss out on some of these fun discussions. Well, Lindon never lacks for enemies, so Harmony actually dying probably won't change much for his level of opposition!
P Tigras
6/18/2018 12:09:40 pm
I got the feeling that not only was the betrothal arranged, but that neither Mercy nor Harmony cared one whit for each other. Furthermore he publicly insulted her when he broke off their engagement. So I doubt she's going to get particularly upset over his death.
6/15/2018 09:40:42 am
If sacred beasts are pretty much like sacred artists, and you can bond with a sacred beast, can you bond with a sacred artist in the same way? Why don’t strong parents do the same with their children and boost them with madra of their path they’ll presumably follow? If it doesn’t work like that, then what about the whole dragons looking like humans as they advance, and could someone bond with a monarch dragon? Could a young dragon bond with a monarch human to gain strength in reverse? Can we flesh this out a bit?
6/15/2018 10:48:33 am
That is an interesting Theory and I look forward to seeing comments by Will.
Scott Nichols
6/15/2018 10:49:52 am
Technically possible for a human to bond with seshethkunaaz or some other sacred beast monarch however yourey forgetting the part in blackflame when Eithan tells Lindon that a normal child's body would literally explode from the force of the Orthos's spirit and he's only truegold. If Lindon is any indication it would take no less than a sage on a pure path to bond with a monarch to gain their path. And nobody has time for that lol
A happy kitten
6/17/2018 02:49:47 pm
I think the big difference between a sacred beast and a sacred artist is that sacred beasts never produce pure madra and instead naturally have a particular aspect. Like how all snow foxes have dream/light aspect madra and how all black dragons have fire/destruction madra, so bonding with them is kinda similar to just taking in natural aura of that aspect rather than madra that’s been adapted and modified from a pure base. Just a theory. As for beasts and spirit looking more human that probably has something to do with gaining a stronger connection to the Way. I know Ethan said it was fairly common in Blackflame when he gave Little Blue that scale and soul fire
6/18/2018 01:42:03 pm
Has it been stated anywhere if a sacred beast can increase levels with their human counterpart? Or do they stay the same level they were at when attaining the bond?
A happy kitten
6/19/2018 07:39:08 pm
I don’t think it’s ever been explicitly stated one way or the other but I can’t imagine the sacred beast wouldn’t be able to grow and advance. Remember that the vast majority of bonds are formed when both parties are young and weak, so if the sacred beast couldn’t advance then they would become basically useless and helpless within a year or two
6/15/2018 10:43:14 am
Also, it seems like Lindon is falling behind in his training. He concerns himself with advancing, but he also seems to be opposite of Yerin, where the only thing he has going is the raw power of blacklame and heaven & earth purification wheel. He’s frequently sloppy with his techniques, and he only really has two and a half or three that he practically uses. He needs to practice and develop some better uses of his techniques other than point and shoot.
6/15/2018 10:49:41 am
A lot of that was taken into account in this last book. With all the weeks of practicing and training that was done while he was using water from the wells to keep him from having to sleep at all.
6/18/2018 08:11:59 am
To be honest it's because he's been busy. He HAS been practicing his techniques. That's pretty much what book 3 was about in the Blackflame trails. It's unfair to compare him to Yerin as she's been training with a sage half her life. So HER techniques will obviously be a grade higher than Lindons. It's much easier to focus on advancement than to practice techniques too, as the latter takes A LOT of time.
stephen e
6/18/2018 09:23:31 am
I'm pretty sure that he seems sloppy because he's always fighting people about two levels higher than him. That sheild guy in skysworn didn't last one move and the guy in the beginning of ghostwater lost to him fairly easily too even though he was taking out seemingly experienced highgolds with the egg and lindon was still lowgold. He was definitely neglecting his ruler technique.
6/15/2018 02:20:49 pm
Path of Twinning
6/22/2018 10:48:42 am
Agreed! Harmony getting shut down was perfect, but that scene made me hold my breath. (internally shouting, NO! Will don't do it!)
6/18/2018 08:10:40 pm
Will - Cradle has been phenomenal- thank you for your work! I’m so curious as to where Lindon’s advancement will take him. It would be interesting to see whether his mastery triggers new perspectives in thought as well - a view of goals and reality that is much deeper than he - or even other characters - have expressed thus far. Most of the characters seem to seek power to dominate others - they’ve become just nastier, more powerful versions of their petty selves. What would an alternative path look like - enlightenment perhaps - for Lindon be? What would that transformation look like from inside his head? How would his friends notice the change? What would he leave behind as he advances in ways that others have not, perhaps because they took the easier (more selfish?) paths. Lindon seems to represent the better side of human potential - because he exista in a fantasy world, it would be so phenomenal to explore what happens not only in terms of power but psychology (and spirituality (?) for someone who reaches and surpasses the boundaries of his world.
7/17/2018 12:39:37 pm
Love your books they are amazing and can't wait for the 6th box
7/17/2018 12:41:00 pm
I mean books btw already looking forward to next book
Isaac Fortier
7/29/2018 07:27:28 pm
I literally just bought the book but since it didn't show up right away in my account, I freaked out and found it for free on epub...I'm not stealing Will's work, just being really impatient!
Jonah Wieber
9/1/2018 08:36:54 am
Hi, I have now read Ghostwater 3 times (the entire series twice). I have a couple questions. First and foremost: when does Underlord come out? Second: how do heralds, monarchs, and sages fall into the truegold, underlord, overlord, etc. pattern? Lastly: are all your series in the same universe? E.g. Will Lindon meet our sword and doll wielding friend (btw no criticism but that series was not nearly as well written or compelling as this one. Was it written earlier in your career?)? Thanks,
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