If I had been updating you on my Blackflame progress for the last six weeks, it would have sounded like this:
"I've had to make some more changes than I thought, but I'll be done this week for sure." Rinse and repeat, x6. This book took me a lot more work than usual, but some books are just harder than others. Part I of Blackflame has a lot of setup, Part II has a lot of training, and Part III is essentially one long scene cutting between like six different fights. Kind of a weird structure for me, but I just kept playing with it until I was happy with it. And now I am! Woohoo! Release very soon, unless I see something very wrong with it that I've somehow overlooked until now and requires extensive rewrites, in which case it'll release June 1st. Either way, ALMOST THERE! -Will P.S. Abidan Part V is coming next, I've just been swamped with Blackflame. I got up at 4 this morning, and I went to bed at 4 the night before, so I don't even know what a sleep schedule is. ONLY BLACKFLAME.
4/21/2017 02:54:25 pm
Yay, we finally get to find out what happens to Shera and Calder. That is the book you're releasing right?
4/21/2017 03:00:33 pm
Blackflame is the next book in the Cradle series, not the Elder Empire series (which features Shera and Calder).
4/21/2017 08:40:08 pm
I know. I think my humor font is broken.
4/21/2017 02:55:39 pm
Also, go take a nap.
4/21/2017 03:04:46 pm
You know Will, I was wondering why no pre-order was available for Blackflame. Glad your almost done with it!
4/21/2017 03:19:31 pm
Soooooo. This week as in by Sunday? or this week as in by Friday of next week?
4/21/2017 03:57:44 pm
Did not know that, but good to know.
4/24/2017 10:19:00 am
I'm curious why pre orders mess up ratings. Is that Amazon only or does it affect all authors? Seems like pre orders should all apply to the day of release. That's when they actually charge for the purchase I believe.
4/21/2017 03:21:53 pm
Thanks for your hard work Will! I look forward to your releases as much as any author and I appreciate how prolific and communicative you are.
4/21/2017 03:23:16 pm
So glad to hear the progress. So sad that it won't be out till june. Thank you for working so hard on your books and creating such intresting and engaging reading material. My only wish is that it took me as long to read your books as it does for you to write them, but when the books are as good as yours I just can't put them down.
4/21/2017 04:00:07 pm
" Release very soon, unless I see something very wrong with it that I've somehow overlooked until now and requires extensive rewrites, in which case it'll release June 1st."
4/21/2017 04:33:45 pm
Don't worry man, he said it'll be released June 1st only if he has to rewrite it again. It is likely it'll be released much sooner than that.
James A.
4/21/2017 04:14:00 pm
Is that 4 am to 4 am - as in 0 hours?
4/21/2017 04:30:48 pm
That would be 24 hours. I assume Will meant 4:00PM to 4:00 AM which would be 12 hours.
No, just a weird sleep schedule.
4/21/2017 04:26:28 pm
Congrats! And congrats to us readers who get to read your work again!
4/21/2017 04:32:06 pm
All that work and I'll be done with it 2-3 hours after it goes up for sale. :P
4/21/2017 04:33:24 pm
Heart attack on page 1 or page last?
4/21/2017 07:45:57 pm
4/24/2017 10:21:17 am
Iron bodies don't get heart attacks you fools.
4/21/2017 04:36:50 pm
So anywhere between a couple weeks to a month or two ^_^ so excited !
Well, it SHOULD be either:
4/22/2017 08:30:37 am
Please by next weekend!!!!!!
4/24/2017 04:40:35 pm
4/21/2017 05:01:57 pm
4/22/2017 07:34:36 pm
James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron.
4/21/2017 05:18:44 pm
**H Y P E I N T EN S I F I E S **
May 1st is the plan, and I'll hit it...unless a story problem crops up between now and then, because if it does, I won't have time to fix it.
4/22/2017 02:44:19 am
Consider May 1st the early access beta, whose entry fee is $3.
I actually used to do that, Nocturniquet. Amazon used to work differently, where if you released changes to the Kindle book, anyone could choose to update their book to the latest, most polished version.
Daniel young
4/22/2017 10:06:04 am
If the hype train is stopping in Seattle I'll definitely be purchasing tickets!
Sir Wolpertinger
4/21/2017 05:56:24 pm
So very excited to get to read this soonish, maybe!
Daniel young
4/22/2017 10:07:23 am
Make sure to get black curtains so you can sleep all day:)
Garbagiel The Raccoon
4/21/2017 07:05:33 pm
No more digging through your trash for Blackflame manuscripts!
Garbagiel cultist
4/22/2017 05:17:00 am
He is Garbagiel and thus the master of all trash. All praise Garbagiel!
Garbagiel the raccoon
4/22/2017 08:39:08 pm
Why are you surprised that the lord of trash exists in the internet Will?
Garbagiel the raccoon
4/24/2017 11:59:19 am
Without the regular sacrifice of Will Wight books, the incarnation of Dumpsteros has been unleashed upon the world. Under my scrutiny, he has been sent forth to propagate our cause.
4/21/2017 07:19:55 pm
Holy cow, love all your books a ton! Read em on Unlimited then buy them after, hope you get cash for both! Thanks for not doing a Preorder, i hate having a book cover stare at me for months unable to read it. I love how natural and real your characters are. Not a book so much about a persob but about his journey through a vibrant world! Totally equal to Sanderson in entertainment but in your own great style!
4/22/2017 08:18:34 am
That does make me wonder: if I read on unlimited....And then read again just by going to the start and charging back through, you don't get paid again. If I check it back in and check it out again from unlimited...Do you get paid again?
Daniel young
4/22/2017 10:08:47 am
I'm fairly certain that is how it works
A new addict
4/21/2017 07:22:45 pm
Wow, cant wait! I love this cultivation thing, any suggestions on other similar books or stories while i wait?
4/21/2017 07:49:11 pm
If you haven't heard of Mother of Learning, I highly suggest you check it out (plus it's free). It doesn't have Will's hyper action sequences but power growth is a very iterative process similar to cultivation in Cradle (rather than directly gaining more power, it's more about becoming more skilled in using what's already there).
4/22/2017 12:09:21 pm
"A Will Eternal". I see what you did there, you eternity chaser.
4/22/2017 06:13:24 am
My favorite is Way of choices (ztj) on gravity tales. It just got turned into a cheesy drama and released in china this past week.
God of Towers cousin
4/22/2017 12:29:36 pm
Against the gods
4/21/2017 07:34:15 pm
So here is my question. Can you not say when you have a 'completed draft' of books going forward. Going by the difference of when you said that and when the release may be seems to make more sense not to, at least for sanity's sake. =/
Can't do that, Bryce.
4/21/2017 11:04:56 pm
As a counterpoint to this, I do like the status updates even though it's clear that you can't really predict how long is remaining from them.
Sean K
4/22/2017 01:49:42 am
I like status updates, but I think it would be less stressful for Will if he just didn't do them. No mention to when the book is going to be ready until he's like "hey guys, you should check out Kindle for the next book, just uploaded it!"
People get angry at me (like, sending me actual angry rants on Facebook messenger or email) when I don't give them an estimate, and when my estimates are wrong.
4/24/2017 04:45:09 pm
The majority of people feel comforted by a progress bar. It doesn't matter whether it means anything or not. It's like the install progress bar for programs. It will zoom through 97% and then sit there with 3% left for 10 minutes before it completes.
4/21/2017 07:45:59 pm
Time to reread the first 2 so they are fresh in my mind
4/21/2017 08:16:21 pm
Is the elder empire going to be completed? ETA?
The path of discordant melody
4/21/2017 10:15:31 pm
I can't wait to dig into Blackflame! I hope to see more of the world of Cradle, as thus far we've been relegated to the relative boonies and wilderness surrounding sacred valley. Keep up the good work!
4/22/2017 02:46:32 am
Could we maybe see that deleted scene will? Like as a short story or a blog post or something. An exploration of a city in Blackflame sounds awesome
4/23/2017 06:50:06 pm
Will you have the foundation for a 10 book 700 epic with cradle....take your time and thrill us. That's hey I asked if Oder series would be completed....great work bud and your getting better
@Rhys: I have so much deleted content from Blackflame that yes, you probably will see some of it on the blog in the future.
4/21/2017 10:57:39 pm
OoooOooh.. so either May 1.... or my birthday June 1. Haha.. which ever it is itll be a great ride. Thanks for working hard on it.
4/21/2017 11:58:08 pm
It's going to come out May 2nd just because I have 2 books preordered to drop on may second and Will wants to torture me by making me have to decide on which to read first! But seriously GREAT JOB WILL! *Acting like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve* if they do all drop the same day Blackflame WILL BE the first I read. Can't wait!
4/22/2017 12:10:36 am
ZOMG!!! I am so excited!!!!
4/22/2017 06:16:27 am
Congrats Will, can't wait to read it. Now try and relax a bit! If you have any down time to read something new, Mark Lawrence just released his new book Red Sister this month as well. Would Recommend!
4/22/2017 08:03:19 am
10/10 would recommend. Kick butt action sequences.
4/22/2017 08:55:54 am
Will, did you change major parts in comparison to your first draft, which you said was finished end of feb, or only minor parts, like the paraphrasing of sentences, in hope to improve the writing style.
Major story stuff. I didn't start working on the sentence-level issues until this week (for the most part).
4/24/2017 12:35:27 pm
And these are the problems we love our authors to have - too much story to tell that they really like, but that they have to trim back :D
4/22/2017 12:06:14 pm
This is awesome news! Congratulations, Will! It sounds like this one was a tough slog.
Sean K
4/23/2017 06:18:21 pm
In his Facebook post he said that it was some 24% extra words than the other two. something like 80k words for Unsouled and Soulsmith, but 110k words for Blackflame, or something similar.
4/24/2017 01:18:09 pm
I'm sad that you cut so much from the book, especially Yerin's storyline stuff. I hope you didn't cut so much out just for the sake of a smaller book. As long as it adds depth to the characters or the world and doesn't mess up the pace, longer is not a bad thing. Look at Sanderson's Stormlight books. They're longer than long but every time I reach the end of one, I wish it were longer still. I know a lot of authors go where the story takes them and if it ends up as a longer book as a result, so be it. You seem to very deliberately choke down on that. Is that part of your process?
I do choke down on that deliberately, but it's not as though I had a 170k book that I was really happy with, yet I cut sixty thousand words just to make it smaller.
4/23/2017 08:13:17 pm
Yes finally now EE will be completed and I will finally be able oh wait judging by Will's past brushes with OKAK he is either going to get inspired to write a new species or blow it off with another cradle book (please don't I won't send another badger or try to hack you again ever again please Will I know you are reading this!). But congrats on the new cradle book can't wait to read it!
4/24/2017 10:48:32 pm
4/24/2017 05:50:00 am
I don't see a problem here. Go to sleep and use Astral Projection to write while your body is sleeping. Or follow a Path that involves Sleep Writing.. or dying! Making your spirit write, then resurrecting yourself. OR use the Nye Essence!
4/24/2017 06:49:23 am
Will, How many words does Blackflame have?
4/24/2017 08:19:07 am
Honestly, the thing I'm most excited for with this entire series is the moment Lindon comes back to the Valley and greets his family as a goddamned God. The excitement intensifies every time I re-read Unsouled. If that ends up happening, of course. But man will it be sweet.
4/24/2017 07:01:03 pm
This makes me think of when Naruto returns to the Hidden Leaf to save whoever was left after Pain destroyed the city.
Kelsa is going to return as a character, yeah. And in the very first, original plan for Unsouled, she was Lindon's twin and traveled with him out of Sacred Valley.
4/24/2017 10:40:51 am
Hey Will, big fan here. I was just wondering if you had any plans to continue the travelers gate series? The magic system is just so incredibly unique and I can't wait to see where it goes. Keep it up!
4/26/2017 12:54:46 pm
How many books do you think Cradle will have! Leave a Reply. |
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