With only a week to go before the release of Underlord, I was trying to decide what preview I should share with you.
Then I had an epiphany! I epiphanated all over the couch. It was messy. Travis Baldree, the awesome narrator of the Cradle audiobooks, has been sending me some last-minute typos and corrections as he recorded the Underlord audio. So I thought I'd share with you the lines that got changed out of context and you can milk them for spoilers! Also, on the night of February 28th, I'll be reading the first Lindon chapter aloud on the Discord of Dubious Intent at about 10 PM EST! And then I'll probably be chilling on voice chat for the next five hours until the book comes out at 3 AM my time. Discord invite: https://discord.gg/6AyYFER (I don't know how Discord works, so if this isn't right, just...figure it out.) [EDIT: The Discord link keeps breaking, and I don't know if that's because it's inherently temporary or if too many people have used it. I've changed it one last time, because Little Blue has put effort into getting a new one, but I don't have time to keep replacing the link. When this breaks, it will be 'figure it out' time.] [OBLIGATORY SPOILER WARNING EVEN THOUGH THE SPOILERS ARE MILD] Page 40: "...if it drew on itself for power, it would only last for a few days before needing replaced." >>> "...before needing to be replaced." Page 64: "Cycling aura here will be much faster here than back home..." >>> "...here will be much faster than back home..." Page 68: "The second step of the [SPOILER MAN]'s instruction was set of soulfire control techniques..." >>> "...was a set of... Page 108: "Her father was a significant figure in the Naru clan, and had taken to direct their defenses." >>> "...taken to directing their defenses..." Page 146: "They didn't believe her, though she wasn't taking the situation seriously." >>> "...thought she wasn't taking..." Page 147: "...languish the second prince with praise..." >>> Curse you, autocorrect. "Lavish." Page 148: "Charity says" >>> "Charity said" Page 178: "[SHE] abandons her advancement seeks a hearing with her own mother." >>> "advancement, seeks" [END SPOILERS] -Will
2/22/2019 08:35:22 am
uhh... spoilers what news we can deduct from this... lets se... SOULFIRE CONTROL TECHNIQUE! wait... its called overlord... must.. find... something...
Avi Nash
2/22/2019 08:43:13 am
While it might sound almost blasphemous , does anyone know and is inclined to explain the working of discord . Cause on clicking the link it opens the app store to download the app.
2/22/2019 09:05:44 am
on computer, when i click, loged in in the browser, it leads me to an invite. so try login in in your browser maybe...
2/22/2019 09:10:44 am
While the app is better, you should be able to join through a web browser. Just copy the link and paste it like any other website, you should be able to use it without the app.
Alpha Reader
2/22/2019 11:21:14 am
There was an issue with the first link, the blog has been updated with a better one. Try that. Let me know if you have questions.
Ancient blog reader from 2013
2/24/2019 08:29:10 am
Hi Devin
Avi Nash
2/22/2019 08:39:34 am
Hey will how about a short story or two to tide us over the wait, if u have any lying around .
2/22/2019 07:24:10 pm
Ah but if Will writes a short story he won't be writing Wintersteel...
Avi Nash
2/23/2019 11:26:26 am
I'm sorry , but seem to be missing the wintersteel reference
2/23/2019 04:56:07 pm
Cradle book 8-ish is Wintersteel.
2/24/2019 06:28:04 pm
You said you cut a bunch of scenes from Ghostwater. One of those would be nice...
2/25/2019 08:59:12 am
You know, I really want a backstory or future of Ziel. Kind of like a spin-off that unravels the mystery a little bit.
Avi Nash
2/25/2019 10:19:42 am
So you were lurking will
2/22/2019 08:42:30 am
Time to make a Spiderman parody off spoilerman, now.
2/22/2019 09:09:05 am
Spoiler-man, spoiler-man, spoils whatever story he can.
Jeremiah (hosoke)
2/22/2019 08:58:30 am
Hoping to look forward to Ch01
Rogue 9
2/22/2019 03:47:13 pm
I would take a Rick Roll
2/22/2019 09:33:11 am
Calling it now: Spoiler Man is Ziel.
2/22/2019 10:08:50 am
Ew, you better clean that couch.
2/22/2019 10:11:36 am
They can only be talking about the Torchyard. Clearly its power source comes from somewhere else, and it makes cycling much faster there than at home. One of the ingredients he needs to gain insight to reach Underlord.
2/22/2019 10:39:45 am
I like your idea but it could just as easily be talking about a location we've never heard of before.
2/23/2019 04:57:03 pm
People seem to be absolutely obsessed with the torchyard...
Avi Nash
2/24/2019 08:23:53 pm
In the words of Dard "why is torchyard"
2/24/2019 07:10:48 am
Whoever is saying that would first need a home. Lindon doesn't have a home he cycled at. Neither does Yerin. Mercy does. Eithan does, though he doesn't cycle aura. Orthos does. Unnamed New Main Character For This Book may. Or, it may be Jai Chen at Sacred Valley finding out she has the perfect madra for whatever they do there...
Sword Immortal Darknorth
2/22/2019 10:24:42 am
Curses. The 28'th is a Thursday night. I'll just have to sleep beforehand so I can be awake from 10 to 3
2/22/2019 10:39:51 am
The real question for me is should I stay up all night listening to discord and then take a vacation day in order to read the book or just wait until after work. I am so torn, why did I have kids that I need to support.
Pierce Balko
2/22/2019 11:06:10 am
For some reason I think that the spoiler man is the Emperor, the only Overlord in the empire.
2/24/2019 10:38:33 pm
I'm hoping spoiler man is Northstrider.
Avi Nash
2/25/2019 10:16:32 am
That would be really cool
2/22/2019 12:38:55 pm
Pg 68 - harmony used 2 drops of Ghostwater which means he got a 2nd answer. Dross would have known what instructions/answers Harmony received from the tree.
Avi Nash
2/22/2019 02:12:51 pm
Jer thom
2/22/2019 04:17:31 pm
So with an average of 1 error every 22.25 pages does that mean the book is around 200 pages.... I feel like an addict looking for my lost stash.
2/22/2019 07:21:24 pm
I suspect Will only shared the non-spoiler typos.
Jer thom
2/23/2019 11:17:33 am
Well that’s really happy news.
2/23/2019 06:16:40 am
I've had a question floating in the back of my head for quite some time....could the Ragnarus Tree hold a great elder?
Avi Nash
2/23/2019 11:22:20 am
2/24/2019 07:14:05 am
yes, Asylum is a prison for the Great Elders, who are Chaos Fiends that were imprisoned there by the Abidan. Nobody can leave it.
Avi Nash
2/24/2019 08:25:07 pm
Count De Monet
2/23/2019 11:17:52 am
Page 64 and 68 has to be in the same area or room. My theory, Lindon and crew has not left the island yet, they have entered the Akura castle to retrieve Bai Rou and the Akura Sage has allowed them to stumble into an advanced training room, complete with lord-level training instructions, possibly similar to the Blackflame instructions that Lindon learned from.
Rogue 9
2/23/2019 05:07:11 pm
Unless Will trolled us on the page from the procrastinating post
Avi Nash
2/23/2019 11:22:58 pm
Regarding the ragnarus trees
2/24/2019 07:32:23 pm
Personally I thought of this too, and didn't see any evidence in book that would really cover why not as I recall. But (and I am not disparaging Will here just making a point) This was Will's first book, he very well could have forgot to add the reason, or didn't even think about it. It definitely is not a story-breaking slip up if it was a mistake at all. There is almost certainly going to be new information about Ragnarus in the next trilogy so perhaps we will find out then.
Avi Nash
2/25/2019 10:15:17 am
Ah . . . . .
2/24/2019 12:53:28 am
I assume my preorder is relative to my location. As tempting as hearing you read the first Lindon chapter is at that time it will be lunch time for me on the 1st and I'll be half way through the book. I am looking forward to it.
2/24/2019 07:18:41 am
Nope, it comes out at midnight PST March 1st, translated to whatever that is in your location.
Avi Nash
2/24/2019 08:16:45 am
Dunno about pre order but usually when will releases a book it comes at all sort of times to different Amazon's.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
2/24/2019 12:53:46 pm
That's because Will didn't do a preorder last time. With a preorder, the landing page is built beforehand and it releases in the same location everywhere.
2/24/2019 04:12:24 pm
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I have to wait until 7:00pm? That sucks. Thanks though for letting me know. I finally thought that there was a benefit in living in Australia for once. I was mistaken.
2/25/2019 10:14:43 am
Why can't things ever release at midnight on the east coast : (
2/25/2019 03:32:09 pm
for those who can’t use the discord link, the best way to figure it out is to head to the subreddit r/iteration110cradle a link can be found there and several of the discord mods are contactable through there also.
2/25/2019 07:10:08 pm
Just checked Wills Facebook page and saw a vid saying that audio is done for Underlord. He also said he will be submitting Underlord in to Amazon on the 27th so we might get it early. At the very least it means we will for sure have it by the first! Woohoo!!!
2/26/2019 12:01:52 am
Not if it's up for preorder. We'll get it at 3AM on the first Will time around the world, because that's midnight for Amazon.
2/26/2019 02:05:32 pm
Thanks a lot Will. You have ruined other books for me. I am listening to another book right now and all I can do is Think of the cradle series... I literally don't know what just happened, and I am having to skip backwards because I think something important just happened.
3/1/2019 04:55:27 am
I don't want to ruin it for anyone but wow. I loved underlord. I think it was better that Ghostwater. The wait was torture but totally worth it. I think the epilogue was terrible though because it was so short and I wanted to know more about that situation. Way to torture me. Anyway well done. Keep up the good work.
4/13/2019 06:08:49 pm
Really enjoyed your Cradle series. I may have found an error in Book 6. [I’m listening on audiobook, so some of my spelling may be off.]:
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