An interview with me just went live over here, so apparently it went up at the same time as Crimson Vault.
This was not planned, but it worked out. Check out the article for some largely fabricated answers and the worst picture of me in all existence! Here's the story behind the picture: I had a horrible cold, but I couldn't find a picture of me that fit the magazine's requirements for the story. So I had to take a picture with my iPhone, even though my face is all red and puffy. I swear I don't normally look like that. ...normally it's even worse. Speaking of which, Crimson Vault has somehow sold almost a hundred copies. How did you do that, guys? How? Amazon still says it's not published.
8/29/2013 03:11:19 am
Is first
8/29/2013 03:14:24 am
You have an eccentric naming sense in your family, Mr. Third.
Mr. 33
12/18/2016 04:12:42 pm
33rd! YES! That's how many levels there are to get to Judge-level!
Brian S
8/29/2013 03:22:55 am
Rothfuss has a better beard, Will. You've got a long way to go to compete with him.
8/29/2013 03:29:58 am
In the battle of beards, I fight unarmed.
8/29/2013 04:37:34 am
Will is the crimson vault coming out in the uk today? I can't get it for some reason but it's there on the U.S amazon site.
8/29/2013 04:43:37 am
Hey Rhys. He addressed it in a different blog post, but the reason it's not out on the UK yet is because Amazon hasn't actually finished reviewing the book, so it isn't available on all of their domains yet. He doesn't have any control over that until Amazon finishes checking it out. But as soon as its finished and available, there will be a blog post saying so. Thanks for your patience!
8/29/2013 05:17:39 am
Sorry about that, Rhys; I've done everything I can on my end, and we're all just waiting on Amazon to catch up at this point. It SHOULD have released in the UK at the same time.
8/29/2013 05:43:42 am
Thanks for all the effort Will. I'll definitely pick it up when the UK amazon site puts it up.
8/29/2013 05:58:10 am
Not a problem. Just wanted to know what was happening. Do you have any Idea when it will be out? I'll get back to reading C.S. Forester in the meantime.
8/29/2013 07:17:48 am
Hey Rhys and other UK fans. The UK version is up. Here is the link if it isn't showing up in the search
8/29/2013 08:24:59 am
Thanks Will and Devin for the help. Just getting started now.
8/29/2013 05:25:12 am
got the book almost half way through, loving it so far. do we have a rough release date for the 3rd book?
8/29/2013 05:27:21 am
I think, Will mentioned somewhere early next year. Pls correct me if I'm wrong
Brian C
8/29/2013 05:29:08 am
Through your link to the book even though it isn't in your amazon page.
8/29/2013 01:30:44 pm
In keeping with the rest of this release, Amazon says the book "should show up on my Amazon page within 24 hours."
8/29/2013 06:31:03 am
and... we're up in the UK, thanks a lot Will
8/29/2013 09:04:00 am
Did the book go up in the US yet? I can't find it on amazon. I'm very excited to read the sequel!
8/29/2013 09:08:46 am
I found it! Off to bed with the book. I will emerge some time tomorrow.
Gabriel R.R.
8/29/2013 09:46:28 am
just finished Crimson Vault amazing awesome and every other positive word in the dictionary. now to figure out how to time travel, 2014 can't come sooner.
8/29/2013 12:50:51 pm
Yeah those loose ends are gonna kill me for the next 6 months.
Brian S
8/29/2013 12:52:12 pm
If you do manage to learn to time travel, bring a copy back for Will. I'm sure he'll appreciate being able to publish his work early without actually having to do any work. Oh, and bring back a copy of the cover art so he can send it to his artists and thank them for their hard work as well. Last thing, get me some winning lottery numbers and tell me who wins the Superbowl and what the point spread is. And if you wouldn't mind getting me a digital copy of Words of Radiance, I would really appreciate it.
Gabriel R.R.
8/29/2013 02:33:05 pm
No problem, but it'll just be my luck to figure out time travel when the book comes out.
8/29/2013 01:21:21 pm
I woke up this morning and laid there in bed. I hastily put on some pants and headed downstairs to make my cup of tea. On my way I spotted my kindle, and thought," Huh i wonder if its the 29th yet?" I searched for Will Wight and bam spent all day either reading your book, eating, mowing my grandmother's lawn or some combination thereof. I also admit to reading your book while driving to her house, I have been a master of this technique for sometime.
8/29/2013 01:29:17 pm
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm proud to have distracted you from your work. Hopefully you didn't crash your car while reading and die, and this is your ghost trying to drive me to a guilty suicide.
12/18/2016 04:14:37 pm
Nah, just bond with his Remnant and become a lowgold
8/29/2013 01:42:31 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed the book. One fear is that it was strangely reminiscent of "the blinding knife." I can't wait for the next one. This one was better than the previous.
8/29/2013 01:48:31 pm
I'm a huge brent weeks fan so you piqued my curiosity. Are you able to pinpoint what spoke to you as reminiscent of it by chance without spoilers? I was only curious because I wouldn't have pegged that one as an influence as much.
8/29/2013 11:07:55 pm
The short answer is no. Devin give it a read then let me know whether you see it. I promise you it is worth your time. 8/29/2013 11:37:06 pm
Devin's read The Blinding Knife, he just doesn't understand the comparison.
8/29/2013 03:40:17 pm
Bought the book right when I got home from work and plowed through it in ~5 hours. Thoroughly enjoyed - you deserve every penny, really captivating stuff. Wish the 3rd book was out as quickly as the 2nd one so we could have a conclusion! Definitely be waiting eagerly for the finale. thanks for a good end of summer read.
8/29/2013 08:05:05 pm
Just finished the 2nd was awesome...I can't wait for the third!
Brian C
8/30/2013 04:52:27 am
Instead of a trilogy could you make it into a saga? I really don't want this amazing story and group of characters to end.
8/30/2013 08:33:19 am
Hey Will. Loved the book more than I could say right now. But one thing that did kind of aggravate me was the fact that other than the ice horn, he didn't earn anything new. Well, excluding the mask. I was wondering that in the City of Light that he might go through more rooms and earn more abilities. And I know you might want to even think about the City of Light yet but I'm already waiting it's release
Mask is hurt
12/18/2016 04:15:37 pm
A cool mask not enough? Its his coolest power!
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