Let's hope Weebly doesn't eat my post this time.
As the Holmesian super-detectives among you may have deduced, I have a new book coming out on Tuesday, July 5th! Dreadgod, Book 11 of the Cradle series, is coming soon. Very soon. It lurks behind you. The Cradle series has been going on for six years now, and I've only been a published writer for nine. So for 2/3 of my career up to this point, I've been working on Cradle. It's pretty surreal. Dreadgod is my twentieth book. Twenty books. Yikes. That's a lot of books, but it really doesn't feel like that many. In a lot of ways, it feels like I'm just getting started. This is only the beginning of a career that will span centuries, until I'm nothing but a cybernetically sustained brain in a jar suspended in fluid. Since the book starts rolling out on July 5th wherever you are in the world, that means the earliest time zones will start getting it tomorrow, July 4th. Which here in America is Independence Freedom Bald Eagle Barbecue Day. By the power of those two facts combined, we're doing our launch stream a little early this year: tonight, at 7 PM on my YouTube channel (not Twitch, because YouTube is easier to use and keeps the video automatically). I don't plan on playing any games this year. That was really a device to give me something to do and you something to look at while we wait for the book to drop, and since the book won't have come out yet, there's no point in stalling for time. Oh, and today is also the last day for the free giveaway on the first five ebooks of Cradle! If you haven't grabbed them yet, grab them now. Grab, I say! I don't have a whole lot of planned topics for tonight. Just talkin'. Probably about the book (no spoilers), my writing process, any questions you have. A lot of the talk will be about how I feel prior to the launch, I imagine, because it usually is. That's a hard topic, because the answer is always "nervous." Maybe the twentieth time isn't the charm. -Will
7/3/2022 10:45:14 am
Weebly is your computer?
7/3/2022 10:53:01 am
Can you do a sacred artist's salute on video please? I really want to see what it supposed to look like... I initially thought it would look like a Kung-Fu salute (fist on palm). But since "pressing fists together" has been emphasized so many times, I want to see what that's supposed to look like.
7/3/2022 11:01:02 am
So, not to over simplify, but it would look like giving yourself a fist-bump, over your chest?
7/3/2022 11:06:40 am
So, not like Ross on "Friends" then?
7/3/2022 11:11:43 am
Also, the fists could be facing palm down or palm up, right? I don't know... "What may be as simple as lifiting a hand for a Monarch may be an comprehensible riddle for us."
7/3/2022 11:43:16 pm
I have always imagined it as knuckle to knuckle, knuckles facing out fingers closest to the chest. Bent over at different angles depending on respect being shown
7/3/2022 11:23:26 am
You will be one of my cybernetically sustained brains in a jar and you will be one of the greatest. There will be no end to the stories your brain produces. Mwahahaha
7/3/2022 03:09:16 pm
Me and my definitely real Australian twin of the same name have both preordered! We're both very excited to spend tomorrow reading Dreadgod
Australian (honorary)
7/3/2022 03:20:52 pm
Happy to rep my country tomorrow. Thanks will
7/3/2022 06:09:58 pm
Have you ever considered doing a crossover between cradle and the traveler's gate?I think it would be kind of cool to see how the characters would interact with one another
7/3/2022 11:50:16 pm
There was a short story read by travis on wills youtube. Thr abidan put Alin the incarnation against Northstrider. Northstrider compares Alin to a gold. The interactions between travellers and sacred artists would be difficult to compare as soon as they entered the lord realm. I read somewhere even a masked Simon was only comparable to an underlord. And masked Simon seems to be able to walk most incarnations in terms of power just struggles with the endurance. Simon would be the only traveller worth mentioning in the crossover and he would need a significant strength increase to be relevant.. and i cant see Simon being powered up to archlord level without enemies to push him that far... and if all his enemies peak at gold or a few exceptions that attain underlord like power (likely other Valinshall travellers) at most he would just be a strong underlord equivalent
Jeffrey Myers
7/4/2022 06:59:26 pm
Will has written about this extensively in various forums and Q&As on abidanarchive.com. I still have hope. At one point I think Will said that if you plopped Simon down on Cradle he would be able to learn Sacred Arts. With Simon's Lindonesque work ethic and access to Madra had probably be a powerhouse pretty quickly.
scott pike
7/3/2022 10:18:53 pm
what is the in universe reason for each universe having different magic systems?(cradle, elder, Travelers gate)
7/4/2022 07:35:55 am
7/4/2022 02:21:02 pm
Just got Dreadgod. Checked Amazon.com.au and it’s number 1 on their best seller list. The conquest of Dreadgod has begun
7/4/2022 11:11:47 pm
Got the first review on the book on Australia Amazon. 5 stars. Well done Will
7/4/2022 02:28:16 pm
Why not let us read over this long weekend? I love your work, but this release date is a real head scratcher.
L Kalman
7/4/2022 09:44:32 pm
The publishing industry likes to put books out on Tuesday almost universally. I don't know if there's even a great reason to it, they just do.
7/4/2022 04:31:51 pm
God that was good.
7/4/2022 11:17:48 pm
There’s never been a better time to be a wight-head.
7/5/2022 12:28:19 am
Minor quibble here, "ancient will struck him like a truck" makes no sense because there are no trucks on Cradle.
7/5/2022 08:13:55 am
I will start listening to the audio book tonight, for now, it’s back to work for me. Is it 5pm yet?
7/6/2022 08:03:20 pm
"I'm just getting started. This is only the beginning of a career that will span centuries, until I'm nothing but a cybernetically sustained brain in a jar suspended in fluid."
Sharon mcqueary
7/11/2022 08:01:48 am
Ok finished Dreadgod, how long must I wait for the next one?
7/11/2022 11:17:52 am
Dreadgod was great! Can't wait for book 12. Speaking of...when is book 12 coming out :) ? (just kidding but not really :) )
7/15/2022 04:49:50 am
I devoured this book as quickly as Lindon's arm eats Madra! I need the next book!! Now I have to go and listen to books 1-12 over and over until it comes out.
7/20/2022 08:52:02 pm
Any timeline for book 12? I love your writing. When can I get them in hardcover?
8/11/2022 02:20:10 pm
In general I liked the book but personally I disliked the mechanism of the oath. It is abused in the last two novels.
8/26/2022 08:09:53 am
I feel as the oaths can put a stain on you. So I feel to path everyone could in the end hurt you more and hold you back. Plus when your that much more powerful then everyone they’ll do what there told for fear of death anyways.
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