THE TEAM still has book news under strict embargo for the next few weeks, but I can guarantee that we have something in the pipeline. There's news coming, I swear. News.
...but the members of THE TEAM are slashing their fingers across their throats, so I'm going to have to move on. Here's a quick review for two animated movies I saw recently! I liked them both! Dragon Ball Super: The Broly Movie, You Know, The One With Broly I'm a simple guy. I go into a DBZ movie to see Goku power up until he beats the bad guy. Usually, there's nothing else to them, and that's fine with me. The Broly movie takes it to the next level. There is an actual story, with real character development and world-building that adds to the existing universe and complements the canon. They spend a weirdly long amount of time showing you the cultural impact of scouters and the political shift as Frieza took over his galactic empire from his father, King Cold. They get into Saiyan culture, both its pros and cons. They develop minor members of the Frieza Force into characters with their own quirks, backgrounds, desires, and goals. ...if that makes you say "Ew, no, get all that out of my Dragon Ball. I just want to see Goku punching an oiled-up dude into the moon," then don't worry. The meat of the movie is classic DBZ. But they still fit more character and world development into the first half of this story than into the entire Buu Saga. Part of the movie's foundation is the parallel relationship between the three surviving full-blooded Saiyans (Goku, Vegeta, and Broly) and their respective fathers. I didn't know I wanted that until I got it. All this story is in the first half, and the second half is basically a 45-minute anime music video. So whatever you wanted out of a DBZ movie, it's here. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Why Are There So Many Spider-Men: The Movie Continuing in the theme of "animated movies I expected very little out of," here's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It's fantastic, and it's not making enough money. Go see it. I basically can't recommend it highly enough. I enjoyed the Broly movie, but I'm an unapologetic DBZ shill. I would have walked out happy from an hour and a half of Goku punching some dude. If you're not into DBZ, then sure, don't watch Broly. It's definitely for fans. But Spider-Man...I can't imagine the person who wouldn't enjoy Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Do you like Spider-Man? Do you like superheroes? Do you like innovative animation? Do you like fast-paced, engaging stories? Do you like humor? Do you like good movies? Do you have a beating human heart? This is a good movie to see before it's out of theaters, because the music and animation are so cool, but if it's too late for you, watch it on Netflix or however you can get it. I wouldn't say it's my favorite movie of all time or anything, but it's one of the few that I recommend without reservation to basically everybody. So if you haven't seen it, see it. Anyway, let me know in the comments what you thought of these movies! Or tell me how I deserve to die because this post isn't about OKAK or Underlord! -Will P.S. I also saw Aquaman. Yep. That was also a movie that I saw.
1/17/2019 04:46:22 pm
Didn't like Aquaman? Most people I've talked to said it was on par with Wonder Woman.
1/17/2019 05:01:54 pm
Can confirm, it was not like Wonder Woman. They lied. Haha. At least for me.
1/17/2019 06:23:55 pm
Lord of The Tower
1/18/2019 08:46:47 am
Yea it was ... not trash but almost Garbage
1/17/2019 04:48:55 pm
Thanks for the update, Will! Keep up the hard work and remember video games and vacation are right around the corner! Keep that dithering simian off your back!
1/17/2019 04:50:03 pm
Ugh! I have been reduced to checking your website EVERY DAY! Usually I am pretty patient and am able to either wait or lose interest and move on between books, but I have got to say that cradle is so good that I am having a hard time! Good job on the books, they are great.... to great.... now please hurry...
1/23/2019 05:14:28 am
February 10th release date for Underlord CONFIRMED
1/17/2019 04:54:12 pm
Will, keep your chin up. You can't die! We need you to write more books!!!!!
Puppet Master is getting to be a recognizable name in the community at this point which makes me feel like an actual person except Reddit screw Reddit
1/17/2019 04:54:56 pm
1/17/2019 05:14:30 pm
Great movies yes yes yes...few weeks?! Noooo..Dont know if I can..make it.. Tantrum commencing in 3..2..
1/17/2019 05:39:58 pm
*scratches neck and rubs nose* Ey man, y’all got some of that Underlord I keep hearing bout?
1/17/2019 08:57:49 pm
*perks up and scrambles to stand. Tries frantically to look over conniptionConroy's sholder* You got underlord?! Please man I'm desperate, I need a fix!
1/17/2019 05:43:12 pm
Hey Will, good to hear from you.
Rachael Crutchfield
4/11/2020 09:56:10 am
Miles is also completely adorable. Like Tom Holland. There is just something appealing of about that crossroads of childhood and adulthood. When you have children this age, it’s amazing to observe.
1/17/2019 06:04:24 pm
Haven’t seen the DBZ movie, but this perfectly encapsulates my feelings on Spider Man and Aquaman.
1/17/2019 06:05:57 pm
From your frame of reference define "soon" in a term of days??
1/17/2019 08:51:46 pm
And please include a fully filled out form detailing the hours, minutes, seconds and micro-seconds, date in all known calendars and precise Amazon url.
1/17/2019 07:01:37 pm
Spiderman was really good can confirm
1/17/2019 11:36:06 pm
I heard the word 'Underlord' from across the cosmos and came running as fast as I... dammit Will. Baited again!!!!!
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
1/18/2019 02:02:08 am
You deserve to die for your crimes, but that would be too lenient. You are hereby sentenced to intense guilt and shame for the crimes of inflicting insomnia on the innocent readers waiting for Underlord, and for 3rd degree intentional book release baiting.
1/20/2019 08:21:24 pm
Two demerits. You want to go for three? Don't make us cut off your access to sweet tea and Reddit. Again.
Michael Haedt
1/21/2019 07:56:41 pm
Would you be forced to eat nothing but mint oreos until it was actually released. Also Will, it is what it is and it takes what it takes. I love you work and have minimal doubt i will read underlord twice in the first 24 hours it is out then be itching for whatever comes next for the cradle series.
1/18/2019 02:13:41 am
Clearly it's the teams fault... Whatever that means.
R. Usirius
1/18/2019 02:53:11 am
I've been to see Spider-Man three times and am planning on going a fourth before it leaves theaters. I've done my part. A co-worker went to see it though and... hated the animation. Said it put him off of the movie entirely. Said he would have enjoyed the story a lot better with different animation. And he's a huge comics fan. Blew my mind because the animation is practically a comic come to life!
1/18/2019 04:51:20 am
spiderman into the spiderverse is a superb film, with probably the best animation (artistically and technically) I have ever seen. Genuinely blew me away!
Your Benevolent Dictator
1/20/2019 05:04:35 pm
There was quite a bit of bad acting, Especially in the submarine with a torpedo
1/18/2019 08:32:39 am
Everyone here only mentioned underlord....yes cradle is good, but where the hell is OKAK??? Feel like it keeps getting skipped for cradle...and since noone has siad it yes you desrve that for this post not being about OKAK or underlord T.T!!!
How many more monkeys must I ship to Will?!?
1/18/2019 03:30:33 pm
Agreed. Less with the Wuxia and more with the Whatthef@#$isthat! Where my eldritch horrors at?
Nicol Bolas
1/18/2019 05:22:50 pm
OKAK is good, but cradle is ADDICTING, and therefore the top priority for all the junkies (such as myself). I'll sick Tezzeret and Ral on "THE TEAM" if they give you any trouble Will. Keep up the good work!
1/20/2019 08:18:53 pm
THE TEAM has a certain set of skills...
1/18/2019 09:15:03 am
Will, I've been waiting for Blackflame in audiobook to become discounted for owners of the Ebook. Usually this is done by now and on your previous novel only took a week. This also enables Whispersync. Do you have any updates on why this is taking so long on Blackflame?
1/21/2019 10:09:51 am
CB - I enthusiastically picked up Unsouled and Soulsmith on whispersync as add-ons to my kindle purchases - but Blackflame is stuck on Audible without whispersync and I suspect this is a ploy by Audible to encourage series purchasers to buy into the audible membership scheme. its been a while since the blackflame audobook came out, so I suspect its not going to be "whispersynced" at all.
Bill Warrilow
1/25/2019 02:00:25 pm
This is what I got from audible:
1/18/2019 09:35:28 am
Ouuuu salty Will! My man, do you need a hug? What’s behind the snipe of you deserving to die? Please don’t let all the comments about “when is the next book out” which are mostly in jest get to you.
1/18/2019 03:55:08 pm
The book news is obviously a preview of remastered high definition cover art for Simon
Drew F
1/19/2019 06:24:01 am
Please hurry and release Underlord so we can begin hounding you for the next book!
Nitin Shekhar
1/19/2019 11:38:21 am
March 1 release means 10 months since launch of Ghostwater..
1/21/2019 08:51:02 am
I’m beginning to believe (hope!) that we’re going to be getting BOTH underlord and OKAK this next release. Only reason for THE TEAM to muzzle Will and Will to allow it!
1/22/2019 04:52:57 pm
THE TEAM is dark and full of terror
1/23/2019 07:00:39 pm
There's a series of short stories in there somewhere
1/23/2019 02:29:37 pm
Will, you can't die....not yet mwahahahaha
Joey Redflame McGatorFace
1/23/2019 03:35:48 pm
Really enjoyed the Spidermenwomanpigz movie. Was tasty for all its aspects and was great seeing a second time as well.
1/24/2019 02:24:26 am
I wasnt going to see the spiderman movie but I read your recommendation. WOW. I'm glad I went. It was awesome. Best movie I've seen in ages. Thanks.
1/24/2019 08:27:06 am
If you enjoyed Into the Spiderverse, you should also check out Young Justice, if for no other reason than to marvel (:D) at the bizarre disparity in quality between DC's live action and animated offerings.
1/24/2019 09:49:26 am
Thanks for all the great hours of entertainment so far. Thanks also for these posts to let us know that you know that people like me are waiting hungrily for more.
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