I don't know if you knew this, but moving into a new house takes a long time. I thought I was moved in two weeks ago, but no. I had not yet even begun to move.
Anyway, I'm more or less settled in now, so it's back to the blog for me! Coming up next: Monday: News about paperbacks / T-shirts / my nega-self who keeps slipping into this dimension, whispering secrets into my ear, and stealing my garden gnomes. Wednesday: News about Cradle and OKAK! Friday: News about short stories, audiobooks, and the plague of frogs that has so frustrated us all. I noticed some blog comments saying that I had abandoned the blog and moved over to Reddit; that's not true! I've been exactly the same level of MIA over there too. But I'm back now and ready to respond to all your emails, comments, posts, letters, calls, texts, telegrams, dream tablets, psychic pulses, whispersongs, thought-worms, coded runic transmissions, frantic scratches on cave walls, and bottled messages in a more-or-less timely fashion. Just as before! From the ashes I have risen, and now (instead of discussing all those other things I've listed above) I'd like to start by recommending a book: Doc Harrison and the Apocalypse, by Peter Telep. If you follow my Facebook page, you may have seen me mention this before. Peter Telep was one of my writing professors in college; he's been a professional writer since the world was young, he's written more than fifty novels, and he's largely the reason I didn't abandon creative writing and start trying to break into advertising. No joke. I would have hated it. He used to write a bunch of the Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, and Ghost Recon novels, if you read any of those, and he wrote some books for Tom Clancy before Tom Clancy's death. He's the real deal. Now he's branching from military fiction (back) into sci-fi, and he's doing it as an independent author! Much like me, but with way more skill and experience! Doc Harrison and the Apocalypse is a YA sci-fi that reminded me of Maximum Ride or I Am Number Four more than anything else: a kid finds out that humans inhabit more planets than just Earth, one of those planets has been destroyed, and he has to go on a high-speed adventure across multiple planets to prevent Earth from suffering the same fate. It reads as much like fantasy as it does like science fiction; a lot of the technology the "aliens" use is based on an organ they have that humans don't (called a "wreath") that allows them to project themselves into a shared consciousness. Kind of like a magical space-Internet made of dreams. All that said, it is sci-fi. I know you all like action-oriented fantasy with cool new worlds and high-octane plot, or you wouldn't be reading this blog right now. What about something adjacent to that, but set in modern Earth and also space? I don't know, because I don't know you. However, if that sounds cool, check it out! I want every indie SFF author to do well, because the more good indie sci-fi and fantasy there is on Kindle, the more readers we can all draw in... ...to our webs. Where we will devour them. -Will P.S. I'm also wide open to questions once again. I actually spent a lot of time since Blackflame doing world-building on both Cradle and Elder Empire...with some Traveler's Gate thrown in there as well. Because I can make up new world concepts while moving boxes. I can answer questions now that I couldn't before! What fun! P.P.S. Which questions can I answer now, you ask? Not that one!
Jeremiah H
6/17/2017 03:26:54 pm
6/17/2017 09:15:02 pm
A weekend is when I spend much time at work, because everyone else off and wants to come visit us at work.
6/17/2017 05:38:49 pm
Will, love your books and happy to see you're back. My only (only may be a bit of an understatement) request/advice would be for you to develop a system that allows you to take time off. It would be great to have a new book every week but I'd prefer a great book every year (go over that and I'm going to whine, a lot) vs good books from an author who's sick of his own characters.
Thanks for both your concern and your lack of concern, Mike! You've brought up some interesting points, so I'll respond as best I can.
Jay W
6/18/2017 08:09:03 pm
Adding on to point 3:
6/17/2017 06:19:44 pm
Will we see Simon find more swords in the future?
Sir Wolpertinger
6/17/2017 07:24:43 pm
1. When/If you return to the Traveler's Gate iteration how much time do you plan to have transpired?
6/17/2017 07:28:39 pm
Welcome back Will! Congrats on getting settled!
I've read all of Wills books and am gonna try to share what i believe are as close to the answer of your questions just because alcohol makes me do that.
6/21/2017 05:08:14 am
I actually laughed while reading that since I had similar questions....except the hair thing...funny though...good job explaining that.
1.) Scales: pretty much, yeah. It's a way to store inert power. They actually take more concentration and skill to make than normal Forged madra, which we'll (probably) go into in Skysworn.
6/17/2017 07:36:10 pm
Can you release the short stories you have written as a compilation similar to what you have done with the Travelers Gate ones?
6/17/2017 07:38:48 pm
Will, you're the best! Definitely gonna check out Doc Harrison!
6/17/2017 08:39:21 pm
"...with some Traveler's Gate thrown in..."
6/17/2017 10:11:43 pm
Agree :-D
6/17/2017 09:17:23 pm
Welcome back.
6/17/2017 10:13:16 pm
Welcome back! I hope everything went well your sales and the move.
6/17/2017 10:16:23 pm
Oops meant "I hope everything went well with your book sales and the move".
Walter Ross
6/18/2017 01:25:43 am
FINALLY! YOU'RE BACK! WOOH! Can't wait for the updates 😁 Congratulations on moving in- it's always fun and exciting to make a new space your own!
6/18/2017 01:28:41 am
Ahhh, the joys of moving house. Been in my house for 5 years and one of the rooms still isn't fully unpacked.
Sean K
6/18/2017 05:56:51 am
When can we herald the return of DEATHBATTLES! Mostly I'd like to see Lindon thrown against someone. We got to arguing over at the Reddit site about who would win, Simon or Lindon.
As is barring some crazy disadvantage i believe Simon will win. For one Simons reaction speed with the mask on is crazy. Not to mention Simon has ghost armor which should protect Simon from blackflame. As Lindon advances further he will probably surpass Simon as seeing that advancing in Cradle does wonders for your reaction speed and physical defence. Which are really Simons greatest strenghts.
6/18/2017 09:52:31 am
According to Will,
Hey Will i wanted to ask a question which i find intriguing. Feel free to say you cant answer. Does the process of Incarnation itself have anything to do with the process of ascencion. As in perhaps Incarnation occurs because the host is not ready to go through that physical change? Incarnation reminds me alot of Cradles transition from Copper to Iron. As in if it isnt done properly it ruins(or impeeds) future progress.
Awww oh well back to the drawing board. Cant wait for more travelers gate though. I'd love to see Simon or someone discover how to tear into any territory or accidentally go to a whole nother iteration. You dropped a few of hints Valin was alot older than he seemed and that he could go to travel to other territorys.
6/18/2017 09:00:40 am
Congrats on getting settled in! Very much looking forward to you being able to interact with readers regularly again. Also looking forward to the day when there will be too many of them for you to do that without losing your sanity, because that's the best (of sorts) reward for success!
6/18/2017 09:58:43 am
Since Cradle is considered a baby world, when one ascends, do they first ascend to a mid-tier world that has higher sacred art stages, or do they ascend straight from cradle to the realm of the Abidan?
6/18/2017 10:57:24 am
I am pretty sure that in book 1, Suriel mentioned Cradle needed to be protected because it was a recruiting ground for the Abidan.*paraphrase*
6/19/2017 04:54:41 pm
I just remember the part were she said Cradle is where the. Babies are kept.
Guy on a boat
6/18/2017 01:51:37 pm
Will I have been awaiting your return
6/18/2017 03:04:18 pm
How much wood could woodchuck Lindon chuck if woodchuck Lindon could chuck wood?
benjamin ireland
6/18/2017 11:08:39 pm
- .... .- - / ..-. .- -.-. . / .-- .... . -. / -- .- -.- .. . .-.. --..-- / - .... . / .... --- ..- -. -.. --..-- / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .--- ..- -.. --. . / --- ..-. / - .... . / .- -... .. -.. .- -. / -.-. --- ..- .-. - / -.-. --- .--. .. . ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... -.-. -.-- - .... . / ... --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. --- .--. -.-- / .... .. ... / . -. - .. .-. . / .- -... .. -.. .- -. / -.-. --- ..- .-. - .-.-.-
6/19/2017 07:14:58 pm
"That face when makiel, the hound, first judge of the abidan court copies your scythe so you copy his entire abidan court."
6/19/2017 01:50:30 am
Welcome back! Thanks for the recommendation, I shall check it out. I thought the name sounded familiar, and then realised I've definitely read some of the Ghost Recon books by this guy and they were proper good.
6/19/2017 07:48:26 pm
Super excited for more Traveler's Gate! Had that world stuck in my head for a month after finishing the books. Can't wait for more.
6/30/2017 04:42:49 am
Not that it really belongs here, but...
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