As I've done once before, I'd like to share with you some early thoughts from those who read Blackflame when it was still messy and wailing. Feast your eyes on the raw, almost fanatic enthusiasm of these formerly unbiased critics as they discover new vistas of literary wonder on every page: "Will Wight is my favorite author!" -My mom "Of all the books I've ever read, this was the most recent." -Alec Hutson (Author of The Crimson Queen) "Wait, this isn't Kings and Killers?" -Devin "My favorite part was when Lindon learned the Rasengan and then met Dende." -Andrew Rowe (Author of Sufficiently Advanced Magic) "Where's book four, Will?" -Devin again "Blackflame is the one book you should read this year. The only book. Just read Blackflame over and over, and buy copies for your friends until they beg you to stop." -Will Wight (Author of Some Stuff and also Some Other Stuff) "My weight is healthy for someone my age, and I'm very comfortable in my own skin." -Your mom
Sean K
4/28/2017 01:46:56 pm
Also as a great fan who invented time travel to give myself a copy of this book 3 days early, I also say that this book is a book! Also, some of these people may be understating how good the book is. Have you seen how Will and his mom fight?!
Sean K
4/28/2017 01:54:05 pm
Then Yamcha gets beaten by a girl after trying to act important. At least he's good at baseball.
Mysterious Rival
4/29/2017 03:54:19 am
Don't you dare look down on me, Kakkarot.
4/30/2017 09:01:13 pm
And then Krillin dies because that is what he does
Brian S
4/28/2017 02:05:16 pm
"Blackflame is the one book you should read this year. The only book. Just read Blackflame over and over, and buy copies for your friends until they beg you to stop."
4/28/2017 02:15:01 pm
I think my favorite review was the
Some other person named Devin
4/28/2017 05:36:47 pm
Where's book five, Will?
Some other person named Devin
4/28/2017 05:39:39 pm
Where's Waldo, Will?
Dude wheres ur book$$$$
4/28/2017 05:50:47 pm
At least we don't have to wait for endorsements from Rothfuss. If he was writing a review Blackflame might not get published until 2020-2030, and if he does write a review early he might write a review instead for George Martin book.
4/28/2017 06:31:19 pm
Will, if you follow this advice, I will feed a badger to the sofa to see what kind of deadly intent can come of it. I hope the sofa advances to True gold at that point
4/28/2017 08:25:17 pm
I'd like to publish/work with other authors, but I'm not going to shop out my series unless someone wanted to do (for instance) a spinoff of their own in the Traveler's Gate universe. I'd be open to discussing that.
4/29/2017 05:34:36 am
On a related note, Will, I've only just started but my basic set up for my multiverse is the exact same as yours....
Don't worry, Zac; I'm like the ten millionth person to set my stories in a magical multiverse. You will be the ten million and first.
4/29/2017 07:01:46 am
Philip Smith
4/30/2017 04:22:55 am
Well now I need to read them all again. I did notice the connection between the elder saying he grew stronger with each human in his house and how humans anchor the Way to a universe.
4/30/2017 01:38:49 pm
How about if someone wrote a similar premise but called it "House of Sporks." Would you be too upset by that?
5/12/2017 08:27:41 pm
Sooooooo having read Blackflame in a day as soon as it was released (I took leave, completely worth it) and reread the series twice since it gonna to be closer to two years or three before the next book comes out? I need my fix, and it's rare to find a gem like this.
4/28/2017 06:31:57 pm
Hey! Devon's stole my quip
5/5/2017 07:45:32 am
The same thing goes for House of Blades. The more people in the house, the more powerful it grows. OR maybe it grows closer to the way.
Corey Barron
4/28/2017 06:40:19 pm
Very wholesome reviews!
You know, I thought I clarified this in another comment, but I don't see it, so maybe I'm crazy.
4/28/2017 07:51:29 pm
You know... That does actually make me feel a little better :P
ALPHA Reader
4/28/2017 08:09:17 pm
I think you clarified it on a reddit comment. But i do remember seeing it.
Hello Moms of the World
4/30/2017 06:04:09 pm
You answered it on the reddit
4/28/2017 08:05:39 pm
So how long is Blackflame?
ALPHA Reader
4/28/2017 08:10:31 pm
A little over 25% longer than the other cradle books.
4/30/2017 07:12:42 pm
I'm excited by this. My biggest complaint about Cradle is really that the books end. So 25% more not ending is perfect.
4/28/2017 08:48:58 pm
I just want to mention that you didn't ask for your sister this time.... Based on her last review I feel like there's a reason
4/28/2017 09:25:43 pm
So that's why you killed lucan off
4/28/2017 10:21:47 pm
Im still mad about that.
4/29/2017 12:50:34 am
But romance makes the world go round... and sometimes little people that cry a lot.
4/29/2017 04:02:39 pm
argh! That spoiler ruined my day. :( Reading these books ATM waiting for blackflame.
4/30/2017 03:26:28 pm
Sorry Transemo at least you get Blackfame tomorrow
4/28/2017 09:31:40 pm
So you said you were going to say something about OKAK but you haven't and you said something about a book in between blackflame and OKAK but nothing else. Stop giving me little bits I don't need the whole picture all a once but more meat on the bones please.
Sean K
4/29/2017 08:33:04 am
Uh oh. Will is starting to act like Sanderson with his RAFO's! EVERYONE RUN FOR THE HILLS BEFORE HE CONSUMES OUR INTERESTS WHOLE!!!
4/29/2017 10:51:34 am
"My plan is nearly complete!"[Insert maniacal laughter here]
4/30/2017 03:23:41 pm
All I'm saying is if you keep giving us sweet whispers of nothing we are going to lose interest its like slowly starving us to death.
4/29/2017 01:25:21 am
Wow, what are the odds?
4/29/2017 07:12:47 am
What a wonder, of all the people, who could have responded it had to be another WILL.
4/29/2017 02:57:34 am
The absence of your sister's comment means that blackflame finally has romance?? YerinXLindon confirmed!!!
4/29/2017 07:24:59 am
How much have you looked into Buddhism/Taoism/Confucianism that Xianxia is largely based on Will? I'm taking a Zen Buddhism class at the moment, and its interesting seeing where a decent bit of the "tropes" come from. I'm even cultivating my inner self haha! Also, thank you for your fast output of book Will!
4/29/2017 07:38:24 am
Hey Will, did you ever consider taking all the material from Yerin's storyline that you cut out and turn it into a side novella that complements the story in the main books. Kinda sorta like you did with the Sea and Shadow books (but not really). I think that would be really cool.
4/29/2017 03:56:07 pm
Actually, I think Will has mentioned previously that Sages (including the Sword Sage) are multiple stages above Underlord (or the Lord realm in general).
Sean K
4/30/2017 06:45:42 am
My current theory is that the Sword Sage was trying to advance. Suriel spoke of the location where Ozriel "once died then came back to life" inside some labyrinth. Thus I feel that in order to advance past the Sage level, you have to die.
4/30/2017 07:17:10 pm
Does Yerin not say he was poisoned in his sleep in Unsouled? I feel like that's a thing.
4/30/2017 07:22:56 pm
Please see text quoted from Chapter 19 of Unsouled below.
4/30/2017 08:15:43 pm
Excellent. I did not think so, but one never knows.
Anonymous fan
4/29/2017 05:01:19 pm
I was reading your old blog posts and while reading the one containing the background of the blackflame empire there was something about the family of black dragons ruling half A continent does this mean Cradle has more than one continent and as the series progresses do we get to see and hear about them as well.
4/29/2017 06:15:40 pm
Seems like its is 29hrs 48 min until upload - but whos counting? I am just looking forward to learn how to get to three.
4/29/2017 07:02:35 pm
I have not posted on here before, but with book three coming out Monday I though I would list some of the questions I have about the Cradle series. Learning about the world and magic systems of fantasy books is one of my favorite past-times. Not all of my questions are meet to be taken seriously they are just fun little things my mind comes up with.
I'll Answer as best I Can
4/29/2017 09:34:12 pm
1. In one of Will's short stories set on Cradle there was a small village of life Madra processing people who were farmers. While most of them were still Gold or Jade, this shows that there are still people in this world who would fill this and any other "niche" jobs that we would have to take care of normally. Also, in book 1 there was mention of one of the clan's disputing the rights to a farm property.
4/29/2017 10:02:59 pm
After reading a few other Xianxia-ish novels I've been doing some thinking about the practical economics of these sorts of worlds, and actually I'm pretty sure that farmers tend to be high-level bad-asses.
4/30/2017 03:27:27 am
"1. In one of Will's short stories set on Cradle there..."
Sean K
4/30/2017 06:52:19 am
Go to "Say Hello" at the top of the page. There you will find a way to e-mail Will himself. He is REALLY quick and awesome about it. Just ask about getting the short stories he produced so far and he will take care of you.
Red -Path of the Stumbling Drunk
4/29/2017 10:18:55 pm
Thinking about these types of questions intrigue me as well so here are my thoughts on them.
4/30/2017 09:02:31 am
In regard to #2 above, Will had mentioned that every time you split your core, there is a small loss of overall core strength. So when Lindon split his core he lost a few percentage points from each and they're both slightly weaker than his original one. Will also mentioned that splitting your cores over and over again would therefore lead to diminishing returns that would be undesirable and that's why people don't do it and why Lindon won't be splitting his core more than once.
4/30/2017 03:39:11 am
I found on the reddit site a link ( Several short stories are being listed there, but not the Cradle one, though.
Captain Nemo
4/30/2017 06:52:53 am
About (2), I could be very wrong, but I thought that Will had said at some point that when London split his core, it ended up where he just had two completely normal cores -- nothing smaller, weaker, stronger, etc. about them. But, it looks like there are other opinions on this, us understand, Will Wight! You're our only hope!
4/30/2017 07:43:32 am
Core splitting discussion was sometime in april:
Captain Nemo
4/30/2017 05:31:08 pm
I remember that discussion now. Thanks for reminding me about it, Lashan!
There are a lot of responses to these questions, and I'm not confident in my ability to parse every one of them, so I'm just going to answer your questions as best I can. And I apologize if someone else has already done so.
4/30/2017 07:39:37 pm
Let us not forget that Eithan the OP Underlord is a janitor/sewer keeper. Different places in the world handle the basic necessities of life differently. Some places have sects that focus entirely on farming or whatever, but other places prize independence and self-sufficiency. Those sacred artists value the ability to provide food, resources, and basic societal infrastructure for the people that depend on them.
4/30/2017 01:59:55 am
Hello Will,
4/30/2017 06:36:30 am has an image of the cover!
4/30/2017 07:22:45 am
What a nice Sunday. I'm sitting around watching a surprise snowfall. Too wet to do anything outside. Nothing on TV. No new books to read. Sigh.
4/30/2017 07:31:15 am
So I read Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe, and from that we know that Simon does at one point leave Amalgam and end up on whatever world S.A.M takes place on. Does this confirm the Author collaboration?
I NEEd Music
4/30/2017 10:42:09 am
Will, can you recommend any music that fits to the Cradle Series.
While writing Blackflame, I primarily listened to JT Machinima and Dan Bull, who do video game songs/raps on YouTube.
I NEEd Music
4/30/2017 01:34:41 pm
Any asian themed soundtracks?
4/30/2017 03:42:43 pm
8 more hours!
4/30/2017 09:03:38 pm
How much longer? Where's that darn countdown timer?
4/30/2017 09:05:29 pm
There's the time stamp....2 hours and 55 min...not that I'm counting or anything.....
4/30/2017 09:50:08 pm
Hi from Japan. I and my husband had been waiting for this release. We are geographically separated now, but it is always great to share and chat about your book online with him. By the way he previously commented on your blog with his gorgeous pun, which has been harassed me counter-less times.
4/30/2017 09:50:29 pm
2 hours 10 minutes and counting! Works going to suck but I will finish this book before I go in!
4/30/2017 10:46:05 pm
Ahhh the Australia curse. Always get things a nominal day later due to time zones and stuff. ( Cravings intensify )
4/30/2017 11:54:37 pm
5 minutes!!!!!!
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