I reached a milestone in The Crimson Vault early this morning, so that means I can tear myself away from the grueling editing process to bang out a blog post for you lovely gentlemen and ladies. I'm aware how the phrase "lovely gentlemen" sounds, but I'm not changing it. Take that, The Man. As you may have noticed, the lovely scarlet-hued image next to me is, in fact, the cover for Book 2 in the Traveler's Gate Trilogy: The Crimson Vault. Big thanks to Chelsey and Caitlin Bateson for once again doing a fantastic job on the cover! I'd especially like you to take a look at those doors. I love those doors. This book, at the moment, is longer than House of Blades by about 40-50 pages. I can't promise that it will survive the remainder of the editing process at that length, but who knows; it might end up longer. Also, right now, it's looking like I'll upload the book around the 29th, to give me as much editing time as possible before I leave for DragonCon. Don't take that as set in stone, though; it will be available before September, but that's all I can guarantee. And that's all the news that's fit to print, ladies and gentlemen. Except for one thing, I guess: there are now officially over 16,000 readers like you out there who have experienced House of Blades. Big thanks to you folks for spreading the word! SPOILER WARNING, BUT NOT REALLY: In a few days, I'm planning on putting the first chapter of The Crimson Vault here on the blog, just to give you guys something to chew on for the next week or so. I'd put it up now, but I want to put a bit more polish on it first. Good idea? Bad idea? You're insane, Will, get back in your cage, oh no he's got it in his mouth, what has science done, we're all doomed, I can't believe we tried to play God, what sort of abomination is this?
8/20/2013 02:06:39 am
Damn it! I can't tell if it's a good idea or a bad idea :(
8/20/2013 02:18:23 am
That's what I figured you'd say, but there is a key difference between this and a new Song of Ice and Fire book: you're getting the preview chapter a week before release, not a year.
8/20/2013 05:01:21 am
Bears? Where are the bears?
Gabriel R.R.
8/20/2013 02:18:20 am
Thank you for the update can't wait till it is out.
8/20/2013 02:19:16 am
You know, I meant to say this in response to your last comment, but your last name isn't "Martin," is it? Or, by some weird chance, "Tolkien?"
Gabriel R.R.
8/20/2013 07:11:08 am
It would be awesome but nope it's not.
Gabriel R.R.
8/20/2013 07:12:54 am
It would be awesome but nope it's not. Just Gabriel R.R. a book worm that no body knows.
Brad R.
8/20/2013 02:29:15 am
I'm in my second year of medical school and love that you're getting this out so quickly. The first book was a great escape, thank you.
8/20/2013 02:34:05 am
Thanks, Brad! I'm proud to be able to provide you with some entertainment.
8/20/2013 02:58:53 am
Wünderbar! (I love that word). I literally just came on the site hoping there'd be an update and thankfully there was. Definitely post the chapter, I've been feinding for more like a crack addict. And if you really do have the book finished by the 29th it'd be perfect cuz ill be spending roughly 8 or 9 hours in airports that day. And thank god you're not George rr Martin, one because I've been going crazy waiting for winds of winter to come out and two, because you would've had to kill off like everybody already
8/20/2013 03:15:31 am
Yeah, about that...
8/20/2013 03:51:27 am
Damn. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Oh well, at least the bears are still alive 8/20/2013 04:35:51 am
As a matter of fact, the bears are the new protagonists of Book 3!
8/20/2013 05:02:51 am
Brian S
8/20/2013 07:07:27 pm
Wait a second....
8/21/2013 08:08:46 am
In fact, I am quite attached to Alin's sisters. I am engaged to one of them (can't remember her name, though)...
8/21/2013 03:24:08 pm
*struggles to breathe* Please god no, not Kai!
8/22/2013 03:28:11 pm
Wait THE BEARS? BOOK 3! 8/23/2013 01:26:18 am
How do you kill a doll? The same way you kill Kai: with an axe.
8/23/2013 01:18:31 pm
Now I know what that lurid crimsonness is between those doors… it’s the author’s brain drenched in the bloodbath of all my beloved characters he murders in the book. YOU ARE EVIL
Brian S
8/24/2013 03:08:34 am
You really shouldn't encourage him like that. You never know what he might do. Already I feel like he's on the verge of breaking out with an evil laugh.
8/26/2013 03:50:54 am
No! NO! That's all wrong for this book what you need to do is have Simon and his friends go to the arctic. Then they find a cave. Then Simon eats his friends in a soup. Its literary gold, its okay tho i don't need any honors
8/20/2013 03:00:06 am
That right their is some bodacious cover work. Can't wait for book 2
8/20/2013 03:17:07 am
Thanks, Al! Honestly? I can't wait either.
8/26/2013 03:53:14 am
Sanderson? But thats just a guess =)
Brian S
8/20/2013 03:18:59 am
Good idea? Yes
8/20/2013 03:47:28 am
Man, that story ended like an episode of the Twilight Zone.
Brian S
8/20/2013 10:14:40 am
Yes, you've been trolled ;) LOL
Impatiently Twitching
8/20/2013 11:42:06 am
8/20/2013 03:58:39 am
Well thanks to you will I haven't been able to read another book with the same vigor. The constant checking in and waiting for updates on book 2 is an emotional rollercoaster. I can't wait until the release and if you do decide to release a preview that would be torture. Any chance of buying a signed copy?
8/20/2013 04:41:00 am
I'm sorry if I was responsible for your lack of vigor, Jacob. Why don't you play some BioShock Infinite, get that vigor back?
8/20/2013 04:47:24 am
Well I've never played this Bioshock you speak, but I do play Borderlands 2, which is badass by the way! I'm just saying when one day your famous and I have a signed copy ill be rolling in the dough! 👍💰 8/20/2013 04:50:35 am
You know, I have friends who are really into Borderlands 2, but I've never seen the appeal. I own it, but I could only play a couple of hours before I got bored.
8/20/2013 01:52:38 pm
Loss of vigor? Don't they make blue pills for that?
8/20/2013 04:06:50 am
I'm sorry but revealing a few chapters over the next few days is a terrible idea.
8/20/2013 04:23:17 am
Is there cussing? I hope there is. People getting their heads chopped off but they can't say *&$% to mark the occasion.
8/20/2013 01:53:57 pm
Well, their lips could still move, and if you could read lips, then you would know what they were saying.
Will M
8/20/2013 04:24:29 am
Very cool cover. I've be stalking the site hoping for an update. Thanks for the update.
8/20/2013 04:37:02 am
Thanks, Will! And congratulations on your classy name, by the way.
8/20/2013 05:31:03 am
Omg hurry up already! Ever since reading the first one I have been dying for more! I literally check amazon on a daily basis hoping its been released. I can't wait to read the first chapter next week!
G3n3r1c Reader
8/20/2013 05:50:40 am
Thanks for the update and specific date. Now I don't have to check amazon every day for the update :). (what am I going to spend my time on now :( ) .
8/20/2013 11:11:50 am
Thanks! I suggest you spend your time ending world hunger and helping those in poverty. Maybe develop some new humanitarian technology.
Stephen Stump
8/20/2013 11:23:45 am
Humanity is over rated; best to focus on fantasy novels...and bears -- love me some bears ;p
8/26/2013 03:59:20 am
I'VE always wanted a space ship or a hover car or a Gundam maybe while waiting you could get to work on that stuff
8/20/2013 09:50:41 am
I'm hoping for the 29th, since I have a nice long plane ride the 30th. But you know, no big deal - I could always make smalltalk with strangers.
8/20/2013 11:10:48 am
I swear to you, I will do all that I can to prevent you from being forced to socialize.
Brad R
8/20/2013 10:24:31 am
While we wait for Will to finish the second book, anyone want to play this this game of literary mortal kombat? I know we only have one book to base the characters and their abilities on, but we can always extrapolate.
8/20/2013 11:15:44 am
That looks like a blast! Not to spoil anything, though, but this would be a lot easier to do after Crimson Vault.
Brian S
8/20/2013 07:03:10 pm
Someone should lend Rand a hand anyway. He could use an extra.
Brad R
8/21/2013 12:42:36 am
I see what you did there
8/26/2013 04:05:50 am
The pattern has always bent around Rand kid, hes been ta'veren since the beginning. But personally i think we should let it happen maybe he could kill Alin for us, cuse really who likes him anyway?
8/21/2013 05:47:07 am
Rand also has 3 hot ladies and is just Badass. But no one is better than Drizzt Do'Urden, no sir!
8/23/2013 08:33:05 pm
Rand kinda is emotionally unstable in so many ways... So ya, still a boss, less Alin and more like the Joker from dark knight
8/22/2013 03:44:26 pm
Wait Azoth from the Night Angles Trilogy right?
Brian K
8/20/2013 12:30:48 pm
Congrats on the 16k readers :) well deserved. Looking forward to the release of "The Crimson Vault"! I wont read the first chapter when you post it because that will make the suspense completely unbearable and I will loose what little sanity I possess. Either way, thank you for all the work you have put into these books. You have a fan for life
8/23/2013 01:28:08 am
Thanks, Brian! I'm glad you enjoyed the book.
8/23/2013 08:35:02 pm
Your right, it's becoming stranger and stranger...( quote from Sheldon, the everlasting immortal genius
Brian K
8/26/2013 09:15:07 am
I think it is a Brian thing. We are taking over the world and creating a true Utopia!!!! Or thats just the voices in my head talking, either works. If it does happen I call Ireland. Hmm perhaps the Brians and the Wills should for alliance of Co-world domination.
Brian C
8/26/2013 12:15:57 pm
Totally down for that world domination thing. I'll take Germany.
Jeremy P
8/20/2013 05:28:01 pm
This is the first book in a year I was able to finish...let alone leaving me jonesing for more. I had a traumatic brain injury a year ago.....and just being able focus is amazing. Thank you......now what to do with the rest of this month
8/23/2013 01:29:38 am
Man, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I hope you continue to recover!
If you read closely, it is also helping two young ladies get through medical school and law school.
8/20/2013 08:49:29 pm
Not to be obnoxious but that looks like a nasty gaping vag behind that door. Best cover ever!!
8/21/2013 04:31:47 am
They don't call it the gates of hell for nothing!
Brian S
8/21/2013 10:06:07 am
Check out the cover on the artists site posted in my earlier post. The image is bigger so you can pick out more details. The image Will posted is reduced to about 30% of the actual size. He did this just to annoy me I'm sure.
8/21/2013 10:52:42 am
My wife and I both agree. Cool. cover art, but when you look at it full size on the artist website, it's definitely very vaginal(word?).
8/21/2013 03:05:05 pm
It will pair well with the cover for Book 3: The Mushroom Tower.
8/23/2013 01:22:09 am
Heh...didn't notice that
8/27/2013 06:44:22 pm
Thank god I'm not the only one. I felt like such an awful person when my first thought was "...giant vagina...? CANNOT UNSEE!"
J Moore
8/20/2013 11:02:12 pm
It's a fine cover, but yeah that middle part does look like, well something...
8/21/2013 06:53:22 am
I don't speak for him. But it should be $2.99 again.
8/23/2013 01:31:01 am
I speak for him. $2.99
8/26/2013 04:08:16 am
Yes that, but also genius
8/21/2013 02:46:00 am
Glad to hear the book is in the final stages of development. Guess I'll keep checking back to see if you did decide to release that First chapter. Though personally i do enjoy devouring a book in one sitting, I have grown used to the necessary wait between releases (thanks to reading manga for years).
8/23/2013 01:32:10 am
In the best traditions of manga, The Crimson Vault will be read right to left, and will feature Simon inexplicably running away from the unwanted attentions of 4-6 beautiful young women.
8/26/2013 04:14:44 am
Harem tag? But in any of those done right the feels spike around like episode 6 or 7 when he actually chooses one and the rest like kill them selves.... or something. Fear the yandere feeeeeeeeeear
8/21/2013 06:55:10 am
Great, now I must check hourly instead of daily.
8/23/2013 01:32:45 am
Well, I'm not releasing it this hour. Maybe in an hour and a half...
8/21/2013 07:45:33 am
I'm a single mom so I don't get a lot of down time but I loved and devoured "House of Blades." I enjoyed that it was a completely new concept and not the run of the mill vampire stuff I see everywhere these days. I was a little devastated when Aug 10th came and went, but consoled myself that you'll use that time to make another great book and not just rush through to get it out. I vote post the chapter to give me something to chew on while I await your big unveiling. :)
8/23/2013 01:34:49 am
Fun bit of trivia: this book was actually fairly different in its first draft. It initially starred Leah as a high school girl with a limited range of facial expressions falling in love with a vampiric merman from the depths of the sea. They had to band together to save their world from the inevitable pollution of the ocean, all the while fighting their forbidden feelings for one another.
8/23/2013 02:35:40 am
So much hate, it burns inside.
Brian S
8/23/2013 03:10:19 am
Should have stuck with the original concept, way cooler! I mean, who has vampiric mermen? You could have named him Leach. 8/23/2013 09:24:22 am
Man, you're right. This idea is an untapped gold mine. SOMEONE should write this story.
8/21/2013 02:08:44 pm
Oh, for the love of Pete! Stop blogging and edit! You don't actually need to eat, do you? I am an old lady and would like to see this trilogy through. Good story by the way....
8/23/2013 01:35:40 am
A young, healthy woman like you? Perish the thought!
8/25/2013 06:01:06 am
Hmm. Will your comment made me think of another series of novels I have been following. Have you heard of the novel "Admiral Who?"
8/21/2013 03:19:45 pm
I am controlling myself admirably and I will not nag, beg, cajole or threaten this fine author to hurry up with Book 2. Good things come to those who wait (with barely leashed patience).
8/23/2013 01:02:52 pm
8/22/2013 06:14:51 am
8/22/2013 07:15:52 am
He can't setup a pre-order option because he self-publishes his books. Amazon just doesn't have an option for it outside of traditionally published books yet.
8/23/2013 01:38:34 am
This mysterious "Devin" character is correct. If Amazon allowed me to put my books up for pre-order, I would absolutely do that.
8/23/2013 02:39:43 am
I go by many names. Names that take hold in the furthest reaches of your subconscious, whispering sweet, dastardly nothing's until you forego your grasp of sanity. Ending with your inevitable release of fantasy fiction that entails creatures or darker origins, like vampiric mermaids! Bwhahahahaha! 8/23/2013 09:28:47 am
Vampiric mermaids? That's a story idea I could really...sink my teeth into.
8/22/2013 05:19:13 am
Ok, I didnt want to be the first to comment on the vaginal nature of the cover-glad I'm not the only oversexed one out there. Loved the book, but did feel by the end everybody was too... matter-of-fact/rational/logical. I'm sure as truths come to light people will become more properly insane/emotional/human again, and I dearly look forward to it. Thanks!
8/23/2013 01:39:49 am
I'm not exactly sure if I follow you there, but I can promise that not everyone is rational in Book 2. There is definitely some insanity/overly emotional decision-making going on.
8/23/2013 02:59:50 am
Along with some nudity/swearing. Unless that's awkward to write.
Brian S
8/24/2013 07:15:44 am
He just wants to see Caela cussing up a storm in her knickers. That'll teach Simon to change his dolls clothing. 8/24/2013 09:07:17 am
I honestly did not know that people actually used the word "knickers." I thought it was a Downton Abbey word.
Brian S
8/24/2013 02:04:39 pm
It isn't often you can get away with it, but where undergarments sound risque, the word knickers just gets a smirk. I figured that since this was a blog for a fantasy author, I could probably sneak it in, but I should have known better....and no, people don't use the word risque either....hmmm, what rarely used word can I use next?
12/18/2016 03:18:36 pm
Heck no. No nudity or swearing. I do not mind the violence and swearing would not bother me that much, but defintley no nudity. That would just ruin everything.
This post is three years old, Kade. If you've read Crimson Vault, you know it came without swearing or sexual content. The battle is over!
8/22/2013 11:28:06 am
I stumbled upon House of Blades last week because it was in my recommended list on my Kindle... Probably one of the best impulse buys I have made on the kindle store. Super excited for the Crimson Vault, and thanks for writing such a great book! (BTW the cover art looks awesome)
8/23/2013 01:40:32 am
Thanks, Joseph! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you have just as much fun with Crimson Vault.
8/22/2013 03:56:34 pm
Can't wait for the book I've been checking Amazon daily please post the first chapter online. I'm in between books right now and need something good to read. Awesome book cover
8/23/2013 06:31:50 am
I love your first work.
8/23/2013 09:26:31 am
No, Link, thank YOU. Your work in Legend of Zelda is my real inspiration.
8/25/2013 10:30:14 am
So few notice 🙀, but truly I'm never alone... That is until I ate that giant owl last week!!!
8/23/2013 02:14:28 pm
I mean...you've got so much "adult" stuff going on in this book, I just think it might spice up the dialogue if there was the occasional curse mixed in. Like in that one scene in House of Blades where Simon's doll first begins to advise him in the fight against the Damascan soldiers, and he dodges the arrows in a spectacular display of gymnastics, the soldiers faces turn pale...that would have been a great time to interject a little breathy "...oh *@#$" into the mix. You know, just so the soldiers have some human-ness about them.
8/23/2013 04:54:28 pm
I think in this instance the young side of the book counterbalances the adult. It isn't gritty like Mark Lawrence's work or other similar novels, so the cursing for the sake of colorful seasoning can come off as out of place. Besides, the characters of The Travelers Gate series have other ways of cursing, or colorful wording, such as exclamations in reference to the "Maker" or similar verbiage.
8/24/2013 12:03:14 am
I suppose...but then again it wasn't really pressed/established that these maker references are...bad, y'know? It makes it seem like some of the characters have a stoicism approaching the robotic. Then again I read through the first 70 percent of the book very quickly. 8/24/2013 02:54:00 am
Well, the #1 reason why there's no profanity in the book is because I don't curse. So when I'm writing, I don't imagine the characters cursing.
Brian S
8/24/2013 03:20:01 am
Damn you!...okay, just thought we could do that, since like...you know...some of the layers of hell are actual houses and stuff...now where did you put my sample chapter?...And stop cursing!
8/25/2013 11:58:31 am
As a non-cursing reader, I actually appreciate the lack of curse words in the book, since I don't feel it would really add much to the story line. Just sayin'. So thanks, Will! I probably wouldn't have loved your book as much if I had to sift through language like that! So 👍 from here! Also, I know I have said this before, but I can't wait for book #2!!! 8/25/2013 12:23:35 pm
Thanks, Shiloh! I appreciate the encouragement!
Brian S
8/25/2013 04:24:24 pm
I saw how you snuck that little tidbit in there. Did you post it on the bottom so people would see it? NOOOOO, you hid it practically right smack in the middle of 150 posts. Very sneaky.
8/26/2013 08:11:04 am
Well it's a good thing I'm creeping your comments, Will.
12/18/2016 03:21:39 pm
My respect for you as a writer has gone up so much. I'm glad you do not have to rely on sex and swearing to get more readers.
Daniel Boyer
9/20/2023 10:35:41 pm
Crazy old comment thread, but my wife and I were talking about how we LOVE that your books exclude cursing—just finished Waybound. Such a wonderful immersive world that we old peeps can enjoy with our young brood. My 19 yo, daughter, 18 yo son and 14 yo so all love the books, along with there square parents and the common denominator is the lack of sex and cursing. I supposed it was a more authentic take on possibly samurai culture, where there aren’t really swear words, but as a writer that doesn’t doesn’t curse, that also makes so much sence. I remember being asked to curse in a play in high school—not being brought up swearing but also not seeing it as the death of my soul—and after trying a couple times the director told me to adlib whatever euphemism came naturally, and authenticity ruled the day. Anyway, we love that we can enjoy these books, and audio books with our whole family—there are definitely parts that are more intense than our 6 year old would enjoy, but nothing that would scare her.
12/18/2016 03:24:58 pm
I do not think there needs to be swearing. And there defintley should not be any nudity. I do not need to read a story only to have a stupid sex scene ruining the expereince for me.
8/23/2013 08:50:16 pm
Having a nervous breakdown, got 1984, Children of the mind, King rat from the library, but don't want to start one for fear that I will have to stop reading them to read Crimson Vaul... So many choices... Depression or Adventure? Unknown or known series? I think I might require some medical attention. FYI there overdue next weekend...
8/24/2013 02:57:29 am
The stars have aligned, and the creatures that whisper to me from beyond the great Void of space have told me "SOON, WILL. YOU MUST RELEASE THE VAULT SOON."
8/25/2013 07:07:21 am
electrum is an alloy (of gold and silver) -- not an element -- so your elemental breakdown needs some editing... 8/25/2013 07:31:55 am
Believe it or not, I did that on purpose. It's a breakdown of materials, not elements; I chose electrum BECAUSE it's an alloy of gold, so that the actual gold content would be a little higher than 92%. Kind of like how I could have said X% water if there was any actual water in my mechanical body. I wouldn't have said hydrogen and oxygen, I would have said water.
Brian S
8/25/2013 12:22:15 pm
Some people would have a larger percentage of wind than others.
8/26/2013 11:40:39 am
I agree with Brian.... particularly those whose first name is Will and last name happens to be Wright 8/26/2013 11:57:53 am
So, mike, are you talking about the designer of SimCity, or...
8/26/2013 12:02:17 pm
Oh Sim City of course! Oh how silly of you to think otherwise Will! 8/26/2013 12:03:22 pm
At the risk of over-explaining the joke, Will Wright isn't my name. My last name is Wight.
8/27/2013 02:07:13 am
Yes I did see that right after I wrote it. Honestly, I think I'm losing my mind. And I just tried to play it off
8/24/2013 04:14:29 am
I like the cover. It sets a nice theme for the book. Will Simon/Alin actually go in the vault? Never mind don't tell me. Also, how will the the sample chapter come out? On Amazon or on your website? Cuz i'd be pretty upset if I missed it coming out cuz I don't where to look. I apologize if you already answered this question in an earlier blog comment.
8/24/2013 09:09:59 am
The 100% honest answer:
8/24/2013 06:58:17 am
First of all, sry for my bad English, I am from Austria and learned it in school of course, but well, that didn't quite work out.
8/24/2013 09:08:34 am
Thanks, Johannes! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy Crimson Vault just as much.
Brian S
8/24/2013 02:08:46 pm
Johannes, don't sacrifice the pretty ones, they intimidate him. 8/24/2013 02:11:39 pm
I'm not sure what that was in reference to, Brian, but I resent the implication that I am intimidated by sacrifices of any kind. I demand satisfaction, good sir.
Brian S
8/25/2013 03:04:00 am
Jovan Satisfaction Cologne by Jovan Men's EDT Spray 1.7 oz $11.00
8/24/2013 11:52:56 am
I know it's simply not feasible to throw up ETA updates daily but that doesn't make it easy to ignore the impulse to anyway. Loved your book and hope the editing process is in full go-mode. I'm like a junky with the kind of material you've introduced, we've seen Valinhall, Elysia, and a smidge of Naraka and Lirial. But damn it man I need more! In the spirit of this addiction, i'm curious as to whether we'll get in depth views of each realm. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's not something you would really want to answer with any sort of specifics, but I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE INS AND OUTS AND LIMITATIONS OF THESE ELEMENTS!
8/24/2013 02:02:23 pm
Thanks, Lawndart! I have pried myself away from the editing table solely to answer your questions.
8/24/2013 02:04:43 pm
To clarify: this is to satisfy people like you, who seem to want more world-building details than I can easily include in the trilogy. I thought this would be a neat way to provide details for people who want them, while those who don't want to know how the old Elysian Travelers fell and the Kingdom of Damasca was formed, for instance, can just stick with the trilogy.
Brian S
8/24/2013 02:13:42 pm
I'd buy them. Just out of curiosity, is there a house called Valhalla? Cause that would be cool, and they would probably have mead. 8/24/2013 02:16:52 pm
It's right next door to Valinhall, actually. Occasionally Odin comes over for some roast boar, or Kai hops over to Valhalla to give the Einherjar lessons in swordsmanship. It's a very friendly relationship.
8/25/2013 02:46:54 am
I would snap those up too. Also, what would be cool are stories about the other members of the Dragon Army, their adventures or misadventures, particularly Valin and Kai. Not sure if you already had anything like that planned. 8/25/2013 05:01:08 am
I'd really like to write a Dragon Army novella. Two novellas, actually: Valin's story and Kai's story.
8/25/2013 06:20:20 am
Hmm. I really like that idea. You laid the foundation for some epic world building in Book 1. If you do write some shorts to flesh it out a bit, I would totally buy them.
8/25/2013 02:17:16 pm
A novella about Kai!! WOW! 8/25/2013 02:56:26 pm
You won't learn the names of all the dolls--not in Book 2, at least--but you will meet several more.
8/24/2013 02:15:58 pm
Hey Will, I have a question for you... that I might already have the answer to. I know that Valinhall travelers don't summon forces out of their bodies to defeat their enemies as explained by the Eldest (or was it someone else?) But I was wondering if Simon may have the power of an element eventually? Like water,fire,air, or earth. You know, those cheesy things.
8/24/2013 02:20:36 pm
I may change my mind on this, but at the moment, no. I'm saving elemental control for another magic system.
8/24/2013 11:00:14 pm
Okay because I believe if he would again those type if powers it would not exactly fit in with the running of the story, although I'm pretty sure you could fit somewhere. Also, I don't like my hero's to be all powerful jerks. To many books give the hero way to many abilities and overpowering. I like Simon being the underdog. You're never sure what's going to happen
G3n3r1c Reader
8/24/2013 03:43:44 pm
Are you still going to put out the 1st chapter on the blog? Also the 29th release date still happening. (Just a concerned reader).
8/25/2013 05:21:50 am
I just finished House of Blades. Very good book, definitely worth the money. Quick question to Will or anyone who knows the answer. The Elder said that there hasn't been any new travellers to Valinhall for a long time and was happy that Simon got 7 people there, simply by opening a gate and getting them through. If it was that simple, why didn't the other Dragon Army people like Kai do it more often?
8/25/2013 06:34:34 am
Nothing is as simple as you're making it seem, Steve. Kai and the other remaining members of the Dragon Army probably would want to restrict excess only to individuals whos' ideals and values are similar to their own. They would not just give excess to the house away to anyone. They'd want control over the house to remain with the DragonArmy, and not fall into the hands of someone whos goals differ from their own. It would create different factions, competing interests if you will amongst the travelers of Valinhall.
8/25/2013 07:16:40 am
Good question! There are actually two answers to that. First:
8/25/2013 07:17:47 am
EDIT: that should be "any more Valinhall Travelers," not "anymore." I can't edit posts, and I'm too lazy to delete and re-post.
9/11/2013 04:52:10 pm
Will, why does Chaka hate Simon? Surely he's proved himself by now( at least after the Crimson vault with the mask and all).
8/25/2013 12:31:37 pm
Your blog takes up a lot of my time Will, not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet but it will be soon discovered when I present the CEO of my company a presentation tomorrow. Lol any way, I have another question. I remember that Kai had said he was only borrowing Azura for a pleasant while will we learn more of what he meant or Will it be just shot scratched of that he was crazy and has no clue what he's talking about
8/25/2013 12:34:15 pm
And sorry, that has some of the worst grammar I have ever seen
8/25/2013 12:35:42 pm
That will be explained. That will be explained fairly early in the book, as a matter of fact.
8/26/2013 07:01:32 am
He has actually already read it! I can't believe the old, boring, husk of a person like that could have such an amazing taste in literature. Lol but he read your book with a little prompting from me and now you have a huge fan! And I have actually done that once before, but with my co-workers. You have more than one fan at my work place. And alright I'll be looking for the explanation
8/26/2013 09:05:20 am
My guess is that Kai's original sword was taken by someone, and he plans to get it back. Indirial, maybe?
8/26/2013 11:59:38 am
That's what I originally thought. But then again the Eldest said that some swords were being kept somewhere to prevent them from returning to Valinhall. So maybe he's going to try to find/get back his sword.... and I know you're taking pleasure in watching me struggling for answers here Will. Not nice of you at all
G3n3r1c Reader
8/26/2013 05:15:42 am
Not to be a nag or anything (I swear that's not what i'm about) but is the 1st chapter still going to be put online?
8/26/2013 09:25:26 am
Brian S
8/26/2013 05:47:43 am
Also, I'll be putting Chapter 1 up tomorrow night. (Will Wight 8/25/2013 10:23 Pm)
8/26/2013 10:05:11 am
I can't wait for the 29th: 3 more days, or at the most, 5 more days till september
8/26/2013 01:57:53 pm
The man as in the man from undercover brother
8/27/2013 02:09:33 am
A side note to Chaney, one of the funniest movies ever
8/27/2013 01:45:04 am
I am going to buy the SHIT!!!!! outa this book!!!!
9/4/2013 12:13:21 am
Just finished book 2. Absolutely loved crimson vault, a level above book 1 IMO. I found a few typos, Will, at least in the version I bought. In the early chapters, you accidentally switch from third person, Simon's view to first person view. Did that twice. Three quarter of the book through, you used "know" instead of "no". I should have written down the pages but as most good books, I couldn't put it down. Excellent job Will. You have a high bar for book 3
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