As many of you know, I periodically drop off the map for a couple of weeks at a time. Why? Because I need to fully immerse myself in writing. I turn off my phone, I don't check my email, and I don't check the blog. I just dive right in.
It's a helpful part of the process, but it also results in friends, family, and fans thinking I'm dead. I'm not! I'm writing! ...which is a very similar state, but it smells slightly better, and sometimes a book pops out of the coffin. Now that I've come up for air, this is a good time to update you on the Blackflame progress! So...I could have finished Blackflame by now. That's my confession. But I haven't, and I have a good reason why! A few weeks ago, I was about 75% done, but I wasn't happy with a big chunk of the middle. Normally I would leave that part in and polish it up as much as I could in editing, but this time I chose to rewrite it. (That's not something I would tell a first-time writer to do, by the way. If you're working on your first novel, and you're not happy with a chunk, finish the story and then go back and fix it afterwards. But I'm working on book number ten at this point, so I'm allowing myself some more leeway.) On the bright side, the book is now better for it. But it does mean I'm about a month behind my projected schedule. I expect to have the book ready for beta readers very soon, but it isn't there yet. It'll be a few more weeks, but not too many more. *** As you may know, this week includes Valentine's Day, so why not celebrate with a book? This week, for free, you can read the most romantic story on Kindle: the inspiring love story of a white-haired swordsman and his creepy fascination with a bunch of talking dolls. That's right, House of Blades is once again up for free this week! Foist it on your unsuspecting friends! Pretend it has romance in it! Just kidding, please don't do that, they'll be disappointed. ...but pick up a copy nonetheless! From my isolated writing cave, I will feel your support, and it will fuel me. -Will
2/12/2017 07:31:53 pm
Thanks for the update Will! Keep it up!
2/12/2017 07:49:28 pm
Though I am very excited for BlackFlame, I hope you have stuck with your plan and at least planned a little bit of okak. Congrats on being a lot closer to being done!
2/12/2017 09:04:42 pm
Surprise? Suprise. Surprise!
2/13/2017 04:42:35 am
So long as the suprise is as follows:
2/12/2017 08:08:16 pm
I literally just picked up my copy of house of blades to reread while I wait for blackflame... and after rereading cradle and soulsmith( I have a question about soulsmith) Lindon might have passed Simon as my second favorite character that you've written about!! (Shera will always be number 1)
2/12/2017 08:16:48 pm
Uuuuurrrggggghhhh!!! The suspense is killing me!! Haha
2/12/2017 09:14:36 pm
Merchandising galore! Badges strung on shadesilk ribbons! T-shirts! Bumper stickers forged of pure madra! Anything is possible.
2/12/2017 08:32:13 pm
Thanks for the update, really looking forward to the next book! I'm definitely going to be recommending to a few friends to pick up house of Blades this week. I've already converted a couple friends to your series :D
2/12/2017 08:33:34 pm
Oh that would be cool!! I'd wear a cradle t-shirt.
David W
2/13/2017 07:20:33 am
I wonder if we could have robbing the cradle t shirts. Cause you know advancing in the sacred arts is expensive.
William Bottorf
2/13/2017 12:29:15 am
I had a dream last night and kami-sama told me to relay the message to you that I'm supposed to be a beta reader for you. I'm just the messenger, but I don't disagree!
William Bottorf
2/14/2017 04:42:02 pm
He was just being modest, I'm sure they are one and the same.
Superkami Guru
2/16/2017 05:33:43 am
Sean K
2/13/2017 03:09:22 am
So, on April 1st, he is going to post about a tragic accident where he LOST all of blackflame. It was on his computer, see, and well, he accidently knocked the computer (it's a laptop) into the pool. Fan will be outraged, people will cry.
2/13/2017 10:52:26 am
I believe this theory
2/14/2017 08:54:19 pm
And that's why it's imperative that you have an external hard drive to backup your laptop. Preferably backing up after every writing session. Nothing more disheartening to see your work go down in flames and then attempting to recreate your genius knowing you'll just never get it exactly right. No I don't know what that's like I'm totally just speculating here...
2/13/2017 05:10:47 am
the wait is nearly over. I must say the speed and quality of your writing is most impressive.
2/13/2017 06:59:18 am
Woohoo! Looking forward to seeing what monster Yerin (presumably) gets to challenge repeatedly! And, you know, the rest of Blackflame itself.
2/13/2017 07:17:06 am
Which cultivation rank will you write under 'Blackflame Progress:', when you have finsihed writing the 3rd book.
2/13/2017 07:49:08 am
How many books have you planned for this series.
2/13/2017 08:41:57 am
You can expect a minimum of a dozen. He has thrown this number around a couple times, and it's sticking so far.
2/18/2017 12:01:53 pm
I don't know if I can handle waiting for another 9 books if I have to wait this long for just one, perhaps I'll ask Suriel to banish me from space and time only to reinsert me five years from now. Also I've been wondering, what happens after Lindon saves Sacred Valley (assuming that's a given)? Is there just a happily ever after (please no), does his story continue somehow, does he go on to replace Ozriel (what's with that arc anyway, it's obvious the story arcs intersect but how?), do you even know yourself?
2/13/2017 07:55:11 am
Is Lindon going to fight against the one with the spear, forgot his name, at the end of this book or the next one?
2/15/2017 12:59:12 pm
LoL.... so.. umm at the beginning of this next book maybe? Hahha
2/16/2017 01:03:38 am
At the end of Soulsmith?
2/16/2017 07:56:36 am
The middle of blackflame?
Brian S
2/17/2017 02:50:08 pm
I know! at the beginning of Cradle..or maybe House of Blades!
2/13/2017 10:24:27 am
I know there is underlord above true gold, and possibly overlord above that. What is the highest level in cradle or does it stop?
2/13/2017 11:23:40 am
I believe the highest is Tinny. Thats why im called Tinny Timmy. I've worked over a few Sages in my day. I just hope the book is done before mid March. I have an airplane ride to Florida to visit Will and watch some races. Could be awkward for all involved if its not done. My path is Stares Long and Hard at Others.
2/14/2017 09:12:21 am
Haha. I have a friend named Will that lives in St. Johns close to Jacksonville. So I really am headed out to Florida next month. Just hope your book is out so I can read it on the flight. I was thinking about the books I was excited to read this year and Blackflame is on the top next to Brandon Sandersons with no clear winner and thats saying something. I've given up on G.R.R. Martin ever finishing. I also appreciate how you write back to the fans and your writing speed is amazing. Thank you for the entertainment.
2/13/2017 11:52:35 am
" the inspiring love story of a white-haired swordsman and his creepy fascination with a bunch of talking dolls" .... Still a better love story than Twilight (or 50 shades of gray)
2/13/2017 09:17:12 pm
I mean it does have an actual emotional payoff eventually
2/13/2017 12:21:13 pm
You see, this sale would have been nice if i hadn't already bought the book years ago(sometime after book 2 but before book 3).
2/13/2017 03:41:21 pm
ONE is the artist/ writer of One Punch Man
2/13/2017 02:55:53 pm
Why do some people have black names in the comments?
2/13/2017 06:33:38 pm
Great work, Will! Thanks for the effort you put into each and every one of your books and take all the downtime you need, hombre.
Sean K
2/15/2017 04:10:21 am
2/17/2017 10:00:56 am
I agree "We are Legion (We are Bob)" is one of my favorite books, and the next one book in the series is almost out.
2/17/2017 08:01:27 pm
Speaking of break books, The Fate by John Ko was a nice light, silly Wuxia-ish novel with plenty of awesome moments (that legitimately incorporates calling your attacks into the narrative, which I thought was a nice touch).
2/20/2017 12:17:40 am
Might as well throw this book in the hat too, Child of the Daystar by Bryce O'Connor. Thought it was an excelent read and the newly released sequel is even better. Figured it was worth mentioning as hes a pretty new author.
2/13/2017 09:13:48 pm
Thanks for the update! I will admit, I did say to myself, "Hmm, I wonder if Will is ok..." just a couple days ago. And then I realized that I was talking to myself, which is almost as creepy as Kai with his dolls... Anyway, I can't wait for Blackflame, so this is great news!
Thanks, Riley!
OMG!! Happy Val's day Will!!
2/14/2017 05:36:00 am
By the way Will, What on earth is Undertale?
Lyrian Rastler
2/14/2017 06:11:40 am
I thought beta readers didn't exist right now? Will u be having a competition or something?
You know, over the last couple of weeks, I've suddenly gotten a surge in emails and comments saying things like "Hey, I heard you were having a contest for beta readers!" or "I read that you need more beta readers!"
2/14/2017 07:11:10 am
So I heard you were having a contest for beta readers....
2/15/2017 12:07:08 am
That's how the world works Will. You make a vague statement about possibly having a contest someday for beta readers if the fancy ever took you, and somehow that suddenly means you're definitely having a contest and need beta readers right now.
Isaac Xander
2/15/2017 05:03:16 am
..... I'm sorry. Pretty sure that was my fault. I may or may not have inadvertantly caused the beta reader hype by reminding everyone about the possibility stated on your FAQ page.....
2/14/2017 08:48:04 am
Yerin's master had 'Sage' in his name, if i remember correctly.
2/14/2017 08:55:23 am
Sage is a cultivation rank, though not the highest.
Sean K
2/15/2017 04:18:58 am
So, in one of the previous blogs that got some bazillion responses, there were a few gems. He detailed some of the cultivation ranks upcoming. He said that sage (and a bad guy we saw already) was 2 ranks above Underlord. He also was mentioning that the Underlord was a wide rank like gold, with three different levels. He then mentioned that the leader of the Blackflame empire is the rank above Underlord, who would know that he would lose to any sage.
2/14/2017 08:55:53 am
I think it's pretty close to the highest on Cradle though.
Jack Jackson
2/14/2017 06:52:24 pm
Will were you planning on going to dragon con this year? Just bought my advance ticket for it and I'm hypped! I know you went befits and it'd be cool to see you there and maybe snap an autograph :)
2/16/2017 06:45:25 am
So you had the idea to have some sort of prize or contest for having almost 300k total sales. I have three ideas. First, have a random contest to find a few test readers for Blackflame (and *randomly* pick me). Or, have a random contest where people give an idea for the Blackflame plot (and *randomly* pick me), and if it can be tied in, use it. Also, after Blackflame, maybe make some sort of "path compendium"
2/16/2017 06:57:00 am
One other idea I had was to have a naming contest where people randomly give names (And you *randomly* pick mine. ;D) and you use that name in Blackflame.
A conflicted Canadian
2/16/2017 06:26:45 pm
I'm in a bit of a pickle here folks. I have an important decision to make and I want this community's input. I have an entertainment budget and in that budget I have enough funds for one of 2 things (both of which I want).
2/16/2017 07:54:14 pm
Depends. For honor has around 8 or 9 wish hours of campaign fun. How long does it take you to read the trilogy? plus the trilogy is cheaper(i think).
A Conflicted Canadian
2/16/2017 10:00:30 pm
The trilogy is indeed a bit cheaper but i do have to pay shipping on it. If I hadn't read it yet I would 100% get the books, but as it is I do own them on Kindle already. Their purchase would be to add them to my book collection.
2/17/2017 05:11:17 am
It all depends on if you already own digital copies of the travelers gates.
ALPHA Reader
2/18/2017 05:31:40 am
I would hold off on the physical copies. Will doesn't make anything extra on the physical copies, and you never know when he might be convinced to get a nicer hardcopy version of his combined 3 available.
2/18/2017 06:14:01 pm
So I have a pretty straight forward question. How is Lindon's cultivation going to differ from a standard cultivator (other than you know doing everything twice)?
2/18/2017 07:57:21 pm
Yeah Blackflame but NOOOOOOO that means probably another two weeks until expected OKAK release
2/21/2017 12:38:16 pm
I ditto your pain
2/20/2017 12:09:53 pm
It is strange, but the less Will replies the more I get pumped for the fact that Blackflame will be released sooner.
2/20/2017 03:31:43 pm
"about another month" posted on 1/25/17
2/20/2017 03:32:46 pm
Wait nevermind, saw that there was a bit more to do...
2/21/2017 03:37:39 pm
But at the same time it's so true
2/21/2017 06:07:26 am
Does anybody know a western xianxia that is similar to unsouled?
2/21/2017 05:34:54 pm
Blue Phoenix and The Divine Elements are some of the better ones
2/22/2017 08:37:36 am
Blue phoenix is like unsouled in the same way that a chihuahua is like a husky. They are both the same species, but one is clearly in an altogether different league.
2/22/2017 03:05:49 pm
Yeah they are definitely pretty different but as far as xianxia written by English speaking people those two are the best I least that I've run into other than unsouled
3/11/2017 02:25:11 pm
I just saw a nod to House of Blades in a book called 'Sufficiently Advanced Magic'. Main character runs into Kai (not specifically named) with his giant katana and a doll on his belt while at an enchanter's shop. Just thought I would throw that tidbit out there.
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